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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by sueKay
    Ship Mum - sorry if my post offended, but I've found SEVERAL posts here offensive.

    My ignore list is now a mile long because I'm sick of the whining!

    If you didn't like Moebius...don't watch it...Threads is the only episode of consequence...and I've stated that the timeline alter AFTER threads...Threads was the season ender in my view.

    Seriously...the whining of this thread has been increasing steadily...and I'm at my limit...

    I know people will take offense at this post too but...

    ...this my opinion...and I'm intitled to one too.
    first and foremost I want to first ((((((((Sue Kay))))))))))))) AND ((((((((Ship Mum))))))))) AND ((((((((((Shipper Family))))))))))))
    also this is not personally directed at Sue Kay...she has just happened to be the post I chose because she voiced what I was reading from others as well and Sue Kay just cut the BS and got to the heart of what I wanted to address

    I COMPLETELY enjoy this Shipper Family and I KNOW that many peoples are having mixed feelings about Mobieus 1 & 2 some LIKE IT, Some LOVE it and Some HATED it...... and as you yourself Sue Kay have just pointed out we are ALL entitled to our opinions

    First ....I want to point out that THIS THREAD is the ONLY place we Shippers have to voice our feelings ABOUT the Sam & Jack Ship....

    Second..... NO WHERE in the *Shipper Handbook* do I find a clause or rule that says we ALL HAVE to be *Perky, Optomistic and Upbeat ALL OF THE TIME.

    Third....... EVERYONE and I MEAN EVERYONE has the right to state their opinion about their level of enjoyment of ANY particular Sam & Jack moment as long as it is within the *area* of *PRO Sam & Jack* ( the topic of this thread)

    Ok that being said in my most diplomatic way I want to say "Hey, we ALL are allowed to say what WE FEEL" PERIOD.

    There are *Ship* moments that others think are over the moon and yet they fall flat for me. Does that make my feelings about it less valid and theirs better? just means we see that scene differently for a mariad of reasons.

    As far as Mobieus is concerned MANY fans feel that the writing is becoming substandard and the Sam & Jack Ship is being used as a *Hook, Line and Sinker* way of keeping the fans that LOVE Sam & Jack from grabbing their toys and going home.

    Just because those Shippers state that here doesn't make them *Bad Shippers* nor does it mean that they should just sit at home and keep quiet about how they feel.

    To any Shipper that feels gyped then TO THEM their favorite couple is being gyped and THEY WANT IT HEARD.

    Personally I have read a great many posts here that are VERY ARTICULATE and well thought out and I have read some that are a venting of emotional frustration. ALL are saying the SAME THING... In their opinion the Sam & Jack Ship is being abused at the hands of TPTB. Point out to me just WHERE ELSE CAN THEY GO. Show me what thread they would be welcomed at to DISCUSS SHIP?

    If we as the Shipper Family won't embrace ALL of the Shipper Family WITH ALL of their opinions ALL THE TIME then why bother even calling this a Sam & Jack Ship FAMILY DISCUSSION thread?

    I am sorry that some of the family feels that *If you have nothing good to say ...say nothing* Because that is wrong. Just because you (general you) don't want to read it OR don't agree with ANYONE's personal view of whether a scene for Sam & Jack was a GREAT ship moment OR a LOST opportunity for more is no reason to make that person feel wrong for their feelings. You (general you) don't want to be told that you are silly for being happy about ALL of the Sam & Jack ship moments. So why would you (general you) turn around and do that to posters that you have respected in the past, present and will probably agree with in the future.

    Not all of us have EVER agreed just how we would like to see Sam & Jack resolve the Ship and we aren't going to agree if it was enough or not.

    But to EVEN give others of the Ship Family the feeling or even the direct words that they have no right to be disgruntled with how THEY feel the ship was handled is just plain wrong IMO

    To do so says that what they have to say is of no importance and again I say turn your (general your) finger around because if THEY DON'T have that right then neither does anyone else and THIS is no longer a discussion thread.

    Thank you for listening (reading)
    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


      Originally posted by majorsal
      That's what I'm going to be doing! I've stepped onto another rollercoaster * *, but this one won't be as rocky because THE UNWANTED OTHERS are gone. spoilers for s9
      Jack's going to command Homeland Security, Sam's going to be away on a special assignment for 'personal' and professional reasons... it might go the RELATIONSHIP way. It might not, but I can HOPE! (andbegandpleadandnagandwriteandholdmybreathandthreatenthemwithsinging)


      ( Über plugs her ears and hides under her bed... ) LOL

      I think you're right - otherwise why make a point of saying
      she's on an assignment for PERSONAL and professional reasons? Why not just say professional? What other personal reasons could there be???

      And by the way I do believe this is my 100th post!

      Whoo HOOO!

      ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


        Originally posted by stargate barbie
        i found it to be quite fun,
        seeing them as they could have been, and all that. i can understand how it might seem like doing a more fun show for the last ep doesn't really fit, but i love the fun eps, and considering that the last few were so serious, it was a nice break. it was different, and i like that they weren't afraid to do that. they've taken a lot of risks and chances over the past couple of seasons, some have worked and some really haven't, so i appreciate that they're still trying. and i thought it was a great way to show that, regardless of the circumstances, this group of people work perfectly together, even when they've only met, they still seem destined to be who they are together, if that makes sense. when i saw part one i was a little dissappointed even though i enjoyed it, but with the two parts taken into consideration together, i think it works. i wasn't the best show they've ever done, but i still think it was pretty dang good.

        so... if anyone actually remembers me.... who missed me!?!
        Raises HAND...Hey over here I MISSED YOU

        and I am really glad that you are so happy

        I am not as happy as you BUT I still LOVE Sam & Jack and I will foever *HOPE* that they will end up together
        Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


          Well about Moebius.....

          Spoiler (highlight) Okay so does it end with sam and jack together, and is it really OUR sam and jack????

          dont know if that was an actual spoiler...

          "The whole world is you. Yet you keep thinking there is something else." ~ Hsueh-Feng

          I Love these guys: :


            Originally posted by hobbitsrul
            Well...there is still a few weeks until Mobius debuts here in the US. I have tried very hard not to read spoilers...but sometimes the temptation becomes too strong and I can't resist!! .....especially spoilers about Sam and Jack. Reckoning part 1 is on tomorrow...I hope it will be good. Did you guys like Reckoning?? Were there any shippy moments in either part??? NO WAIT!! Don't tell me!! I must resist the urge...I will just sit quietly and hope that good....(and sam and jack)......will prevail in the end.


            *~Sam and Jack Forever~*
            (((hobbitrul) )))) I SO love your name ....but the elf is STILL MINE

            It is so funny I TOTALLY had to see the last three episodes...BUT I am basically unspoiled for Reckonings 1&2 so I am REALLY looking forward to those too So I will sit here with you and be ready to be DAZZLED
            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


              Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
              You know, it never occurred to me that I might actually be on someone's ignore list.

              After all, I post such pearls of wisdom. Who'd want to miss out???

              LOLOLOLOL ....I think we all think we post *Pearls of Wisdom* ...... but I am SURE yours are more *Pearly* then the rest .
              Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                Originally posted by TameFarrar

                Thank you for listening (reading)
                ((((Tame)))) Your welcome! And I'll add an "AMEN" to that!

                For me, I'm still "chewing" on what exactly I think about Moebius. And that opinion might change when Season 9 unveils the direction of SG-1. I plan on posting my thoughts when I can articulate them clearly. (you have fair warning )

                Token ~


                  Originally posted by TameFarrar
                  I COMPLETELY enjoy this Shipper Family and I KNOW that many peoples are having mixed feelings about Mobieus 1 & 2 some LIKE IT, Some LOVE it and Some HATED it...... and as you yourself Sue Kay have just pointed out we are ALL entitled to our opinions
                  and then there is the little known yet much loved third category: People-who-haven't-seen-it-but-have-read-some-spoilers-and-think-they'll-like-it.
                  Originally posted by TameFarrar
                  First ....I want to point out that THIS THREAD is the ONLY place we Shippers have to voice our feelings ABOUT the Sam & Jack Ship....

                  Second..... NO WHERE in the *Shipper Handbook* do I find a clause or rule that says we ALL HAVE to be *Perky, Optomistic and Upbeat ALL OF THE TIME.
                  *flipping through the Shipper Handbook*

                  Wait a minute - on page 232, Section 4, Part C subparagraph 8, there is a definite mention of the term PERKINESS as a prerequisite...
                  Originally posted by TameFarrar
                  Third....... EVERYONE and I MEAN EVERYONE has the right to state their opinion about their level of enjoyment of ANY particular Sam & Jack moment as long as it is within the *area* of *PRO Sam & Jack* ( the topic of this thread)

                  Ok that being said in my most diplomatic way I want to say "Hey, we ALL are allowed to say what WE FEEL" PERIOD.

                  There are *Ship* moments that others think are over the moon and yet they fall flat for me. Does that make my feelings about it less valid and theirs better? just means we see that scene differently for a mariad of reasons.
                  However if you don't like the shippiness in Window of Opportunity, your Shippy License may be revoked...
                  Originally posted by TameFarrar
                  As far as Mobieus is concerned MANY fans feel that the writing is becoming substandard and the Sam & Jack Ship is being used as a *Hook, Line and Sinker* way of keeping the fans that LOVE Sam & Jack from grabbing their toys and going home.

