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    originally posted by stargate barbie
    ok. some of you may remember me, some of you may not.<snip>
    Hey I remember you!
    <snip> i'd like to see sam and jack together by the end of the series, whose with me?!
    I am.
    also, does anybody else get the feeling that TPTB are trying to send out some decoys to confuse people and throw us off with all the spoilers?
    I'm not sure they know what they're doing at this point. But yes, I do see them smiling at our attempts to guess the flow of the show this season.
    <snip> i do have this sick need to play devils advocate you know. sorry.
    That's why we love you! Don't apologize for it! (Think how boring it would be if we all agreed & had the same point of view..........)
    i had other thoughts but i've temporarily forgotten what they were.
    I know that feeling! Especially if I think I might have some witty thing to post & then it was like........uhhhh...... dang.... can't remember it! (& after days of not being able to see the thread, let alone post on mind is a blank slate.........)
    Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
    My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


      I've seen both commercials too - come on people - give us something to work with!!!! I think they are trying to downplay SG1 because of Atlantis right now. Truth be told, I'm not overly enthusiastic about Atlantis. My husband is all gung ho but Sam and Jack are not going to be there so why bother? I will watch only because let's face it, it's still Stargate but it will never compare with SG1.

      I was thinking about Sam & Jack today at work (yes, I was working really hard...) and I thought about the comments that AT has been making. I still choose to think of them as positive comments even though Pete is involved in Season 8, after all she all but said she and Jack would end up together - so I'm going to take the optimistic route (which means I'll have them married with 3 kids by the end of the season.) Ok, I'll settle for a REAL kiss where everyone remembers and some great scenes for our resident ship video experts out there.


        I can not tell you how much I missed you people. I, like the rest of you have been trying to get on for the last two days. I live in fear that even when I am through with this message,that I will get the error message again. My head is telling me to be very cautious about getting excited about any ship for season 8 between Jack and Sam, but my heart, my heart is hoping, hoping, hoping for a ton of ship (a girl can dream). I hope we get alot of advance warning for when Pete will be on so I can decide what I want to do. Maybe what I will do is miss the first airing of it and watch the second after I hear the responses on this forum, kind of what I do when our UK friends get it before us. I honestly don't think my heart or head can handle any more of Pete. Isn't it over yet??????????? Love you guys, hope this works (as she crosses her fingers and pushes the reply button).


          Originally posted by majorsal
          Oh. My. God.
          LOL! (I read those words hearing Chandler's ("Friends") ex-girlfriend's voice!)
          I've been trying for EVER to get in this bloody forum! Yesterday I was on, but as soon as I hit reply... it all went downhill from there.<g> I got on today, but it took about an hour, and then about two hours to just go to the next page. And I couldn't reply! *takes deep breath* I'm here now, and I'm going to reply to EVERYTHING ever written since the dawn of time!... or just a few posts that I'd saved. K, done venting, now off to TRY to post.
          Sally *crosses fingers that this post goes through*
          Ohhhhhhhhhhhh how I so know what you are going through. Guess it's going on 2 weeks of problems for me. My ISP (AOL) insists they're ok & that it's a site thing. I've done lots of little things they & GW recommended to do (deleting temp. internet files, etc.) but nothing worked.

          I get redirected to the ISP's mssg that they can't find the site (which when you've finally managed to get the forum page up & try to go to a Thread - it's like whaddya mean you can't find the site -you were just there you blankety-blank ISP!) or countless script error mssgs you have to close out (but I've decided script error mssg boxes are my friend... i can close them & still be in the Forum)..... & what's funny right now is that as a last ditch effort (after a half hour of script error/can't find site mssgs on the regular way of going through AOL) I clicked on the 'microsoft internet explorer' (which says it's being provided to me by AOL) & I'm not getting any error mssgs & all the avatars & such are showing...Go figure!!!!

