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    Originally posted by kiwigater
    yeeesss......*kiwigater casts glance around room to make sure boss isn't hovering*......typing......
    (actually, seeing as I'm a grad student my philosophy is that if I goof off the only person it penalises is me How's THAT for a justification ).

    Clearly the yahoo people deserve a good zatting, we all know you wouldn't deliberately do anything dodgy.
    Hey, look what Sam is off doing with Jack..... (OK, that didn't come out quite right! )
    Or the yahoo people can get a dose of mine and Keldor's and LtLisa/Kel'sha's ribbon devices combined.


      Originally posted by binkpmmc
      I usually just lurk but wanted to drop by to add a little thought here. I am not a drive by poster or anything like so I hope by doing this I do not offend anyone I just thought perhaps my post may give some food for thoughtas I am a Carter fan:

      As to the intepretation of Mr. Mallozzi's post that Carter says yes and then changes her mind and backs out - my thought is this - if Carter were to say yes and then back out later that, IMO, would be a huge flaw with Carter. She did that once with Jonas and IMO for her to do it again would make her look very bad, almost ridiculous to be honest. I somehow would hope that TPTB would not be that clueless/stupid in their treatment of Carter and I would hope that Ms. Tapping would NOT let that happen. In addition, the anti-shippers would have a field day further ripping Carter apart for her behaviour and they would go off on the "look how horribly she treated pete all because of her "crush" on Jack" tangent. It would not be pretty any way you slice it.

      I sincerely hope that those involved in the show know better and would NOT go in this direction with Carter - it would be an unmitigated disaster and would further damage the strong, independent, intelligent woman who had self-respect and dignity that we thought we knew.
      She backed out of the relationship with Jonas for a darn good reason, if his behavior in that one episode was anything to go by. And nearly botched a military stakeout cuz, IMO, he wasn't content to leave it at "classified." I know it can be hard asking about your sig. other's work day and getting the "classified" answer every time. BUt part of being with a sig. other in the military is trusting that sig. other to be able to take care of himself/herself. And also part of being with a sig. other in the military is dealing with the fact that that sig. other may die in the line of duty. IMHO, I don't think is ready to deal with being possibly a military husband. It seems that is not content with the fact that Sam's job often takes her in to dangerous situations. But part of a relationship is to accept what the other does for a living.


        Hi there

        I so agree with your opinion.

        I started a Pete fan thread (don't kill me I'm still a Sam/Jack fan, hehe) and I basically said the same kind of thing and added that I wish the following will happen to the Pete character:

        1. He falls in love with another character on the show.
        2. He is the one to realise that Sam doesn't truely love him and will never and then plays the hero part of telling her to go back to Jack. Maybe...maybe he can even be the one to bring Sam and Jack together at the end of the series?

        Originally posted by binkpmmc
        I usually just lurk but wanted to drop by to add a little thought here. I am not a drive by poster or anything like so I hope by doing this I do not offend anyone I just thought perhaps my post may give some food for thoughtas I am a Carter fan:

        As to the intepretation of Mr. Mallozzi's post that Carter says yes and then changes her mind and backs out - my thought is this - if Carter were to say yes and then back out later that, IMO, would be a huge flaw with Carter. She did that once with Jonas and IMO for her to do it again would make her look very bad, almost ridiculous to be honest. I somehow would hope that TPTB would not be that clueless/stupid in their treatment of Carter and I would hope that Ms. Tapping would NOT let that happen. In addition, the anti-shippers would have a field day further ripping Carter apart for her behaviour and they would go off on the "look how horribly she treated pete all because of her "crush" on Jack" tangent. It would not be pretty any way you slice it.

        I sincerely hope that those involved in the show know better and would NOT go in this direction with Carter - it would be an unmitigated disaster and would further damage the strong, independent, intelligent woman who had self-respect and dignity that we thought we knew.


          Mad Gater - Oh I agree 100% that pete's behaviour was very bad and he should have respected her and he should have been honest with her - he should not have lied to her or checked up on her or waited outside her house or followed her. He is immature, disrespectful and dishonest. I do not like pete. I said what I said above because I already think Carter should either have gotten rid of pete for all the things he did or, at the least, she should have kicked his a$$ and he should have apologized and admitted he was wrong. What I was trying to say was that if she does agree to marry him and then backs out - it just won't look good for Carter. Even if she backs out because she is now realizing his earlier behaviour was bad and he is just not for her, IMO, that would not look good either - she should have known his behaviour was bad from the get go and should have said something right then or kicked him out right then.