                  Just because those Shippers state that here doesn't make them *Bad Shippers* nor does it mean that they should just sit at home and keep quiet about how they feel.

                  To any Shipper that feels gyped then TO THEM their favorite couple is being gyped and THEY WANT IT HEARD.

                  Personally I have read a great many posts here that are VERY ARTICULATE and well thought out and I have read some that are a venting of emotional frustration. ALL are saying the SAME THING... In their opinion the Sam & Jack Ship is being abused at the hands of TPTB. Point out to me just WHERE ELSE CAN THEY GO. Show me what thread they would be welcomed at to DISCUSS SHIP?
                  I do believe this is most probably the best S/J Shipper thread online today...
                  Originally posted by TameFarrar
                  If we as the Shipper Family won't embrace ALL of the Shipper Family WITH ALL of their opinions ALL THE TIME then why bother even calling this a Sam & Jack Ship FAMILY DISCUSSION thread?

                  I am sorry that some of the family feels that *If you have nothing good to say ...say nothing* Because that is wrong. Just because you (general you) don't want to read it OR don't agree with ANYONE's personal view of whether a scene for Sam & Jack was a GREAT ship moment OR a LOST opportunity for more is no reason to make that person feel wrong for their feelings. You (general you) don't want to be told that you are silly for being happy about ALL of the Sam & Jack ship moments. So why would you (general you) turn around and do that to posters that you have respected in the past, present and will probably agree with in the future.

                  Not all of us have EVER agreed just how we would like to see Sam & Jack resolve the Ship and we aren't going to agree if it was enough or not.

                  But to EVEN give others of the Ship Family the feeling or even the direct words that they have no right to be disgruntled with how THEY feel the ship was handled is just plain wrong IMO
                  Well said - it's disturbing to see some of the anger written by some in the Ship Clan...
                  Originally posted by TameFarrar
                  To do so says that what they have to say is of no importance and again I say turn your (general your) finger around because if THEY DON'T have that right then neither does anyone else and THIS is no longer a discussion thread.

                  Thank you for listening (reading)
                  It was my pleasure and (my silliness aside) thank you for making these valid points.

                  ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                    Originally posted by TameFarrar
                    first and foremost I want to first ((((((((Sue Kay))))))))))))) AND ((((((((Ship Mum))))))))) AND ((((((((((Shipper Family))))))))))))
                    also this is not personally directed at Sue Kay...she has just happened to be the post I chose because she voiced what I was reading from others as well and Sue Kay just cut the BS and got to the heart of what I wanted to address

                    I COMPLETELY enjoy this Shipper Family and I KNOW that many peoples are having mixed feelings about Mobieus 1 & 2 some LIKE IT, Some LOVE it and Some HATED it...... and as you yourself Sue Kay have just pointed out we are ALL entitled to our opinions

                    First ....I want to point out that THIS THREAD is the ONLY place we Shippers have to voice our feelings ABOUT the Sam & Jack Ship....

                    Second..... NO WHERE in the *Shipper Handbook* do I find a clause or rule that says we ALL HAVE to be *Perky, Optomistic and Upbeat ALL OF THE TIME.

                    Third....... EVERYONE and I MEAN EVERYONE has the right to state their opinion about their level of enjoyment of ANY particular Sam & Jack moment as long as it is within the *area* of *PRO Sam & Jack* ( the topic of this thread)

                    Ok that being said in my most diplomatic way I want to say "Hey, we ALL are allowed to say what WE FEEL" PERIOD.

                    There are *Ship* moments that others think are over the moon and yet they fall flat for me. Does that make my feelings about it less valid and theirs better? just means we see that scene differently for a mariad of reasons.

                    As far as Mobieus is concerned MANY fans feel that the writing is becoming substandard and the Sam & Jack Ship is being used as a *Hook, Line and Sinker* way of keeping the fans that LOVE Sam & Jack from grabbing their toys and going home.

                    Just because those Shippers state that here doesn't make them *Bad Shippers* nor does it mean that they should just sit at home and keep quiet about how they feel.

                    To any Shipper that feels gyped then TO THEM their favorite couple is being gyped and THEY WANT IT HEARD.

                    Personally I have read a great many posts here that are VERY ARTICULATE and well thought out and I have read some that are a venting of emotional frustration. ALL are saying the SAME THING... In their opinion the Sam & Jack Ship is being abused at the hands of TPTB. Point out to me just WHERE ELSE CAN THEY GO. Show me what thread they would be welcomed at to DISCUSS SHIP?

                    If we as the Shipper Family won't embrace ALL of the Shipper Family WITH ALL of their opinions ALL THE TIME then why bother even calling this a Sam & Jack Ship FAMILY DISCUSSION thread?

