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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Thanks to everyone cough*scarypersonshelsfcBeaCcritterdipsofjazz*cough for their jellosupport! I am determined to increase the optimism on this board.

    I mean, haven't we gotten what we wanted? Really? No Pete, No Kerry and fishing on the dock, *together*. Coulda been Danny or Teal'c, but it was Sam. Honestly, after all the dithering it wouldn't exactly be in character for these two to actually address their issues. Nobody on SG1 ever does. It, to me, is in keeping with the characters to keep in all on the downlow. To be all GRRRRR! about stuff is totally valid and if being GRRR! gets ya by then, okay. But still, we just don't know what's going to happen at the end of Moooooo!bius, Part Deux and like I said before, we shippers are not to be trifled with, and the boys know it. They'll take good care of our ship or they'll not have a job come next year and there isn't a mother's son that doesn't know it. Even the anits with the venom and silliiness that they spew out know that Shippers are not to be crossed... and have we been? Nope. Sam may have taken the ring, but it was only because Jack didn't ask her not to. No one, and I mean no one can watch the lab scene and not believe that she was asking him to speak up.

    From what I've seen S9 is going to kick some serious butt in a S1-2 SG1 kinda way. Yes, RDA's little snark will be missed, but really, it's like we get a whole new show that we already know we like!!!!! How can this not be of the good?

    Plus, there's snacks.
    The Eye of Botox has been formally recognized by the System Lords! Beware my fire-y wrath!!

    by Nikkirose


      Originally posted by eye of botox
      Thanks to everyone cough*scarypersonshelsfcBeaCcritterdipsofjazz*cough for their jellosupport! I am determined to increase the optimism on this board.

      I mean, haven't we gotten what we wanted? Really? No Pete, No Kerry and fishing on the dock, *together*. Coulda been Danny or Teal'c, but it was Sam. Honestly, after all the dithering it wouldn't exactly be in character for these two to actually address their issues. Nobody on SG1 ever does. It, to me, is in keeping with the characters to keep in all on the downlow. To be all GRRRRR! about stuff is totally valid and if being GRRR! gets ya by then, okay. But still, we just don't know what's going to happen at the end of Moooooo!bius, Part Deux and like I said before, we shippers are not to be trifled with, and the boys know it. They'll take good care of our ship or they'll not have a job come next year and there isn't a mother's son that doesn't know it. Even the anits with the venom and silliiness that they spew out know that Shippers are not to be crossed... and have we been? Nope. Sam may have taken the ring, but it was only because Jack didn't ask her not to. No one, and I mean no one can watch the lab scene and not believe that she was asking him to speak up.

      From what I've seen S9 is going to kick some serious butt in a S1-2 SG1 kinda way. Yes, RDA's little snark will be missed, but really, it's like we get a whole new show that we already know we like!!!!! How can this not be of the good?

      Plus, there's snacks.
      Woooooooo! *claps*

      Ooo snacks! I'm in!



        Originally posted by PoeticTragedy
        Oh wow One of my good friends has taped me Moebius *has little giddy fit* can't wait for him to come round now
        lucky you


        avatar and sig by flidget


          Originally posted by Rogue
          Yeah me too, but Moebius

          once Jack is offered the new postition we get a big shippy scene with him asking Sam to come along. Then we can have the last scene with the team. I can have my cake and eat it too, can't I?
          Can I have a slice?
          Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
          My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


            Originally posted by BrenRen
            Flying thru.... got classes all day today! EEK!
            Quit playing with the camera and come to bed already Jack!!
            where did this picture come from


            avatar and sig by flidget


              I agree 100 Caty.I cannot take Daniel now just think how he is going to be in
              Season 9 with most of the spotlight.Regarding the Sam and Jack Ship This is why I did not go crazy about Threads.TPTB tried to pull a fast one and I did not fall for it.I doubt we will get much Sam and Jack Ship in part 2.TPTB are making it very easy to stay away from Season 9.TPTB give the best Ship scenes to Sam and Pete and Sam and her Man Friends or Jack and Kerry.IMO they gave us nothing Big in Threads.Sam could have held onto Daniel and Teal'c the way she did to Jack in the Infirmary in Threads.That scene and the Fishing scene looked more like very Dear Friends not Lovers and that's the way TPTB wanted.I really hope Season 9 tanks worse tham any Show in History.


                Originally posted by parsifal
                Now this is what I call a desk job!
                THAT was hilarious!!!!
                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                  Originally posted by gatebee
                  To Michelleb, Kazan, Scaryperson for M1 spoiler and Caty for great M1 pics

                  I am seconding Gatebee's stars and applause ...
                  I have finally broke down and killed my months of being spoiler free.... I am so sad....ANY hint of Sam & Jack and I am running to the computer....yelling WHERE!! WHERE!!!
                  Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                    Originally posted by majorsal
                    s8's threads and moebius spoilers

                    Gawd, isn't it wonderful to know that Pete's FINALLY out of the picture?! Any episode of any show is *always* miserable when they bring in an 'other' to ruffle up the preferred ship pairing. Sufferage to the max! But it's over! Over! Oooover! No matter if the Sam/Pete stuff helped to bring us to the Sam/Jack stuff... I'd still rather have not experienced that storyline.

