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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by Token
    Maybe you can help me with my little project since I'm not getting much help from my other *cough* Family members.

    I need a complete list of the episodes that Jack asks Sam to go fishing or Jack is talking about fishing. I need to do some research on this topic. Please help. I will beg if I have to ..... Please don't make me search the deep, dark Shipper archive for this info. It's kinda scary in there. If you don't believe me, ask ShimmeringStar.

    Well... I don’t know about scary… but it sure was big and deep. ShipMum or another nice mod would snip the thread when it reached about 1000 posts and archive it. At first we were going through a thread in a week or two, then a week, and then a matter of a few days... Our goal on Ship Day was to get through 1000 posts in 24 hours. I don't think we got there, but it wasn't too many hours past 24 hours...

    One of the things I did to contribute to that Ship Day Thread (since that was pre-Photoshop & Photobucket for me) was that I went through the 15,000+ posts we’d made in the thread from May to July to pull out interesting posts, funny posts, Shippertown things, Mala Creations, etc. (and NO Token! I refuse to remember where I hid my spelunking gear to go back through there again! I had several nights of ‘scrolling posts’ dreams thank you very much!! Though you're very welcome to the spelunking gear if you'd like to go on a search!! )

    I just checked back on the WORD document where I saved the links I posted that day... and there was a post I must have made somewhere in that thread summarizing what the individual threads had been about up to that point. So for SueKay & anyone else interested in going back to visit the old Threads…

    Thread Topics:
    Thread 1: Pete, Affinity spoilers (S8), Grace discussion (S7), lots of ShipDaddy posts...
    Thread 2: More Pete venting, more Affinity speculation & ranting and LostCity discussion & ShipDaddy posts! as well as more fun w/the JackClone...
    Thread 3: More Grace discussion, more Affinity ranting, a whole lot of discussion of the “Who’s the Boss” article, more passion about Pete of course, & very little ShipDaddy ....
    Thread 4: Same as 3, but more ShipDaddy!
    Thread 5: Pete (hey what's new??), talk of the new S8 commercials & show spoilers, "got problems/issues” (Rob Cooper's comment about shippers) discussion, more ShipDaddy!
    Thread 6: Where the family came together as group to work on-thread on the letter to AT, some Pete discussion (hey what was a thread without a snipe or two at Pete?), ShipDaddy’s was still there, and our first really big boatload of shiplets delurked....
    Thread 7: Discussion about the S8 Lowdown, the S8 premiere, and all the usual discussions, luv, and rants...
    Thread 8: Joe Malozzi’s post to the Shipper thread & and more discussion and speculation on S8 spoilers....
    Thread 9: more shiplets delurking, more S8 spoilers, shipper t-shirt/mug talk
    Threads 10, 11 & 12: more of the same & Shiploads of new lurkers!

    Thread 12 was what we had reached by Ship Day. I think it was at Thread 15 that they stopped the snipping the threads at 1K and we've been archived twice since then when we've reached 10K.


    Okay I've spent too much time on this post... I'd only planned to get on here to lurk a bit & get off here to go scrub the many S4 & S5 S/J (&Jack) caps I'd made to share here... But Token's post lured me in....

    *giggles again*

    I don't think the S/J pix'll get here any time soon... Jack keeps insisting I scrub him first…. So sometime soon I’ll get to the S/J pix & will share. Hopefully sooner rather than later, RL permitting...

    Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
    My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


      Jack: Carter, you turn me on!

      I would have liked to have been in AT place, if you know what I mean.
      Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



        Originally posted by Angel of Fire SG1
        Haha sueKay - dunno where ur post was but read it when somenoe quoted it...

        I was actually a delphi poster...

        Isn't that WEIRD?

        *finds it very strange*

        Another delphi poster here as well.

        Yep, I'm still around. Been lurking mostly. I don't have too much to say right now until the last few eps air here in the U.S.

        (((((((((((((Shipper Family))))))))))))))

        Keep on Shipping!!!
        Ship Nana


          Originally posted by Catysg1
          Yes ,they are having a blast ..As long as I have ideas ..I'll keep them coming so it could be a longish Honeymoon ..It's only day 8 not too long so far !!
          Thank you
          I love the cards too

          Thank you to Sam and Jack for their kindness to the shippers ..hope to receive more postcards in the near future


          Caty, you are soooooooooo sweet.





            Originally posted by Kri

            We get Reckoning Pt 2 in two days. I must say that
            the first part was most confusing to me. I felt like I had walked into the middle of an episode and was missing a whole bunch of information. Anyway, I am looking forward to Threads and the season ending eps so I can move on and just continue to watch my DVDs.
            spoilers for s8's reckoning part 1

            I felt exactly the same! It was like we'd missed the begging of the ep. How did Sam, Daniel, Teal'c, and Bratac get on that ship? Where'd the get that ship?! What exactly was their mission?




              awwwwwww A nice, quiet beach, all for them... is that too much to ask!?!?!
              The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

              |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


                Originally posted by MajorSam

                awwwwwww A nice, quiet beach, all for them... is that too much to ask!?!?!
                Holly Hanna what a lovely pic. Thank you.

                avatar and sig by flidget


                  Originally posted by trupi
                  Originally posted by Catysg1
                  Yes ..I watched Enterprise too last night and I will watch season 4 from next Tuesday ..I 've heard it was really good since Garlfield and Judith Steven -Reeves (Whom I know) had something to do with the writing ..They gave the show some life but may be it was too late already Shame ithas been cancelled



                  Me either. I love "Enterprise." I have all the episodes taped, and I'm a big Trip and T'Pol shipper.

