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    Originally posted by Lunar
    I think it was something along the lines of this: (Affinity spoilers/spec)
    She's made the guy wait for OVER two weeks. Things between her and Jack are exactly the same as ever. She did try and have an conversation with him in her lab and there was no resolution. I mean, looking at it with a less biased eye (dare I even say anti-shipper eyes ) Jack could have broken down confessed he loved her and resigned to be with her. But he didn't. And neither did she. Something is holding them back... who can say what? So she has the choice to be with a man who desperately DESPERATELY wants her, or a man who is holding back (as she is... but, y'know...). I think it's the whole settling issue again. She decides to settle.

    As paradoxical as it might seem, but I think it's their love for each other, that is holding them back.
    Sam wants Jack to be happy and Jack wants Sam to be happy, but somehow, they seem to be unsure, about what the other wants.

    Jack is willing to retire to be with Sam (if the spoilers about Threads are true, but I think so), but he thinks she doesn't want that, but marrying Pete...Sam would give up her career, too, to be with Jack (like she indicates in Grace), but she knows he doesn't want her to do that and she is not sure about his feelings for her.. She seems to believe that he wants her to let him go and move on.....You see?

    They love each other so much, that they sacrifice their own needs and wishes for the sake of the other one.
    But they don't understand that they both want the same!!!! FCOL!!!
    My god, they are adults, aren't they?

    I hope I make sense...


      Originally posted by Rogue
      Doesn't make a whole lot of sense.Affinity

      She takes two weeks to decide, giving a lame excuse about why she hasn't made a decision, then on the spare of the moment accepts. I don't understand what sways her in favor of accepting a his proposal besides the fact he helps her find Daniel. Sam isn't a spontaneous person.
      Rogue, you got me to thinking...
      Why did it take two weeks for her to decide? If she's so in love with PS, you would think she would've said "yes" right away. Do you think she was waiting to get a moment alone with Jack to see his reaction before she accepted? Maybe his reaction is what swayed her to accept PS's marriage proposal.


        Originally posted by galaxy
        As paradoxical as it might seem, but I think it's their love for each other, that is holding them back.
        Sam wants Jack to be happy and Jack wants Sam to be happy, but somehow, they seem to be unsure, about what the other wants.

        Jack is willing to retire to be with Sam (if the spoilers about Threads are true, but I think so), but he thinks she doesn't want that, but marrying Pete...Sam would give up her career, too, to be with Jack (like she indicates in Grace), but she knows he doesn't want her to do that and she is not sure about his feelings for her.. She seems to believe that he wants her to let him go and move on.....You see?

        They love each other so much, that they sacrifice their own needs and wishes for the sake of the other one.
        But they don't understand that they both want the same!!!! FCOL!!!
        My god, they are adults, aren't they?

        I hope I make sense...

        It makes perfect sense. They love each other so much they want to sacrifice for each other. Sam is scared Jack doesn't care, Jack is afraid he's not good enough (I really think that is what he thinks), so they both try to go on with their lives, blah blah blah. And being "good little soldiers" they don't want to go against regulations and completely overlook the possibility of going around the regulations. They are stuck in a rutt.

        To the tune of "Caught in a Trap" by Elvis:

        Stuck in a rutt,
        I can't get out,
        Cause I love you too much baby.
        ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


          Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
          I don't have any better ideas except I think it’s in the writing also, and maybe some issues with how they managed character continuity. That was one of my gripes w/Affinity. IMHO TPTB expected the viewers to swallow a lot things & to believe/assume that Sam is OK w/Pete’s behavior/actions without giving explanation -kind of like an {insert your own reasons here} kind of thing. Except it doesn't play out so well because we're scratching our heads going "huh???" Even a 1 or 2 minute segment giving us some kind of backstory would have allowed us to understand how the Sam we thought we knew would deal with and confront Pete about the things we saw him do in Chimera. (S8Affinity)
          As well as to explain why she would take 2 weeks to accept a proposal and what that 'defining' moment was....

