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    Originally posted by sueKay
    Hey folks!

    In the last thread, marimba said she might be running an online petition.

    Does anybody know if she is, and if so, where it is?

    I'm running a shippy petition, and I've got fifty names! (Not bad for three days)

    it's great sue Kay ..

    Go to Yahoo sam and jack site and post a huge post in CAPITAL LETTERS IN THE SUJECT CONTENT.......for them to sign too ...and repeat your posts a lot ..because the messages go down quickly ...I don't there much because it' a bit confusing ...just post my videos ...but there are 2000 Sam and Jack shippers over there too go ahead ....if you like I can help you because they all know me ....ok ..just let me know ...I can post for you ...if you give me a link ..where they can reach you.

    Last edited by Catysg1; 14 July 2004, 04:25 AM.


      ok sue ...I just sent lots of posts at yahoo Sam and Jack should receive lots of e-mails by tonight ..



        Spoiler Space

        Could someone explain to me why the anti-shippers aren't just as upset as the S/J shippers about the spoiler regarding Sam and the other guy? They should be even more annoyed about this.

        The explanantions as to why they're against the S/J ship are partially
        1) It is demeaning to Sam as a military officer to define her based on her gender and and makes her look weak to emphasis her being a female who needs a man.
        2) The show is supposed to be a sci-fi show and devoting time to her personal issues detracts from the Stargate stuff.
        3) Regulations forbid fraternization within the chain of command.

        How could it be any more demeaning than to push a relationship between Sam and a civilian? Pete is a guy who isn't part of what is the most significant role in her life - her scientific work and the Stargate program. What are we supposed to think they have in common other than sex? He's not local, she's gone on other worlds, she's military, he's civilian.

        How does a relationship with a civilian further the sci-fi aspect of the show? It would have made more sense to have Sam get involved with an alien from another world - at least we would have the cross-species aspect. Pete's not involved in the sci-fi and spending time showing them playing house certainly isn't increasing the sci-fi

        Certainly seems like the AirForce had no problems violating the regulations by allowing Pete to see the SGC in spite of his lack of security clearance or his "need to know." . No way would they have done that. I realize that they needed to provide medical care but IRL they would have done it without giving him a tour. He would have had a visit from MIB, gven a swamp gas story and told to keep his mouth shut due to national security.

        Since I'm a newcomer to the on-line fandom, did I miss some segment of the SG-1 fan base that was clamoring for Sam to get a bf? Was there any reason to even introduce Pete - let alone expand his role?
        Last edited by jjj2046; 14 July 2004, 07:55 AM.


          hey guys THREAD 9 ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          i want sam to say to jack that pete has asked her to marry him,theres a pause and sad look on jacks face,he repies "so congratulations are in order then carter"Sam says "I haven't given him an answer yet,is there any reason i shouldn't give him an answer sir"staring at jack.
          With this jack replies to sam after another longing look at each other"why would there be any reason,i hope you are both happy"then walks out leaving sam devestated,and coming to the conclusion she would rather be with some-one rather than being on her own,even though the only man she ever loved was jack.
          Later that night sam comes to the conclusion that she couldn't be so cruel to and decides that in the morning she will refuse his offer of proposal.
          The door knocks,as sam answers it jack walks in.
          He starts off by saying that"Carter there is a reason,you wouldn't want to live a life of secrets with the man you marry,you may want a family how will you do that."
          Sma says to jack"Then i would give up the stargate"
          "Why would you do that,does he mean that much to you?Do you love him that much?How could you let some-one give up the life and career that you love"jack says,with the reply from sam"I would have done it for you if you loved me,but then again you don't know what love is do you"
          Then jacks says " i know what love is.I have loved you for nearly 8 years and because of rules we have always stayed in the room,but now i can't stay in the room because if i lost you to mr tj hooker i would have nothing left in my world worth fighting for"then with that they kiss for the 1st proper time.....

          WOW a bit long but i would love for them to confront each other now not later,but as long as it's at the end.



            well I posted about 20 in capital letters....I'll post more later ..once they've gone from the first page ....This should work fine .



              Previously, on Thread VIII:

              From jjj2046:

              “Certainly seems standard procedure, when some element of a show’s on-line fandom is talking revolt, send in a friendly face to pour some oil on the waters, say some smoothing words so the group will think they have a friend in TPTB, utter some vague reassurances and leave with everyone expressing gratitude that TPTB “care about us” and understand us. But it also seems like the underlying message is “stick around” because by the time the fans realize that they’ve been used, it’s too late.”