          <continues to type as fast as can..... don't know when the luck will run out!>
          Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
          My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


            I agree, I am not excited about Atlantis because I don't want to get involved with another show from the same writers if I don't like the way they are handling Sam and Jack in this one. If they leave us with nothing, what is to say they would not do it again in Atlantis. I may catch the first show because Jack will be in it, but after that I first have to see how the Season 8 premiere of Stargate goes.

            I also hate the commercials for Stargate, I mean they could be a commercial for orange juice. Just to see new shots and how everybody looks would be nice to get excited about the premiere, of course the best would be shipper shots between Jack and Sam but past history tells me that that may not be such a good idea. Afterall when I saw the kiss between Jack and Sam I went shipper crazy and fell for the gag and we know what happened after that. I guess also I don't want to be forced to like Atlantis just like we are being forced to like you know who. I'm rebeling and am proud of it.


              hey ship daddy! its july 9th!

              naw i'm just messin' with ya. if i have to wait until september, then i get to be mean to those who don't, right?


                Originally posted by majorsal
                <snip> I know Amanda really likes David, so hearing that he was a bit upset about his character not being liked and accepted, I think she wanted to protect him and is promoting David more than PS. I also wonder if she's watched Chimera.
                <snip> He's 'the other', and my heart will never come to peace with him. Sorry, David, but I can't love the boyfriend. You, on the other hand, are a DeLuise, and that alone makes you a great guy.

                I agree that from seeing Peter ("21 Jump Street") & his father act over the years - the DeLuises are a warm, funny, sincere & passionate bunch. And it's easy to understand why AT wants to protect/promote DDL. But even though I know she's said she doesn't like watching herself, it'd be wonderful if she'd watch the ep (just to see the storyline & how comes off to many of us& how it tears all of us up (even non-shippers) to see how WarriorSam seems to be portrayed a bit as DoorMatSam). It mightn't make any difference... especially if one has to toe the party PR line, but.....

                I don't know.... as it's been said here before...... the way the character came across the screen to many viewers wasn't favorable or likable......due to writers, directors, editors.....whoever/whatever.... & it's an unfortunate fact that no matter what man played the character, he would be in the unenviable position of being 'the guy' in "the" relationship that Shippers want for Jack & Sam......
                Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                  i think that at this point it would be impossible to not have already formed an opinion about pete and chimera, so even if she were to see the episode now, she'd already be biased towards liking pete, because she likes david (hey, who doesn't) and she has already decided that she wants to like pete. where most of us hadn't already formed an opinion about the character. i for one, was quite open about the character, and even liked him for his deluiseness in the first part of the episode. but being a deluise doesn't automatically make the character you're playing likeable. especially if the character is a big @$$.

                  having said that, it seems that a lot of people didn't like jennifer hailey in prodigy nor did they like mckay in 48 hours, but in their second episodes, they were liked. personally i liked each of those characters from the get go, so i very much doubt i'll grow to like pete.

                  and i don't think that my shipper status has too much to do with this. if i liked the guy and thought he was good for sam, then i could possibly (but not bloody likely ) be converted. if i liked him and thought he was good for her, then i'd be fine with her dating him until the end where she realises shes more in love with jack and has a tearful breakup with the boy toy, becuase she likes him and really wants to keep seeing him as a friend, but she's recently realised that she's still in love with jack, and its not fair to anyone involved for her to continue seeing him while she's in love with someone else, who shares those feelings.

                  but hey, thats just me.
                  i. like. big. cookies and i cannot lie. you other monsters can't deny. when a ship sails in with a cargo full of cookies and RDA at. the. wheel, i get SPRUNG!
                  ok so that didn't really go very well, but its all true!
                  and i can't really get into the whole wine and cookies thing because, a) i don't drink and b) it just reminds me of a box of wine with a duck on the front, which reminds me of someone/thing i'd rather not think of, which reminds me of vomiting.
                  Last edited by stargate barbie; 16 June 2004, 04:37 PM.


