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    Originally posted by Gatetrixer
    Do you suppose penguins (fish-eaters) can be taught to eat potatoes? Obviously they are fish-eaters because nothing grows in Antarctica, but in captivity????????
    I think even the penguins have their limits


      Originally posted by Rogue
      I think buying the house without her approval is just another way to secure his relationship with her.
      Yes, exactly. It's the act of a desperate man.
      He thought he'd sealed the realtionship in A$$inity, but, shock horror, Sam's not moving any faster towards a 'permanent fixture.' So he pushes her onwards, trying to cement it. I actually feel kinda sorry for the guy, studying his actions in detail he is obviously completely besotted with her. His reaction in A$$inity says a lot, I think, like he can't believe she actually said yes.

      Pete, you're losing, (hopeprayhopeperay) give her up now gracefully!!


        Originally posted by michelleb
        oh, i went beyond calm and mature sometime back in august..i believe it was around the time that
        sam said yes to that freaky, mashed-brains, annoying little pile of dren that stalks her!

        gone waaayyy beyond calm now..totally lost it.
        Michelle... Chill sweetie... sushh!... relax... breathe, breathe


          Originally posted by astronomicalchick
          Michelle... Chill sweetie... sushh!... relax... breathe, breathe

          i first read that as 'chilli sweetie, sushi'. i'm getting a bit food obsessed. i'm chilled. i'm relaxed. but inside, i'm a tightly coiled spring, ready to send the fartlings and the penguins off to the studios to do my nefarious bidding...

          what? oh, it seems someone actually wants me to get back to work. on a friday afternoon too. tut.
          Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


            [QUOTE=Mala50]Hey, why apologize for your craziness? Welcome to the club! Quite nice for a first attempt.

            I have no excuses for what I do - I haven't eaten any shipper cookies and it's too late for coffee (well, I'm just bored!)

            Here's my stupid pic of Shipper Teal'c and Swimmy in A$$INITY!

            Did you make that up Mala? Or was there a penguin doing tai-chi out there somewhere?

            you, woman, are a total and utter genius...


              Originally posted by michelleb
              mind you, frodo did sail off with galadriel...
              That is NOT "getting the girl", Michelle! Plus, she's married to Celeborn.

              (And thanks for translating that technobabble for me a few pages back...)

              In a world that seems to be increasing in conformity
              it's harder and harder to be who you wanna be
              It takes a lot of courage to stand up and get what you need
              And lots of us are happy in a different kind of family


                Originally posted by michelleb
                remember in the devil you know, when jacob came home to tell sam her mum was dead, she was baking cookies? it was a subtle message that she's already taken over the mother's role. looking after people, making them happy. maybe it's like that. sam feels responsible for pete..perhaps because her brother told him sam would like him, and though she liked him at first, she had no idea he would stay. now that he has, she feels responsible for him, so is trying to make him happy, and protect him, by playing along, by doing what he wants, even though it's not what she wants..but she's kidding herself that all she wants is pete's happiness. she's doing the classic mother's thing of keeping pete happy at the expense of her own wants and needs and desires.

                that's a good way to look at it. i also think that sam went into this relationship with a 'i'm gonna have a boyfriend if it kills me' mentality. remember how focused she gets on stuff? I think she came out of grace with the ideal that she was going to get a life and was going to do everythign she coudl TO get a life.

                hence she accepted her brother's offer of a blind date, after likley turning him down a dozen times before. and she's forcing herself to keep giving pete the benefit of the doubt, keep turning a blind eye, keep making excuses.

                pete is on the rebound and trying to recapture his lost marriage and he's found this gorgous woman and he wants to be married again and 'fix' his life.

                the question is how long will sam tag along? is she really tagging along? will it work out or will they grow apart and realize that they're jsut not a good match.

                sam has a rather forceful personality, and i think she needs a man who also has a forceful personality or she's gonna end up dominating him, he'll resent it and it wont' last
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by michelleb
                  i first read that as 'chilli sweetie, sushi'. i'm getting a bit food obsessed. i'm shilled. i'm relaxed. but inside, i'm a tightly coiled spring, ready to send the fartlings and the penguins off to the studios to do my nefarious bidding...

                  what? oh, it seems someone actually wants me to get back to work. on a friday afternoon too. tut.


                    Originally posted by michelleb
                    isn't one of the points of LOTR that the hero is never who we expect to be, and that not all tales end the way they should, or even happily?

                    mind you, frodo did sail off with galadriel...
                    Ha! Yes, yes he did. <snort>
                    Random off topicness here:
                    Sam was certainly *my* hero when I read the book, more so than Frodo/Aragorn... but I didn't get that impression from the film... I actually found the Sam in the films quite boring and not a bit like the person I'd imagined. They cut all of his funny line and made their own up. I know he's not supposed to be the sharpest tool in the box, but he had some great one liners in the book that they got rid of in the film, and they played up his country-bumpkin image instead. That said, LOTR are still my favourite films EVER! I really like the way they portrayed Eowyn....
                    *Dragging myself back on topic*
                    S/J all the way.


                      Originally posted by Skydiver

                      sam has a rather forceful personality, and i think she needs a man who also has a forceful personality or she's gonna end up dominating him, he'll resent it and it wont' last
                      Yes! My thoughts exactly. That's why even though she's 'waaay too good for Jack' (not my opinion), they do make a good couple. Because, as I posted at great length about earlier, they aren't in *awe* of one another. They could have a co-dominant relationship because she wouldn't be afraid to stand up to him, and vice versa.


                        Originally posted by CoffeeGirl
                        That is NOT "getting the girl", Michelle! Plus, she's married to Celeborn.

                        (And thanks for translating that technobabble for me a few pages back...)
                        oh pooh, celeborn. what do him and galadriel have, apart from a passionate and deep long lasting that survived all kinds of trials and tribulations..

                        there was a point once, wasn't there? oh yeah.. the hero will get the girl. you know, i agree but RDA has this self-deprecation and this way of doing the unexpected, and of treating himself like he's not the star and i worry that is the writers present a really good case for jack not getting the girl, then he won't.

                        but then amanda will put her foot down, hopefully, and demand our ending.i think they want a shippy ending too
                        Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                          Originally posted by michelleb
                          The hero will get the girl. you know, i agree but RDA has this self-deprecation and this way of doing the unexpected, and of treating himself like he's not the star and i worry that is the writers present a really good case for jack not getting the girl, then he won't.
                          Don't say things like that!!
                          I'm trying to avoid a happy pill addiction.


                            Originally posted by michelleb
                            yes, exactly, he's like a little boy with a shiny new toy that he keeps clean and safe cos it's precious, and doesn't want anyone else to play with in case they damage it.

                            and she's playing along for the moment. maybe, given her track record with long term relationships, she doesn't realise she doesn't have to change to suit the guy, even he accepts her as she is, with all her intelligence and toughness and secrets, or he leaves. maybe she just wants to make him happy. but in the end, she'd be making herself unhappy.

                            remember in the devil you know, when jacob came home to tell sam her mum was dead, she was baking cookies? it was a subtle message that she's already taken over the mother's role. looking after people, making them happy. maybe it's like that. sam feels responsible for pete..perhaps because her brother told him sam would like him, and though she liked him at first, she had no idea he would stay. now that he has, she feels responsible for him, so is trying to make him happy, and protect him, by playing along, by doing what he wants, even though it's not what she wants..but she's kidding herself that all she wants is pete's happiness. she's doing the classic mother's thing of keeping pete happy at the expense of her own wants and needs and desires.
                            WOW Michelle...this is pretty deep coming from you!

                            It so happens that what you are saying makes a lot of sense. TPTB have been saying that they want to show this other side of Sam but they never explained it like you just did.

                            I can sort of understand now what Sam sees in although I'll never believe that she loves him. It's Jack all the way. Remember those looks.
                            Desperate Thunker


                              You know what I've just done...
                              I'm worried it might have jinxed us...
                              I've been making a video and I've left the last few seconds to do after Threads because a shot of Jack answering the door to Sam (and not that one from LC, it's too... bleugh...) is what I need. Plus some kissage... but I've got clips I can use already for that if none is forthcoming...


                                Originally posted by Critter
                                WOW Michelle...this is pretty deep coming from you!

                                It so happens that what you are saying makes a lot of sense. TPTB have been saying that they want to show this other side of Sam but they never explained it like you just did.

                                I can sort of understand now what Sam sees in although I'll never believe that she loves him. It's Jack all the way. Remember those looks.

                                i can be deep. it just takes a lot of chocolate. i think she thinks jack doesn't need taking care off, so doesn't need her. she's wrong. jack may not need taking care of, but he certainly needs she is, not as some mother figure or fantasy figure.
                                Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic

