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    Originally posted by LtLisa
    my latest dinger...I'm laughing so hard I can barely type

    //September 28th, 2004 06:57 PM the regs r they're 4 a raisen //

    well, I always knew that the regs weren't worth much...

    this is before the time Maeleine mentioned though (right?)
    Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



      Hey everybody *waves*

      First, who ever out there is giving all these negative point.....please stop's not fair to give them just because you dont agree with there opinion.

      Second, I just bought DREAMWATCH issue 122....they have an interview with RDA and MS about season 8.

      Sticking in spoilers just in case

      WARNING ; postin a *huge* chunk of the interview so you can make an informed decision

      interview with RDA
      Talking about a conversation with Robert C.Cooper
      "The one thing he really did want me to give some thought to was how we're going to resolve the O'Neill/Carter relationship"
      "What on earth do we do......or rather what not on earth do we do ? i said 'I can't quite answer that' As i understand it she's got a guy right now. She's got . But Robert asked me to give it some thought.
      " Personally, I'm open to suggestions. I don't know what Robert has in mind for the end, but i'm happy to listen to what the writers want for the O'Neill/Carter relationship and even O'Neill."

      That was all he said regarding "The Realtionship" maybe its just me miss interpreting it but (refer to underlined part) i just got the feeling that he was giving him a white flag.......sort of being all 'well hey if you think you guys should get together then o.k' (backing up the *oh* so nice little statement of being no threat to O'Niell )

      The Only reference i the MS interview to shipp was this ;
      "There are a lot of very good episodes in the second half od the season. 'Reckoning, parts 1 & 2' and 'Threads' are basically the resolutions of so many ongoing threads. Carte and O'Neill ; Will they or wont they ? Will she get married to this other character, ?"

      This was all he had to so, so at least we know we are getting way or the other (by the way it will be the shipper way )
      and it shouldnt be all drippy and suggestive......well in theory anyway

      Well that went on a bit didn't it, sorry to anyone who wasn't interested or found it dull but.....i think interviews with the actors are one if the few reliable information resources we have out there

      anywhoo i think i have said enough ................for now


      United we stand,Divided we fall. - The Shipper Family
      honoured member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team


        Originally posted by LtLisa
        my latest dinger...I'm laughing so hard I can barely type

        //September 28th, 2004 06:57 PM the regs r they're 4 a raisen //

        well, I always knew that the regs weren't worth much...

        this is before the time Maeleine mentioned though (right?)
        LMAO!! I was laughing harder at the term "dinger" than I was at the "raisen".

        Dinger is what my 4 yo niece calls her male dog's.... well, you get the picture!!

        LOL!! ROFLMAO!!! How fitting!!!!


          Originally posted by michelleb
          a raisen? isn't that s small shrivelled fruit? poor raisen's, they spend their lives being shrivelled and sat on and gobbled with handfuls of nuts at least they have Reg to keep them happy, good old Reg, where would the dried fruits of the world be without you


          Poor raisens. But hey, they do get to socialize with chocolate quite a bit. I hope those regs aren't trying to keep the raisens or nuts away from chocolate. That would just be too cruel.
          ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


            Originally posted by blueiris

            Poor raisens. But hey, they do get to socialize with chocolate quite a bit. I hope those regs aren't trying to keep the raisens or nuts away from chocolate. That would just be too cruel.

            don't you know raisens belong with potatoes? what would they want with chocolate. there's absolutly no raisen/choc chemistry at all
            Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


              Originally posted by michelleb
              don't you know raisens belong with potatoes? what would they want with chocolate. there's absolutly no raisen/choc chemistry at all
              Doesn't that just say it all. Proof that Sam and Jack belong together.
              ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                Originally posted by misstweedledee
                Hey everybody *waves*

                First, who ever out there is giving all these negative point.....please stop's not fair to give them just because you dont agree with there opinion.

                Second, I just bought DREAMWATCH issue 122....they have an interview with RDA and MS about season 8.

                Sticking in spoilers just in case

                WARNING ; postin a *huge* chunk of the interview so you can make an informed decision

                interview with RDA
                Talking about a conversation with Robert C.Cooper
                "The one thing he really did want me to give some thought to was how we're going to resolve the O'Neill/Carter relationship"
                "What on earth do we do......or rather what not on earth do we do ? i said 'I can't quite answer that' As i understand it she's got a guy right now. She's got . But Robert asked me to give it some thought.
                " Personally, I'm open to suggestions. I don't know what Robert has in mind for the end, but i'm happy to listen to what the writers want for the O'Neill/Carter relationship and even O'Neill."

                That was all he said regarding "The Realtionship" maybe its just me miss interpreting it but (refer to underlined part) i just got the feeling that he was giving him a white flag.......sort of being all 'well hey if you think you guys should get together then o.k' (backing up the *oh* so nice little statement of being no threat to O'Niell )

                The Only reference i the MS interview to shipp was this ;
                "There are a lot of very good episodes in the second half od the season. 'Reckoning, parts 1 & 2' and 'Threads' are basically the resolutions of so many ongoing threads. Carte and O'Neill ; Will they or wont they ? Will she get married to this other character, ?"

                This was all he had to so, so at least we know we are getting way or the other (by the way it will be the shipper way )
                and it shouldnt be all drippy and suggestive......well in theory anyway

                Well that went on a bit didn't it, sorry to anyone who wasn't interested or found it dull but.....i think interviews with the actors are one if the few reliable information resources we have out there

                anywhoo i think i have said enough ................for now


                Thank you Leanne and after the lowdown last night I have big hopes for Sam and Jack getting together now..and full speed in 2nd part of season 8



                  Originally posted by misstweedledee
                  Hey everybody *waves*

                  First, who ever out there is giving all these negative point.....please stop's not fair to give them just because you dont agree with there opinion.

                  Second, I just bought DREAMWATCH issue 122....they have an interview with RDA and MS about season 8.

                  Sticking in spoilers just in case

                  WARNING ; postin a *huge* chunk of the interview so you can make an informed decision

                  interview with RDA
                  Talking about a conversation with Robert C.Cooper
                  "The one thing he really did want me to give some thought to was how we're going to resolve the O'Neill/Carter relationship"
                  "What on earth do we do......or rather what not on earth do we do ? i said 'I can't quite answer that' As i understand it she's got a guy right now. She's got . But Robert asked me to give it some thought.
                  " Personally, I'm open to suggestions. I don't know what Robert has in mind for the end, but i'm happy to listen to what the writers want for the O'Neill/Carter relationship and even O'Neill."

                  That was all he said regarding "The Realtionship" maybe its just me miss interpreting it but (refer to underlined part) i just got the feeling that he was giving him a white flag.......sort of being all 'well hey if you think you guys should get together then o.k' (backing up the *oh* so nice little statement of being no threat to O'Niell )

                  The Only reference i the MS interview to shipp was this ;
                  "There are a lot of very good episodes in the second half od the season. 'Reckoning, parts 1 & 2' and 'Threads' are basically the resolutions of so many ongoing threads. Carte and O'Neill ; Will they or wont they ? Will she get married to this other character, ?"

                  This was all he had to so, so at least we know we are getting way or the other (by the way it will be the shipper way )
                  and it shouldnt be all drippy and suggestive......well in theory anyway

                  Well that went on a bit didn't it, sorry to anyone who wasn't interested or found it dull but.....i think interviews with the actors are one if the few reliable information resources we have out there

                  anywhoo i think i have said enough ................for now


                  Sort Spoiler thinking: (highlight to read)
                  So, if RCC is asking RDA re: Carter/O'Neill he too asking AT?! I think perhaps if they really want to know the correct shippy resolution then RCC, RDA and AT all need to read the thoughts of the best family in the world.....the SHIPPER FAMILY.... Then they could get a really satisfiying resolution.

                  In much thought about the UK Lowdown, this interview and the
                  wonderfully devious smile and line "Apparently is not threat to O'Neill" and all the SHIP LOOKS between Carter and O'Neill I feel a good shippy ending coming on.

                  Thanks MS for pointing more to Reckoning and Threads (which I choose to think is a nice reference to us ) as some ship stuff coming up!

                  OK - so they make us suffer through 1st part of S8 so that we will be in Shipper Bliss for the 2nd 1/2 of S8!!!!!