                    Originally posted by stargate barbie
                    hey ship daddy! its july 9th!

                    naw i'm just messin' with ya. if i have to wait until september, then i get to be mean to those who don't, right?
                    Well you could do what I do when the UK gets the episodes first. Download them

                    Otherwise be nice or I'll send you to your room!
                    ~BCM =)

                    Open Source Initiative (OSI)
                    The GIMP - GNU Image Manipulation Program


                      I wonder what the chances are of having technical difficulties everytime Pete shows on screen in season 8 like we have had at Gateworld for the last couple of days.It would be such a shame to miss Pete's appearances in Season 8.It has always be tough to wait for Sam and Jack to get together because of the regs or 99.9% of male guest stars falling for Sam but when Pete showed up in Chimera I lost just about all patience I had left for waiting.I agree with getcarter about not being overly enthusiastic about Atlantis.IMO Atlantis is taking away time and Money from Stargate.I always though Atlantis would take over after Stargate left the air.I will give Atlantis a chance but If Sam and Jack do not end up together I will stop watching Atlantis without a second though.


                        Originally posted by majorsal
                        I think you're right, that the Daniel/Sarah/Osiris storyline got the shafts a bit. It really should have been it's own storyline, but I think the writers felt the two stories went together because they were both ship-related in intent. But Daniel's side deserved it's own ep. And I want it to be followed through too. I don't really care if it's Daniel/Sarah shippy, as long as we see what's happened to Sarah and that Daniel can at least rest easy that she's alive and surviving.
                        In trying to not sound a like a broken record -too late- the only way I'd handle a season 9 is if the S/J ship issue was resolved in season 8. Get them together, let Jack retire, and then season 9 could be moments of Sam mentioning Jack, and the show focusing on missions and such. Maybe RDA/Jack could make a brief appearance -in his briefs<g>- but the whole agony of 'will they, won't they' and 'when will they and why won't they' will be done with. The S/J ship will be very much in the background, but at least the shippers will know they're together. Happiness all around, and dogs and cats will be living together in harmony!

                        I agree. I think most all SG fans want followup w/the Daniel/Sarah thread in the show in S8. And most all of us would have been happy if 95% of Chimaera was D/Sarah....the skin, the slip-out & the stalk (shudders) of the S/P thread just changed things so much on SG.....

                        IMHO, in retirement Jack could become a roving ambassador (aren't there many worlds who only like to deal w/Jack vs. the latest political figurehead?) so as to keep a little adventure in his life (& in our show) and take his clases de Espanol & be Mr. Mom.
                        Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                        My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                          i'm sorry ship daddy. i wont do it again i promise.
                          if i manage to convince certain people who once owned me, and currently keep me, to get broadband, then download i shall.


                            Originally posted by bcmilco
                            *sighs* what are we going to do with you Tame?
                            The first thing that comes to mind is Please send money
                            Secondly, like all of the shiplets Ship Daddy, I just need love & attention

                            and last but NOT least make my lil' shiplet dream come true.......

                            SAM & JACK FOREVER!!!!!!
                            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                              Originally posted by Elfinwood
                              Hooray! I finally got on-line. I've been trying for two days to reach this thread. Thought that I would be waaay behind on all of the posts, but it seems that everyone here has been having the same troubles - there is only one page more than the last time I was here. Hope Gateworld gets this problem sorted out soon, 'cause we're only a few weeks away from the season's premiere.

                              Yes. I gave up one night, but the next day it took me about four hours I think to get on. And that's constantly clicking refresh and such. Suddenly it started working and I was *greatly* relieved!

                              What are we all going to do if the Shipper Family can't converse?!!




                                Originally posted by stargate barbie
                                ok. some of you may remember me, some of you may not. so i'm just going to re-introduce myself.
                                hi everyone. i'm stargate barbie (or boomoo), the ship cookie monster, and i'm a ship addict.
                                i'd like to see sam and jack together by the end of the series, whose with me?!

                                Glad you finally were able to read through everything and get back to us!!!!!!

                                I am on the SAM & JACK thats is one million and something now I think
                                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..

