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    Originally posted by majorsal
    Amanda 'is' nice. That's why that remark is now suspect to me. Everyone that's ever met Amanda has said that she's always sweet and caring towards fans. And since the paragraph that gave us the 'tough' comment was oddly done -it didn't really show us how the real question was posed- I'm going to wonder what else was cut out. And, Amanda could have answered with 'tough', but in a different flavor than what we saw. Suffice it to say, there's enough doubt for me to think Amanda wasn't meant to come off like that.

    I have never had the pleasure of meeting AT or even seeing her in person but for the last 7 years, to my recollection, she has never treated her fans callously or without regard to their feelings.

    Therefore, I propose that we give her the benefit of the doubt and assume that the 'tough' remark was not meant by her to come off the way it does in the article for whatever reason.
    Ship Nana


      Originally posted by TameFarrar
      But will be around for a bit and we will survive..we are Shippers and we have survived this long..... we will make it through this storm as well.
      *suddenly singing 'I Will Survive', by Gloria Gaynor*

      Yes, we WILL survive! 50 shipper cookies and four glasses of wine, and we won't even know 'what' we're surviving!




        Originally posted by majorsal
        When I calm down, I can start thinking clearly about things. A couple of good friends of mine have told me about how nice, sweet, and NOT rude Amanda Tapping is. They *really* doubt that Amanda said 'tough', and if she did, they wonder how it 'really' was said - could have been jokingly, or the whole gist of the meaning was taken out of context. Point being, we could very well be reacting negatively to something that both AT and RCC didn't really mean.
        I have to agree with you there. Since I have recently converted to Stargateism within the past few months, I have been eagerly reading everything i can get my hands on. I find AT to be absolutely delightful and I just can't imagine her saying anything like that - at least in the context that the article writer implied. I just think she's really excited over having an actual romance - even though it is not who we want!!!!! I think that we need to understand too that it is not AT who is writing this. She is merely playing a part - and a good one I might add!!! But, ultimately, the blame falls on her shoulders - which isn't really fair to her. Ok, I am SO up on my soapbox now but I just feel the need to defend her.

        I will be so glad when the premiere is finally here (10 more days!) and I can get some rest! I'm starting to get my priorities a bit mixed up. My aunt is down visiting my ailing grandfather and when I saw her I immediately thought - oh! her hair looks just like Sam's.... yeah...I'm losing it.....



          Originally posted by Catysg1
          Hey JSDT

          PM me and if you give me your addy ..I can send you a really nice CD just with Sam and Jack videos( The best ones) to give AT....She'll get the message that way AND will see how devoted us shippers are to the Sam and Jack ship.

          I actually sent 3 CD's to somebody who is going to the convention in July but they got lost in the post.

          This time I can send a complete CD with 17 videos. Not the 2 last ones ..cuz I lost the mpeg files last night when I lost all my C drive.

          Caty aka ShipDiva
          Oh! That would be such a cool thing to give her! You have to make sure you put "My Confession" on there! I just love that to peices!!!!!


            Originally posted by getcarter
            Oh! That would be such a cool thing to give her! You have to make sure you put "My Confession" on there! I just love that to peices!!!!!
            Don't forget "Miss Independent". I love that one (among so many). It shows Sam's strengths and how wonderful it would be for her if she would let herself love Jack. Not to mention that my four and five year olds love to dance to it.

            Token ~


              Originally posted by Nikkirose
              I wonder how all of us would be able to put out thoughts or comments onto one letter. There are so many of us!! I dont think that sending mutiple letters would be the best thing since AT and TPTB (grrrrr ) probably dont have time to get through them all.
              I was thinking...........Could we start a protected thread (positive comments only) in the Off Topic area for all comments to AT? We could "quote" the previous comment or "cut and paste" in order to compile all the comments, then they could be delivered to AT. Since I'm new to forums, would this work?

              little side question: Does anyone else feel like they have been holding their breath 'til the new season starts? Maybe its just me. Cant wait until its here!!! S&J all the way!!
              Yes! Yes! Me too!! I eaten so many Shipper cookies I'm afraid I've had a bad reaction....

              But you can see I'm still happy and positive!!!

              Token ~


                Originally posted by majorsal
                When I calm down, I can start thinking clearly about things. A couple of good friends of mine have told me about how nice, sweet, and NOT rude Amanda Tapping is. They *really* doubt that Amanda said 'tough', and if she did, they wonder how it 'really' was said - could have been jokingly, or the whole gist of the meaning was taken out of context. Point being, we could very well be reacting negatively to something that both AT and RCC didn't really mean.

                Another thing is if we're going to write to AT and the ptb, we need to think *very* carefully on how we want it to come off. Just judging by AT's and RCC's interviews, we could come off just as poorly and the whole message of our letters could be lost in translation. Do we want to punish them, or do we want them to listen to us and think about it from our POV? Please, *please* consider your words carefully... they really don't owe us anything but putting on a good show. I want them to listen to us -to all fans that care enough about their show to write in- but if we do it rudely... not only will they not listen, we'll lose their respect.

                *holier-than-thou post is done*

                i could not possibly agree with you anymore than i already do on this. THIS is what i've been saying, you just said it better. i think to a certain extent we are getting worked up about this and are blowing it out of proportion a smidgin.
                having said that, if we do get screwed over, and season 8 sucks, i'm quittin' the show. but i have (some) faith. i hope season 8 is at least as good as season 7, with a very obvious exclusion.


