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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by Kri
    Okay, I guess I should be jealous of the people at Gatecon, but without RDA and no set tours this year, I think I had just as much fun in Burbank last weekend.

    I don't think I want to know about the fiasco of last week....
    Set Tours went back up into the mix...Another friend of mine will be going on it and *My Stand In* is going with her....She will be getting a picture of me sitting on Gen Jack's desk.....How cool is that...TOKEN I ask you how many girls..get to say they were spawled on Gen Jack's desk tee hee
    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


      Originally posted by Kri
      When is Ship Day? Am I invited?

      OF COURSE!!!

      Well, I'm new to ship day myself, but apparently its a day to wallow/rejoice in S/J ship, complete with cookies (yes Ship Nana we remembered to bring them with us - we "tricked" mad_gater into bringing them over in our footlockers ), beverages (alcoholic or not depending on your preference - watch out for the 200 proof stuff, will eat out the lining of your stomach ), CHOCOLATE (because...... well, because!), and, of course, cake!!

      I think new this year is the shipper BBQ, with special sauce........


        Originally posted by TameFarrar
        Well I am GLAD you asked...JUST got off the phone with Marimba and.........

        so far she has met JR Bourne and the Gentleman that plays Har'ur. Also went to Sekh's party and the GateWorld get together. Today She went on the *Outer Reaches Tour* A tour of sets outside. She was heading down to the Cocktail party when she called to give a quick report. Tomorrow is the first Panel and she said the schedule has changed each day so she has no clue who is going to be first. BUT so far AT is slated for Saturday.

        Officially the Con just started yesterday afternoon. So she will try to call me with updates but it isn't cheap. She does not have a dial up server so she can't get online to file a report. However, if you have any questions ask and I will try to get them to her.

        Ok to answer the ones I saw from before.
        YES she got Caty's CD and she printed out our letter on beautiful stationary and put together a package for Amanda.

        YES she has met A LOT of Shippers that don't post here so she has directed them to come on over!!!

        YES she is having a BLAST!!

        on a side note: she took a Barbie (brunette of course) to be my "Stand In" and she got the gentleman who plays Har'ur to take a picture with "Me" he thought it was just too funny that I *came* in spirit
        Tame that is a great update and just in time for me being able to get my hands on a computer. I will be home tomorrow night late and will start baking shipper cookies immediately upon my arrival.

        Dont want us to run short in this time of need especially with the little to no Sam/Jack ship we are initally getting this season.

        I know things will get better soon as we progress thru the new episodes. See what a little vacation can do for a person?!
        Ship Nana


          Originally posted by mad_gater
          ((((((((((((((((((((((((Aunty Sally)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

          I know what it's like when people you thought of as close friends say or do something really mean and now they're no longer your friend. I used to live in a...
          Thank you, mad gater.




            (((((((((((((((((Ship Nana)))))))))))))) I see you survived the rainforest!

            When are you coming back, our supply of cookies is dwindling fast especially the rosy ones.

            Token ~


              Originally posted by TameFarrar
              Well I am GLAD you asked...JUST got off the phone with Marimba and......... <snip>
              Eeeeexcellent...... Make sure she knows how much we appreciate her reporting in!
              I guess I'd like to know if David and ShadowMaat have come to blows yet?

              <snip> on a side note: she took a Barbie (brunette of course) to be my "Stand In" and she got the gentleman who plays Har'ur to take a picture with "Me" he thought it was just too funny that I *came* in spirit
              ROFMLAO!! That IS too funny!! You shoulda printed out a photo of your face and taped it to the doll (for realism ).


                Originally posted by Ship Nana
                Hi all! Geez, I go away for a short holiday and I finally find a computer to check on my shipper family and you have picked up and moved to a new thread.

                I hope someone remembered to pack and bring my shipper cookies?!

                I gather that there is no new POSITIVE Sam/Jack news?!

                Can anyone fill me in?
                Nothing new, Nana, thankfully. we needed the rest. although a new shipper told us that there is flatulence aplenty on set and AT isn't directing this season.

                and in honor of Nana's visit and the new shiplets:

                The Shipper Thead Cookie Assortment:
                (made fresh daily by Ship Nana-- 'cept when she's on vaycay)

                There are:

                Pink Shipper Cookies
                - Increases Creativity and Brain Power for Shipping

                Green Shipper Cookies
                - Stops Pit-ranting and rant withdrawal and redirects focus to Ship

                Red Shipper Cookies
                - Makes ship lurkers into ship posters
                (take the red pill, Neo-shippers)

                Blue Shipper Cookies
                - Dreamy Shipper Bliss

                Purple Shipper Cookies
                - Warm and Fuzzy Shipping

                Orange Shipper Cookies
                - Disoriented Shipping

                Chocolate Shipper Cookies
                - Rich and Luscious Shipping (especially when served warm - good for when nothing else will do) Also, for stocking up while on extended absenses from S/J Thread.