            OMG, I skip a day and I've got 20 pages to catch up on!! We had slowed down. What happened?! Something good-- something bad? I guess I'll find out. Until then, let me close out my thoughts on the last thread's posts:

            Thread VIII (which I'll always remember mistily as the thread I started -- and the hell thread )

            spoiler space

            I need both hands to count the shows I have walked away would think I would have learned my lesson by now....<shrug> but somehow it looked like SG was gonna be different........... we'll see I guess... My autobiography will be * I was a hopeless TV romantic* <sheesh>
            Me, too. Or mine, too! you know what i mean! Although, usually I've stayed until the bitter end.

            #822, Sally re:New Order
            My least fave aspect of that ep for me -besides the unwanted character appearing- was .... RDA's performance. Half assed and silly. But that's just my take on it.
            I've said something similar. I was waiting for him to get serious and show some angst and it never happened.

            #824, Sally ream's torture in New Order
            And I hope they don't gloss this over like they glossed over Jack's Abyss experience and Daniel's ascension experience. These were BIG dealings for the guys, and we've barely seen any fallout. Especially for Jack. But going back to Sam; I *really* want to see the fallout for this. Will she have nightmares? Headaches?
            I'm betting no.

            #827 reposting a repost of mine
            Originally Posted by sacme

            you can send feedback to MGM here:

            and Sci-Fi channel here:
            [email protected]

            I say we flood them with our discontent. Spread the word to whatever other fandom you guys are associated with.

            has everyone written (just in case)? We still may be able to affect the next ep that DDL is supposed to film and the last half of the season.

            #828, NG.1 re her letter to MGM
            Reading at my e-mail it sounds a bit harsh but on the other hand I can't help but think, "So what?".
            Maybe we need harshness to make TPTB wake up and respect the majority of fans' wishes.

            I hear ya!

            #839, Sally
            What does all this say to me, Tame?.... that I've been taking the S/J relationship WAAAAAAAY too seriously. It's not meant to be the big love story that I thought it was for all these years. Not when Sam can make a decision to have a personal life and less than a month later fall for some dude that doesn't take no for a answer. Not when she accepts this guy's proposal and... and where's the big S/J love story again? Yep, I'm waaaaaaaay off of optimisticville right now. Sorry shippers.

            ((((((((((Sally)))))))))) I'm still very nervous and doubtful, as well, that they'll be able to make up for the whole stuPit thing-- which is why I still wrote my concerns to Sci-Fi and MGM. TPTB don't seem to take ship as seriously as we would hope, but I'm hoping upon hope to be proven completely wrong.

            #844, Caty
            I think Sam and Pete will get engaged in Affinity ....
            but it does not mean she 'll marry in ....Pete will get killed before Marrying Sam ...EITHER Affinity ..but more Sacrifices ...unless it's a dream she's having in sacrifices ...cuz she has not finished grieving . Sam will grieve ...Jack will be there to support her as a friend ...and They may end up together ...but really after all that won't be the same ...that's what I think's gonna happen ....cuz then the anti-shippers ..can't say .....she should be with Pete cuz he's dead...and they even may accept jack cuz he's always there for her ... And for us ..well ...Sam and JACK 'll be together ..but ...only because Pete died. So at the end Both Jack and Pete have been second best
            Sad hey


            #848, Sally
            I'm hoping that that 'dream Jack' scene is going to be in the ep Gemini. I won't give details on it -don't want to look it up or make spoiler space- but it occured to me when I'd read a scanned copy of that Cult Times article and it didn't mention New Order specifically in regards to Amanda's claim. I would have just said I'll hope it's in that ep, but I ain't going down that road again. No hoping or praying.

            I'll do it. Oh, please, please, please. Oh, please, PLEASE, PLEASE!!!

            #853, jjj2046
            it's sad to realize that fan manipulation is alive and well in Stargate land.

            that was a really well written post. I hope you stay with us now that you've tasted the red cookie.

            more later,

            ship sistah

            ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


              Originally posted by binkpmmc
              Mad Gater - Oh I agree 100% that pete's behaviour was very bad and he should have respected her and he should have been honest with her - he should not have lied to her or checked up on her or waited outside her house or followed her. He is immature, disrespectful and dishonest. I do not like pete. I said what I said above because I already think Carter should either have gotten rid of pete for all the things he did or, at the least, she should have kicked his a$$ and he should have apologized and admitted he was wrong. What I was trying to say was that if she does agree to marry him and then backs out - it just won't look good for Carter. Even if she backs out because she is now realizing his earlier behaviour was bad and he is just not for her, IMO, that would not look good either - she should have known his behaviour was bad from the get go and should have said something right then or kicked him out right then.
              I do agree about that. But maybe they're tryin' to play it like she doesn't have a whole lot of experience in relationships. She was only engaged once in about 8 years, that last time being to that rat b------ Jonas Hansen.


                Originally posted by LtLisa
                Token, where can I get these postcards to send TPTB?

                I wasn't referring to any postcard in particular. I was just saying finding humorous or eye-catching postcards could be fun, and they are easy to jot a note and send. I'm looking for some good Texas ones.

                Token ~


                  Originally posted by binkpmmc
                  I usually just lurk but wanted to drop by to add a little thought here. I am not a drive by poster or anything like so I hope by doing this I do not offend anyone I just thought perhaps my post may give some food for thoughtas I am a Carter fan:

                  As to the intepretation of Mr. Mallozzi's post that Carter says yes and then changes her mind and backs out - my thought is this - if Carter were to say yes and then back out later that, IMO, would be a huge flaw with Carter. She did that once with Jonas and IMO for her to do it again would make her look very bad, almost ridiculous to be honest. I somehow would hope that TPTB would not be that clueless/stupid in their treatment of Carter and I would hope that Ms. Tapping would NOT let that happen. In addition, the anti-shippers would have a field day further ripping Carter apart for her behaviour and they would go off on the "look how horribly she treated pete all because of her "crush" on Jack" tangent. It would not be pretty any way you slice it.

                  I sincerely hope that those involved in the show know better and would NOT go in this direction with Carter - it would be an unmitigated disaster and would further damage the strong, independent, intelligent woman who had self-respect and dignity that we thought we knew.
                  I am really curious now regarding AT's comments in Cult Times (mentioned by a previous poster) and her thoughts that the fans were going to hate her for something in an episode and RCC disagreeing with AT. "Her" meaning Sam, I believe. It is hard to tell sometimes, because AT seems to interchange herself with the character quite alot. I get the feeling that even AT didn't expect this boyfriend arc to develop into something so big and controversial. I think that it was just something she wanted to touch upon and she certainly did not intend it to belittle her character in any way. After all, CJ made the comment in his Beyond The Gate excerpt that AT lives through her character. He then laughingly retracted that statement, but I do believe he meant it somewhat truthfully. AT does seem to be much more sensitive about her character than the guys are about theirs. Too bad there is not a woman writer on the staff. I think this boyfriend arc could use more of a female perspective.
                  Last edited by Elfinwood; 14 July 2004, 12:11 PM.


                    Here is a message from one of my friends about the convention in Burbank:


                    "Okaye, here's a bit of the lowdown he he... from the convention in Burbank.
                    Amanda was up on the stage answering questions and someone asked about the whole Pete thing. Now, of course, she does not know what the writers are planning, but when Petes name was mentioned everyone totally booed!!! LOL and someone then said Jack and everyone screamed and hollered and clapped, so believe me I think Amanda got the message LOL. Also, when I went up to get her autograph I had them all sign the same picture. It's the one where Amanda is holding hands with Rick and leaning her head on his shoulder, Michael is squatting down next to Amanda and Chris is standing next to Michael. Anyway, I told her I understood what she says about Pete, how its supposed to be giving Sam a look at what a relationship would be like and how she would deal with said "adult" relationship ect., but then I pointed to her and Rick in the picture and said It's been seven years and I can't give them up and she looked at me and said I know I know LOL. She also said again that she has no idea how they are going to end the show and I told her that I had written an ending if they wanted it and she said Oh really? LOL. I didn't get to tell her what it was, but again, I think she got the message loud and clear.....Pete bad...Jack good. LOL

                    This little girl also asked a question about whether her relationship was the same with Jack on and off the set (I think her parents set her up to ask it LOL) and Amanda said it's actually better off screen cause she can run up to Rick and hug and kiss him anytime she wants and no one can stop her LOL. Of course she threw in the fact that she is happily married in real life .