              “Joe Mallozzi’s post seems to be little more than the usual CYAing done by TPTB when they realize that they have ticked off a fanbase they don’t want to lose. Note the comment – “watch all of Season 8.” That sure sounds like another way of saying “don’t bail on us – we want the ratings” and the comment “it’s going to be a bumpy ride” translates to “we’re going to jerk you a round for most of the season but give you scraps to keep you hanging on.”

              and from Tame:

              “One cryptic post does not wip away the massive *Pete Publicity* campaign.”

              I’m not nearly as thrilled with Joe’s comments as many others seem to be. If he’s trying to reassure us, it’s very thoughtful of him to take the time, but IMHO, and I do not mean this disrespectfully, it’s not much of an attempt. I think it’s pretty obvious that TPTB can give us a lot more than that because they’ve been doing it for weeks with Sam and Pete, and if they’re not going to throw us a bigger bone, then I’m afraid it’s because there’s not a bigger bone to throw.

              I hope that Joe’s comments are not just an attempt to deflect shipper backlash, but they’re just too cryptic to tell. I agree completely, Tame, that they don’t do much to counteract the relentless S/P campaign we’ve been subjected to.

              I’m not embarrassed to admit that I just don’t get it. I know that there are contingents of anti-shippers and S/P shippers, but I just can’t believe that there are enough people who like this story arc so much that it makes it a good business decision to alienate the large number of S/J shippers to this degree. I don’t understand their long term goal. What is it they hope to accomplish that makes this all worthwhile?

              As I’ve said before, it’s not enough for me just to see a favorable outcome; I need to enjoy the journey as well. As things stand, I’ll be tuning in each week with a sense of trepidation, which is not how I wanted to say goodbye to the series. I never thought I’d look back on season 5 as the good old days.

              I’m way behind, as usual, and I know that my comments may be out of sync with the current discussion, but I had to get this off my chest. Thanks for listening.

              s u g a r s h a k e r


                Hi Shippers! After lurking for a long time, I finally got up the courage to post. Reading your posts, and knowing that other shippers still ship finally got me through a (love that face btw) induced depression that caused me to avoid gateworld, this forum, fanfic, and both Monday and Friday SG1 nights for most of the break. Came back to the light for New Order and decided to stay for awhile .

                Better now (barely) but like many here, I don't think SG1 will ever be the same for me .

                1 more comment - I have a theory about 's appearance after affinty - maybe he proposes in that ep but she needs time to think about it ( the answer should be obvious, but anyway) and then in the next ep -which apparently he will be in?? feel free to correct me if I am wrong - she gives him the boot! I think the "I may die or I may get married" line is just yet another example of yanking our chains.

                And that is MY story and I am sticking to it! *with fingers crossed that the story doesn't have to change for the worse*
                Last edited by Kathleen12; 14 July 2004, 05:49 AM. Reason: little smilie was all messed up ?????

                "Pete Who?"

                Even my DOG is a shipper!


                  Originally posted by Kathleen12
                  Hi Shippers! After lurking for a long time, I finally got up the courage to post. Reading your posts, and knowing that other shippers still ship finally got me through a (love that face btw) induced depression that caused me to avoid gateworld, this forum, fanfic, and both Monday and Friday SG1 nights for most of the break. Came back to the light for New Order and decided to stay for awhile .

                  Better now (barely) but like many here, I don't think SG1 will ever be the same for me .

                  1 more comment - I have a theory about 's appearance after affinty - maybe he proposes in that ep but she needs time to think about it ( the answer should be obvious, but anyway) and then in the next ep -which apparently he will be in?? feel free to correct me if I am wrong - she gives him the boot! I think the "I may die or I may get married" line is just yet another example of yanking our chains.

                  And that is MY story and I am sticking to it! *with fingers crossed that the story doesn't have to change for the worse*

                  OR the scene in Affinity( the ring proposal) is a nightmare she's having while she sleeps ALONE.....and in the next episode is in ...the nightmare becomes reality ...and she dumps him



                    Originally posted by Kathleen12
                    Hi Shippers! After lurking for a long time, I finally got up the courage to post. Reading your posts, and knowing that other shippers still ship finally got me through a (love that face btw) induced depression that caused me to avoid gateworld, this forum, fanfic, and both Monday and Friday SG1 nights for most of the break. Came back to the light for New Order and decided to stay for awhile .

                    Better now (barely) but like many here, I don't think SG1 will ever be the same for me .

                    1 more comment - I have a theory about 's appearance after affinty - maybe he proposes in that ep but she needs time to think about it ( the answer should be obvious, but anyway) and then in the next ep -which apparently he will be in?? feel free to correct me if I am wrong - she gives him the boot! I think the "I may die or I may get married" line is just yet another example of yanking our chains.

                    And that is MY story and I am sticking to it! *with fingers crossed that the story doesn't have to change for the worse*

                    Welcome to the shipperland KATHLEEN12



                      Originally posted by Catysg1
                      OR the scene in Affinity( the ring proposal) is a nightmare she's having while she sleeps ALONE.....and in the next episode is in ...the nightmare becomes reality ...and she dumps him


                      Cool! Works for me * guess I'm not totally sticking to my story, huh?*

                      At any rate, ANYTHING works for me if it means getting rid of !

                      "Pete Who?"

                      Even my DOG is a shipper!


                        Originally posted by Catysg1
                        Welcome to the shipperland KATHLEEN12


                        Thanks! Apparently it is THE place to be!

                        "Pete Who?"

                        Even my DOG is a shipper!


                          hey guys just a thought,isn't there suppose to be two sams in this series,i.e.the replicater sam?I haven't seen any episodes of season 8 yet,but what if the clone sam says yes,and gets us all fired up when the real sam is hidden away some-where!Just a thought.



                            Originally posted by Mala50
                            Oh yeah, I've always thought that too!


                            Love the piccap. And after that the Prez could say that the only bad thing I see at the moment is sitting right here in front of me. And this bad thing will be handing in his resignation now, right?


                              Originally posted by TameFarrar
                              Ok Mala.. and all you other Shippers out there.... I am taking a leap of faith!!!!
                              SPOILER SPACE

                              I am going to go with the theory that
                              A) The little conclusion that JM said we could jump to is that YES PS will ask Sam to marry him
                              B) The BIG conclusion that We SHOULD NOT jump to is her saying yes.....

                              I may be setting myself up here but I want to be happy again... and I want to be positive and I want us all to be blissfully ignorant again of all of this Ok

                              carry on then


                              Be positive everybody!!!!!!!!

                              Everybody eat this brand new INIDGO SHIPPER COOKIEto help us all remain blissfully ignorant. Of course I'll give this recipe for this brand new shipper cookie to ShipNana as hers taste better. Must be the LOVE she puts into making them. But I'll do my best to make them the best I can in ShipNana's absence.


                                Originally posted by jjj2046
                                Spoiler Space

                                Could someone explain to me why the anti-shippers aren't just as upset as the S/J shippers about the spoiler regarding Sam and the other guy? They should be even more annoyed about this.

                                The explanantions as to why they're against the S/J ship are partially
                                1) It is demeaning to Sam as a military officer to define her based on her gender and and makes her look weak to emphasis her being a female who needs a man.
                                2) The show is supposed to be a sci-fi show and devoting time to her personal issues detracts from the Stargate stuff.
                                3) Regulations forbid fraternization within the chain of command.

                                How could it be any less demeaning than to push a relationship between Sam and a civilian? Pete is a guy who isn't part of what is the most significant role in her life - her scientific work and the Stargate program. What are we supposed to think they have in common other than sex? He's not local, she's gone on other worlds, she's military, he's civilian.

                                How does a relationship with a civilian further the sci-fi aspect of the show? It would have made more sense to have Sam get involved with an alien from another world - at least we would have the cross-species aspect. Pete's not involved in the sci-fi and spending time showing them playing house certainly isn't increasing the sci-fi

                                Certainly seems like the AirForce had no problems violating the regulations by allowing Pete to see the SGC in spite of his lack of security clearance or his "need to know." . No way would they have done that. I realize that they needed to provide medical care but IRL they would have done it without giving him a tour. He would have had a visit from MIB, gven a swamp gas story and told to keep his mouth shut due to national security.

                                Since I'm a newcomer to the on-line fandom, did I miss some segment of the SG-1 fan base that was clamoring for Sam to get a bf? Was there any reason to even introduce Pete - let alone expand his role?
                                YA GOT IT IN ONE JJJ!!!!!!

                                WTF does have to do with anything, other than to annoy quite possibly their largest fan base????

