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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by meimei
    What a lovely birthday display!

    Mei Mei thinks it might be familar...

    Wait, stole it? From Mei Mei...

    See her powers of deductive reasoning have not been completely fried by season eight!!

    Oh, well, it's for a good cause!! HB LtLisa!
    well my brain was fried because after reading a page I couldn't remember who I stole it from ACK!!!!

    Thank you for reminding me who to give the credit to

    I stole it from Mei Mei...
    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


      Originally posted by Catysg1

      New video " I'm your Angel" R. kelly & C. Dion


      Feedback greatly appreciated Thank you

      Great vid Caty. Loved the Heroes clips at the end.


        Originally posted by Mala50
        Good idea!

        Hey, do you think I should send this to TPTB??
        (via Penguin Express, of course!)

        Hah! I love it. Shall I call the penguin couriers?
        Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
        Last update: 14 April 2006
        Melyanna's Multimedia
        Last update: 15 February 2006


          Originally posted by auralan
          And the lack of the catsuit in late season 8 and potential early season 9 is very good news. Perhaps this will force them to dress her appropriately to her rank and position in the SGC.
          Oh gosh, anything to get her dressing like a lieutenant colonel in the United States Air Force while she's ON DUTY.
          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
          Last update: 14 April 2006
          Melyanna's Multimedia
          Last update: 15 February 2006


            Originally posted by Mala50
            Good idea!

            Hey, do you think I should send this to TPTB??
            (via Penguin Express, of course!)

            That is so funny Mala. I liked it that you even manage to insert some Resolved Sexual Tension in it .


              Originally posted by Mala50
              Good idea!

              Hey, do you think I should send this to TPTB??
              (via Penguin Express, of course!)

              Oh God! Can I use a resized version of that in my sig?


                Originally posted by Mala50
                LOL! Bev - I must have missed the memo, too! And may I say, that explanation was incredibly deep...(even deeper than Teal'c!)

                As for me, I'll keep my thoughts shallow! The shallower, the better, I say!
                Hey, I never meant to imply that a huge reason was needed.
                Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                Last update: 14 April 2006
                Melyanna's Multimedia
                Last update: 15 February 2006


                  Originally posted by Major Fischer
                  Oh God! Can I use a resized version of that in my sig?
                  Aww, I like Sarah.
                  Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                  Last update: 14 April 2006
                  Melyanna's Multimedia
                  Last update: 15 February 2006


                    Originally posted by Melyanna
                    Aww, I like Sarah.
                    I like Sarah too But this sig just certainly have a shelf life


                      Originally posted by Critter
                      ODE TO MY SHIPPER FAMILY

                      Have you ever had the kind of day
                      When no one would come out to play?

                      One day that happened to me
                      And I found this thread to look and see

                      This is the Shippy thread about Sam and Jack
                      Once I found it, I was hooked and kept coming back

                      We are a very talented lot
                      Some would even say we are hot

                      We have those who post Shippy pics
                      Others write great Shippy fan fics

                      Still others create Shippy videos
                      That make us tingle from our heads to our toes

                      Everyone is full of (((((Shipper))))) hugs
                      Gosh! You can even buy Shipper mugs

                      If you're lurking, don't be shy
                      Come it a try

                      This is the greatest thread around
                      Come and join us in wonderful Shipper Town

                      It doesn't matter if you're gals or guys
                      As you can see, our Shippers are incredibly wise

                      Come one, come all to Shipper Town
                      We've got the best Sam/Jack Shippers around

                      Keep the faith, we will win
                      It's plain to see that our SHIP WILL COME IN!
                      This little diddy has brought me out of lurkdom... thanks, Critter

                      She just LOVES this man...


                        Originally posted by Mala50
                        Good idea!

                        Hey, do you think I should send this to TPTB??
                        (via Penguin Express, of course!)


                        ROFL!! Mala, that's brilliant!!


                          Hi chums. Here's my shippy pic of the day....

                          More touching!


                            ohhhh how touchinnnnnnnnnnng (melts into a puddle of chocolate goo)


                              Originally posted by Mala50
                              LOL! Bev - I must have missed the memo, too! And may I say, that explanation was incredibly deep...(even deeper than Teal'c!)

                              As for me, I'll keep my thoughts shallow! The shallower, the better, I say!
                              LOL! I can be deep when I want, but I think I'll stay with you in the shallow end!


                                HEY LOOK! It's Starfury's SHIPPY MOMENT OF THE DAY!!!

                                In "Forsaken" Corso is coming on to Carter and he asks her if she has anybody special waiting for her back home?

                                Carter gives him a look and says "Nothing I'd care to discuss."

                                See, every time somebody asks Jack or Sam this type of question they ALWAYS avoid giving a direct answer (Remember when Freya came onto Jack in D&C?). It's one of those times when what is NOT SAID says MORE than what they actually say.

                                I think that Jacob is going to be the one to bring Sam to a turning point regarding her relationship with Pete. SPECULATION/SPOILERS for THREADS
                                I think that when Sam goes to talk to her dad in the infirmary he's going to be asking about the wedding with and he will get the vibe that something is not right & will start to probe Sam's feelings a little deeper. She will get defensive and say that Pete is great and he really loves her. Then Jacob will give her a pointed look and ask "Of course he does! Every boy who has ever met you has fallen in love with you, since you were seven years old! But Sam, do you love him?"

                                And Sam will just have to sit there with her mouth hanging open, because she will realize that she can't say that she loves him. Then Jacob will give a nice fatherly speech about how much she means to him and how happy he would be to see her married to a man she really loves, and he hopes she would never allow herself to settle for anything less, because even though no guy could ever be good enough to deserve her, every man deserves to marry a woman who loves him and well, you know, the big fatherly speech!

                                I expect crying. If not from Sam, then at least from me. And that is when Sam will realize that she has to break off her engagement to Pete.

                                And of course by the end of the episode Jack and Sam will both be free to say to each other what they've never been able to admit to anyone else.
                                Sam & Jack 'Ship...

