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    Originally posted by estelle
    LMAO, (((((ses))))

    Season 8 (?)
    I do think we'll get a kiss in season 8, but I've only heard of the lost ep that they want to shoot afterwards and if they really want to set it in season 2 they'd have once again pressed the reset button.

    Estelle xxx

    i had a thought...if they do set a movie in season two, janet will have to be in it, right? they've gotta have janet in it. i want janet!!

    ok, moan/rant over.
    Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


      Originally posted by Catysg1
      Me I like English people who live In England ..Most of my friends are English and they're nice .

      No ....I don't know that book (what does she mean by horror of the roads.!!???..) if she's referring to the French driving's not more different than English driving ....I saw some English cars France some pretty stupid things .....
      The roads in France are excellent ....the N roads are huge and mostly dual carriage a English motorway really.

      And the French motorways ..are excellent ...clean ....Good roads ...with telephone points ....everywhere ....petrol station every 10 miles and some pic nique areas every 10 miles too ...some fantastic shops too and restaurant ....along the motorway...Motorways are not free in France ...but it's worth paying ....let me tell yu

      .I do think the love/hate relationship is to do with the property market issue though ....but hey ..let me tell you ..I went to France last month ...and the property market is up the roof now ...and the French houses are now as expensive as English houses .... Caty
      The title has nothing to do with French roads. It's about an English married couple and the husband always wants to go on holidays to France. He is rather controlling and nags about everything when they tour the country, but still he has to go there. After their two kids leave and they want to travel to France alone the wife has a nervous breakdown and is brought to a doctor. She tells the doctor all about that, about the things her husband does and the reader knows she doesn't really like her husband, but after every small critizism she keeps on repeating that she loves her husband. ... It's not very long only 3 pages, it's a short story after all, but I really liked it. The reference to the road is that the husband has very poor driving skills, but he of course, because he is a Nobel price winner, blames the French roads and drivers.

      Estelle xxx
      Abu: This is a woman?
      O'Neill: Oh, yeah.

      Carter: Err. Colonel?
      O'Neill: It's my side arm, I swear.

      Jack: I don't get it. I mean, how can she make kids without a... man friend?
      Malek: The Queen is able to reproduce asexually.
      Jack: Is that why you guys took hosts?

      Jack: Oooo... did anyone else feel that?
      Sam: The tingling sensation is a result of the EM field passing over your skin, but it's not causing any physical damage, so there's no need for concern sir.
      Jack: No I *like* it.


        hey ppl im bk

        hows shipperville??


          Originally posted by Lunar
          Hmm. I hadn't considered that. I also haven't seen any of the new episodes after A$$inity, but
          has there been any ship? I haven't spotted much. The way the conversation appears to read from the post we have it seems quite flirty. Would Sam and Jack really be that... um, friendly if they are still with kerry and pete? I mean, Jack seemed pretty gutted by her telling him of her engagement, it would seem strange to me that he'd have 'got over it' that much to have a nice firnedly conversation with her... especially reading the one they apparently have in Threads which smacks of awkwardness

          See, I still have hope!!
          well, the only episode after affinity has been convenant, so far (do you guys get another one tonight? ( i heard you don't). anyway, covenant

          well, jack was a bit snarky with sam over her knowing alec colson, which i choose to interpret as jealousy. and he showed off for sam later with his disappearing trick (i meant with thor, not that he got into a cabinet, said abracadabra and disappeared.) bit apart from,zero shippiness. the whole episode was to introduce this alec colson character....and i wasn't even milidly interested in him
          Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


            Originally posted by estelle
            The title has nothing to do with French roads. It's about an English married couple and the husband always wants to go on holidays to France. He is rather controlling and nags about everything when they tour the country, but still he has to go there. After their two kids leave and they want to travel to France alone the wife has a nervous breakdown and is brought to a doctor. She tells the doctor all about that, about the things her husband does and the reader knows she doesn't really like her husband, but after every small critizism she keeps on repeating that she loves her husband. ... It's not very long only 3 pages, it's a short story after all, but I really liked it. The reference to the road is that the husband has very poor driving skills, but he of course, because he is a Nobel price winner, blames the French roads and drivers.

