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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by girlgater
    Hi Shippers! Threads,
    Did anyone else think that Jacob may have said "I'm ready" after seeing Sam with Jack in the observation room?

    Maybe it was something I wanted to think happen.
    Nope!~~ Not in your mind. I saw it, too.
    He knew his work was done and she would be fine because Jack would take care of her.


      Originally posted by Brandie

      Great episode. Undeniably. A totally suitable season and series ender (if it came down to that hehe).

      There's only one thing, as a shipper, that I was missing.

      No, not a RL kiss. Or even an admission of love. That stuff I pretty much knew wasn't going to happen (*shake fist at TPTB*).

      We should have been able to see Sam get asked to go fishing. I think that reaction would have really solidified it for me. In 8x20, we see the "You've got packing to do." line and subsequent hard-to-read face by Sam. Something keeps nagging at me that her reaction to being asked to go fishing was similar or the same, like she lost a bet or something.

      Did anyone else get that feeling? Thats why I would have liked to see the actual proposal (hehe). *sigh*
      That would have been just great to see! I wonder how big the bass would be this time!


        Originally posted by Oma-1
        Welcome back!! *crosses fingers you are right about the
        carter-o'neill stuff!

        If Sam did
        resign her commission and come back as Dr Carter-O'neill
        the world would end!!!!!!!!!!! ... well, according to PoV, TbftGoG ... *shut up - shut up NOW Oma!!)
        WHO CARES!?!?!

        "You know love. It's a strange and mysterious... thing..." - Jack "Sacrifices"

        SAM/JACK for sg1
        and though i promised myself i wouldn't ship for atlantis.... PROUD SHWEIR SHIPPER


          Originally posted by gatebee
          Jack: "Sam."
          Sam: "Yes, Jack."
          Jack: "That's my side arm, honest."
          Hmmmm!! Why was her hand by his sidearm in the first place? No need for a gun at that moment!! Interesting.......
          and yes, Meimei , please link that story!!


            To those wondering why this OT stuff is being resurrected it is because we've begun receiving complaints about it again. One or two complaints is one thing but I personally have received more than that. That suggests to me that it is time to step back and see if we can find a solution that all or most will be happy with. When this came up before we had agreed that some OT posts were o.k. as long as it didn't get out of line. Obviously some people feel that it's gotten out of line.

            OT is in part some of the reason I ceased posting here along with the fact that it felt to me as though any kinds of negative thoughts were "not allowed". I like S/J ship. It is a large part of my enjoyment of the show but there are times when I'm not happy with the direction it's taking and this should be the place where I should be able to come and talk and/or rant about it but it doesn't feel as though I'm able to do that. Yet that's a whole 'nother can o' worms which I only mention because that is among the complaints I've received as well.

            It was, is, and always will be GREEN


              Originally posted by hobbitsrul
              What was everyone's favorite part in Threads??
              One of the parts I really liked was when Kerry said, "We're good together," and Jack said, "Yes . . . . we are."

              It doesn't bother me that he said that to Kerry because there was no doubt as to what was coming; I just really like the way he said it! All throaty and sexy! I liked the way he was looking at her during that conversation too. He can look at me like that any day!!!!!

              s u g a r s h a k e r


                My favourite moment in Threads besides

                is the scene at the briefing room with Jacob, Sam and Jack and picking the flowers ...that was funny too and the way he was cheking her up while she was on the phone



                  Originally posted by gatebee
                  I have been posting at The Chatter Thread. It isn't that bad a place. In fact it is rather nice that I can go all out OT and not worry. My only complain is that it is not in the main discussion forum.

                  BrenRen and Lynn, I wish I could do the same as you, that is watching Threads over and over again. I would love to scrutinized every emotion, facial and body language between Sam and Jack. But alas I cannot for Threads since my dvd machine only taped 1:03 minutes of the show. I am having such withdrawals of Threads. I need my Sam and Jack fix.
                  If streamlining your forum searching is what you're after, just subscribe to the thread and use your control panel as your main page. Its sooooo much easier.

                  Sorry if someone already suggested this but I haven't read all the way through yet.

