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    Originally posted by kiwigater
    *runs around Meimei's house before finale removing all caffienated items and installing paddles, then sits in corner to see if she's needed*
    Well, OK then, but only if you prepare properly! We have rules about unsafe thunking, seems only fair we take the same precautions for unsafe SHIPPING!

    ps. you can have the coffee back afterwards, I promise, I would never permanently take away your caffiene!
    Mei Mei has begun to shake at the thought of having her precious caffiene taken away!! NEVER!! I can handle the 44 minutes of Jack and Sam!!! I promise... Don't take my coffee! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!


      Originally posted by meimei
      *GASP* I don't know if my heart could stand it!! 44 minutes of nothing but Jack and Sam!! Oh, be still my beating heart!! Mei Mei would suffer for shipperdom!! Mei Mei would gladly risk 911 call to have 44 MINUTES of JACK & SAM!!
      44 minutes of sam and jack would be pure heaven IF i could be guaranteed at the end of it, sam and jack would be together, that it wouldn't all turn out to be a dream, or a hallucination, or drug induced, or an AU, or some sort of time slip. it's have to be our sam and jack, no 'insignificant others', admitting they love each other, and sharing the kiss of the lifetime, and still together at the end, and intending to stay together.

      then i'd join Mei Mei, and dial 911..which wouldn't do me much good, cos i live in england
      Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


        Originally posted by TameFarrar
        Well everything has been left open to interpretation by TPTB and if you read my earlier post you will see that I am a bit....VEKLEMPED about all this time why not give it to us Shippers........hell the show is ending and they have had 8 years by that time to have their fun...........why not give us 44 minutes of PURE UNADULTERATED SAM & JACK LOVIN'

        Tame ....You were so happy last night ..What's happening to you today ???

        Me ....I'm still mad ..but I was beserk last night too (after watching the corridor scene in sacrifices .......I couln't see the big deal) ..and I don't really feel any better today ....the scene was nice ..but it certainly worried me ....or may be I just didn't get it .

        .....but coming from you in the matter of a few hours ....Something bad must have happened !!!!!

        so anyway .. like Tame said ..we want a big Sam and Jack spectacular finish



          Originally posted by meimei
          Mei Mei has begun to shake at the thought of having her precious caffiene taken away!! NEVER!! I can handle the 44 minutes of Jack and Sam!!! I promise... Don't take my coffee! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
          *returns Meimei's caffienated items with wobbly lower lip and tragical expression* well, OK then, but at least let me sit in the corner with my paddles at the ready, I want you to survive long enough to enjoy the ship!
          Originally posted by micelleb
          then i'd join Mei Mei, and dial 911..which wouldn't do me much good, cos i live in england
          um, I don't think my paddles will reach that far!

          Goodness, who knew getting what we want would be so dangerous to our health!


            Originally posted by auralan
            The antis really are quite good at spotting ship and helping me find the bright side. It amazes me the stuff they notice that I'd never have seen otherwise. And they're always so sure it's going to work out for us in the end. Whenever I start doubting if ship is there, I always go lurk in their threads and it removes all doubt.
            ho ho... me too...


              Originally posted by astronomicalchick
              ho ho... me too...
              hehe me three


                hello kids!!!!!

                I've been away for a while because I have been very busy with my senior year and I really wanted to say Hi to everyone. I'll be around having fun reading all your posts

                "To the world you may be one person,
                but to one person you may be the world"

                - Bill Wilson –


                  Originally posted by TameFarrar
                  Well everything has been left open to interpretation by TPTB and if you read my earlier post you will see that I am a bit....VEKLEMPED about all this time why not give it to us Shippers........hell the show is ending and they have had 8 years by that time to have their fun...........why not give us 44 minutes of PURE UNADULTERATED SAM & JACK LOVIN'
                  Put those 44 minutes on a special edition DVD and see how many they sell. I'd order mine tomorrow from Amazon
                  Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                  My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                    Originally posted by kiwigater
                    LMAO! *imagines what Alternative Therapy Chat Room would do if JM came to visit, considering the uh, "tenor" of the conversation most nights* I'm sure we would LOVE to have Joe (or any PTB) visit and chat with us!
                    PTB consider this your invite to the Shipper Chat Room,
                    just IM any of us for an invite!

