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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by Watters87
    You are right, there is one new pic of Jack and 2 new pics of Daniel.
    But no new information.... Of course, there can never be too many pics of Jack! Ooops, wrong thread!


      Originally posted by meimei
      You're welcome... I buy the DVD's almost as much for that stuff as for the show itself! I love it when they talk about that stuff! And when Sam called the other girl a "trollop" was an adlib. The word trollop was AT's word, not the script!

      I can't wait to get my DVD's for this kinda stuff! I though that scene was great with Jack and Felger as well as Sam and and...the lab tech. The shirt that AT was wearing in that sequence was too funny....



        Originally posted by TameFarrar
        This episode will ALWAYS go into my top 10 mainly because to me it had ALL of the elements that I like. It had Sci-Fi, Action, Adventure, Humor and SHIP

        Even though each of the characters where split up throughout the episode TPTB were able to tie them ALL into ONE storyline in such a way that ALL of them were either in perile OR a part of the solution. So they were all active throughout the 43 minutes and you knew what everyone was doing.

        This is the way I like to see things done IF one or two of the characters aren't a KEY point to the storyline. They are still incorporated in such a manner that it does further the story AND enhance it. It still in essence keeps the TEAM together in spirit even when they are apart. They are all still working for the same goal.

        Many of the earlier episodes had this feel to them and they were wonderful. I see many of us refer to them over and over again.

        Using Felger as a foil and a reocurring character in that way was an excellent move on TPTB part. I hope they see how well episodes like this and ones similar to it that fans responded so well to help them with decisions in the future if we are going to be seeing less of RDA in the future
        I'll second that! Good words TAME! This is one of my favorite eps!



          Ahh! I just saw that episode in S8 where *SPOILERS*

          Sam gets engaged to Pete!! Nyah! I loved the scene where she asks Jack "What about you?" The look was so shippy but nyahhhhhh! Not Pete! I like him, he's cute, he's funny, he's a great guy but nooottt SAM!!!!
          Sam is Jack's!!!!! *sob*

          I'm horrified, I can't the scene where she says yes out of my mind! What can I do?
          May our transmatter beams cross again...

          Proud Member of the Chevron Guy Club

          "Out of that sea of stars came all the elements that make me what I am. "


            Originally posted by Rogue
            Has anybody looked at the new spoilers for Threads on GW? Is it the same as the German site? I really don' t want to subject myself again to the pictures unless it is something new.

            There's a picture of just
            Jack looking troubled, kinda like the one of him and Kerry
            together outside his house. I think it's new.


              Originally posted by Cpn. Chris(tine) Bowman
              Ahh! I just saw that episode in S8 where *SPOILERS*

              Sam gets engaged to Pete!! Nyah! I loved the scene where she asks Jack "What about you?" The look was so shippy but nyahhhhhh! Not Pete! I like him, he's cute, he's funny, he's a great guy but nooottt SAM!!!!
              Sam is Jack's!!!!! *sob*

              I'm horrified, I can't the scene where she says yes out of my mind! What can I do?
              Go back to post # 9642(by Galaxy) on this thread, it should help some.


                Fingers crossed that Gateworld releases pics of Moebius tonight and that they have a couple of new Sam/Jack pics as well


                  Originally posted by Cpn. Chris(tine) Bowman
                  Ahh! I just saw that episode in S8 where *SPOILERS*

                  Sam gets engaged to Pete!! Nyah! I loved the scene where she asks Jack "What about you?" The look was so shippy but nyahhhhhh! Not Pete! I like him, he's cute, he's funny, he's a great guy but nooottt SAM!!!!
                  Sam is Jack's!!!!! *sob*

                  I'm horrified, I can't the scene where she says yes out of my mind! What can I do?

                  Quick eat this Shipper Cookie!!!

                  Indigo Shipper Cookie It will help you remain blissfully ignorant of anything negative to our ship!!!
                  Ship Nana


                    Originally posted by sclairef99
                    I'll second that! Good words TAME! This is one of my favorite eps!


                    You're talking about "The Other Guys" I think? Pat McKenna is a good comedian and probably a "national treasure" of Canada, but I prefer to see him as "Cousin Harold" on "The Red Greene Show" which I really don't watch but have surfed through a few times. The last scene with Sam fighting was funny I concede, but I believe in glowing eyes, ring transports and symbiote pouches before I believe Stargate Command would have someone like Felger working there, even in a comedy ep. Those two eps with him are probably two of my unfavorites along with "Space Race" (I mean of those eps that are supposed to be funny --won't name "those two" we don't name.) Wormhole X-treme I did like. But we're all fans, so I hope I can disagree about the Felger eps. Maybe I'm a party of one on that, I dunno.


                      HAPPY BIRTHDAY


                      Ship Nana


                        Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                        Yep, tried hiding it in butter, in chicken, cheese, grinding it up in food, giving it to cat to swallow, pliers, aiming at cat from other end of room, hiding in catnip, holding cat down to force pill in, general anaesthesia, wrapping cat in blanket and holding cat between knees and ignoring worried phone calls from the police wondering what the noise was...

                        Yep, cat and pills.
                        Soooo been there. Tuna, tender vittles and yogurt were good disguises, too.

                        Everyone always talks about the couple getting a dog-- let's give 'em a cat, too! It would be fun to watch them try to give it a pill.

                        ship sistah

                        ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                          Originally posted by meimei
                          But no new information.... Of course, there can never be too many pics of Jack! Ooops, wrong thread!
                          I'll look at pics of Jack anywhere, anytime. And my didn't he look yummy in his blue long sleeved shirt. And I loved the caption under the pic of
                          he and Kerry in bed.... saying that Kerry knows his heart isn't into it.


                            Happy Birthday To You!!!




                              Originally posted by blueiris
                              My vet gave me the neatest thing for giving cats (and dogs) pills. Its a little injector. You put the pill in the tip and shoot it in the mouth. Just a little flick really, but the cat can't spit it out and it doesn't choke them at all.
                              cool! there is still the little matter of keeping cat still and mouth open while you do the shooting, but...

                              also, (so OT but I'm now on a roll) there are now vet compounding pharmacists that make medicines for animals that are really tasty so pets eat them up with no problem. It costs more, but very efficient in terms of time, energy, not getting maimed and loss of medicine because the animal spit it out or whatever.

                              and that was, today in animal care

                              ship sistah

                              ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                                Originally posted by Cpn. Chris(tine) Bowman
                                Ahh! I just saw that episode in S8 where *SPOILERS*

                                Sam gets engaged to Pete!! Nyah! I loved the scene where she asks Jack "What about you?" The look was so shippy but nyahhhhhh! Not Pete! I like him, he's cute, he's funny, he's a great guy but nooottt SAM!!!!
                                Sam is Jack's!!!!! *sob*
                                I'm horrified, I can't the scene where she says yes out of my mind!
                                What can I do?
                                sorry (((((((Cpn. Chris(tine) Bowman))))))

                                we feel your pain. don't worry the future is ours!

                                she says very hopefully

                                ship sistah

                                ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =

