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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by Shipperahoy
    As far as OT goes as I've said before I wasn't overly concerned because it seemed that people were having a good time and I wasn't seeing or receiving any complaints. If people are going to get bent over it then I can crack down but, quite honestly, it depresses me that that would be necessary. And, people, don't take every red or gray ding seriously. There are phantom dingers out there who do that sort of stuff just to see people squirm. We've caught most of them and knocked them down to the point where their rep points given don't count anymore. That means their gray. Cough, cough, cough.

    Anyway, I'd like to not become the billy-club bearing prison matron of the Shipper Thread so let's try to work this out.

    Don't make me be this person. Please. And now I'm off to school. In the pouring rain.
    We will Ship Mum....and thanks for your words of WISDOM

    Now go to school..Take an umbrella...Will we be able to shop at the shipper store more if Ship Mum get a GREAT Job ?
    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


      Originally posted by Catysg1
      They may have a friendly RST fight in the jello those 2 one day

      My thoughts EXACTLY
      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


        Hey hey there shippers!

        Sorry about my posting earlier (one of those days)


        On tonight's adgenda

        More fanfic (with shippy content. Should be posted in a couple of hours)

        Fan Art - should be up within the hour!

        A photo of Myself and Fellow Shipper Mishy at our school disco should be up momentarily (just reparing the red eye and such)



        *Suekay wanders away wondering where that last comment came from*

        Hee hee

        At least we can scrape him over a black board!
        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


          Originally posted by Catysg1
          They may have a friendly RST fight in the jello those 2 one day

          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


            Originally posted by Melyanna
            Didn't we decide that we don't need rules here?

            Besides, there are some shippers who like Pete. You're being awfully exclusive by saying that you have to dislike him to hang around here.

            We have non-shippers who post here with varying degrees of regularity. Posting "rules" about them having to love Jack/Sam to post in here is just going to make them feel unwelcome, and we don't want to do that.

            The graphic is cute, though.
            Yes, we are the "screw the regs" group - who wants more!
            Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
            My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


              Originally posted by Kri
              This thread is NUTS today! I couldn't keep up if I tried! I am quite entertained by all the talk about Replicarter tho. Clever name Is it January yet?
              This thread is nuts any day.

              Am I at ny 500th post yet ?
              No ? To bad.


              Just keep posting, posting, posting.
              Just keep posting, hi, ha...

              SGU Continued....



                OT warning

                here's Mishy and I (I get the feeling she's gonna throttle me for posting this!)

                I'm on the left. Mishy's on the right!

                Back on topic now!

                Edit: Posting it here as we're both Shipper family members!!!
                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                  I think for me the frustrating part of this whole Sam and Jack thing is the wwwwaaaaiiiittttiiiinnnngggg. When Season 7 ended my expectations were very high, I couldn't wait for season 8 to begin. Then when Season 8 started it was such a let down for me, I expected the resolution to the relationship should have already been started, but no. Then as everyone has already stated we had no more off world missions to boot, bummer. Which brought us to the last episode before the hiatus which turned out to be another let down as far as the ship was concerned. I know some shippers may have found some ship if they looked very hard, but that is another thing I am very tired of doing. Now we find ourselves waiting not days but months for what we are once again hoping will be the positive resolution of the Sam and Jack relationship...add to all of this that we have been waiting 8 years and it begins to wear on anyone. It doesn't leave too much room for being positive. As Shipperahoy has said throw us a bone, in the way of spoilers, pictures, anything of the new episodes that will keep our shipper hearts fluttering.

                  I think the addition of Pete not only put a horrible spin on the Jack and Sam relationship but it also crept into my relationship with the show. This is honestly the last straw for me. If Jack and Sam are not together by the end of Season 8 I am not holding out hope any longer, besides anything after this season just wouldn't matter to me anymore it is almost becoming a joke already. I know we have to keep our hopes up because our ship will come in but at what cost to us?????????????

                  The second half of season 8 does sound promising but I also felt that the last episode of season 7 looked promising, what does that tell you..... I feel so helpless and I guess I don't like that, everything that we are hoping for is out of our hands really, and in the hands of TPTB and that wouldn't have bothered me before but now it scares the hell out of me.


                    Originally posted by sueKay

                    OT warning

                    here's Mishy and I (I get the feeling she's gonna throttle me for posting this!)

                    I'm on the left. Mishy's on the right!

                    Back on topic now!

                    Edit: Posting it here as we're both Shipper family members!!!
                    Woohoo you know Suekay ..I was just changing my sig pic cuz I decided I was a member of SG1 too



                      Originally posted by auralan
                      Multiple people, including Amanda, have acknowledged the ending of this whole Pete arc isn't going to make everybody happy. From the moment TPTB started this story-arc in Grace, they knew there were gonna be some unhappy people -- and different ones at various points on the rollercoaster. You can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs -- and they're making one. They're sooooo making one.
                      Oooh, I'm hungry! Anyone have a good recipe for a SPANISH OMELETE?

                      You know...there are a lot of food-related shipper symbols. Maybe everyone down in the dumps (including me) needs to have a SHIPPER FEAST DAY starting with a BIG, STEAMY Spanish Omelete of LOOOOOOVE, a second course of lemon chicken (which, true story, happens to be my personal specialty), followed by a dessert of your choice of any or all of the following: cake, blue jello, or Shipper Cookies (but make sure you get the correct color of the latter)

                      There will be NO Potatos of any kind, but for our Penguin shippers there will be plenty of fresh halibut!

                      On the off topic tangent...I'm afraid that some of the red/bad rep squares that seem to be going around this thread might have been from people following my advice to use rep points (though I distinctly recall suggesting GREEN ones) instead of posting one liner "me too" or "yipee" type of posts. I therefore want to stress for anybody who is still listening to me (if there are any left) that the WHOLE POINT of my post was to get people to be MORE RESPONSIBLE and that doesn't mean using rep points to say "I don't like you" or "shut up". Just as you should have a valid reason to post (and granted that "valid" is a relative term), you should have a valid reason to Rep.

                      To those who feel they've gotten red repped unfairly, I don't know much about the rep system checks and balances but if you're concerned about it, maybe you could talk to a mod to see what can be done about it. Even though the rep system is set up to be anonymous (to prevent retaliation, I assume), mods can see who is giving rep.

                      Lastly, I just want to state for the record, It Wasn't Me. As I've repeatedly said, I don't rep, green OR red, for exactly this reason. You can take my word for it or you can ask a mod.

                      *Starfury stuffs a big forkful of Spanish Omelete into her mouth before she is tempted to say anything else*
                      Sam & Jack 'Ship...


                        Originally posted by sueKay

                        OT warning

                        here's Mishy and I (I get the feeling she's gonna throttle me for posting this!)

                        I'm on the left. Mishy's on the right!

                        Back on topic now!

                        Edit: Posting it here as we're both Shipper family members!!!

                        Awww. Really cute pic!


                          Originally posted by Catysg1
                          Woohoo you know Suekay ..I was just changing my sig pic cuz I decided I was a member of SG1 too

                          hee hee

                          Well here's another graphic! My thrid piece of fanart!!!!

                          If you wanna see a bigger one, click on the pic!

                          (yes I know Jack's a bit wonky)
                          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                            y'know, sometimes I feel like the production crew at Stargate just don't get shippers. Really, just don't get us. I was listening to the Grace and Chimera commentaries (I find it beyond interesting that next to nothing about plot/story was mentioned in either, beyond how they figured out where "shipper" came from in Grace LOL) and all I can figure is that they think we're a bunch of insane, obsessed people who live vicariously through the characters. and Yes, they are alittle bit right. But they are kinda smarmy/smug about it and it pisses me off. Shippers give lots of energy and verve to the community. Does that translate to going off on tangents (Spud and the penguins)? Yes. Does it mean we have lost touch with reality? Uh, NO! I'm really getting tired of the "shipper rep" that seems to be pervasive in the industry. We're whackos, not true devotees of the show.

                            Bite ME! I love stargate. I love the action, the humor, the special effects. I like it when stuff blows up! I love it when they fight with weapons. Snark is good for the soul! I also (that means in addition to, NOT all 44 min dumbasses! Sam and Jack hour-my aunt tildy!) like that these characters are human, they have feelings for others, they fall in love, get their hearts broken. Make friends, are willing to sacrifice themselves for a greater good. The humanity of the show is something that I love. S/J having feelings for each other is not a stretch. They've been together longer than a lot of marriages, in situations that are beyond normal (it IS tv). Guess what? Love happens. If it didn't, there wouldn't be Frat regs in the first place.

                            PS like I said somewhere else. If ya don't like ship, don't write ship. and please don't be all astonished when people get behind ship. A little respect if you please.
                            The Eye of Botox has been formally recognized by the System Lords! Beware my fire-y wrath!!

                            by Nikkirose


                              Originally posted by sueKay
                              hee hee

                              Well here's another graphic! My thrid piece of fanart!!!!

                              If you wanna see a bigger one, click on the pic!

                              (yes I know Jack's a bit wonky)

                              wow suekay thats excellent!!!


                                Originally posted by Starfury
                                Oooh, I'm hungry! Anyone have a good recipe for a SPANISH OMELETE?

                                You know...there are a lot of food-related shipper symbols. Maybe everyone down in the dumps (including me) needs to have a SHIPPER FEAST DAY starting with a BIG, STEAMY Spanish Omelete of LOOOOOOVE, a second course of lemon chicken (which, true story, happens to be my personal specialty), followed by a dessert of your choice of any or all of the following: cake, blue jello, or Shipper Cookies (but make sure you get the correct color of the latter)

                                There will be NO Potatos of any kind, but for our Penguin shippers there will be plenty of fresh halibut!

                                On the off topic tangent...I'm afraid that some of the red/bad rep squares that seem to be going around this thread might have been from people following my advice to use rep points (though I distinctly recall suggesting GREEN ones) instead of posting one liner "me too" or "yipee" type of posts. I therefore want to stress for anybody who is still listening to me (if there are any left) that the WHOLE POINT of my post was to get people to be MORE RESPONSIBLE and that doesn't mean using rep points to say "I don't like you" or "shut up". Just as you should have a valid reason to post (and granted that "valid" is a relative term), you should have a valid reason to Rep.

                                To those who feel they've gotten red repped unfairly, I don't know much about the rep system checks and balances but if you're concerned about it, maybe you could talk to a mod to see what can be done about it. Even though the rep system is set up to be anonymous (to prevent retaliation, I assume), mods can see who is giving rep.

                                Lastly, I just want to state for the record, It Wasn't Me. As I've repeatedly said, I don't rep, green OR red, for exactly this reason. You can take my word for it or you can ask a mod.

                                *Starfury stuffs a big forkful of Spanish Omelete into her mouth before she is tempted to say anything else*


                                On an OT tangent agreeing with Starfury (I'm still listening!)

                                Rep points are for AGREEING and DISAGAREEING

                                NOT liking or disliking.

                                I give out rep points if I think someone's made a valid point that I agree with. Not whether or not I like them. I've given several to people that I don't particluarly see eye to eye with (not on this thread btw)

                                Bacn to our shipping!
                                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)