                    LOL, that would be fun, and we even discuss Sam and Jack occasionally too
                    Once he recovered from having several keyboards & monitors thrown at him in VR , I think he'd like it... we're anything if not honest w/our opinions... ...and are quite a representation of the various levels of S/J ship...
                    Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                    My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                      Originally posted by meimei
                      Why is everyone laughing at Mei Mei today?

                      *sniffle* *sniffle* *whimper* *sob*

                      (*giggle* *snort* *giggle* Don't know why I am trying... No one is going to buy the innocent act! Where's a smiley with a halo when you need one?!)
                      Awwww.... MM..... here you go...

                      **the sound of loud applause**

                      I highly recommend checking out MeiMei's "Life's Journey" series (click on her sig) if you're an S/J Shipper...I really enjoyed reading Awakenings a lot. And heck, that wasn’t even one of the NC17 stories!!! (tho I do admit to having printed the 2 NC17's out to read later this evening & did skim them already to read *certain* sections )

                      It kept me busy while walking on the treadmill… walked an extra mile so I could finish the first story…

                      Hmmmm… was my heart racing because of the exercise or because of the *exercise* I was reading??!!!

                      Edited to add: I'm surprised BetaTame actually gives them back to meimei! I'd be tempted to say... no... uh-uh... like hoot you're getting this back! It's mine now!
                      Last edited by ShimmeringStar; 12 September 2004, 06:39 PM.
                      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                        Originally posted by nickatell
                        I don't know how you guys can surpress your desire for ship, although I have tried each time I hear the starting music my ship level increases and than all I have to see is Sam and Jack together and my desires are at their extreme.
                        It's not so much suppressed as it is expressed... in other ways... in other places...
                        Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                        My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                          Originally posted by N8iveTexan
                          Yeah I'd consider it a big honkin' red flag
                          if my BF bought a house for us without my knowledge. I have faith in Sam though. I take the fact that it took her two weeks to say yes to the proposal as she's proceeding with some level of caution. I mean, he's just going way too fast. Let's look at Affinity again... Sam was happy that he put in a transfer to CSPD. Okay, all is well. Then he pops the question 5 minutes later. Woah dude! Slow down. Sam didn't look ecstatic when he proposed. I actually watched again last night and even though we don't see all of her reaction, we see that she does NOT smile. That was probably the yellow flag for Sam.
                          You've read MeiMei's fic yet? Too bad they couldn't have filmed that!
                          I want to read once it's beta'd!
                          It's nothing fancy... just some ramblings...

                          Edited to say: my fanfic is rambling... not the Mistress of NC17's fic....
                          Last edited by ShimmeringStar; 12 September 2004, 06:41 PM.
                          Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                          My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                            Originally posted by Lunar
                            *Whatever* was said it's nothing compared to what I've just imagined!
                            Hee hee...
                            Wish you were there Lunar... that was one time I *was* in the right place at the right time!
                            Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                            My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                              Originally posted by Bucky
                              AWWWW!! THANK YOU!

                              That was my first ShipperHug! But your post was #1654. I posted this morning, then went off, handled a little real life and came back THE SAME DAY! and now it's like 200 posts later! LOL!

                              Don't let it scare you! It was just posters like me... responding to a few days worth of posts... Sunday being a great time to do it...
                              Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                              My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                                Originally posted by TameFarrar
                                ((((((((((MEI MEI)))))))))))))

                                Shimmeringstar has a Devious side I am finding out

                                but her shippy little heart is always in the right place

                                Now Di..... well she is my room buddy and we have partyi....Talked...yes talked long into the night and I know she bears no malice

                                We all have only one goal Sam & Jack to realize their undying love and TPTB to GET OUT OF THE WAY !!!!!!!
                                Devious Side?
                                **gives innocent innocuous look to all sides of the Shipper Family Room**

                                Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                                My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.