          Instead TPTB jump quickly to Affinity without giving us any backstory along the way. (S8Affinity)
          Except for a quick rant to the guys & a comment to Teal’c we don’t get to see what the writers had in mind for why Sam would continue to pursue a ship w/Pete, let alone accept his marriage proposal. Look at the proposal scene… he cracks the stalker joke, she looks away with a wry smile
          and we the viewers are supposed *understand* and *assume* that a conversation happened & put our own spin on what might have been said. *shrugs* This is one time I would have liked something more than a superficial make-up-you-own-mind-about-the-backstory scene.
          Yup. And your post brings to mind what every writing teacher ever has probably said more times than she'd care to remember: show me, don't tell me. There's been a lot of telling and a lot of skipping past stuff that seems relevant, but precious little showing us what's going on with these characters. I've been told what they're doing, but I don't really understand why. The characterizations stopped making sense somewhere along the way because I didn't get to see the development. You can tell me the sky is fuchsia with teal stripes, but I'm gonna need to take a look before I stop thinking about calling the nice men in white coats.
          *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


            Originally posted by _Anubis
            Hi everybody I want an opinion of you guys.There are a lot of shippers here that can make video's about Sam and Jack.Now I'm organizing a award.I got 3 pictures here from 3 scenes out of differen episodes of the show that has been used many times by many creators of the Sam and Jack video's.Now I want to know wich scene you liked best choose only out of these 3:

            This picture is where Sam can't pass through the forcefield and Jack won't leave her behind.
            If you like this scene vote picture nr 1

            This picture is where they find out they are Za'tarcs and that Jack is taken away to freeze him in cryogenic suspension
            If you like this scence vote picture nr 2

            This scene is from out of Window of Opportunity where Jack gives George his resecnation and where he kisses Sam passionatly You can see General Hammond with this face OMG !!
            If you like this scence vote picture nr 3

            Make sure you say Picture nr ... Tommorow I'll let you know who wins the Award for best scene
            Definately picture nr 2!! Jack sacrificing himself for Sam! *sigh*


              Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
              I don't have any better ideas except I think it’s in the writing also, and maybe some issues with how they managed character continuity. That was one of my gripes w/Affinity. IMHO TPTB expected the viewers to swallow a lot things & to believe/assume that Sam is OK w/Pete’s behavior/actions without giving explanation -kind of like an {insert your own reasons here} kind of thing. Except it doesn't play out so well because we're scratching our heads going "huh???" Even a 1 or 2 minute segment giving us some kind of backstory would have allowed us to understand how the Sam we thought we knew would deal with and confront Pete about the things we saw him do in Chimera. (S8Affinity)
              As well as to explain why she would take 2 weeks to accept a proposal and what that 'defining' moment was....

              Instead TPTB jump quickly to Affinity without giving us any backstory along the way. (S8Affinity)
              Except for a quick rant to the guys & a comment to Teal’c we don’t get to see what the writers had in mind for why Sam would continue to pursue a ship w/Pete, let alone accept his marriage proposal. Look at the proposal scene… he cracks the stalker joke, she looks away with a wry smile
              and we the viewers are supposed *understand* and *assume* that a conversation happened & put our own spin on what might have been said. *shrugs* This is one time I would have liked something more than a superficial make-up-you-own-mind-about-the-backstory scene.
              Also, Affinity

              from the park scene and the talk with Teal'c in New Order, I got the impression she is not that serious about him. His proposal took her totally by surprise. I also don't believe its in Sams character to settle for less that what she wants. I think that what makes her saying yes so unbelievable.
              Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                Originally posted by _Anubis
                Hi everybody I want an opinion of you guys.There are a lot of shippers here that can make video's about Sam and Jack.Now I'm organizing a award.I got 3 pictures here from 3 scenes out of differen episodes of the show that has been used many times by many creators of the Sam and Jack video's.Now I want to know wich scene you liked best choose only out of these 3:

