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    Look what Tame did to my sig!!!

    I'm so pleased with it... Thank you Tame you are a goddess....



      Originally posted by Athenaktt
      Ahhh ((((((((((((((Shipper Family))))))))))))) I miss you guys so much!!!

      I still have another week in thailand before I'm back in the good ol' USA. I've taken a lot pictures that i will share once I get back.

      I can't wait to get back and get a good dose of Sam and Jack chat. I'm on serious stargate withdrawal. everything I see I think of stargate. I swear the moment i got on the plane the and pick up the magazine. Inside the magazine was a slip of paper and guess what name is scribbled on top..."jack". haha...and the other day my dad went to visit some friend of his and they gave him a couple t-shirts from the guess it..."O'neill"...gah...when i get back must watch hours and hours of Stargate DVDs to make up for lost time. haha

      Oh and I might as well say "Hi and Welcome" to all the newbies i'm sure that have appeared over the last 3 weeks i've been MIA.

      anyways you may return to your rigourous shipping...this is athena signing out from thailand.

      P.S. I'm not even gonna bother with "catching up"...I bet I have like a million pages to look over. haha. I guess i'll get caught up if visit the shipper chat room.
      Hi Athena, glad to hear from you. Hope you're having fun!


        Originally posted by Don't Forget the Cubs
        Hi all! I'm a newbie here (this'll be my first post), just thought I'd stop by to say Jack and Sam rock and Pete sucks . I'm afraid I can't add to the Jack-gushing, being a guy and all . Nor can I add any Sam gushing to compensate, since I've never been much of a drooler. I tend to pair characters together in my mind (like... say, just for the sake of argument... Sam and Jack! ), and cheer silently whenever they make the slightest move towards sweet togetherness . Anyway, just thought I'd stop by and say hi -- and Mel knows I'm glaring at her for dragging me into all this, but I generally tend to end up liking things my friends drag me into .
        aha! Mel's friend... welcome to the asylum... we've got everything here... ship, thunking, cookies, popcorn, potatoes, videos, friendly mad folk, Pete (!) and oh yes...



          Originally posted by TameFarrar
          Caty?? you really didn't see the ship??? in Abyss

          First the reason that Kanan EVEN went back to the planet was because when he was FORCED to judge himself by Jack's standards he was found lacking....Kanan had left one of his people behind...and NOT only had he left a person behind he left THE WOMAN HE LOVED BEHIND..Jack would NEVER LEAVE Sam.....(example - Divide and Conquer Jack would not leave Sam)

          Second - Daniel was Jack's best friend and he wanted to help Jack, he was trying to do the only things he knew he could ( if people saw it differently well I personally won't go there)

          Third - Jack is tired and tells Daniel ..I am gonna TELL HIM...Daniel asks tell him what??? Jack tells Daniel ...He came back because he (Kanan) LOVED HER the scene swtches immediately to Sam in the lab figuring out that it wasn't Jack following because of Kanan...BUT Kanan acting out BECAUSE OF JACK'S FEELINGS.... Only Sam doesn't realize it is because Jack loves her

          Forth - in the infirmary Jack and Daniel are talking and Daniel tells Jack he is going to be alright and Jack asks are you sure??? and Daniel looks over his shoulder and says YES I AM SURE and the camera pans over to Sam walking in with Jack's water and Daniel has disappeared - That said to me that Daniel knew that Jack would be in good hands with Sam.

          that all sounds pretty shippy to me

          oK (((((((((((((Tame))))))))))))))))))This is a good explanation ..May be I didn't understand the episode or didn't concentrate enough on what was being said .!!!! I 'll try to watch it again and see if I understand it more now with your explanation..

          but I hate torture scenes ..and the scene I can't stand is from the x-files from the episode "Roadrunners" when the creepy people stuck a slug in Scully's back although she was screaming she was expecting a baby was like a rape scene ..Have you ever seen that scene???

          Ok ...about Abyss.... I realized the end now about Sam ,Daniel and Jack although when I saw it first time round ...I only took it as Jack was still thinking of Daniel ...but the looking over his shoulder from Daniel and Sam comes in as he says that ....then yes ..It means just that .A bit of a shame ....we are in season 8 now ...and nothing happened between Sam and Jack since Abyss though ...Bad TPTB .

          Thank you Tame for the clarifications



            Originally posted by MajorSamFan
            I'm new, too. Kiwigater and Abydosorphan (or Tricia - not sure what she goes by here...) DRAGGED me KICKING and SCREAMING ...not really. I'm addicted to Amanda (an Amandaholic...) and to Sam/Jack (so guess I'm a Sam/Jackaholic, too).

            Welcome... !!!


              Originally posted by Mala50
              I know I have a scrubbed one somewhere...but here's another one from the rescue scene.... I like the way Sam's holding onto his body.

              I like the way he's clinging on to her for dear if he thought he'd never see her again, and he can't bear to let her go now. I love this moment, the whole time in that room is so intensely shippy, from his whispered 'My love, Carter' to the extra-long hug, to him still holding on to her as they pull apart to decided what to do next. and i just love the way he sees she's ok (after he's chucked hathor over) and can't help but grab her and hug her. and how he wakes up when hathor is attacking's so lovely. i think i'll watch it again.
              Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                Originally posted by Starfury

                Oh, and one more thing about "Abyss," notice how Sam knows where to look for Jack. Kanan had to go back for HIS WOMAN, but only after being forced to confront JACK'S ideals! Shippy, shippy shippy.
                yes..actually..i noticed that. only sam knows that jack would never leave anyone behind, especially not someone that his 'tok'ra' other half loved, because jack knows that love should be treasured, not thrown away like kanan did. i wrote a fic about it, but couldn't put it on cos it's pure dialogue, and they don't allow that. (It's called The Influence of Jack O'Neill, and it's at jack and sam's pad, if anyone's interested)
                Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                  Originally posted by majorsal
                  spoilers for s7's chimera


                  There was a time I wondered if Mark hadn't pushed PS's curiosity to where it was, or that he'd asked PS to look into things about his sister.


                  you mean mark might have sent pete to sort of spy on his sister? not in a creepy way, just a 'check up on my sister' way? or maybe mark is NID, and they're in it together...interesting idea..
                  Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                    Originally posted by Major Fischer
                    It's an interesting theory, and I'd like to think that is the answer here, but do you think they could keep a spoiler like that quiet?

                    Well, they seem to be keeping all spoilers very quiet...especially any spoilers involving sam and jack. Most of the spoilers we do have (that have been officially released and that we haven't found out through other methods ourselves) have been involving Daniel or Teal'c. No spoilers for Gemini, which will obviously be a Sam heavy episode....and the only spoilers officially revealed for Threads (which we know to be shippy) talk mostly about Daniel and Oma. Personally, I'm very suspicious about the lack of spoilers for Sam and Jack..but I'm a naturally suspicious and paranoid person anyway, so that doesn't mean much.

                    Maybe we should ask the penguins....
                    Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                      Originally posted by Major Fischer
                      See, even if Sam wouldn't beat him up (she would), you know Janet would go after him with all 5'3 of herself and probably win...

                      I'd pay to see that..both Sam beating him up and then Janet doing it. I mean, even Jack's scared of Janet (notice how he only mutters Napleonic Powermonger once he's sure she's gone, and then under his breath). But yeah, Pete lays one finger on her, and he's toast. She'd beat the living daylights out of him.....oh, I'd like to see that. I really would.
                      Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                        Originally posted by Major Fischer
                        I become concerned at times, about exactly how well the show does portray women in the military. I can name on 1 hand how many female military characters (officers or otherwise) have appeared as significant players in the series eight years, and even the extras are limited.

                        So I guess I feel the 'lose' of Sam as a strong role model in that regard even stronger.
                        Thank you for bringing that up. In Germany, women weren't allowed in the military (except for nurses and musicians, strangely) until a few years ago. They still can't work in every branch of the military, but we're getting there. They've been allowed to pursue careers as officers since 2000 or 2001, I think. I remember some TV reports about the first female military officers and how they cope from around that time.

                        Anyway, I started watching and liking Stargate because of Sam. There was this strong, independent (not to mention drop dead gorgeous) woman who did a wonderful job, was intelligent and not just "eye candy" for the male viewers. I loved it that she wasn't just someone's wife, daughter, sister, assistant or whatever - she was SAM and she was good at it. Once they got away from the "feminist on a soapbox" thing in the early episodes which AT hated so much, it was a joy to watch Carter.

                        And that's why I was upset with that one scene in "Grace" where her Dad asks her if she's happy. The Sam I know would have said something along the lines of "I'm doing what I always wanted to do, I have great friends and I can go places where most people can't go - HELL YES I'M HAPPY!" Instead there was this suggestion that no, you can't be happy unless you have a significant other in your life. Women can't be happy unless they have "a man" in their life.


                        Yes, having a relationship is wonderful. Waking up next to somebody is nice. But you CAN be happy without a husband, 2.5 kids and a van in front of your house. Women can find fulfillment in their jobs, their friends, all aspects of life.

                        The Sam we're seeing now is - to quote a wonderful FF story - Samantha, not Carter. But I watch Stargate because of Carter, not Samantha. If I wanted to see Samantha-like characters, I'd watch Seventh Heaven. (No offense to anyone who likes that show, of course).

                        Rant over. Handing feminist soapbox back to TPTB. Thanks for listenting.

                        In a world that seems to be increasing in conformity
                        it's harder and harder to be who you wanna be
                        It takes a lot of courage to stand up and get what you need
                        And lots of us are happy in a different kind of family


                          Originally posted by mad_gater
                          You go girl!! ((((((((((((((((((((CG))))))))))))))))))

                          How come we never see you in the shipper chat room anymore? We miss you in there!
                          The last few days, I was going over the videos I'm doing with Lena. Very intense chat sessions, I didn't feel I would be able to keep up with you guys in another chat room next to it. Also, there's the time difference - most of you guys come online when I'm about to go offline and go to bed. I'll try to be there more often, though. :-)

                          In a world that seems to be increasing in conformity
                          it's harder and harder to be who you wanna be
                          It takes a lot of courage to stand up and get what you need
                          And lots of us are happy in a different kind of family


                            Originally posted by CoffeeGirl
                            Thank you for bringing that up. In Germany, women weren't allowed in the military (except for nurses and musicians, strangely) until a few years ago. They still can't work in every branch of the military, but we're getting there. They've been allowed to pursue careers as officers since 2000 or 2001, I think. I remember some TV reports about the first female military officers and how they cope from around that time.
                            yes, they're still not allowed on the front line in UK either..i think there's still this perception of all women as fragile little creatures who need to be protected, and shouldn't be exposed to something as horrific as the front line..a perception that's all wrong. when i read opinions like 'how would women cope with having periods on the frontline', i just get very very angry (same way we cope any other time!)

                            Anyway, I started watching and liking Stargate because of Sam. There was this strong, independent (not to mention drop dead gorgeous) woman who did a wonderful job, was intelligent and not just "eye candy" for the male viewers. I loved it that she wasn't just someone's wife, daughter, sister, assistant or whatever - she was SAM and she was good at it. Once they got away from the "feminist on a soapbox" thing in the early episodes which AT hated so much, it was a joy to watch Carter.
                            i know, she became a total hero of mine. there she was, on the front line, doing exactly the same job as the men, better in many cases, and she wasn't preaching about it, just doing it. a fine role model for many young women

                            And that's why I was upset with that one scene in "Grace" where her Dad asks her if she's happy. The Sam I know would have said something along the lines of "I'm doing what I always wanted to do, I have great friends and I can go places where most people can't go - HELL YES I'M HAPPY!" Instead there was this suggestion that no, you can't be happy unless you have a significant other in your life. Women can't be happy unless they have "a man" in their life.
                            yes. if sam had been male, would there even have been a moment's doubt that this life made her happy? not for a second. and if i had her life, i'd be ecstatic, man or no man. the writers of the show seemed to have searched for an insight into a woman's mind, decided to read Bridget Jones, and thought 'oh, ok, they're all like that'. next thing you know, sam will be counting how many calories she eats and writing V.bad in her diary next to her weight.


                            Yes, having a relationship is wonderful. Waking up next to somebody is nice. But you CAN be happy without a husband, 2.5 kids and a van in front of your house. Women can find fulfillment in their jobs, their friends, all aspects of life.
                            yes, i know. i have no significant other, no children, and no desire to have either. true love would be nice, but i can live without it. but all my relatives and older friends (the ones who are married) are constantly saying 'when are you goign to meet a nice man' and you'll want to settle down and get married and have kids one day, when you're older. well, i didn't want it when i was 16, and i don't want at 33, so it's doutbful i'll ever want it, but they can't seem to understand a woman who is quite happy alone and childless.

                            i think it's because they've made the choice in their own lives to stop dreaming, to get married (not necessarily to their one true love) and have kids and the van, and the house, and when i say 'i choose a different path', it's like i'm reminding them they didn't have to make that choice, and their lifestyle is not necessarily the best lifestyle.

                            umm...the point..oh yes....the writers don't seem to understand..some women don't need a man to be happy (poor men, sorry, guys...), and their's different between being with your one true love, and being with any man just for the sake of being a man

                            The Sam we're seeing now is - to quote a wonderful FF story - Samantha, not Carter. But I watch Stargate because of Carter, not Samantha. If I wanted to see Samantha-like characters, I'd watch Seventh Heaven. (No offense to anyone who likes that show, of course).

                            Rant over. Handing feminist soapbox back to TPTB. Thanks for listenting.
                            i've never seen seventh heaven, but i get the general gist. i have no real desire to watch women be housewives, or be sweet and soft and gentle and loving and caring. the women i like are Captain Janeway, Aeryn Soon, Sam Carter...tough women who can take command, fire a gun, get covered in mud, beat the crap out of any man with both hands tied behind their back and enjoy their lives..without a man..and when they do get do get a partner, it's becasue they're in love, not because they feel they must, and getting the love doesn't make them softer or sweeter or domestic, but makes them stronger.

                   seem to have accidentally handed the soapbox to me. Sorry about that, guys. Umm..thanks for reading!
                            Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                              Thanks, Michelle - great thoughts! Gimme that soapbox one more time, will ya... *ahemhem*

                              Originally posted by michelleb
                              i think there's still this perception of all women as fragile little creatures who need to be protected, and shouldn't be exposed to something as horrific as the front line
                              Yeah, I never got that. In EVERY war EVER fought on this planet, women and children have suffered - often more than men. So why should they be "protected" all of a sudden when they know war from first-hand experience througout the centuries? Oh wait, women can be the victims in war, but they can't fire a gun? That's a very disturbing image right there.

                              when i read opinions like 'how would women cope with having periods on the frontline', i just get very very angry (same way we cope any other time!)
                              It makes you want to scream. Having your period IS NOT A DISEASE. It's natural and we cope. Every four weeks. We have, for hundreds of thousands of years. We don't faint (unless you put us in corsets where we can't move or breathe), we don't cry. It's just a little blood, FCOL. Get over it, guys.

                              i know, she became a total hero of mine. there she was, on the front line, doing exactly the same job as the men, better in many cases, and she wasn't preaching about it, just doing it.

                              when i say 'i choose a different path', it's like i'm reminding them they didn't have to make that choice, and their lifestyle is not necessarily the best lifestyle.
                              It's disturbing how aggressive some women get when they're confronted with women who don't want to get married, have kids and live happily ever after.

                              Which reminds me - go here for a good laugh:

                              And no, it's not a fake.

                              the women i like are Captain Janeway, Aeryn Soon, Sam Carter...tough women who can take command, fire a gun, get covered in mud, beat the crap out of any man with both hands tied behind their back and enjoy their lives
                              Add "early seasons Scully" to that list and I'm right with you! :-)

                              In a world that seems to be increasing in conformity
                              it's harder and harder to be who you wanna be
                              It takes a lot of courage to stand up and get what you need
                              And lots of us are happy in a different kind of family


                                Originally posted by michelleb
                                Well, they seem to be keeping all spoilers very quiet...especially any spoilers involving sam and jack. Most of the spoilers we do have (that have been officially released and that we haven't found out through other methods ourselves) have been involving Daniel or Teal'c. No spoilers for Gemini, which will obviously be a Sam heavy episode....and the only spoilers officially revealed for Threads (which we know to be shippy) talk mostly about Daniel and Oma. Personally, I'm very suspicious about the lack of spoilers for Sam and Jack..but I'm a naturally suspicious and paranoid person anyway, so that doesn't mean much.

                                Maybe we should ask the penguins....
                                The penguins are massing... just in case...

