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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by LtLisa
    and can whoever is giving her the letter just download all the songvids onto a cd themselves? (I have no clue if this is possible...) cause I say handing it to her is better; this way SHE gets it, not some secretary/PR person
    Marimba, are you not giving Amanda a cd of your vids? I'm sure AT won't give you up to MGM, if you're worried about that. And Lisa makes a good point, if Caty can't send her video to you by some kind of Express Mail, can you download and burn the ones she would like to include? It would really be a nice gift if we had the letter from all of us and the two cds from the video makers of the family.

    ship sistah

    ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


      Originally posted by Catysg1

      While you wait until my last SAM AND JACK VIDEO is uploaded . ...I just finished this little webpage about my holiday in France , in June 2004 that I wanted to share with some of my friends.

      It's the first part of my holiday..where you can see eveybody particularly at my brother's wedding.

      The second part will be... Me , my family by the pool .. Well ..don't know about me ...but the others yes ..

      Enjoy get to know me & family a little more.

      My first 3 pics were taken 2 years ago and I have now long hair under the shoulders but same face

      Caty aka ShipDiva
      yes, Caty, thanks for sharing the pics! I love that we're all friendly enough that we can be a real community and share parts of our lives with each other.


      ship sistah

      ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


        Originally posted by Catysg1
        Oh by the way ..I'm from Paris
        No I'll send the CD to Tasha with mpeg videos ..the full screen version ones with a lovely CD cover...Tasha gave me her address.

        I just need to pick 17 out of my 50 something videos !!!!! ..hard job but it's got to be done ...I should be doing the CD cover and labels tomorrow ..It should be ready to be sent to her on Monday or Tuesday.
        I'm not sending a letter , just a note inside the CD ...telling her not to miss "My confession"..because that's all Sam and Jack need to do now : CONFESS. And I'll give her my autograph at the same time.....LOLO...LOL

        Caty aka Shipdiva
        wait-- I thought you were sending it to Marimba because she's going next week to the con and we wanted to get it to AT as soon as possible? now I'm confused.

        ship sistah

        ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


          Originally posted by getcarter
          Yeah, it is a long one but REALLY GOOD! I also read one with her and Jack in a cave where she was hurt but for the life of me I can't remember where it was. I really liked that one too.... I like the Sam centered fics - not just the romance stuff but showing her as a soldier as well.
          There is a really good Sam fic called "The Weather Outside" by Doc -I don't know if you've read it, but I really like it.

          It can be found on Doc's Website Or on the The Stargate Novel Archive (This link takes you to the Authors - "D" page )
          ~BCM =)

          Open Source Initiative (OSI)
          The GIMP - GNU Image Manipulation Program


            Originally posted by mjj1993
            Okay, now I am just soooo green with envy that you've traveled so much.
            You're not the only one! Europe is mostly on my to do list, as is a certain place in Vancouver (I wish! I can't even make it up there for Gatecon to my everlasting sadness, next year maybe!).

            As for New Zealand, it certainly is lovely. And small enough you can to a pretty good trip in a couple of weeks..... have I mentioned I'll shamelessly promote my country at ANY opportunity??

            Less than a week to go!!!


              Originally posted by sacme
              I saw it, too, and I think he's great when he's swimming with his dog (commercial) or pruning his bushes (commercial) or at a strip club with his brother (Gilmore Girls)-- just keep him away from Sam (Stargate)!!

              ship sistah

              I still miss Jack and Sam


                Only six days left! I'm so anxious I may have to begin furiously baking! (That's how I relieve stress.)
                I still miss Jack and Sam


                  Originally posted by Catysg1
                  OK MY FAMILY

                  While you wait until my last SAM AND JACK VIDEO is uploaded . ...I just finished this little webpage about my holiday in France , in June 2004 that I wanted to share with some of my friends.

                  It's the first part of my holiday..where you can see eveybody particularly at my brother's wedding.

                  The second part will be... Me , my family by the pool .. Well ..don't know about me ...but the others yes ..

                  Enjoy get to know me & family a little more.


                  My first 3 pics were taken 2 years ago and I have now long hair under the shoulders but same face

                  Caty aka ShipDiva

                  What a lovely family. And you're gorgeous, Caty!




                    Originally posted by sacme
                    Marimba, are you not giving Amanda a cd of your vids? I'm sure AT won't give you up to MGM, if you're worried about that. And Lisa makes a good point, if Caty can't send her video to you by some kind of Express Mail, can you download and burn the ones she would like to include? It would really be a nice gift if we had the letter from all of us and the two cds from the video makers of the family.

                    ship sistah
                    Well I'm sure Marimba is gonna burn her CD with mpeg videos and only me can do that with my own videos ..If she burns a CD from the videos on the net ..thay will all be wmv files and not clear enough to watch them full screen ....but if she gives me her address..I could try to send her the CD tomorrow with my mpeg videos ..(I'll do a duplicate too just in case)...hopefully she'll receive it by next Tuesday ...I've send things to America before and it takes less than a week....otherwise ..she can forward it to Tasha when she comes back from the gatecon....How is that?!!!



                      ok, so in that article:

                      "We're not going to set up obvious chemistry between our core characters on 'Atlantis,' " says executive producer Brad Wright

                      so, does that mean that TPTB are admitting that they did purposefully set up the 'obvious chemistry' between Jack and Sam? Cause if it wasn't purposeful, why say that?

                      <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs> Screw the regs! DOWN with Pit! Sam and Jack FOREVER!

                      "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
                      describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

                      <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
                      Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


                        Originally posted by LtLisa
                        ok, so in that article:

                        so, does that mean that TPTB are admitting that they did purposefully set up the 'obvious chemistry' between Jack and Sam? Cause if it wasn't purposeful, why say that?

                        <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs> Screw the regs! DOWN with Pit! Sam and Jack FOREVER!
                        Hehe I'd call it obvious chemistry... it's hard not to notice.
                        Chleximpressed <--- by Kliggins


                          Originally posted by bcmilco
                          There is a really good Sam fic called "The Weather Outside" by Doc -I don't know if you've read it, but I really like it.

                          It can be found on Doc's Website Or on the The Stargate Novel Archive (This link takes you to the Authors - "D" page )
                          Yes, I have read that one too. I really enjoyed it. Since I've just recently gotten on the net, I'm frantically searching around for good stories. I sat there are read Overtime in one sitting and just drove my husband nuts. I was sitting there for 3 hours just mesmerized!

                          I think that's probably why my brain is in Ship overload. I feel like they already have this established relationship. Oh and I was watching the end of Lost City 2 again this morning and the ending shot is SO shippy!!! How can they even try to deny it? The camera glances to Daniel and Teal'c and then just zeros in on her and his eyes on her - hello? Don't have to smack us over the head with it. They wrote it - we get it - now why can't they?

                          BTW, Caty and Marimba - loved the new vids. They were just perfect. I love the way that Marimba used the sound in the clips too. So good!


                            ok Everybody ..just added some pics of me with long hair in my website...Those pics were taken today Sunday.....So they are very fresh.. and that's what I look like now....and I 'm green belt in Karate.


                            Now off to do my CD.....that I should post tomorrow.



                              Hi everyone
                              I've just been thinkng about Season 8 spoilers and I know that all the ones i've read (though I have been trying to keep away from them) have all been anti-Ship, but are there any shippy spoilers that I should be looking forward to???
                              I was going to stay away from all spoilers but i'm sure just knowing that there are some eps that I can look forward to won't hurt that much I need something to make me happy about seeing Season 8!!

                              @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                              ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                                Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
                                Hi everyone
                                I've just been thinkng about Season 8 spoilers and I know that all the ones i've read (though I have been trying to keep away from them) have all been anti-Ship, but are there any shippy spoilers that I should be looking forward to???
                                I was going to stay away from all spoilers but i'm sure just knowing that there are some eps that I can look forward to won't hurt that much I need something to make me happy about seeing Season 8!!

                                I think TPTB is keeping those season 8 shippy spoilers in the security box.. Don't worry I'm pretty sure they didn't give anything away because they want to surprise us in a nice way and don't want to scare the anti shippers .....who will concentrate on the sci-fi plot anyway ...and nothing else ...Me I like to concentrate on both...equally....they complete each other.