                This picture is where Sam can't pass through the forcefield and Jack won't leave her behind.
                If you like this scene vote picture nr 1
                This picture is where they find out they are Za'tarcs and that Jack is taken away to freeze him in cryogenic suspension
                If you like this scence vote picture nr 2

                This scene is from out of Window of Opportunity where Jack gives George his resecnation and where he kisses Sam passionatly You can see General Hammond with this face OMG !!
                If you like this scence vote picture nr 3

                Make sure you say Picture nr ... Tommorow I'll let you know who wins the Award for best scene
                i vote piccy number 1 because no words are spoken... yet volumes are said int their eyes


                  Originally posted by Rogue
                  Also, Affinity

                  from the park scene and the talk with Teal'c in New Order, I got the impression she is not that serious about him. His proposal took her totally by surprise. I also don't believe its in Sams character to settle for less that what she wants. I think that what makes her saying yes so unbelievable.
                  Affinity spoilers

                  Also, right before he proposes -- in the same scene! -- Pete actually seems uncertain when using the word 'boyfriend' to describe his relationship to her. Who proposes when they're not even sure they're on solid ground using the word boyfriend? And she didn't exactly jump to reassure him, either. And people wonder why I find this relationship hard to swallow.
                  *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                    Anubis, definitely nr 3....who wouldn't want to be locking lips with RDA! I would gladly stand in line for that!


                      Originally posted by AmberMoon
                      Rogue, you got me to thinking...
                      Why did it take two weeks for her to decide? If she's so in love with PS, you would think she would've said "yes" right away. Do you think she was waiting to get a moment alone with Jack to see his reaction before she accepted? Maybe his reaction is what swayed her to accept PS's marriage proposal.
                      Oooh, interesting... Affinity S8
                      I hadn't thought of it that way. I don't think that I have read that idea either, but I could be wrong. I skim a lot sometimes. The whole park scene, when he showed her the ring, wasn't someone that was expecting, nor really wanting, a marriage proposal.

                      She showed more excitement over his moving to CS than she did over the proposal. Then to accept, well, that's what killed me. I could understand her excitement over him moving. She does like him, she has fun with him, she's finally getting a little, eh, relief... But with him in Denver and her weird schedule, she probably couldn't have been seeing much of him.

                      So if he moved, they could spend more time together, but marriage!? Like I said, how much time, even though it had to be at least 8 to 10 months in the timeline of the show. (Icon was three months long...and felt like it...*giggle*) But with her offworld schedule, time spent in the lab, etc, and him out of town, how could he even expect her to answer right away!

                      So if she was waiting for Jack to give her a sign, and he just says that Pete could handle it... Hmmm... And then when she asks "What if thing were different?" If she was asking about them, and he said "I wouldn't be here", could she take that as he would retire and the SGC would lose a valuable member so she takes the other road!


                        Originally posted by auralan
                        Yup. And your post brings to mind what every writing teacher ever has probably said more times than she'd care to remember: show me, don't tell me. There's been a lot of telling and a lot of skipping past stuff that seems relevant, but precious little showing us what's going on with these characters. I've been told what they're doing, but I don't really understand why. The characterizations stopped making sense somewhere along the way because I didn't get to see the development. You can tell me the sky is fuchsia with teal stripes, but I'm gonna need to take a look before I stop thinking about calling the nice men in white coats.
                        Yups.... while it (IMO) was OK to have S/J moments that could be interpreted as shippy or non-shippy depending on your feelings toward ship... when they brought in Pete the plot device that was supposed to make Sam finally confront something she'd been ignoring for so long... it became a whole different kind of ballgame.... it took it to a new level that made the need for backstory a 'must,' not an option.

                        Yeppers on the 'Show me, Don't tell me' adage. (Which holds true for more in life than just writing... ) That makes me think back to the Pete/Chimera issues. We were "told" he was a nice guy, but even being 'told' that, I couldn't get past the things they presented to me onscreen in Chimera, no matter what they said. Same as reading a book... the author can come straight out in the beginning and say Character X is a nice guy, & then spend the rest of the book showing me actions that show Character X in the completely opposite light... no matter what I've been instructed to believe, I ain't going to!
                        Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                        My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                          Originally posted by Rogue
                          Also, Affinity

                          from the park scene and the talk with Teal'c in New Order, I got the impression she is not that serious about him. His proposal took her totally by surprise. I also don't believe its in Sams character to settle for less that what she wants. I think that what makes her saying yes so unbelievable.
                          This all makes me think of a quote at the bottom of an e-mail I recently received....

                          "You don't marry someone you can live with...
                          You marry the person you cannot live without."

                          Now... if only the TPTB could understand that....
                          Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                          My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                            Originally posted by meimei
                            So if she was waiting for Jack to give her a sign, and he just says that Pete could handle it... Hmmm... And then when she asks "What if thing were different?" If she was asking about them, and he said "I wouldn't be here", could she take that as he would retire and the SGC would lose a valuable member so she takes the other road! [/spoiler]
                            And then one night she wakes up, slaps herself on the forehead and says:

                            wait a minute, "he wouldn't be here", "he'd retire!." "That's it! I've gotta get rid of Pete!'
                            ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                              Originally posted by nickatell
                              Speculation and Spoilers Season 8
                              The part that angers me about all of this is we are only talking about a kiss between Jack and Sam and that is all. Now I don't know about the rest of you but this won't be enough to really satisfy me. I probably would have been satisfied with a kiss or an accepted fishing invitation around season 6, but after watching Chimera my expectations went completely higher. I never in my wildest dreams thought that TPTB would have ever given us dating, dancing, love scenes, and to top it all off a marriage proposal; but since they have now shown us what they can do I would like it done the right way between Jack and Sam. I don't want it all in one episode either, I never have, it should be done where we are there for the positive progression between them. I want it where when I am watching Season 7 again (years from now) I will automatically remember that Pete was simply a way for Sam to come to terms with herself and her true feelings for Jack and know in my heart that enough was shown to me in later episodes between Sam and Jack, that I am at peace with it all. I know, too much to hope for; but I will really feel cheated if all we get is a kiss when I know now they can do better. You know just like the comment between Sam and Pete about the "stalker" was a slap, I felt to us shippers I kind of think that just a kiss would almost be the same especially after Chimera, like TPTB are just throwing that at us. I'm not sure that I am making sense but I just feel that they have done a fabulous job with the ust and the angst I just hope that they don't let us down with not giving the resolved sexual tension the same quality and time. I want Sam and Jack together but not thrown at us or by expecting all of us to be satisfied with a kiss. Don't get me wrong that would be in the right direction, but simply not enough......
                              Well said! I absolutely agree! I know we've been getting all excited about (Moebius possible spoilers and spoilers for various S7 and 8 eps)
                              a possible kiss between Jack and Sam but poor Jack has loved her so deeply for so long and to only have them kiss would just not be enough. I need to see their love come to fruition. I really want to hear "I've loved you for so long now" or "I love you" or something to acknowledge how deep their feelings run. Jack would DIE for her FCOL!! How much deeper does it get than that? He is even willing to let her go if it would make her happy! How many men could stand there and listen to her go on about marrying ANOTHER MAN? He loves her so much that he won't stand in her way.
                              Gosh! I think I've worked myself into a frustrated lather lol
                              Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                              Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                              Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                              Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                                Originally posted by AmberMoon
                                Anubis, definitely nr 3....who wouldn't want to be locking lips with RDA! I would gladly stand in line for that!
                                I'm sure you would like I would dtand in line for kissing Carter
                                Comon people vote vote vote
                                Lord Zedd

