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    Originally posted by Token
    Ok, I can build it, but first explain to me AED and PRN.

    Automatic External Defibrillator (AED)

    As needed - (PRN)

    Sorry I get into my medical mode and forget sometimes, oops.
    Ship Nana


      Originally posted by ChevronSeven
      I'll be sure to send in my report when *I* win...
      See don't you just *feel* good typing that ... power of positive thinking

      And now class we move onto Sam & Jack WILL be together !!!!!
      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


        Originally posted by Kri
        Okay, I know I could look this up somewhere, but isn't short and skinny? Not that this has anything to do with how nice and sweet he apparently is, but physically I don't see the appeal. But that's just me! Coming from the woman who thought Peter Williams/Apophis looked like a scrawny little imitation of Prince. The man is HOT and he was taller than ME! But if he had been less than nice, the appeal would have instantly been lost. I am so glad all the actors I met were beyond sweet and kind!
        Thin, yes, very (and I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to take him home and feed him, good southern girl that I am LOL ), but not short! Of course, i'm 5' 3", so there you go but I'd peg him for 5' 11". not quite as tall as my hubs but tall to me. As for thin--poor Corin is absolutely a rail, but beautiful all the same. Both of them had GORGEOUS eyes (I'm all about the eyes) and beautiful lines...okay, I think I'm having a moment... Also, JR's hair is SOOOOOOOOOO droolicious, nothing like that awful cut they gave him as Martouf. And Corin is droolicious too--blonde streaks (LOVED those), kind of longish (not my preference for hair but beautiful just the same). ANYWAY, now that I've had my moment of droolage, i should say that they were BOTH (and MS and CJ) TWICE as good looking in person as on screen!!!! Those four were enough to reduce me to a giggling mass of twelve-year old girl (I don't think I giggled that much at twelve but who knows)...
        Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
        Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

        Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
        Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


          Originally posted by Ship Nana
          Automatic External Defibrillator (AED)

          As needed - (PRN)

          Sorry I get into my medical mode and forget sometimes, oops.
          Thanks! Does this mean you will also be working at the clinic? You are one busy Ship Nana!!

          Token ~


            Originally posted by marimba26
            Thin, yes, very (and I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to take him home and feed him, good southern girl that I am LOL ), but not short! Of course, i'm 5' 3", so there you go but I'd peg him for 5' 11". not quite as tall as my hubs but tall to me. As for thin--poor Corin is absolutely a rail, but beautiful all the same. Both of them had GORGEOUS eyes (I'm all about the eyes) and beautiful lines...okay, I think I'm having a moment... Also, JR's hair is SOOOOOOOOOO droolicious, nothing like that awful cut they gave him as Martouf. And Corin is droolicious too--blonde streaks (LOVED those), kind of longish (not my preference for hair but beautiful just the same). ANYWAY, now that I've had my moment of droolage, i should say that they were BOTH (and MS and CJ) TWICE as good looking in person as on screen!!!! Those four were enough to reduce me to a giggling mass of twelve-year old girl (I don't think I giggled that much at twelve but who knows)...
            uh oh!
            *kiwigater revises odds of passing out when having photo with MS*....


              Originally posted by marimba26
              Thin, yes, very (and I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to take him home and feed him, good southern girl that I am LOL ), but not short! Of course, i'm 5' 3", so there you go but I'd peg him for 5' 11". not quite as tall as my hubs but tall to me. As for thin--poor Corin is absolutely a rail, but beautiful all the same. Both of them had GORGEOUS eyes (I'm all about the eyes) and beautiful lines...okay, I think I'm having a moment... Also, JR's hair is SOOOOOOOOOO droolicious, nothing like that awful cut they gave him as Martouf. And Corin is droolicious too--blonde streaks (LOVED those), kind of longish (not my preference for hair but beautiful just the same). ANYWAY, now that I've had my moment of droolage, i should say that they were BOTH (and MS and CJ) TWICE as good looking in person as on screen!!!! Those four were enough to reduce me to a giggling mass of twelve-year old girl (I don't think I giggled that much at twelve but who knows)...
              Corin is thin?? He always looked fairly beefy on screen. Now Colin Cunningham also looks pretty thin, but he is just too cute.... and apparently wild from what I have read of past gatecons.

              And I think giggling in front of them is much better than my big guffaw laugh )


                Originally posted by TameFarrar
                See don't you just *feel* good typing that ... power of positive thinking

                And now class we move onto Sam & Jack WILL be together !!!!!
                Sam & Jack WILL be together!!!!
                Ooooh! That does feel good!

                Token ~


                  Originally posted by kiwigater
                  Passing out??? Nah.... gibbering idiot??? ABSOLUTLEY!
                  I'm hoping the "cute" New Zealand accent will make people be nice to me I've been in the US long enough now that people can generally understand me on the first try (I spent the first year or so having everyone I met going "HUH??").
                  Maybe I should leave my credit cards at home...... I forsee enthusiasm getting the best of me
                  Yes, a wise idea, grasshopper...

                  We're not even going to *discuss* how much money i ended up spending on pictures... it was worth it though!!! I got talk to the actors (except for MS and CJ who were blitzed by the time I got there but at least i got a pic with them).

                  Anyway, thanks for all the good wishes folks, i'm going to bed now--gotta get better!
                  Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                  Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                  Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                  Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                    Originally posted by kiwigater
                    uh oh!
                    *kiwigater revises odds of passing out when having photo with MS*....
                    Okay everyone, place your bets!!!

                    and now back to our regularly scheduled thread

                    SAM AND JACK WILL BE TOGETHER!


                      Originally posted by Kri
                      Corin is thin?? He always looked fairly beefy on screen. Now Colin Cunningham also looks pretty thin, but he is just too cute.... and apparently wild from what I have read of past gatecons.

                      And I think giggling in front of them is much better than my big guffaw laugh )
                      yeah, who would think? Corin was VERY thin (wanted to take him home and feed him too) and Colin was actually pretty beefy! Lean with nice biceps! Got to toucht he abs too and they are YUMMY! Yes, wild is a good word I think--not wild like Dougie (Douglas Arthurs) but wild just the same.

                      And kiwigater, you'd better bring your smelling salts if you're taking pics with MS...

                      Okay, i really AM going to bed now--night, folks!
                      Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                      Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                      Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                      Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                        Originally posted by Token
                        Sam & Jack WILL be together!!!!
                        Ooooh! That does feel good!
                        SAM AND JACK WILL BE TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!

                        You're right!!!! I'm thinkin' more postively already!!


                          Originally posted by Token

                          GREAT!!! *Token looks for her footlocker* Ah, There it is! *opens footlocker* Yep, everything's here!

                          You turn your back and another thread starts! And then you look around to gather your belongings for the move....

                          TV Guide - check

                          Inflatable Jack -

                          What the HEY!?!

                          So YOU have my Jack...

                          Oh, you were just keeping him safe until I got here?

                          oh, ok......


                            Good evening (no, its past evening), good night (no, sounds like good bye), how about.....
                            Howdy campers.

                            You sure have been busy. Wanted to say think you to all the picture posters. They are like the chocolate chips in the shipper cookies. They have made me want to go watch a nice shippy late night episode of Stargate. But which one?
                            ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                              Originally posted by marimba26
                              yeah, who would think? Corin was VERY thin (wanted to take him home and feed him too) and Colin was actually pretty beefy! Lean with nice biceps! Got to toucht he abs too and they are YUMMY! Yes, wild is a good word I think--not wild like Dougie (Douglas Arthurs) but wild just the same.

                              And kiwigater, you'd better bring your smelling salts if you're taking pics with MS...

                              Okay, i really AM going to bed now--night, folks!
                              OK, now see, you're making me nervous! *twitch* And the con isn't for another 5 weeks! *twitch, twitch...*

                              'Night Marimba! Sweet dreams.....

                              Fruitless attempt to get thread back on topic:
                              So, anyone think there's even a tiny bit of ship coming up tomorrow night?? I haven't even seen Sam in the commercials yet.. (is this a spoiler? - I can't imagine so...)


                                Originally posted by Mala50
                                You turn your back and another thread starts! And then you look around to gather your belongings for the move....

                                TV Guide - check

                                Inflatable Jack -

                                What the HEY!?!

                                So YOU have my Jack...

                                Oh, you were just keeping him safe until I got here?

                                oh, ok......
                                Mala, I promise I was only carrying, holding, stroking, where was I? ...Oh yeah, I was only moving him for you. Wouldn't want him to get lost; he has alot of work to do at the Rehab.

                                Token ~