                    I am sorry that some of the family feels that *If you have nothing good to say ...say nothing* Because that is wrong. Just because you (general you) don't want to read it OR don't agree with ANYONE's personal view of whether a scene for Sam & Jack was a GREAT ship moment OR a LOST opportunity for more is no reason to make that person feel wrong for their feelings. You (general you) don't want to be told that you are silly for being happy about ALL of the Sam & Jack ship moments. So why would you (general you) turn around and do that to posters that you have respected in the past, present and will probably agree with in the future.

                    Not all of us have EVER agreed just how we would like to see Sam & Jack resolve the Ship and we aren't going to agree if it was enough or not.

                    But to EVEN give others of the Ship Family the feeling or even the direct words that they have no right to be disgruntled with how THEY feel the ship was handled is just plain wrong IMO

                    To do so says that what they have to say is of no importance and again I say turn your (general your) finger around because if THEY DON'T have that right then neither does anyone else and THIS is no longer a discussion thread.

                    Thank you for listening (reading)
                    I agree with what you are saying! I think some of us are more mature on how we address other shipper's opinions and then there are the young at heart that have a more passionate way of stating things and then their ID come through. We must remember we are all a shipper family and not the enemy. I think TPTB would love us to split and disappear. Make the ocean that separates many of us to be wider. Don't let them win! If you are happy with the ending of M2 great but still understand where we are coming from and vice versa. "We must stand together or we will certainly fall together"BF-Passions are running high please step back before sending a negative thread.


                      Uber SG1 .......Thank you for reading my post ....and thank you for making me laugh as well......

                      Now where is my handbook .....*thumbs to page 232, Section 4, Part C subparagraph 8* mmmmmm

                      LOL...NO..... that word is *Peskiness* .... we shipper are *Pesky* in our wants desires and demand of all things Sam & Jack
                      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                        Originally posted by trupi
                        I agree with what you are saying! I think some of us are more mature on how we address other shipper's opinions and then there are the young at heart that have a more passionate way of stating things and then their ID come through. We must remember we are all a shipper family and not the enemy. I think TPTB would love us to split and disappear. Make the ocean that separates many of us to be wider. Don't let them win! If you are happy with the ending of M2 great but still understand where we are coming from and vice versa. "We must stand together or we will certainly fall together"BF-Passions are running high please step back before sending a negative thread.
                        I am not sure if you meant BF or TF so I did want to say that I meant this post as a *Point of reasoning* if you meant BF as in Before....just forget you saw this post

                        Many of the *old timers* know me and KNOW I am one of THE BIGGEST ARDENT Shippers out there but I will fight for anyone's right to be heard regardless if I agree with them or not.

                        I have watched way to many people be personally hurt because of words on a computer screen and I refuse to believe that we Shippers, who are THE MOST TOLERANT of people in my opinion, would EVER intentionally try to hurt or suppress another poster

                        That would be the reason why we have the Biggest thread so TPTB can HOPE to maybe split us but they will FAIL MUwahahahahaha
                        Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                          spoilers for s8's moebius

                          Originally posted by Katkin
                          I think I’m finally getting it… I think I was a tad confused because
                          I assumed the AT team would beam back using the time device. Of course they don’t [think AT Carter even said they’d have to live out their days in Ancient Egypt, didn’t she?]. They grow old and die there, time’s winged chariot and all that, and then the real team are born and come together in the way we all know they did…
                          so, sometime in the future, sam and jack will be visited by a person that claims to be a relative of theirs... both of theirs... seems this person is a descendant of the alt sam and jack, who lived out the rest of theirs lives and had two children together.




                            Ship Mum...I just thought I saw a picture of you and the Gatelet ....But I can't find it now.....just wanted to say.....You are a sweetie AND the *Gatelet* is adorable

                            My pic is in my profile
                            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                              but then us shippers stand together and our numbers continue to grow stronger too! they may try and divide us... but didnt they know... theres stregth in numbers and we're still growin stronger!


                                Originally posted by TameFarrar
                                That would be the reason why we have the Biggest thread so TPTB can HOPE to maybe split us but they will FAIL MUwahahahahaha
                                And then ve vill use our powas to TAKE OVER ZEE WOOOLRD! AAAHAHA *insert crazy maniacal laughter here*

                                Oh, oops, we're taking about not breaking up the Family... *cough*

                                yes, I agree with all you've said. I myself have been HARSHLY scorned by forums, and it is NOT nice. It's so unfortunate that people take things on the net so literally and seriously. I hope the Ship Family never gets broken up. After all, it is just a TV show, that's gonna end one day. The relationships formed from this common bond, however, can last forever. Friends and family are the important things in life, everyone just has to remember that sometimes!

                                (((((((((((((SHIP FAMILY)))))))))))))))
                                The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

                                |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||