                  "doooo doooo do di do do dooooo , do di doooo doooo do di doooo doooo do doooo do di doooo"
                  -Stargate Theme


                    Originally posted by BrenRen
                    I'm sitting here capping Threads and Mob 2...
                    I was going for a good shot of Sam's sweater/jumper... But as I was scrolling on Mob 2, I came to the little "You've got packing scene"..... And Sam's expression afterward... and I suddenly realize I haven't posted anything, anywhere, about her face as Jack leaves. It was a bit of a surprise there, wasn't it? I mean, after all this time, you'd think she'd really be happy and looking forward to the trip. I find it very interesting that Amanda chose to play it the way she did. Sam was very reserved, and more than a little nervous even. We do see a sweet smile at the very end of the scene... but there is some definite trepidation on her part to begin with.

                    So here's a random silly question for you... What's the time-scale for the End of Threads/Mobius Two? As I've worked it out, I'd say there's roughly a week or so since the last briefing scene in Threads --Daniel's return-- and the scene in the end of Mob 2, on the reset timeline.

                    I was having further thoughts on that, but when I went to check something on it in the vid, I got stuck on the BBQ scene... watching Jack's face as Sam speaks... there are so many emotions that play across his face... There's the sinking feeling moment after she tells him she's having second thoughts about the wedding. He asks why with a voice that is only just barely *not* cracking. She then tells him she thinks she's making a big, huge mistake... Across his face, we see a downward glance-Jack understands exactly where she's going.... A sideways look into the house, where Kerry is hunting salad tongs- he's frustrated that she chose *that* moment to come to him... the shaking of the head, the wrinkling of the brow, showing his confusion as to what she really wants from him.... All that in the span of about five seconds! <Sigh> Isn't RDA just wonderful?!!
                    Yes, Bren HE IS WONDERFUL!!! In oh so many ways!


                      Originally posted by SamCarterONeill

                      Plus, you guys, there IS ship in MOEBIUS, granted it's AU S/J and it's only at the end--it's better than nothing!

                      I'm going to need more than that in M2. Threads was good, but I need a chaser!

                      s u g a r s h a k e r


                        Its hard to pick a favorite moment of Threads. The "feel" of Threads was what I loved the most. The way Sam and Jack's story was revealed to them without, IMO, interfering with, but adding to, the plots that were going on. I say revealed because it was as if they finally accepted that their feelings were not staying in that room any longer.

                        However, if I had to pick a fav moment, I'm afraid it wouldn't be one with Sam and Jack. It was when Kerry confronted Jack and we see Jack look as if he was caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
                        ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                          Originally posted by sugarshaker
                          I'm going to need more than that in M2. Threads was good, but I need a chaser!

                          I cannot help but agree. I,too would have preferred a stronger ending. However, that's why there's fanfic. Thank God somebody's getting it right.

                          Blueiris- I like that scene a lot, too. Jack looked like he might have a tiny apoplexy, that little moment was great. I also think the NekkidDanny moment where Jack has seen nekkid danny and then adjusts his jacket. I couldn't figure out why I thought that was so funny until I realized that it mimics Charlie Chaplin/ harkens back to RDA's mime days. It only made me laugh harder..

                          Favorite threads moment, though I know the tomatoes will come is when Pete meets Jacob. It's such a great moment, with akwardness, bad jokes and the whole "not telling pete didn't make it any less nerve racking for Sam"

                          It's nice when SuperSam is actually just a girl, introducing her boyfriend to her Dad. It was good.
                          Last edited by eye of botox; 14 March 2005, 02:40 PM.
                          The Eye of Botox has been formally recognized by the System Lords! Beware my fire-y wrath!!

                          by Nikkirose


                            My favorite part of Threads has to be...
                            Jack's obvious nervousness when Sam shows up at his house......throwing his beer and waving burnt meat around ( you know how he talks with his hands sometimes ) I think if he could have, he would've jumped out of his skin and run away. He plays his part sooo well. He is totally believable, no matter what emotion he's showing...( Ahhhhhhhh ) Time for the thunk thread, me thinks!!!!!


                              Originally posted by eye of botox

                              Favorite threads moment, though I know the tomatoes will come is when Pete meets Jacob. It's such a great moment, with akwardness, bad jokes and the whole "not telling pete didn't make it any less nerve racking for Sam"

                              Threads spoiler:
                              It was like bringing Jed Clampett home to meet the parents!

                              s u g a r s h a k e r


                                Originally posted by blueiris
                                Its hard to pick a favorite moment of Threads. The "feel" of Threads was what I loved the most.
                                Tried to give you some green but I have to spread it around first.


                                s u g a r s h a k e r

