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    Originally posted by majorsal
    I think I mentioned this already, but I think the reason why there was so much focus on Sam's love life was because it's so controversial now. That's good and bad, but don't ask me what's in the good and bad categories.

    I have a theory about this that I would like to toss into the mix. I am trying to think from TPTB's point of view. We all know that this b/s(oops!)b/f thing has stirred controversy. As a result, the fandom has been 'cranky', this means the show is getting attention. What perfect timing for launching a new show. This is the good side. The bad side is the fact that it has backfired on them and people are more than just a tad 'cranky' because a character that is much beloved has been f**#@ed with.

    On another note, did anyone else notice a 'throwing in the towel' kind of attitude from AT on the Lowdown. Specifically when she said that she has know idea how the whole "he who shall be nameless" arc was going to end up? Was I just reading too much into that?

    Token and Tamefarrar I absolutely love your smileys! I literally laugh out loud!

    This place always cheers me up.



      Originally posted by TameFarrar
      Sheesh, thus ends War and Peace, the Shipper version ....just ALOT fed up with these people period!!!!!!!!!!
      Tell it, Tame! Don't you eat those green cookies, either! (((((Tame)))))

      Maybe Vancouver is just too far away to do this show-- they are definitely out of touch with their fans. I'm still hoping the "problems" with will bring Jack back into focus for Sam.

      ship sistah
      Last edited by sacme; 06 July 2004, 10:26 PM.

      ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


        Originally posted by Ship Nana
        TheY did unfortunately, show, man whose name I can not say, kissing Sam's neck up against the wall. Oh, I think I'm gonna throw-up. Oh Uck!!!!

        Hurry, take this!

        *pushes JackClone to Ship Nana*

        Watch out!

        *cringes as JackClone falls on top of Ship Nana.... wonders why JackClone's still down.... notices Ship Nana's vise grip on JackClone's body...... is impressed by Ship Nana's thigh strength*




          Originally posted by Aunt Sally
          I'll take it!

          *hands Tame glass*


          GRATEFULLY accepting glass full of WHATEVER!!!!!
          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


            Originally posted by zabbugh
            I have a theory about this that I would like to toss into the mix. I am trying to think from TPTB's point of view. We all know that this b/s(oops!)b/f thing has stirred controversy. As a result, the fandom has been 'cranky', this means the show is getting attention. What perfect timing for launching a new show. This is the good side. The bad side is the fact that it has backfired on them and people are more than just a tad 'cranky' because a character that is much beloved has been f**#@ed with.

            On another note, did anyone else notice a 'throwing in the towel' kind of attitude from AT on the Lowdown. Specifically when she said that she has know idea how the whole "he who shall be nameless" arc was going to end up? Was I just reading too much into that?

            Token and Tamefarrar I absolutely love your smileys! I literally laugh out loud!

            This place always cheers me up.

            Thanks Chris...LOL

            Tame and Token...planning the next days smilies to make Chris literally Roll On the Floor Laughing next

            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


              Originally posted by bcmilco
              When they mentioned hate-mail on The Lowdown I just had to cringe. I really think that's aweful. IMO it's one thing to say I don't like something, but hate mail is a real shame.
              I think they call all mail that's not positive "hate mail"-- it wasn't necessarily personal. I'm sure some people were more fiery than others, but I'm glad people wrote and TPTB know how badly that show was received.

              ship sistah

              ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                Originally posted by sugarshaker

                It’s still my favorite show, don’t get me wrong, but there’s a stress element that wasn’t there before and I don’t find it to be quite as much fun as I used to.

                Bingo! That's *exactly* what it feels like now. You're not supposed to be stressed while watching your fave tv show!




                  Originally posted by TameFarrar
                  Thanks Chris...LOL

                  Tame and Token...planning the next days smilies to make Chris literally Roll On the Floor Laughing next

                  Thanks pal! Can I come to 'the happy place' too? I promise to bring my 'happy drinks'. My special lemonade with vodka in it will have me laughing and rolling on the floor in no time. (Of course I will share with anyone! )



                    Originally posted by Chevron 1
                    If SG-1 were to end one day (heaven forbid), I would like the final scene to be Sam and Jack's wedding, probably projected ahead 10 years.

                    I've thought about that too! What I'd do, though, is have a scene where we see the future for them -marriage, children- but the show returns to present time and ends with the entire team together. And yes, a shipper can dream... and project, and hope, and beg, and pray, and...