                  Can't wait for Christmas, but what I really want for Christmas is for the Second part of S8 to arrive!!!!!!

                  Of course what S/J are doing under the Christmas tree.....well, that could be fun too.....

                  Mei Mei....and those who are *supposed* to be working.....I really should join your I need to be working too......



                    Originally posted by Catysg1
                    well I didn't know it was gonna be different so I didn't tape it ..but if they do a repeat on Friday .. I'll do some screen caps ..I'll check later tonight ...and put it on select

                    Season 8 - Lowdown:

                    Thanks, Caty!
                    I know I came away from the US showing with a bit of a bitter taste in my mouth. It felt like "The Promote Pete Show" at the time rather than a Season 8 SG-1 promo show. I'm glad the UK show was so much more Sam and Jack friendly!


                      Originally posted by lostelf
                      *peeks into the thread*

                      *green with envy!* Which ones of you shippers live in the UK? Make room, I'm moving in!
                      ((((((((( lostelf)))))))) You woke up to post! I'm making up a bed for you now. Come on over!


                        Hey guys,

                        long time no see! I so feel out of the loop as I haven’t been around in a while (RL and 'puter issues ). But anyway, had to pop in and say...*yay* ...I so loved The Lowdown last night....
                        Spoilers Lowndown....
                        I loved all those cutesy moments between AT and RDA! And seeing the Grace kiss twice was icing on the cake! Like Caty, it gave me some hope too!
                        Oh and Atlantis looks really cool too! Roll on the 5th and 12th of October!

                        While I am here, Caty! I have been downloading all your new videos! Very cool! Brilliant as usual! So you doing some more Sam and Jack ones or are you gonna stop and so some other shows like you said you might (I know it is hard to stay away from Sam and Jack though )?


                        By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

                        My Livejournal

                        My Myspace


                          So I noticed that basically all of my "Shippy Moments of the Day" so far have been pretty focussed on Jack. Personally I think that even though we know the feelings go both ways, it just seems like we SEE more of Jack showing it. Which is why I don't get why everybody harps about SAM pining after HER CO. What about Jack pining after his subordinate? Isn't that equally pathetic?

                          Anyway. The SHIPPY MOMENT OF THE DAY today is from "Redemption Pt. 2"

                          Sam and Jack are walking towards the elevator as Sam is explaining their latest wacky idea to save the world. Jack is going to fly the Stargate, strapped to the belly of the X302, out into space before it blows up. Sam explains that the Gate weighs a gazillion tons and so every pound they can lighten up the ship makes a difference, which is why she can't go, too.

                          Sam says "Wish I were going with you, sir." Jack steps into the elevator and says "I know, and I find that quite bizzare."

                          OK maybe not so shippy on the surface but it reminded me of the bit in "Point of View" where Jack asks AU Samantha how she ended up with such a loser.

                          BONUS: The X-302's standard engines burned out before the ship could gain enough altitude, and it is now falling back to the earth. In a last-ditch effort, Jack engages the hyperdrive to get the ship & Stargate far enough away from the planet before it explodes. He ejects but we don't see if he does it in time to save him. But the plan worked, and the Stargate exploded in orbit.

                          The fighter escort reports to Stargate Command that they can see the light show, but no 'chute. We get a shot of Sam's anguished face. Just when she thinks she's lost him, they see the parachutes open! Jack is alive! Everyone starts cheering but Sam, who wipes tears from her eyes. General Hammond places comforting hands on her shoulders. Sam smiles.
                          Sam & Jack 'Ship...


                            Originally posted by Mala50
                            Hey, can I make a shirt out of this??



                              You know...

                              I could do with a big juicy spoiler right about now. When does SG1 return anyway?when in the new year I mean?

                              And based on years past of spoilers...when do we really start getting some definite spoilers..october? november?

                              Oh..and has the uk lowdown been released on Bt? this one sounds worth downloading.


                                Originally posted by Token
                                ((((((((Shipper Family))))))))) It is just like this wonderful,optimistic family to be competing over who gets the most red points or complaining that they don't have any! LOL!

                                "I'm a shippier Shipper" "No, I am"

                                LOL TOO FUNNY