                    After the convention on Sunday when Michael, Christopher and Amanda left we got to have a screening of the Season Premiere because some of us in the audience hadn't gotten a chance to see it on Friday night. It was totally cool because we got to watch it on the big screen. Well when the scenes with Sam and the whole Pete on the farm thing came on I was cringing and moaning and I kept saying this is wrong!!! The girl next to me kept saying its okaye LOL. It got to the part where they went into the house for breakfast and it paused a bit where the commercial would have been and I just said really loud...Man that was a nightmare...and everyone in the audience just cracked up laughing. It was hysterical.

                    So anyway I just thought I'd let you guys know a little of what happened there. Amanda, Michael and Christopher were totally funny during their Q and A sessions. At one point during Michaels, Amanda and Chris wandered out on the stage and it just went out of control LOL.

                    Hey, did I mention I got to rub Christopher Judges newly covered head? The new hair is very soft!!! He says he uses Pert Shampoo. Hugged Amanda a couple of times and she flashed me her belly button ring, cause I asked LOL. Held hands with Michael Shanks, okaye, it was a handshake but it lasted longer than a normal one. Also, Peter Williams who played Apophis, man is that guy sexy!!! We had a bit of a moment when he walked by my chair and i looked up at him and he reached out and touched my arm so I did the same to him. I think he wants to marry me now bahhhaaa kidding!!!

                    I also told Carmen A. (Jacob) that I wanted to be Sam so he could be my Dad and he was like awwwwww LOL. He's so great and he went on and on about Amanda it was so adorable. Amanda says that they really do have a kind of father./daughter relationship in real life because they get together with their families and stuff away from the set. Someone mentioned to him that Sam is dating Pete on the show and he's like Pete who?~!! and starts acting all annoyed because he hasn't met him LOL. Then someone asked about Jack and he gets in Jacob mode and starts shaking his head no and said I don't trust him!!! Of course then he smiled right after that so he totally knows that we want Sam and Jack together."

                    She told me I could post that here here you go Guys...this may make you a little happier ....She surely had a great time



                      Originally posted by mad_gater
                      Sorry about sharing my RL memories, as they were a bit off topic.
                      don't be sorry! OT stuff like that is Grandpa died while I was in high school and I was really close to him, so I only have my Grandmother left (never met the grandparents on Mom's side). Kel'sha agrees with Kel'dor...happier talk...

                      and good luck with your friend...been there before...

                      "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
                      describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

                      <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
                      Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


                        Originally posted by carter_oneill
                        breathe breathe....

                        I just found a interview from amanda tapping you guys have to read this.


                        Carter_oneill who is searching for further information
                        WTF? inquisitive nature? EXCUSABLE?!?!?!?!??! no, I don't think so

                        and AT just told us that Sam KNOWS he FOLLOWED her...heeeelllloooo?

                        ummm...RDA's a cutie and good kisser (so I hear )

                        although her slip of the tongue gives me hope (and love that 'thats never going to go away)...but I still think that if Sam loves Jack, she shouldn't be with someone can she claim to love when she's still in love with Jack

                        haven't we seen most of these statements already? They all sound familar

                        "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
                        describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

                        <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
                        Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


                          Originally posted by binkpmmc
                          I usually just lurk but wanted to drop by to add a little thought here. I am not a drive by poster or anything like so I hope by doing this I do not offend anyone I just thought perhaps my post may give some food for thoughtas I am a Carter fan:

                          As to the intepretation of Mr. Mallozzi's post that Carter says yes and then changes her mind and backs out - my thought is this - if Carter were to say yes and then back out later that, IMO, would be a huge flaw with Carter. She did that once with Jonas and IMO for her to do it again would make her look very bad, almost ridiculous to be honest. I somehow would hope that TPTB would not be that clueless/stupid in their treatment of Carter and I would hope that Ms. Tapping would NOT let that happen. In addition, the anti-shippers would have a field day further ripping Carter apart for her behaviour and they would go off on the "look how horribly she treated pete all because of her "crush" on Jack" tangent. It would not be pretty any way you slice it.

                          I sincerely hope that those involved in the show know better and would NOT go in this direction with Carter - it would be an unmitigated disaster and would further damage the strong, independent, intelligent woman who had self-respect and dignity that we thought we knew.
                          Welcome <waves> have some shipper cookies while you're here and stick around
                          You make some very good points...

                          "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
                          describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

                          <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
                          Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!



                            "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
                            describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

                            <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
                            Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


                              Originally posted by LtLisa




                                Originally posted by Catysg1
                                Here is a message from one of my friends about the convention in Burbank:


                                "Okaye, here's a bit of the lowdown he he... from the convention in Burbank.
                                Amanda was up on the stage answering questions and someone asked about the whole Pete thing. Now, of course, she does not know what the writers are planning, but when Petes name was mentioned everyone totally booed!!! LOL and someone then said Jack and everyone screamed and hollered and clapped, so believe me I think Amanda got the message LOL. Also, when I went up to get her autograph I had them all sign the same picture. It's the one where Amanda is holding hands with Rick and leaning her head on his shoulder, Michael is squatting down next to Amanda and Chris is standing next to Michael. Anyway, I told her I understood what she says about Pete, how its supposed to be giving Sam a look at what a relationship would be like and how she would deal with said "adult" relationship ect., but then I pointed to her and Rick in the picture and said It's been seven years and I can't give them up and she looked at me and said I know I know LOL. She also said again that she has no idea how they are going to end the show and I told her that I had written an ending if they wanted it and she said Oh really? LOL. I didn't get to tell her what it was, but again, I think she got the message loud and clear.....Pete bad...Jack good. LOL

                                This little girl also asked a question about whether her relationship was the same with Jack on and off the set (I think her parents set her up to ask it LOL) and Amanda said it's actually better off screen cause she can run up to Rick and hug and kiss him anytime she wants and no one can stop her LOL. Of course she threw in the fact that she is happily married in real life .

                                After the convention on Sunday when Michael, Christopher and Amanda left we got to have a screening of the Season Premiere because some of us in the audience hadn't gotten a chance to see it on Friday night. It was totally cool because we got to watch it on the big screen. Well when the scenes with Sam and the whole Pete on the farm thing came on I was cringing and moaning and I kept saying this is wrong!!! The girl next to me kept saying its okaye LOL. It got to the part where they went into the house for breakfast and it paused a bit where the commercial would have been and I just said really loud...Man that was a nightmare...and everyone in the audience just cracked up laughing. It was hysterical.

                                So anyway I just thought I'd let you guys know a little of what happened there. Amanda, Michael and Christopher were totally funny during their Q and A sessions. At one point during Michaels, Amanda and Chris wandered out on the stage and it just went out of control LOL.

                                Hey, did I mention I got to rub Christopher Judges newly covered head? The new hair is very soft!!! He says he uses Pert Shampoo. Hugged Amanda a couple of times and she flashed me her belly button ring, cause I asked LOL. Held hands with Michael Shanks, okaye, it was a handshake but it lasted longer than a normal one. Also, Peter Williams who played Apophis, man is that guy sexy!!! We had a bit of a moment when he walked by my chair and i looked up at him and he reached out and touched my arm so I did the same to him. I think he wants to marry me now bahhhaaa kidding!!!

                                I also told Carmen A. (Jacob) that I wanted to be Sam so he could be my Dad and he was like awwwwww LOL. He's so great and he went on and on about Amanda it was so adorable. Amanda says that they really do have a kind of father./daughter relationship in real life because they get together with their families and stuff away from the set. Someone mentioned to him that Sam is dating Pete on the show and he's like Pete who?~!! and starts acting all annoyed because he hasn't met him LOL. Then someone asked about Jack and he gets in Jacob mode and starts shaking his head no and said I don't trust him!!! Of course then he smiled right after that so he totally knows that we want Sam and Jack together."

                                She told me I could post that here here you go Guys...this may make you a little happier ....She surely had a great time

                                If she keeps running up and kissing RDA when off set or during breaks she's gonna give the poor guy a heart attack! LOL! And send her husband into a jealous rage at the same time. Of course we don't really know who her husband is, do we? Maybe she's married to Rick, but still using her maiden last name to throw us! LOL!

