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    Originally posted by meimei
    Okay, I've caught up on the thread! Ack! I got home late and then I saw the first Threads spoiler pic!! After my dog, Frankie, finished pounding on my chest to get my heart restarted, I decided to put my wishful thinking fanfic writing brain to work on this....



    The first pic of Sam with Kerry in the background. We know from the casting sides that Sam comes to Jack to talk to him about her relationship with Pete and that she thinks she's made a mistake and Kerry walks out... Okay, the picture agrees with that spoiler. No prob there...

    The second pic of Jack and Kerry together obviously looking at Sam. My take is that this is where Sam answers her phone to find out that something is wrong with Jacob. I would say that Sam doesn't tell them what's wrong. She's already embarassed by being there ready to talk emotional things with Jack only to find he has a girlfriend. I would imagine she just says she has to go. Otherwise I would say that Jack would go with her to the SGC.

    The, gulp, bed pic... Ack!! Okay, calm down, Mei Mei, breathe.... I tend to go with Zoser's take on "Why I can't do this" but with a twist. The casting sides provided by Mistress of Spoilers, Auralan, said that Kerry went to Jack's office to tell him that she didn't think it would work because of his feelings for someone else. Well, we all know that casting sides don't always make it into the final script.

    What if the scene that was supposed to take place in his office is the scene we are seeing in his bedroom. They continued with their picnic, things went forward from there, but Jack was holding back. What changed from when she got there to this point? Sam showed up, maybe got enough out to Jack before Kerry's appearance for Jack to realize that Pete was on his way out. Saw Sam upset about something from the phone but didn't know what. He's distracted when Kerry should have his complete attention. Hence, the beginning of the end of Kerry!?!?!?!?

    Please tell me this makes sense otherwise I may have to go dig the defib out of the thunk supply closet!!!
    I like this idea or maybe Jack is waiting for the Viagra to kick in
    Don't ding me I'm only kidding - He is the Stud.
    I've always though of Jack as honorable so this pic really bothered me. I would like them to see that this is a mistake and not proceed.
    Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
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      Originally posted by majorsal
      Me too... I need a margarita... or five.

      Jeez, can you imagine what shape we'll all be in WHEN Sam and Jack finally get their resolution! ... we'll all be a bunch of alcoholic, drug addicted, nervous twitching idiots! *I was that before, though, so I can't count myself *

      I'm just wondering how d@mned old I'll be. Quick get my walker Stargate is on.
      Shuffles off to my easy chair
      Last edited by Zoser; 25 November 2004, 03:53 AM. Reason: can't spell, can't type
      Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
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        Originally posted by meimei
        I like your analysis of Sam vs the other one... Very astute!

        The German English translation seems to be the exact same info as the casting sides, making me think that their source is the same as ours. That's why I was suggesting the change in location for the discussion. I am also hoping that the scene is a "before" and there is no "after"... That is just Mei Mei not wanting Jack with anyone but Mei Mei... uh, I mean, Sam!!! LOL!

        Yes, I also think their sources are the same. The spoilers are just translations. I believe that, because the German is sometimes a little bit....odd (like a typical english to german translation).
        And there is nothing new!

        Okay, I accept the whole Jack has a girlfriend thing.
        But I really don't want to see any love and bed-scenes....baaaaah!!! That's so unfair! The Pete/Sam scenes were enough! Who wants to see that?
        But maybe they just want to shock us! But we Shippers are tough cookies! We have survived chimera and we will survive threads! They don't stand a chance! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!

        I wish I would have some time to discuss everything with you all, but I'm so busy!
        I'll be back soon!


          Originally posted by majorsal
          I can't think of an excuse, except 'because we don't want to. bite on that.'

          Message to TPTB - "You know that 'we come in peace' stuff - Bite me"
          Just quoting the
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            Originally posted by TameFarrar
            WOO HOO for you Lana....Then you KNOW EXACTLY why I am the way I am ...LOL

            NOw we can start a 19 yr club and EXPLAIN to the PTBs that between us we have 4 TIMES the number of years RELATIONSHIP experience WITH ONE PERSON then they do so they should be talking to US!!!!!! sheesh..... ANY ONE that has been in a relationship HAS MORE EXPERIENCE THEN THEM !!!! .......................... oh did I say that out loud ...
            Happy Anniversary Tame and Mr. Tame
            My Mr.Zoser and I have been at it (that doesn't sound right) for 26 years and I agree TPTB could ask us about relationships.
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            My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


              Originally posted by Catysg1
              Now ,what I want to see between Sam and Jack after seing all those Pete/Sam and Jack/Kerry scenes will takes ..I'm afraid at least 20 minutes of screen time.

              ...First Sam will run to Jack's arms sometimes in Mobius ....they'll touch face stroking , hair rubbing and the major kiss .

              then I ....demand a bedroom scene :

              ..( Will not accept anyting less..
              I think TPTB may follow the pattern and give us that though ...otherwise they would n't have done it with Jack and Kerry ..They know that the shippers don't like bedscenes with Sam or Jack and other people ..So they may give us a bedscene wich will be even better than the ones who saw so far ....Got to be )

              if they don't, I'll quit the show

              ...but I reckon they'll give us a Sam and Jack wearing light clothes on and on a bed . They just have to make sure that Sam opens up a bit more soon ..because she is a bit stiff when it comes to seduction (with Pete ..she was stiff too).

              She needs to seduce..
              Jack and we need to see it on screen ..she needs to wear a flattering dress so that she reveals her sexyness to Jack too and not the other guys only ....not the way Kerry is doing it ...her own way of course ...but I think she needs to do that and approach him that way without any inhibitions......She needs to drop the barrier and I'm sure Jack will go with the flow .

              So hopefully TPTB will show us a Sam and Jack like we never saw before in...
              a seduction scene
              ....I think both characters need that for the audience to believe in the true chemistry.

              TPTB should do it's very important now ..more than ever .

              the resolution between sam and Jack needs to be very seductive and very sensual . ( I hope this is what Amanda was also talking about when she said she played Sam differently the last couple of weeks of filming).

              Caty, how do you stay so optimistic. I have trouble believing that Sam and Jack's resolution scene will last longer than 2 minutes, let alone that we'll get a bedroom scene.

              I'm betting the PTBs keep everything to a minimum, oh yeah and subtle, and ambiguous and open-ended. Yeah, that'll make for a happy ending...

              Sam and Jack will most likely have come to a resolution by the end of Threads and both Kerry and Pete will be history (off-screen). Then all we're likely to get is a brief flirty sentence over the phone in Citizen Joe and a kiss at the very end of Moebius. I just don't think there's enough screen time left for any of the intimate stuff we deserve at this point...especially after having to see both Jack/Kerry and Sam/Pete in bed together (...not all at the same time obviously). That's just plain wrong.

              ...And what's that about? I honestly don't know how the PTBs want us to feel about Sam and Jack's respective love lives. Neither have their heart in it but both are willing to
              jump in the sack straight away

              What does that say about their characters? Call me a prude if you want but if they're having doubts, what kind of message does that send? Fair enough the regs are a problem and Pete is, well Pete, but they're not impossible problems to overcome. They're actually pretty simple, especially if what's at stake is too important to let go.


                Originally posted by Anakin
                Agreed, Sue... What struck me is that
                there are very little pics of Daniel and his situation. For me, there's still a big question mark about Daniel's decision, but that's another story.
                Regarding ship, I tend to agree with Sue:
                3 pics in relation with Jack/Kerry and/or Sam vs only 2 pics regarding Daniel's situation, and none with Oma (when we do know the actress reprised her role)... If I didn't know better I'd say they're teasing us - the shippers - a lot...
                I don't know if this really needs spoiler space but just in case
                Yes it's just a tease but if I wasn't so spoiled
                (thanks Auralan, we're so lucky to know you )
                it would have been a big shock.
                I've looked at THAT pic (you know which one ) and I'm not sure that we'll see one love scene in bed. It seems to me that Jack is just sitting ON the bed. Maybe that's the morning after scene and we won't see any Jack/Kerry bed scene

                I'll try not to panic but it could be hard sometimes
                I'm so happy to have found this place and this great family to cheer me up
                Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                  Originally posted by Deborah

                  ...And what's that about? I honestly don't know how the PTBs want us to feel about Sam and Jack's respective love lives. Neither have their heart in it but both are willing to
                  jump in the sack straight away

                  What does that say about their characters? Call me a prude if you want but if they're having doubts, what kind of message does that send? Fair enough the regs are a problem and Pete is, well Pete, but they're not impossible problems to overcome. They're actually pretty simple, especially if what's at stake is too important to let go.
                  I guess that's my basic problem with all of this - I thought better of them - they were heroes, my heroes. Even at my age we need people to look up to, to admire. and this
                  seems so taudry, I expected better. Why have they waited 8 years to throw it all away, especially Sam since I think Pete is soooo not worth it. And now how can they just bounce back out of one lovers arms into the arms of the person you have loved for years. No feelings of betrayal?
                  I shall stop thinking about all this lest I choke on my turkey.

                  Happy Thanksgiving to all.
                  Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                  My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                    Originally posted by Deborah
                    Caty, how do you stay so optimistic. I have trouble believing that Sam and Jack's resolution scene will last longer than 2 minutes, let alone that we'll get a bedroom scene.

                    I'm betting the PTBs keep everything to a minimum, oh yeah and subtle, and ambiguous and open-ended. Yeah, that'll make for a happy ending...

                    Sam and Jack will most likely have come to a resolution by the end of Threads and both Kerry and Pete will be history (off-screen). Then all we're likely to get is a brief flirty sentence over the phone in Citizen Joe and a kiss at the very end of Moebius. I just don't think there's enough screen time left for any of the intimate stuff we deserve at this point...especially after having to see both Jack/Kerry and Sam/Pete in bed together (...not all at the same time obviously). That's just plain wrong.

                    I agree with you. I would really LOVE to see these scenes TPTP Caty imagines for us but... I don't think it'll happen that way If we get to see something between Sam and Jack... wait, what did I say ? That must be these pics that get me crazy Anyway... WHEN we get to see something between Sam and Jack, I think it'll be something more subtle (but so much can be told in fanfics )
                    Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                      Originally posted by Deborah
                      Caty, how do you stay so optimistic. I have trouble believing that Sam and Jack's resolution scene will last longer than 2 minutes, let alone that we'll get a bedroom scene.

                      I'm betting the PTBs keep everything to a minimum, oh yeah and subtle, and ambiguous and open-ended. Yeah, that'll make for a happy ending...

                      Sam and Jack will most likely have come to a resolution by the end of Threads and both Kerry and Pete will be history (off-screen). Then all we're likely to get is a brief flirty sentence over the phone in Citizen Joe and a kiss at the very end of Moebius. I just don't think there's enough screen time left for any of the intimate stuff we deserve at this point...especially after having to see both Jack/Kerry and Sam/Pete in bed together (...not all at the same time obviously). That's just plain wrong.

                      ...And what's that about? I honestly don't know how the PTBs want us to feel about Sam and Jack's respective love lives. Neither have their heart in it but both are willing to
                      jump in the sack straight away

                      What does that say about their characters? Call me a prude if you want but if they're having doubts, what kind of message does that send? Fair enough the regs are a problem and Pete is, well Pete, but they're not impossible problems to overcome. They're actually pretty simple, especially if what's at stake is too important to let go.

                      Well I'm not that optimistic ..I know Sam and Jack will be together but how much are we gonna see !!..this is what I'm afraid about So I tried to think how TPTB works ...IN FRENCH WE SAY "NEVER 2 WITHOUT 3" (Jamais 2 sans 3) ..and it's a motto ... so

                      If there was enough screen time for.....
                      1-Sam /Pete and 2-Jack /kerry 's bedroom scene then there would be enough time for 3-Sam/Jack bedroom scene too's only fair ...even more fair to devote a sensual scene ..
                      between Sam and Jack ..because we have known them for 8 years now

                      If TPTB follows a pattern ..than they will go for that ..I don't think there is any other way ..If they don't do that ..Then I will quit the show because they'll keep on teasing us in season 9 and I had enough really .

                      Season 9 should be about the team and see Sam and Jack in an established relationship ...the seduction should ..
                      ..take place in Mobius and we should see it on screen ...and not just a kiss in front of the Stargate ..this would be an insult to all Sam and Jack Shippers after Pete and kerry.



                        Originally posted by florence
                        I agree with you. I would really LOVE to see these scenes TPTP Caty imagines for us but... I don't think it'll happen that way If we get to see something between Sam and Jack... wait, what did I say ? That must be these pics that get me crazy Anyway... WHEN we get to see something between Sam and Jack, I think it'll be something more subtle (but so much can be told in fanfics )

                        florence ..Jamais 2 sans 3 ..and if they don't give ..
                        us a bed scene ,,then they are really mean and have no heart and could be associated as anti shippers too..and I didn't mean a love scene ..just talking on a bed and touching and show a bit of sensuality ...without their gears on

                        something like that ....they don't have to leave it sublte ..what for anyway???!! to tease more ..then I'll be gone .

                        Subtle after 8 years is not on when you can be overt in just one episode with [spoiler]another love interest[/spoilerJ ....and if they stay subtle ..I don't think it's gonna help much because really Sam and jack are really introvert in their feelings .

                        The only way we 'll see something to blow our mind off is only if their are becoming..
                        sensual to each other ..If they don't do that's gonna look very strange and not right .

                        They need intimacy and TPTB needs to make it beautiful , sensual and all that ..just to show another side of them that we have not seen yet ,,Otherwise ..could be really boring



                          Originally posted by Anakin
                          Agreed, Sue... What struck me is that
                          there are very little pics of Daniel and his situation. For me, there's still a big question mark about Daniel's decision, but that's another story.
                          Regarding ship, I tend to agree with Sue:
                          3 pics in relation with Jack/Kerry and/or Sam vs only 2 pics regarding Daniel's situation, and none with Oma (when we do know the actress reprised her role)... If I didn't know better I'd say they're teasing us - the shippers - a lot...
                          I agree ... Threads

                          And why those three pictures. We already knew about the BBQ visit, but the bedroom scene was definitly a surprise. Where they release to counteract the spoilers that are already out about Threads? To doubt the other spoilers? I am also hoping the bedroom scence is at the beginning of the show. I don't know if I could stand to see Jack in bed with her after Sams visit. I guess the only good thing about the pictures is that we will not be totally shocked while watching the show.
                          Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                            Hey shippers, what's going on?!?!
                            What happened to all that optimism we've been working on?
                            Everyone is so down all of a sudden.


                              Originally posted by Catysg1
                              florence ..Jamais 2 sans 3 ..and if they don't give ..
                              us a bed scene ,,then they are really mean and have no heart and could be associated as anti shippers too..and I didn't mean a love scene ..just talking on a bed and touching and show a bit of sensuality ...without their gears on

                              something like that ....they don't have to leave it sublte ..what for anyway???!! to tease more ..then I'll be gone .

                              Subtle after 8 years is not on when you can be overt in just one episode with [spoiler]another love interest[/spoilerJ ....and if they stay subtle ..I don't think it's gonna help much because really Sam and jack are really introvert in their feelings .

                              The only way we 'll see something to blow our mind off is only if their are becoming..
                              sensual to each other ..If they don't do that's gonna look very strange and not right .

                              They need intimacy and TPTB needs to make it beautiful , sensual and all that ..just to show another side of them that we have not seen yet ,,Otherwise ..could be really boring

                              I know, I know, "jamais 2 sans 3"
                              And I would REALLY love to see what you say but...
                              Even in XFiles we didn't get to see it. And it was 9 years long ! And they had a kid together !
                              But IMHO the bed scene in the end (in XFiles, not yet in SG ) was really great and I would have almost been deceived if there had been more (I said "almost" )
                              I think that I would be satisfied with one public kiss (but I want it to be really big, something as in Alias ) and one more intimate, when they're just together (near Jack's cabin ).
                              Maybe that's because I'm watching SG since one year only and I didn't have to stay all those years watching them get closer then away then closer again... and so on.
                              Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                                Happy Thanksgiving

                                Hi everybody, I just wanted to check in before the holiday crazyness starts. Also Happy Anniversary Tame

                                Saw all the pictures on mobius-Looks very cool. Also saw all of them on threads.
                                Not really sure what to think about these yet. Kerry is very different looking from Sam. Very Attractive. On the picture where Jack and kerry are in his backyard and I think Sam has just walked away to go back to the base, Kerry is looking very thoughtfull like she just figured something out. I am having faith that everything is going to work out the way that we want them too. Jack and Sam will end up together. This is just another hill in the rollercoaster ride that JM warned us about.

                                Everybody have a great family time today whether it is a holiday time for you or not.

                                And Please, Please, Please Put me on the list for the shipper family.

                                Love all you guys.
                                sigpic muppet the ship puppy is hoping for some good ship
                                Hoping for some kisses and so on.