                  Have you been following the TrekUnited and SaveEnterprise efforts to raise money for a fifth season. They've just had a $ 3 million donation. You can read about it at .



                    (((((((((ShimmeringStar)))))))))) I feel your pain! (in my best Clinton voice )

                    Originally posted by ShimmeringStar

                    Well... I don’t know about scary… but it sure was big and deep. ShipMum or another nice mod would snip the thread when it reached about 1000 posts and archive it. At first we were going through a thread in a week or two, then a week, and then a matter of a few days... Our goal on Ship Day was to get through 1000 posts in 24 hours. I don't think we got there, but it wasn't too many hours past 24 hours...
                    Since I lured you into this conversation, I thought I would comment on this. I take GREAT pride that we actually made over 1,000 posts in 24 hours! Here are the stats I dug up...

                    Ship Mum created a Favorite Shippy Episode Poll and our wonderful Tame started the Ship Day Thread on July 27, 2004 at 9:59pm. Bev captured the 1000th post title on July 28th at 8:30pm. Ship Mum closed the Thread on July 28th at 10:17pm with the 1,134 post!!

                    Top Ten posters:
                    Tame 101
                    getcarter 75
                    Token 70
                    mad_gater 68
                    Sam_o_Neill 65
                    Catysg1 62
                    sacme 57
                    ShimmeringStar 55
                    kiwigater 51
                    dipsofjazz 44

                    That was a FUN day, and I'm looking forward to the Third Annual Ship Day!

                    One of the things I did to contribute to that Ship Day Thread (since that was pre-Photoshop & Photobucket for me) was that I went through the 15,000+ posts we’d made in the thread from May to July to pull out interesting posts, funny posts, Shippertown things, Mala Creations, etc. (and NO Token! I refuse to remember where I hid my spelunking gear to go back through there again! I had several nights of ‘scrolling posts’ dreams thank you very much!! Though you're very welcome to the spelunking gear if you'd like to go on a search!! )
                    You did a wonderful job!! We all appreciate all the bad dreams and scuffed knees in your spelunking, or was that from something else??

                    Thread Topics:
                    Thread 1: Pete, Affinity spoilers (S8), Grace discussion (S7), lots of ShipDaddy posts...
                    Thread 2: More Pete venting, more Affinity speculation & ranting and LostCity discussion & ShipDaddy posts! as well as more fun w/the JackClone...
                    Thread 3: More Grace discussion, more Affinity ranting, a whole lot of discussion of the “Who’s the Boss” article, more passion about Pete of course, & very little ShipDaddy ....
                    Thread 4: Same as 3, but more ShipDaddy!
                    Thread 5: Pete (hey what's new??), talk of the new S8 commercials & show spoilers, "got problems/issues” (Rob Cooper's comment about shippers) discussion, more ShipDaddy!
                    Thread 6: Where the family came together as group to work on-thread on the letter to AT, some Pete discussion (hey what was a thread without a snipe or two at Pete?), ShipDaddy’s was still there, and our first really big boatload of shiplets delurked....
                    Thread 7: Discussion about the S8 Lowdown, the S8 premiere, and all the usual discussions, luv, and rants...
                    Thread 8: Joe Malozzi’s post to the Shipper thread & and more discussion and speculation on S8 spoilers....
                    Thread 9: more shiplets delurking, more S8 spoilers, shipper t-shirt/mug talk
                    Threads 10, 11 & 12: more of the same & Shiploads of new lurkers!

                    Ah.... Those were the days!!
                    Okay I've spent too much time on this post... I'd only planned to get on here to lurk a bit & get off here to go scrub the many S4 & S5 S/J (&Jack) caps I'd made to share here... But Token's post lured me in....

                    Token ~


                      Originally posted by Rogue

                      Jack: Carter, you turn me on!

                      I would have liked to have been in AT place, if you know what I mean.
                      Ah, no. Do tell!

                      Token ~


                        Originally posted by Token
                        Ah, no. Do tell!
                        for Sam and Jack after 8 years any place will do as long as they DO IT, please

                        avatar and sig by flidget


                          To Sam and Jack, I offer my 900 post

                          avatar and sig by flidget


                            Good night all ya lovely shippers. Tomorrow is another day to dream, hope and wish better things for our ship family Sam and Jack forever

                            avatar and sig by flidget


                              Originally posted by Bucky
                              Me either. I love "Enterprise." I have all the episodes taped, and I'm a big Trip and T'Pol shipper.

                              Have you been following the TrekUnited and SaveEnterprise efforts to raise money for a fifth season. They've just had a $ 3 million donation. You can read about it at .

                              Thanks! I going to check out the site-Marian


                                Originally posted by Lynn
                                Wow - Thanks to everyone for the Welcome - I feel right at home now:-)

                                Of the top of my head I believe that Jack was mad at Sam that she didn't accept his fishing invitation ("Sight Unseen") in "Smoke and Mirrors" as she would have been his alibi. Other than that I have to think some more.
                                Thanks Lynn and all my Shipper Family for answering my fishing question!!! I hadn't thought of "Sight Unseen". I bet Sam wished she had gone considering what happened.

                                (((((((Shipper Family)))))))

                                Token ~