                    K, done whining, bye. :-p

                    Sally...I couldn't agree with you more!!!!!
                    spoliers for Threads & Mobieus 1
                    I think I did a *Bronx Cheer* when I saw Sam dump Pete and then to have Sam & Jack FINALLY act like NORMAL people that have an attraction was SO WONDERFUL!!!!
                    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                      Originally posted by Token

                      That wonderful Shipper LOVE for Sam and Jack!!

                      Of course, Ship Nana has been working overtime baking the Yellow Shipper cookies!
                      YES!!! That is what I have been missing SHIPPER LOVE!!!!!

                      (((((((((((Shipper Family)))))))))))
                      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                        Anubis I would not put much stock in what TPTB say.This is the same group who said
                        Season 8 would be the best and IMO this is one of the worst.IMO Moebius should have been like Lost City.IMO now is not the time for a Comedy episode.Moebius should be Super Jack heavy and not about Au Sam and Au Daniel and that troll Mckay.TPTB are already trying to shove Atlantis down our throats.IMO Scif is at it's best when it's a little Dark and Serious.If I want to watch a Comedy I'll watch a Comedy.Jack being Funny sound be more than enough.


                          Originally posted by TameFarrar
                          I am seconding Gatebee's stars and applause ...
                          I have finally broke down and killed my months of being spoiler free.... I am so sad....ANY hint of Sam & Jack and I am running to the computer....yelling WHERE!! WHERE!!!


                          glad to see ya around again

                          *does big shipper grin*lol


                            Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                            If I had my way the final scene in Moebius would end like this...

                            Teal'c, Daniel, Sam and Jack standing in front of Jack's house, all wearing civilian clothes. Jack has a small bag on the ground next to him.

                            Daniel : So? This is it, huh?

                            Jack : Daniel, it's not like I'm sticking my head into another Ancient Repository, I'm just going to Washington.

                            Daniel : Yeah...but who am I going to annoy now? It's just not going to be the same around here without you, Jack.

                            Teal'c : O'Neill, I too will feel a loss by your departure.

                            [Sam silently watches her friends say their good-byes]

                            Jack : [Sighing] It's not like we won't still get together. I'm only going to be a few hours away by plane, even less with the Promethius (mischevious grin) I'll be dropping by to check up on things on occassion, and I'll be expecting you all to come visit me.

                            Teal'c : (bowing his head) Indeed.

                            [Jack walks over and gives Daniel a big hug]

                            Jack : Be good Danny.

                            Daniel : You too, Jack.

                            [Turning Jack stands in front of Teal'C]

                            Jack : (glancing between Daniel and Sam) Take care of them for me, T.

                            [Teal'c grasps O'Neills right forearm with his own]

                            Teal'C : (Nodding) I friend.

                            [Jack walks over to Sam, standing only inches from her]

                            Sam: (gazing into Jack's eyes) Jack.

                            Jack steps closer, placing his hands onto Sam's face and gently kisses her.

                            Jack: (big grin) I'll see *you* in two weeks.
                            Sam: (amazing Carter smile)

                            Jack picks up his bag and walks over to an AF car that's obviously been waiting for him. He opens the door, placing his bags inside. He looks over his shoulder, then gives one last Jack O'Neill killer smile and a quick wave before getting inside.

                            Ending scene is Teal'C, Sam, and Daniel all huddled together. Sam standing in the middle with one arm wrapped around each of the guys waists, watching Jack's car drive away.

                            A little sappy I know, but I'm really going to miss RDA.
                            I like it . It is not bad at all. If only TPTB can write something along those lines.


                            avatar and sig by flidget


                              Originally posted by AmberLM
                              I have to say, I don't know if I care. As much as I like Stargate we all know by now that Rick and Amanda aren't gonna be in the first however many episodes so that just leaves Daniel and Teal'c. Don't get me wrong, I like Teal'c but I don't know if I can put up with Daniel for half an hour or more every week. I just wanna see episodes with at least three of the main four in them. I've never really been a fan of farscape either so to me the first few eps are gonna be Farscape-1 rather than SG-1. No thanks, I think I'll wait until Amanda's back at least before resuming my usual viewing schedule.

                              No Sam + No Jack = No Stargate (for me at least)
                              Awww (((Amber))) I am sorry to hear that Ben hasn't peaked your interest in the beginnings of Season 9.

                              I too was really wandering lost when I first heard that RDA AND AT were not going to be in the first episodes and RDA possibly not at all or in VERY FEW...... but being a Ben Browder fan has helped me ALOT!! I am also a HUGE Farscape fan BUT I really do NOT want to see *Fargate*

                              So I hope TPTB don't try to pair up Ben and Claudia...

                              spoiler for Promethus Unbound
                              Daniel and Vala had a very interesting and comical chemistry and I hope TPTB play with THAT a bit.

                              After spending 8 YEARS waiting for Sam & Jack to get together I am SO NOT ready for them to try their hand at anymore ship on SG1 for a while
                              Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                                (((((((((Tame)))))))) I jumped into the rep points thread to say hi, and now I see you're here. Stay still, woman!

