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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by melpomene
    okay here's some food for happy thoughts.I was just watching Maternal instinct again the other night and there's the scene where jack's taking off his vest because Daniel doesn't want jack going inside armed,Or very armed.So he's unclipping one side of his vest with on hand and Carter starts unclipping the other.It's like hurry up and undress this man.I mean he could do it himself but carterds standing right beside him and it's like."Oh need some help taking the clothes off sir?"
    I remember that scene! I *loved* that she immediately went to help him. It could be procedure, but I still saw it shippy.




      Welcome, mjk306!




        hey there guys
        looks like stargate-project has got some pics from the Moebius set....
        and looks like there is some from Its Good to be King...
        by all, Bee

        "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

        sig by RepliCartertje


          Originally posted by ses110
          If Daniel or Teal'c interupt Sam and Jack one more time I will reach through my TV and slap the both of them.How come Daniel or Teal'c do not show up when
          Sam is with Pete?
          Because he's not real.




            Originally posted by meimei
            ROTFLMAO!!! THat is too funny, Sacme!! Perfect! I'll have to print it and take it to the tattoo parlor today!!
            It didn't even hurt that much. But it was worth it to profress my undying obedience to the Mistress of Lurve, TameFarrar.

            I got a few stares today, so I may take to a cap when I'm with the Tau'ri. They just don't get the whole Shiffa (Shipper Jaffa) thing. Sillies.

            ship sistah
            Last edited by sacme; 17 November 2004, 11:48 PM.

            ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


              goodmorning campers ah today another day at school listing to boring crap of the teachers What a waste of time.Ik could actually spent more time here on gateworld but I hope weekend comes quick.Just 2 more days
              Lord Zedd


                Originally posted by majorsal
                spoilers for s8's Zero Hour (I 'think' it's that ep)


                I took Sam jumping up as a form of showing respect to Jack. Both Sam and Jack are military and follow the rules, but I think Jack's the kind of guy that likes to bend them. He doesn't stand of formality. I really think that Sam was just showing respect to General O'Neill. Could be misinterpreting that moment, so I'd love to hear others opinions.


                Hey there, don't really post here, cause you guys move way too quickly for me to keep up, but here's my take on the jumping thing. I think it's like an over reaction thats says 'hey he's the general and I know that - see there's nothing going on between us, nope, nu-uh, no way, no sir-ee, honest'. She may as well cross her fingers behind her back and whistle innocently into the air. I ain't buying it, I see ship, yes I do.



                  Originally posted by Kri
                  IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone IwantaJackClone
                  LOL! Wrong thread, Kri!!!
                  Sig pic courtesy of AmberMoon


                    Originally posted by Kri
                    WOO HOO!!!! You ROCK, my dearest friend in the whole wide world, Tame!!! does that sound like junior high or what?!?!

                    Wonder what I am gonna do with him when the boyfriend comes over
                    Well if he's anything like my Mac and JAck's clones, he won't be jealous...
                    Sig pic courtesy of AmberMoon


                      Originally posted by _Anubis
                      yeah great episode he I wonder if we should organize a poll witch is the best shipper episode Do you guys like that?Perhaps the mods can help us out than Just a thought
                      Check out our Ship Day thread. It was amazing.

                      ship sistah

                      ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                        Originally posted by TameFarrar
                        ROFLMAO!!!!! I think we can ALL so relate to THAT on different days!!! Thank goodness on the days that I am down other family members are up and can bring me back up and then on other days ....I can be ther efor them...We are so dysfunctional.. BUT we still Balance OMG we are JUST Like Sam & Jack......Gads...... Ok Huddle we MUST have a GROUP HUG before TPTB throw US into an AU
                        (((((((((((((SHIPPER FAMILY))))))))))))

                        Ok so I am feeling a bit silly and emotional today
                        ((((((shipper family)))))) We've got each other's six, as they say.

                        ship sistah

                        ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                          Originally posted by sacme
                          It didn't even hurt that much. But it was worth it to profress my undying obedience to the Mistress of Lurve, TameFarrar.

                          I got a few stares today, so I may take to a cap when I'm with the Taur'i. They just don't get the whole Shiffa (Shipper Jaffa) thing. Sillies.

                          ship sistah
                          (((((((((Ship Sistah)))))))))))) YOU ROCK

                          That has GOT To be the nicest AND the coolest thing ANYONE has ever done that made me feel like I was a PART OF STAR GATE!!!!! A SHIPPER System Lord Watch out PTB here we come

                          I am going to have to figure out how to honor THAT AND YOU in my signature
                          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                            Originally posted by Lunar
                            Urgh. Just rewatched A$$inity.
                            In the words of comic book guy "Worst episode *ever!*"
                            It's not just
                            Sam and Pete. I think it's seeing it bigger. Everything's so cheesy! The Trust dudes are... well, hammy to say the least. The dialogue's so cliched and ridiculous 'You'll be okay,' says Daniel at one point. Well, he might be so blase about death and getting shot and all that he thinks being lined up with your backs to the wall is 'okay' but I sure as hell wouldn't!! And Pete...
                            Oh where to start...
                            Pete is a like an over excited puppy. Carter ends up seeming more like his *mother* than his girlfriend. I really mean that, the one thing I really did like about this ep was how AMAZING AT looked... but with Pete wide eyed and practically wagging his tail throughout this ep she seems about fifty. There's no sparkage, the BOTH just seem entirely desperate.

                            I'm sickened and disgusted.
                            LOL. my thoughts exactly:

                            ship sistah

                            ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =




                              ship sistah

                              ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                                Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                                Hi chums. Here's my shippy pic of the day...


                                I could look at them forever.

                                ship sistah

                                ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =

