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    Hey everybody! Yeah I thought that was wierd the way they showed the kiss from "Grace" several times yet there was no commentary behind it. Hhmmm...and RDA definately said, "Apparently he's (Pete) no threat to O'Neill." Loved Amanda's comment about them all being a family, a disfunctional family and then the kiss clip flashed.
    "Woo-hoo! Sorry, I got caught up in Teal'c's enthusiasm."--Jack, "Tangent"


      Originally posted by Ship Nana
      Spoiler space

      But I definitely agree, I am not signing on for another 8 years of torture, especially if SG1 doesn't have a positive ending to Sam and Jack's relationship. I'm sorry, I would not be able to trust TPTB with my heart again.
      You said it!!


        Originally posted by marimba26
        Maybe so we'll feel sorry for him when he dies? Sorry, that snark is coming out to play again! Hey, she's nearly sent Jack to his death how many times? and she loves him. So here's hoping she's gonna succeed in that with Ptui!
        Snark on---no sympathy here either. Hey, send him to Atlantis--he wants to know so much about Sam's job, let him go "be a cop and investigate" the wraiths.
        btw, everyone that wanted to take references out of the letter, you guys were on target. (It must be the sales in me that just likes to push the envelope).


          Originally posted by GoneShippin'
          See, that's one of the MANY things I love about this family...I KNEW someone would tape happy for all the confirmations!!!
          I was also thinking that their commentary sounded familiar, so yep, that was my impression as well. I just really like the fact that they showed the Grace kiss. Rather a subtle clue that the true ship might be navigating a few shoals, but is still seaworthy!! (especially the placement of the Grace kiss before RDA says his 5 little words).
          Important to note that they showed "The Kiss" more than once. Out of 7 seasons they could have shown us hundreds of different clips but instead they show us that one twice. They had to be telling us something!!!
          Ship Nana


            Spoiler space

            Originally posted by madfrenchie
            Hey everybody! Yeah I thought that was wierd the way they showed the kiss from "Grace" several times yet there was no commentary behind it. Hhmmm...and RDA definately said, "Apparently he's (Pete) no threat to O'Neill." Loved Amanda's comment about them all being a family, a disfunctional family and then the kiss clip flashed.

            Yea, that comment about the dysfunctional family and then the kiss was very interestingly timed I thought. So what was that all about?
            Ship Nana


              Originally posted by Ship Nana
              Spoiler space

              Oh yea, I forgot to mention they did show the "Grace" Kiss several times. So what was all that about.

              Let's see:

              Sam has a boyfriend that she is happy with, but we see (several times I might add) her kissing Jack in the "Grace" episode, and RDA says that is no threat to O'Neill. And they say we have problems.

              Ok, so I'm still confused!!!!! Is she or isn't she? Are they or aren't they? Where's my wine and Shipper Cookies?!

              Nana, Nana, go to your happy place. But take the bottle and at least a dozen orange ones
              Overall all, I'm fairly optimistic, it just took 5 little words..Pete's no threat to O'Neill.


                Spoiler space

                Originally posted by GoneShippin'
                Nana, Nana, go to your happy place. But take the bottle and at least a dozen orange ones
                Overall all, I'm fairly optimistic, it just took 5 little words..Pete's no threat to O'Neill.
                "Go to my happy place!"
                "Go to my happy place!"

                "Pete's no threat to O'Neill!!!!
                "Pete's no threat to O'Neill!!!!

                Ahhhhh, I feel better now!
                Ship Nana


                  Originally posted by GoneShippin'
                  Snark on---no sympathy here either. Hey, send him to Atlantis--he wants to know so much about Sam's job, let him go "be a cop and investigate" the wraiths.
                  btw, everyone that wanted to take references out of the letter, you guys were on target. (It must be the sales in me that just likes to push the envelope).
                  Spoiler Lowdown
                  I got the impression from Amanda's demeanor while she made the Pete comments that she was not happy. In all the other clips of Amanda, she was laughing, having fun and upbeat. The Pete clip was just off. Anyone else get that?

                  Token ~


                    I'm so glad The Lowdown is being rebroadcast on Friday. Of course, I screwed up while taping it. Also glad that we weren't shown too much. I've been trying to stay away from spoilers for both shows and was considering just taping the Lowdown and watching after Friday, but thankfully, I had nothing to fear. Anyhoo,...
                    I think it was important that they acknowledged what a huge and mostly horrible response there was to stalker . And it was important that Rick got the last word on it and told us not to worry. Yay! Shippers we may have a rocky road but we will end up with the cherry on top!

                    ship sistah

                    ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                      Originally posted by Token
                      Yep!!! I heard that too! The immediate connection with Sheppard. What?! Not any romance? Pleeeze! It's probably the same old game, and us poor romantics keep signing up for more punishment. But I doubt I could take another 8 years.
                      I don't think take another eight year roller coaster ride! I'll sign up for punishment on trial basis but not for long if it looks like another on again-off again thing.
                      Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                      Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                      Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                      Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                        Originally posted by GoneShippin'
                        Nana, Nana, go to your happy place. But take the bottle and at least a dozen orange ones
                        Overall all, I'm fairly optimistic, it just took 5 little words..Pete's no threat to O'Neill.
                        SHIPPERS, I THINK WE HAVE A NEW MANTRA!
                        I like our new mantra!! Now we just need the Season 8 clips to go with it!

                        Token ~


                          Originally posted by Token
                          Spoiler Lowdown
                          I got the impression from Amanda's demeanor while she made the Pete comments that she was not happy. In all the other clips of Amanda, she was laughing, having fun and upbeat. The Pete clip was just off. Anyone else get that?
                          I didn't really notice, but then I was in shock so that is understandable. I tapped it and will watch it again tomorrow for all the things I missed.

                          If she was off, it has to be somewhat because she has got to be tired of defending Pete. It has to be getting old for her and definitely no fun.
                          Ship Nana


                            Originally Posted by mjj1993
                            I'm just hoping against hope that it's a big set-up. Like maybe they think we will guess what's coming if they leak even a little? I can hope, can't I?

                            I did think they spent a lot of time with scenes. Way too many, considering that know, came back from the dead...ascended...whatever; O'Neill sacrificed himself for the entire planet; Hammond has been relieved of command and oh yeah, we defeated Anubis-- and they spend all that time on Sam getting some action?

                            Originally posted by marimba26
                            YIKES! You are so right! As much as I hated it, it's cast in an even worse light when you put it like that! Forget O'Neill on his death bed, Hammond getting ousted, Daniel becoming a semi-omnipotent being--as long as Sam's getting laid, who cares? Sheesh!
                            I kept watching the clock for the first 30 minutes because I was wondering how much more time they were going to spend on it.

                            Wow, they must REALLY have felt they had to address it upfront, in some depth, based on the fan feedback.

                            5 little words..............


                              Originally posted by Token
                              Spoiler Lowdown
                              I got the impression from Amanda's demeanor while she made the Pete comments that she was not happy. In all the other clips of Amanda, she was laughing, having fun and upbeat. The Pete clip was just off. Anyone else get that?
                              It's obviously a sore subject for all of them-- except Rick. He was smiling away! No worries there!

                              You should have heard me when they showed all the Chernobyl clips-- maybe you did. I was booing and hissing and yelling at the screen. It's amazing how hot and bothered (in a bad way) I get at just the sight of .

                              ship sistah

                              ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                                Originally posted by Ship Nana
                                I didn't really notice, but then I was in shock so that is understandable. I tapped it and will watch it again tomorrow for all the things I missed.

                                If she was off, it has to be somewhat because she has got to be tired of defending Pete. It has to be getting old for her and definitely no fun.
                                Your right. It's got to be draining. If Damian got alot of fan mail, then I'm sure Amanda got twice as much. Most fans don't think of writing to the writer of the episode; they write the actors. If she is having to "tow the party line" that can be depressing as well. It makes me wonder why they would spend so much time on the Pete issue. If TPTB had not just told any new fans of SG-1, the new fans would not have known about "stalker" Pete. Now TPTB have tainted Pete against any new fans by calling his actions into question.

                                Arrgh!!! What have TPTB done?!!! Now we are talking about Pete again!

                                Token ~