                  Originally posted by Nikkirose
                  I wonder how all of us would be able to put out thoughts or comments onto one letter. There are so many of us!! I dont think that sending mutiple letters would be the best thing since AT and TPTB (grrrrr ) probably dont have time to get through them all.

                  little side question: Does anyone else feel like they have been holding their breath 'til the new season starts? Maybe its just me. Cant wait until its here!!! S&J all the way!!
                  If everyone wants to contribute to one letter, that's fine, but if you do want to write individual ones, I was going to put together a notebook and decorate it with pictures of Sam and Jack. I'll probably write her a letter for the simple fact that when I actually meet her I will become totally incoherent and look like a complete idiot. Hopefully, the letter will redeem me.
                  JSDT's Sam and Jack Support Site

                  Thank you, Nikkirose!


                    Originally posted by Token
                    I was thinking...........Could we start a protected thread (positive comments only) in the Off Topic area for all comments to AT? We could "quote" the previous comment or "cut and paste" in order to compile all the comments, then they could be delivered to AT. Since I'm new to forums, would this work?

                    Yes! Yes! Me too!! I eaten so many Shipper cookies I'm afraid I've had a bad reaction....

                    But you can see I'm still happy and positive!!!
                    we could just write it on this thread...nice positive stuff, how much we love the show, her acting and directing (I personally hope she gets another shot at it) and of course Sam and Jack! ie: we're not just shippers, we love stargate...but we love the S/J interaction too! Explain our dislike (to put it mildly) of ; you know, the whole he makes Sam look like a doormat and we like smart, tough Sam not the doormat. maybe be sure the fact that we fell this way about NOT DDL is clear. Sign it "The Gateworld S/J shipper 'family' and put all of our names on it. Include the video cd mentioned earlier...and there we go! So, would someone who's done this before give us a start cause I've never written mail like this before; this is the first show I've been this involved in.

                    <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs> Screw the regs! DOWN with Pit! Sam and Jack FOREVER!

                    "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
                    describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

                    <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
                    Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


                      Originally posted by LtLisa
                      we could just write it on this thread...nice positive stuff, how much we love the show, her acting and directing (I personally hope she gets another shot at it) and of course Sam and Jack! ie: we're not just shippers, we love stargate...but we love the S/J interaction too! Explain our dislike (to put it mildly) of ; you know, the whole he makes Sam look like a doormat and we like smart, tough Sam not the doormat. maybe be sure the fact that we fell this way about NOT DDL is clear. Sign it "The Gateworld S/J shipper 'family' and put all of our names on it. Include the video cd mentioned earlier...and there we go! So, would someone who's done this before give us a start cause I've never written mail like this before; this is the first show I've been this involved in.

                      <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs> Screw the regs! DOWN with Pit! Sam and Jack FOREVER!
                      Here, Here!!!! I think if we put our collective shipper minds together we can come up with one GREAT letter. We can start it and just keep adding to it and editing it right here until we have it the way we feel it should be.

                      Ship Diva and Marimba can send their Ship Videos to be included in the scrap book as well. Oh and let's not forget to include some Shipper Cookies as well!!! I know, it might not help, but "It couldn't huurrrt"!

                      I'll start off the letter. Feel free to change, edit or delet anything and even start over if you feel it is necessary. Maybe someone has already thought of a better opening line. Here goes:

                      Dear Amanda,

                      The entire Shipper Family of Gateworld is collectively putting this letter together in the hope that you will read it and
                      Ship Nana


                        Dear Amanda,

                        The entire Shipper Family of Gateworld is collectively putting this letter together in the hope that you will read it and see how much we all love both Stargate and Sam. Some of us have been watching since the very beginning and some of us only started watching more recently. All of us post on Gateworld in the Sam/Jack shipper discussion thread (come by and visit some time, we'd love to have you!).

               person? cause I'm not so good at this...

                        "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
                        describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

                        <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
                        Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


                          Originally Posted by LtLisa
                          so, I have a thought...what if we can get a letter together for Tasha to give AT from the whole shipper family? that could be cool... Tasha? willing to be the mail carrier? shipper family? any ideas?
                          Originally posted by mjj1993
                          I think that is a great idea--I was sorta thinking the same thing.
                          ditto, it might carry more weight/influence if it's from the whole gang....maybe...hopefully...


                            Originally posted by JSDT
                            I don't mind. Everyone can e-mail me their letters. I'll just print them all out and put them in an envelope or folder. I go to the convention on August 27th so I just need them before then.
                            You got it, I'll start composing now (don't worry, I'll keep it shorter than War and Peace )


                              Originally posted by LtLisa
                              Dear Amanda,

                              The entire Shipper Family of Gateworld is collectively putting this letter together in the hope that you will read it and see how much we all love both Stargate and Sam. Some of us have been watching since the very beginning and some of us only started watching more recently. All of us post on Gateworld in the Sam/Jack shipper discussion thread (come by and visit some time, we'd love to have you!).

                     person? cause I'm not so good at this...

                              Good Job Lisa!!!
                              Ship Nana


                                Originally posted by mad_gater
                                Or see if Oma Desala feels like bending the rules a little bit and zapping in the a$$ with a bolt of lightning!

                                LOL!!! and Teal'c comments, "It appears that you are not beloved by the Ascended". LOL


