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    Originally posted by auralan
    Well, there's always the gutter.
    TOKEN!! you know Auralan is right....we MUST have a Gutter
    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


      Yaaay! Marimba!!!

      OK, stand back and give the poor girl some room!
      Perhaps we need to add a stage(soapbox!) for her to tell all us little shipplets about her exciting adventures!
      Plleeeeeeaaasssee put us out of our misery???!!!


        Originally posted by Starfury
        Not to rain on anybody's parade or anything, but you do realize that just because somebody is using the screen name "Joe Mallozzi," doesn't mean they are actually Joe Mallozzi? It could be Fred the garbage man from Memphis, or some old lady from Norfolk with serious issues, for all we know.

        OK, since it's my first post in the Shipper thread I guess I better make it on topic.

        Since I live in Syndication Hell (I'm too cheap to buy cable. If I had cable I'd have no money with which to buy the DVDs), I've never seen Pete (or, as he seems to be called by some, "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named"), and therefore I'm still open to liking him. Maybe even liking him with Sam, at least tempoararily. After all, there's that song by somebody or other: "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with."

        Sam and Jack can't be together right now, and it's by their own choice. They could change things if they really wanted to, but at least for now, I guess they don't want to. So until they realise that some things are more important than military careers and that being a civilian and saving the universe are not mutually exclusive, and what's the point of saving the world if you can't enjoy being with the one you love in it, anyway? I'm ranting. Anyway, until they wake up and smell the cookies, they shouldn't have to cut themselves off completely from having romantic relationships in which they DO feel comfortable. They're more than entitled to a full and rewarding life, and entitled to choose whom they want to share that life with, even if some people don't approve of their choices.

        Notice I said "until" though, right? 'Cause if Sam and Jack aren't in a serious lip-lock (for REAL, not an alternate universe/dream/other non-real way) by the end of the season, I'm gonna sell all my DVDs from season 5 onward and pretend they don't exist.
        I don't know if anyone has answered you about JM but I think it is JM. JM has only posted about 7 times and when he visited us 2 threads ago what he said made sense only if it was truly JM. Very cryptic and short comment from him.
        Ship Nana


          Originally posted by TameFarrar
          TOKEN!! you know Auralan is right....we MUST have a Gutter
          I can't believe I forgot!! After all, I seem to spend a fair portion of my life in one gutter or another....


            Originally posted by Catysg1
            I know and they could be a great inspiration to Sam and Jack too I reckon if they watch enough of them eating some of ShipNana 's cookies at the same time.

            That's why I posted my front page never know may work We have to try everything to sort Sam and Jack out on the romantic side ...they may need a bit of a push

            Oh Caty, wanted to tell you that you did an excellent job in opening our new home. It was so bright and cheery!!!

            It was great coming to number 11 and seeing your wonderful shippy open for business sign on the door!!!
            Ship Nana


              Originally posted by LtLisa
              Originally posted by dipsofjazz
              Hi everyone, thanks for bringing all my stuff over to the new digs. I've brought Sam and Jack here so they can look it over for us!

              so this picture makes me think some VERY un PG forum thoughts...what's Sam looking at again? cause she looks...ummm...impressed
              Jack, a tad embarrassed: "Yeah... I guess I am happy to see you..."
              Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
              My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                Originally posted by kiwigater
                I can't believe I forgot!! After all, I seem to spend a fair portion of my life in one gutter or another....
                Yes you do!!!! It's getting increasingly difficult to tell you apart from the leaves whenever I go clean those gutters out!!!!


                  Okay, here's the post you've all been waiting for...

                  Sorry this is so long in coming, jet lag then illness is enough to knock anyone down. Add severe sleep deprivation to the mix and you get the idea LOL

                  So here goes...

                  There were two comments made by Amanda concerning ship:

                  When someone asked about Pete (and said they loved him, euwww) she said that they were filming the resolution right now so stay tuned. Nothing super positive about Pete so that's good I think. She didn't really say anything about him other than that.

                  When someone asked what she would have Sam do if she could just go wild she said, "Not to appease the shippers or anything, but I'd have her go fishing"--the crowd went wild at that.

                  Overall, I think the crowd was evenly mixed between shippers and others and I met lots of nice shippers (I even invited a few here).

                  None of her comments on stage made me particularly joyful but she was very nice when I met her. I delivered our package to the gatecon folks and I made sure to tell her that I had left it when I had my picture taken with her. I told her that it was from the Sam and Jack shippers at Gateworld and that we really loved Sam and thought she was wonderful. I invited her to visit any time and told her we'd love to have her. (I also told her how much I like her hair this season but that was just from me LOL).

                  I hope that she will read the letter and at least look at the videos but with the amount of stuff she got and the fact that they started shooting Monday, it may be a while before she gets the chance.

                  My assessment of the comments based on everything at the con and the spoilers lead me to believe that we WILL have our shippy resolution but I think it will be a BRUTAL journey that we'll probably all have to watch through our fingers. So fear not, dear shippers--it's only a matter of time.

                  I am going to post a better report with all my location visits, pictures, etc. on my web site but it will be a few days while I recover. I should have something up Saturday or Sunday. In the mean time, please feel free to email me with questions. As far as our favorite ship though, what I've said above is all I've got but I'll do my best.
                  Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                  Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                  Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                  Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                    Ack! I go out of the office for work and I come back here to find Thread XI!!! Whew! Mad Posters are we!

                    Welcome Back Marimba!!Can't wait to read what happened at the Con.

                    For the map: We need the Shipper Post Office, where the O'Neills pick up their packages and the SoCal Commune makes certain that the mail gets placed in their proper slots

                    I'm gonna go back and catch up on all the new posts!


                      Originally posted by auralan
                      So the theme of this thread must be wishful thinking.

                      I'm thinking of fishing ... naked.

                      One day I'll get out of this gutter, really. Just as soon as I figure out what that would be a good thing.
                      That sounds like a keeper....

                      Thread XI: The Wishful Thinking Season
                      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                        Thanks, Marimba! I hope you had an awesome time at the convention! I'm glad at least one shipper from GW got to go! Now good night, everyone!
                        Teenager Wisdom: "There's no such thing as original thought anymore. We're all just regurgitating the same old ideas over and over again, melting them down into a giant melting pot of mediocrity." -Andy Spencer, CITIZEN JOE


                          Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                          That's OK Nikkirose... it's true you're only as young (or old) as you wanna be.... I've got a grandma who's 84, but acts like 18, still doesn't have a heck of alot of gray hairs & survived 3 hubbies & still flirts up a storm.....
                          (I want her hair DNA!)
                          But back to your post.... we may be all shapes, ages, sizes, & outlooks, but we all love S&J so age doesn't matter much !
                          Hey, are we related? You just described my grandmother!


                            Originally posted by Kri
                            Personally, ya'll are making me feel quite old!
                            You feel old?! I'm not telling you when I was born. Suffice it to say that I am the Ship Nana around here!!
                            Ship Nana



                              I hope you're feeling lots better soon!
                              Thanks for the update from Gatecon - its like some cruel form of torture knowing its going on and that I can't be there....
                              Photos?? Eeexxxxxcelllent!!! Can't wait to see them, but make sure you're well first! I'm sure Ship Nana has some cookies that will make you feel better - the lime green ones have the secret ingredient right??


                                Psst... guys/gals.... JM is on!!

                                HI JM!

                                <for once I haven't gotten off too soon!>
                                Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                                My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.