                Gray Shipper Cookie
                - Snarkiness Shipper Cookie

                Lime Shipper Cookies
                - gives the illusion of Shipper Greatness. They allow the Shipper to dream really BIG!!!!!!

                Naquadah Enhanced Anti-Ranting Shipper Cookies
                – If you have to eat these Shipper Cookies you are so desperate that you probably won't care what they are for.
                P.S. - Disclaimer - Since these Shipper Cookies are probably radioactive please take the appropriate precautions when handling.

                Rosy Shipper Cookie
                - wipes out the memories of bad spoilers and dissolves the desire to read spoilers

                SUBLIMINAL Shipper Cookie – Makes TPTB believe that Ship was their idea

                Turquoise Shipper Cookies- which are the super duper magnificent spectacular love enhanced shipper cookies

                Sky Blue Cookies - instantaneously pulls you out of doubts and anxiety

                Motion Sickness Shipper Cookie - when eaten prevents motion sickness from TPTB shipper roller coaster ride.

                INDIGO SHIPPER COOKIE - helps us all remain blissfully ignorant of anything negative to our ship

                and the all time favorite:
                Yellow Shipper Cookies
                – (HWMS)

                you left the newest one for mad_gater to dispense in your absense.

                ship sistah

                ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                  Originally posted by TameFarrar
                  Set Tours went back up into the mix...Another friend of mine will be going on it and *My Stand In* is going with her....She will be getting a picture of me sitting on Gen Jack's desk.....How cool is that...TOKEN I ask you how many girls..get to say they were spawled on Gen Jack's desk tee hee
                  pouting now....

                  guess I'll go do my daily register in the Get in the Gate contest. That is about the only chance I have of seeing the set, or meeting RDA. That thought alone could render me unconscious.


                    Originally posted by Kri
                    No one was talking to me at the RDA Thunk page

                    I mainly post pictures on the THUNK THREAD but when I get a chance I drool with the best of them....trying to *Teach* Sam how we women drool over a *REAL* man

                    Just say whatever you think and evetually someone will comeout of their RDA me if we could get Sam over there she would saying..."Pet....who" "Jack...I never knew you had such cut triceps" Well.. I know I said that
                    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                      Originally posted by TameFarrar
                      Set Tours went back up into the mix...Another friend of mine will be going on it and *My Stand In* is going with her....She will be getting a picture of me sitting on Gen Jack's desk.....How cool is that...TOKEN I ask you how many girls..get to say they were spawled on Gen Jack's desk tee hee
                      Now why would you think I would know that?!? *darn it! my hiding place under Jack's desk has been discovered*

                      I am too jealous! Make sure you post that pic for all of us to see. Of course, the only real girl that should be sprawled across Jack's desk is Sam!

                      Token ~


                        Originally posted by Token
                        (((((((((((((((((Ship Nana)))))))))))))) I see you survived the rainforest!

                        When are you coming back, our supply of cookies is dwindling fast especially the rosy ones.
                        Yep I survived the rain forest, the zipline thru the canopy, central americas longest water slide (of which I almost drowned, although kiddlets and hubby loved it), horseback riding and the mud baths and thermal springs.

                        Thank you for asking.

                        I will be back home if all the flights go well by tomorrow night and will immediately start back baking.

                        Cant wait to hear more from Marimba. I know that she is gonna come back with some good news for us all.
                        Ship Nana


                          Originally posted by TameFarrar

                          I mainly post pictures on the THUNK THREAD but when I get a chance I drool with the best of them....trying to *Teach* Sam how we women drool over a *REAL* man

                          Just say whatever you think and evetually someone will comeout of their RDA me if we could get Sam over there she would saying..."Pet....who" "Jack...I never knew you had such cut triceps" Well.. I know I said that
                          I do believe I saw a few of your photos over there. And all I have to say is



                            Originally posted by mad_gater
                            I LOVE MY NEW SIG PIC!!!!!!!!

                            THANX AGAIN TO TAME FOR HOSTING THIS PIC!!!!

                            And speaking of the very kind Tame... you can unhost the 'O'Neills' pics you've saved for me. And a huge, honkin thank you again for that!




                              Originally posted by Token
                              Now why would you think I would know that?!? *darn it! my hiding place under Jack's desk has been discovered*
                              Just what exactly were you doing under Jack's desk? Hmm?
                              Darn it, I might just have to go read a good fic before heading to bed.


                                Originally posted by kiwigater
                                Eeeeexcellent...... Make sure she knows how much we appreciate her reporting in!
                                I guess I'd like to know if David and ShadowMaat have come to blows yet?
                                NO Way David is too nice of a guy and Shadow was nice enough to have her picture taken with *me*. Everyone is having a GREAT TIME

                                Originally posted by kiwigater
                                ROFMLAO!! That IS too funny!! You shoulda printed out a photo of your face and taped it to the doll (for realism ).
                                I gave her a quick run down of how things were here on the boards and told her about the other quickie report we had so she is definitely taking notes so she can give a good report as well. I don't want to steal her thunder to much. This is her first Con and she is just really having the time of her life
                                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..

