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    kiwigater, Chevron 1, Send to Edora, WELCOME!!!!!!!!!


      Had to miss the Lowdown cuz I had to watch a delayed fireworks display last night!!!! I hate Buffalo weather!!!!!! Looks like I get another chanceFriday though, so that's good!

      Looks like Billiard Ba'al (or Pool Ba'al or, Jack's fav. name for him, "Bocce Ba'al") is returning. I'll bet Jack would love to banish him to the black hole planet along with

      Or reinfect Sam with the Touched virus and have her svagely rip Billiard Ba'al a new one for messing with "her man!"


        Originally posted by mad_gater
        A belated happy 4th to everybody in the family (and those lurkers )! I leave for a few days and this thread goes out of control! So the good stuff happens while I'm gone, eh? GW still hasn't got the fanfic section sorted out yet! This can be evidenced by the lack of new fics. And Lisa, hope you feel better soon! This thread ain't the same w/o you!
        ((((((((((mad gater)))))))))))

        Thanks! Feeling much better today! Back in fine shipper form I think! That comment from the Lowdown was like taking a BIG dose of shipper vitamins!
        Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
        Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

        Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
        Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


          Originally posted by mad_gater
          Just call in a priest for an exorcism! Tell him to watch out for projectile split pea soup coming from 's mouth!
          ROFL!!! I think we'll get the exorcism for Sam and some silver bullets for Ptui...
          Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
          Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

          Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
          Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


            Originally posted by Elfinwood
            Spoiler Space for Season 8 and The Lowdown:

            I can't say that RDA's comment made me overly confident. He can be so infuriatingly ambiguous. The man is very smooth. AT should take some lessons from him. Maybe then she wouldn't get herself into so much trouble with the fans. Of course, it was obvious that they wanted her to say all of those things. If they hadn't, it would not have aired.

            As for the rest...I was talking with someone this morning who I consider a casual fan. He watches regularly, but isn't someone who is involved to the point that he goes online or reads the genre mags. His only PR for the show comes from the TV, so he is virtually spoiler free. I asked him if he had watched The Lowdown and what he thought about the upcoming season. I like to hear his opinion, because I consider him an intelligent viewer and because his views are not tainted by spoilers or the opinions of the fandom like mine can be.

            He was pleasantly surprised by the military promotions, but worried about how they would now use O'Neill - "contrary to the obvious promo on the show (The Lowdown) that this is going to be just as good, but different" (his words). He hopes that Carter gets to be a real command figure ("I love to see her kick butt. It's sexy."); but, he too, Ship Nana, was alarmed that they "focused so much on Carter and her boyfriend". More of his words: "What are they doing to her? Why are they pushing this boyfriend thing so much? She doesn't need a boyfriend to be sexy. She's always been sexy. Besides, the guy is lame. Carter deserves better. If they felt the need to pursue this boyfriend angle, they should at least have given her a cool guy. Like Jack. I liked the thing they had going with Jack. It didn't take over the show. Last night most of the Carter segment was about the lame boyfriend." I then interjected some of my fandom knowledge and told him that the insiders info is that they are allowing the characters to progress. That Carter's boyfriend was meant to show Sam experiencing a life outside the SGC, not necessarily to make her more of a sex object. He just laughed and looked at me like I was really naive. Then said sarcastically: "Yeah, that's why they didn't show all of those steamy sex scenes. And that's why Teal'c and Daniel and Sam don't all wear tight T-shirts these days". As for the character development, he said: "Teal'c, maybe. The rest...they might be taking a step backward. 'No-action' Jack. 'Boring' Daniel. (He liked the earlier more passionate, geeky Daniel. Thinks that he is used as just a boring diplomat now.) 'Woman-as-a-sex-object' Carter."

            I don't agree to all of his views (except for the "lame" boyfriend one), but it was interesting to hear from someone who looks at the show from a less complex viewpoint than I do. I certainly don't think TPTB want Sam to be seen solely as a sex object (well maybe MGM and the SciFi Channel likes that image). I know AT does not want that for Sam. My casual-type fan friend sure got that impression last night though.
            WTF? They just defeated Anubis! Now is not the time to focus on Sam's love life! I doubt a little explosion would kill Anubis since he's half-ascended and as such still exists as some form of non-corporeal energy! IMHO, the only way Anubis is gonna be killed is for them to force the Ascended Ancients off their #(&^!* high horse and make them fully descend Anubis!


              Originally posted by TameFarrar
              I liked RDA's face when he said the was no threat kind of like "Oh Please"
              SO overall I am HYPED!!!!!!!
              Just wanted to hug that man when he said that!
              Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
              Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

              Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
              Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                Originally posted by marimba26
                ((((((((((mad gater)))))))))))

                Thanks! Feeling much better today! Back in fine shipper form I think! That comment from the Lowdown was like taking a BIG dose of shipper vitamins!
                And I heard that ShipNana's shipper chicken soup cures all physical ailments! Like a sarcophagus for shippers! Without the nasty side effects of a sarcophagus! Have her whip you up a bowl or two and you should be right as rain!


                  Originally posted by mad_gater

                  WELCOME TO ALL THE NEWBIES!!!!!!!!!

                  kiwigater, Chevron 1, Send to Edora, WELCOME!!!!!!!!!
                  And all the other lurkers who's names I can't remember cuz my eyes were a big blurry mess when I didn't get back from my parents till midnight last night after the fireworks.


                    Originally posted by majorsal
                    Eeg, yes! Why'd they have to show PS and Sam/PS kissing scenes again! *puts eye drops in eyes from burned retina syndrome*
                    I think shippers all over are going to need their optometrists today!

                    Did anyone else notice they showed the Grace kiss scene... TWICE!? And just before RDA made that 'no threat' statement, they showed the Grace kiss for the second time. *sigh* I 'think' what RDA was saying was that 'as *Jack* sees it, PS is not a threat to O'Neill.' I hope not! I don't want Jack's feelings anymore yanked around. *gives tender, but non-threatening to Sam kiss on Jack's cheek*
                    Yep, I think TPTB are finally hearing us! It's about time after all the noise we've made! I SOOOOOOOOOOOO noticed them playing that kiss twice! And while we did have to see Ptui, notice that the scenes they showed us weren't the physical scenes! I'm thinking they're finally getting it!

                    So, what did I think of the Lowdown? I liked it. Didn't love it because a-WAY to much Sam/PS kissing scenes , b- WAY too much time spent on promoting Atlantis when I was so hungry for Stargate Sg-1. All in all, I enjoyed it. Don't think I'll be saving it, though, because it didn't have enough Sg-1.

                    Can't wait for Friday!!!

                    Was it just me or did they tell us virtually NOTHING we didn't already know about the new season?
                    Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                    Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                    Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                    Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                      Originally posted by majorsal
                      Forgot to say I love your new sig btw!
                      Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                      Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                      Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                      Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                        Originally posted by mad_gater
                        And I heard that ShipNana's shipper chicken soup cures all physical ailments! Like a sarcophagus for shippers! Without the nasty side effects of a sarcophagus! Have her whip you up a bowl or two and you should be right as rain!
                        Or if you're in REALLY, REALLY bad shape you can try ShipNana's Naquada-Enhanced chicken soup for sick shippers. Or you can risk Naquadria-Enchanced soup if you're on your deathbed from a REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, etc., nasty virus. Warning: Naquadria is highly unstable and radioactive. May cause you to set off geiger counters everywhere you go!


                          Originally posted by Elfinwood
                          Spoiler Space for Season 8 and The Lowdown:

                          I can't say that RDA's comment made me overly confident. He can be so infuriatingly ambiguous. The man is very smooth. AT should take some lessons from him. Maybe then she wouldn't get herself into so much trouble with the fans. Of course, it was obvious that they wanted her to say all of those things. If they hadn't, it would not have aired.

                          As for the rest...I was talking with someone this morning who I consider a casual fan. He watches regularly, but isn't someone who is involved to the point that he goes online or reads the genre mags. His only PR for the show comes from the TV, so he is virtually spoiler free. I asked him if he had watched The Lowdown and what he thought about the upcoming season. I like to hear his opinion, because I consider him an intelligent viewer and because his views are not tainted by spoilers or the opinions of the fandom like mine can be.

                          He was pleasantly surprised by the military promotions, but worried about how they would now use O'Neill - "contrary to the obvious promo on the show (The Lowdown) that this is going to be just as good, but different" (his words). He hopes that Carter gets to be a real command figure ("I love to see her kick butt. It's sexy."); but, he too, Ship Nana, was alarmed that they "focused so much on Carter and her boyfriend". More of his words: "What are they doing to her? Why are they pushing this boyfriend thing so much? She doesn't need a boyfriend to be sexy. She's always been sexy. Besides, the guy is lame. Carter deserves better. If they felt the need to pursue this boyfriend angle, they should at least have given her a cool guy. Like Jack. I liked the thing they had going with Jack. It didn't take over the show. Last night most of the Carter segment was about the lame boyfriend." I then interjected some of my fandom knowledge and told him that the insiders info is that they are allowing the characters to progress. That Carter's boyfriend was meant to show Sam experiencing a life outside the SGC, not necessarily to make her more of a sex object. He just laughed and looked at me like I was really naive. Then said sarcastically: "Yeah, that's why they didn't show all of those steamy sex scenes. And that's why Teal'c and Daniel and Sam don't all wear tight T-shirts these days". As for the character development, he said: "Teal'c, maybe. The rest...they might be taking a step backward. 'No-action' Jack. 'Boring' Daniel. (He liked the earlier more passionate, geeky Daniel. Thinks that he is used as just a boring diplomat now.) 'Woman-as-a-sex-object' Carter."

                          I don't agree to all of his views (except for the "lame" boyfriend one), but it was interesting to hear from someone who looks at the show from a less complex viewpoint than I do. I certainly don't think TPTB want Sam to be seen solely as a sex object (well maybe MGM and the SciFi Channel likes that image). I know AT does not want that for Sam. My casual-type fan friend sure got that impression last night though.
                          Spoiler space for Lowdown
                          I wonder if all the emphasis on Sam on Lowdown last night was an attempt to make Sam Carter the centerpiece of the show...the key character. Rather than RDA. Then, if RDA decides not to come back some season, SG-1 *could* continue. hmmmmm...just middle of the night musings.

                          I did have an encouraging thought...when my dear hubby and I were dating, we came to a point in our relationship where we had to deeply commit to each other (get engaged) or break up and date others for a bit. We broke up, date a few others and now have been married for nearly 27 years.

                          Who knows? Maybe the Sam and Jack relationship is going through a similar stage. Personally, *I* feel better when thinking about it that way.

                          Lowdown left me with mixed feelings. Just couldn't believe that TPTB spent so much time on S/P. Misdirection? Loved the now famous 5 little words!!!!!!!

                          I'll watch a few episodes of Atlantis, but I just don't know how much of McKay I can take. Teyla looks interesting and they definitly left the door WIDE open for the possiblity of ship with Shepard. Hmmmmm? Thought they weren't going to do that???

                          Can't wait for Friday! (I mean what if I have a car accident or something? Do they get Stargate in Heaven???????)

                          Sleep deprived, but Happy

                          Sig pic by Mala the Magnificent


                            Originally posted by TameFarrar
                            SO overall I am HYPED!!!!!!! for Friday!! the previews for the opener looked reall good and I am ready for a new season. I am sure we will have lots to say about it too .
                            Me too! I am totally JAZZED now!

                            Forgot to say THANK YOU for my lovely new sig!!!


                            Glad you're back!
                            Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                            Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                            Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                            Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                              Originally posted by marimba26
                              Just wanted to hug that man when he said that!

                              I know this is not the proper thread, but I couldn't resist; dontya just want to hug the man anyway, just on general principles.

                              Sorry, brain cell friage abounding here; the new sig is GREAT!!!


                                I'm interested in seeing what Atlantis is gonna be like. Looks like the Major Sheppard character is gonna be kinda cool! SUpposedly he has a sense of humor as wicked as a certain brown-eyed gray-haired colonel's! I esp. liked his one line in one of the Atlantis promos when I guess he finds out for the first time that he has that special gene to activate the tech. of the Ancients! He said "Did I do that?" ala Steve Urkel (w/o the high-pitched nasaly voice) from the old "Family Matters" show! LOL!