                      Originally posted by zabbugh
                      Thanks pal! Can I come to 'the happy place' too? I promise to bring my 'happy drinks'. My special lemonade with vodka in it will have me laughing and rolling on the floor in no time. (Of course I will share with anyone! )

                      With or without Alcohol you are welcome at *The Happy Place*

                      One of my favorite *Happy Things*

                      Last edited by TameFarrar; 06 July 2004, 10:41 PM. Reason: I forgot my *H*
                      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                        Originally posted by ses110
                        *snip*It is very clear that Antlantis has taken priority over SG-1 and Season 8 will suffer because of all the resources going to Atlantis.
                        This is what happened the last season of ST:TNG when they were also doing the 1st season of DS9. Next Gen was truly weak. Being sci-fi fans, I'm hoping TPTB have learned from this mistake.

                        In regards to Pete the problem with Pete is the way he makes the Sam character look and all the time it takes away from Sam and Jack.Seeing Sam and Jack get together in the last 5 minutes of the last SG-1 show is not good enough and right now it looks like that is where we are heading.If that is the case I will never buy another SG-1 product or never watch Atlantis again.We should get 2 solid episodes of Sam and Jack in a relationship to enjoy after 8 years of loyal viewing.Sorry for the long post.This is my first post in thread VI.
                        welcome back, ses110. wish it was under better circimstances. I agree-- if they last-minute us, I will be eternally p!$$ed.

                        ship sistah

                        ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                          Originally posted by TameFarrar
                          With or without Alcohol you are welcome at *The Happy Place*

                          One of my favorite *Happy Things*

                          Sounds good to me! I'll be there with bells on!


                            Originally posted by Ship Nana
                            Here is a little bit of news:

                            Spoilers for Season 8

                            Guess who directed "Affinity"? You know the episode where Teal'c gets an apartment and Sam starts reportedly seeking answers to having kids and what will she do with them. One of the episodes with in it!!!

                            Yep, you guessed it!!! According to Stargate SG-1 Solutions, it is Peter DeLuise. Here are some snippets out of the interview.

                            “'Affinity' has to do ... with the fact that both Carter [Amanda Tapping] and Teal'c [Christopher Judge] feel like they’re entitled to a private life,” DeLuise said in an interview during a break in shooting last May near Vancouver, B.C. “They want a sense of belonging. They want to have intimacy in their lives. And they don’t.

                            "...And in Carter’s case, she wants to ... have the right to have a relationship, because she’s been denied that for a long time because of her relationship with O'Neill [Richard Dean Anderson], which has been very safe. ... So we’ve got two storylines, where Teal'c and Carter are both actively pursuing a private life, and ... problems ensue, as they say.”

                            The episode is in keeping with the tone of the new season, DeLuise added. “Season eight is ... more introspective,” he said. “It’s much more cerebral, and it has a lot to do with, in my mind, the specialness of the characters.”

                            His (Peter's) brother David DeLuise has a recurring role as Carter’s love interest, Denver cop Pete Shanahan."

                            (The article goes on to say that Peter's father, and other brother have all been in Stargate and that the only one who hasn't is his mother. Well what is she waiting for since it seems that Stargate was made so that DeLuise's can get employement.) Pardon the snarkiness but I think it is well deserved here. I better stop eating those Gray Shipper Cookies and start eating the Green Shipper Cookies

                            "Affinity" is the 8th episode.

                            Will we ever catch a break?!

                            And again, I wasn't too bothered by this article! It showed, gave proof, that Sam's questioning her relay with PS. Good! So, everything's not wine and roses. Good! So, it's not perfect, even though she was able to tell him everything. Good! I, too, am SO tired of hearing about PS and his relay with Sam, but this article gave tidbits of goodness because it showed that things aren't perfect. Good.




                              Originally posted by Token
                              It takes alot of effort to keep my happy place beautiful....

                              But with all the fertilizer we've been getting lately, it's making my job easier.
                              ship sistah

                              ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                                Originally posted by TameFarrar
                                Yeah it is gonna be a tough season, but I will hang in there and vent and RANT at TPTB periodically....or for as long as you all can stand it
                                Tame, honey....


                                Quick, someone get her the super duper magnificent spectacular love enhanced shipper cookies!!!



