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    Originally posted by Elfinwood
    Spoilers for Season 8 Affinity (just in case):
    Great. Affinity is starting to sound like season 8's version of Chimera.
    I knew that PDL was going to direct this episode, but I wasn't aware of some of the new insights. I take it that this is an article just recently posted?

    I also wasn't aware that Sam had a relationship with O'Neill. Must have been off-screen.

    Hopefully, it's the last we see of Pete and the revival of the O'Neill relationship.

    Susan. Feeling snarky.
    Tell it, sister! Must have missed that relationship myself! Maybe they slipped it in between the scenes in Chernobyl...guess I was too busy throwing up to notice!

    Here's to the last of Ptui!

    *raises glass*
    Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
    Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

    Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
    Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


      Have Thor lock up in a brig on his ship with nothing to eat but those crappy yellow thingies that Sam hated!


        That sound great.Let's have Jack ask Sam for the 100th time and let's have them end the show with just Sam and Jack fishing and nothing else.I rather see them not end up together than just see them fishing.I guess Jack just wanted Sam for a fishing buddy all these Years.I feel bad Pete never asked Sam to go fishing.I guess the Shippers have all the luck.We may finally get to see Sam and Jack go fishing.Who needs anything else when you have two friends fishing.What a way to end the show.Where do I sign up for that ending.


          Originally posted by LtLisa

          yay!!!! I just found a computer that would let me watch your little clip of the lowdown!!! <screams with joy!> RDA LAUGHED when he said "I don't kow much about " that great! can I get more?

          <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial dress blues just for Marimba> Screw the regs! DOWN with Pit! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!

          I'm honored that you'd dance just for me! Just love that clip! RDA made my day! (Of course, when *doesn't* RDA make my day? ) I was doing a little happy dance after that!

          BTW folks--I do have a few more pulled--just IM me on AIM or I can email them.
          Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
          Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

          Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
          Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


            Originally posted by getcarter
            My husband has now decided that I am way too freaky about this show. I prefer to call it extremely enthusiastic.... Only 3 more days!!!!!
            I think mine thinks I've lost my mind (he might be right)...

            2 days, 20 hours, 20 minutes, but who's counting?
            Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
            Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

            Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
            Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


              Originally posted by Token
              I'm sure Damian and Amanda will help him through it.
              ROFL!!! Yeah, I'm sure they'll be able to commiserate with him nicely!
              Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
              Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

              Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
              Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                Originally posted by Muldy_SG1
                HI GUYS!! I haven't posted on the new forum much yet!! But I been reading a bit!!


                ~ Fi
                Hi, Fi!

                Welcome to the wacky and wonderful world of S/J ship and S/J shippers!!!




                  Originally posted by Catysg1
                  They are telling us that only the regulations are in the way...and nothing else ...this is how I take RDA's comment no threat to Neill' and Grace kiss.

                  ...........and I'm happy and not worried anymore about Sam and Jack getting together ...

                  We may suffer a bit more at the beginning of the season but in a good way ..I think everything will see between Sam and will be icky and not right ..doubts...lots of doubts coming from Sam AND I LOVE THAT plus she seems to consort in Jack when the going gets tough ...even better

                  I'll take your prescription, Doctor, and add on a FLAMING HOT OPEN MOUTHED KISS for Sam and Jack!


                  ps - I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaay behind on this thread!.... in less than 24 hours.... we talk sooooo much!



                    Originally posted by marimba26
                    ROFL!!! Flattery will get you everywhere! Thanks for the link! LOL needles!! You are too much!!!
                    Yep. have her jab him in the butt right after T shoots him in the butt with staff weapon, Tonani shoots him in that same spot with a trinium arrow, and Oma Desala zaps him in that same spot with a bolt of lightning! (sorry ! It appears that the Ascended would rather have Anubis than you! OH! ZING! )

                    Yep. 's a$$ sure makes for a prime target

                    Oh yeah! and also have the Entity hack into his computer and erase all his important stuff and all his bank accounts too!


                      Originally posted by waterfall
                      I almost choked on my coffee when I read this one!!!
                      My stomach hurts now from laughing soooo hard!!!

                      hehe mebey all we need is an exorsizm (The Exorsist) to get rid of him!!!


                      I'm hoping the new season for Sam will be more of "yeah, I'm with but I really love Jack" at least for a while untill she comes to her senses and dumps the shmuck and jumps Jack!!!
                      Me too! From the spoilers for Affinity, it just 'might' be handled like that... *crosses finger, Jonas Quinn style*

                      BTW Sal,can I have my jelly donuts now????



                      *grabs donuts from Teal'c*

                      Here ya go, hon.




                        Originally posted by majorsal
                        I'll take your prescription, Doctor, and add on a FLAMING HOT OPEN MOUTHED KISS for Sam and Jack!


                        ps - I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaay behind on this thread!.... in less than 24 hours.... we talk sooooo much!
                        Love your sig pic! Teal'c chaperoning Sam and Jack! LOL! got the perfect 3 line caption for that pic:

                        Jack: Aw, but T...!
                        Teal'c: I believe the Tauri have a saying: NO MEANS NO!
                        Sam: Aw, you're no fun at all!


                          Originally posted by majorsal


                          Me too! From the spoilers for Affinity, it just 'might' be handled like that... *crosses finger, Jonas Quinn style*


                          *grabs donuts from Teal'c*

                          Here ya go, hon.

                          Teal'c chases after waterfall and Sally and tackles them both!

                          T: You are not to touch my donuts!!!!!!



                            Originally posted by mad_gater
                            Teal'c chases after waterfall and Sally and tackles them both!

                            T: You are not to touch my donuts!!!!!!

                            Of course I'll bet you two are now breathing heavily thinking about what it would be lik to have all that muscle on top of you!


                              Originally posted by Token

                              Capt. Rivet
                              Chevron 1
                              Send Pete to Edora

                              I don't know if I'm out of line, but.... do you guys think the pen-name of 'Send Pete to Edora' is going to irk or offend Amanda? Remember, we took out all PS reference because we purposely wanted to 'only' mention S/J ship and such. What do you guys think? And for the person that's Send Pete to Edora, no offense intended. Sincerely.

                              Last edited by majorsal; 06 July 2004, 09:03 PM. Reason: the usual suspects.....



                                Originally posted by bcmilco
                                Yup she's more "the girl" now then she ever was in the first 6-1/2 season.

                                I'm really hoping that "New Order" will fix that.
                                Yep--she has become EXACTLY what she most feared and I'm hating EVERY MINUTE OF IT! I can hope "New Order" will fix that but I'm not holding out too much hope with idiots like RCC in charge!

                                As for the hate mail--I'm with you. As much as I hate this whole situation I would NEVER send a hate letter! It's a TV SHOW, FCOL! I felt sorry for poor Damien Kindler who looked rather sheepish about the whole thing like agreeing to write that dialogue is the worst decision he's ever made (probably is). I was thinking of writing him a letter of support. He's kind of stuck between an idiot (RCC) and a hard place (the fans).

                                I did feel sorry for Amanda but now I'm just sick of hearing from her. She should have clammed up a few interviews ago. Now she just looks kind of pathetic. I'm hoping that she will change my mind at Gatecon because I really liked her before and I would LIKE to really like her again. I just want her to talk about something else--anything else--besides Ptui! Or just be quiet! That would work too at this point.
                                Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                                Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                                Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                                Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!