            Estelle xxx

            Good ..I hope they could speak French at least

            .....and Sam and Jack forever ..cuz they only go off world ...Although jack did speak a bit of French in "URGO" that I watched last night ..Funny episode



              Originally posted by aeromathlete
              Just went back to re-reading some of my old favorite fics today. Does anyone know if they're still working on the "O'Neill T-Shirt Saga?" It's been a long time since Chezza or anyone had a new chapter up.
              I have no idea but I certainly hope so.This fic is one of my favourite too. And let's face it, it can't end like that!!
              There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
              awesome sig by Josiane


                Originally posted by michelleb
                well, the only episode after affinity has been convenant, so far (do you guys get another one tonight? ( i heard you don't). anyway, covenant

                well, jack was a bit snarky with sam over her knowing alec colson, which i choose to interpret as jealousy. and he showed off for sam later with his disappearing trick (i meant with thor, not that he got into a cabinet, said abracadabra and disappeared.) bit apart from,zero shippiness. the whole episode was to introduce this alec colson character....and i wasn't even milidly interested in him

                I thought covenant was good .....ok no shippiness but a good episode won't watch it again ..but it was OK ....not bad .



                  Originally posted by Suz
                  Firstly apologies that the site has been down for the last few days. I've had to shove all the files in a van and move them elsewhere.

                  The ship/non-ship poll is still up and running, and will close on Sunday. It's 52% non shippers to 48% shippers at the moment. I have caught and removed around 86 multiple votes, from either the same place (Same building, with the PC's having to be practically next to each other),
                  umm.. don't mean to be difficult, or awkward or anything, and feel free to shoot me down in flames..but wouldn't this effectively disqualify anyone who voted from an internet cafe, or public library internet connections? cos i voted once from my local cybercentre, and i know someone else did too, so one of votes would be discounted, wouldn't it, even though they were two seperate votes?

                  hope i'm not out of line mentioning this, it's just not everyone access the internet from home
                  Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                    Originally posted by Catysg1
                    Ok col aga....the kissing part in Jack's cabin on the coach
                    Originally posted by Catysg1
                    ..but I still would love to see them stranded off world just the 2 of them ... but not in a dark place they can talk......I'm keeping it sci-fi ..there .....
                    lol wow, Caty you are amazing!
                    Originally posted by Catysg1
                    cuz I don't like too much the EARTH scenes ....I love nice sceneries even in sci-fi.
                    Me too.But are you sure that Jack's cabin with Sam around will be normal Earth scene???
                    There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
                    awesome sig by Josiane


                      Originally posted by michelleb
                      umm.. don't mean to be difficult, or awkward or anything, and feel free to shoot me down in flames..but wouldn't this effectively disqualify anyone who voted from an internet cafe, or public library internet connections? cos i voted once from my local cybercentre, and i know someone else did too, so one of votes would be discounted, wouldn't it, even though they were two seperate votes?

                      hope i'm not out of line mentioning this, it's just not everyone access the internet from home

                      Looks like eveybody needs to rant today *sigh* I suppose it's good for the soul

                      AND ......Go on Sam ...take control...and show Jack who you really are.



                        Originally posted by auralan
                        Season 8 spoilers including Citizen Joe, Affinity, Threads.


                        There's no need to worry about this scenario. The episode is one of those non-linear ones. We start at the teaser with Jack on the phone with Sam. He finds the crazy guy with the gun. Teaser ends. Then we go back to learn the history of crazy guy and why he wound up in Jack's kitchen with a gun. That lasts for a good chunk of the episode. Eventually, we pick back up with Jack and the gun-wielding guest star. Jack handles the situation trivially. There's no team running to the rescue or worrying stuff. It's not a set-up for the cavalry to arrive. After Jack handles the situation, he takes the guy back to the SGC. That's where the infrirmary scene I mentioned earlier happens.

                        Feel free to stress your littel heart out if you like, but there's no rain on my parade. It reads very shippy to me.

                        i'm kind of hoping that a huge amount of the clips they show will be shippy the kiss in WoO, the za'tarc in D and C, stuff in BtS..and the guy will say, 'look, you obviously love this woman, why aren't you with her? c'mon, do something about it, it's been eight years now, the UST is killing me!!!!!..and that's when jack decides it's time to sweep sam into his arms and kiss her
                        Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                          Originally posted by samisjacksgal
                          hey ppl im bk

                          hows shipperville??
                          Hey Carolyn: I hope everything went well.


                            Originally posted by col aga
                            Me too.But are you sure that Jack's cabin with Sam around will be normal Earth scene???

                            Well ..I suppose it's a nice scenery if they are by the lake
                            Jack's cabin is pretty beautiful too
                            May be the inside could have a feminine touch ...but Sam will take care of that ...hey ..
                            ...and yes I agree ..with sam in jack's cabin could be pretty exotic ....she could probably wear a flowery FASHIONABLE make the scenery even more appealing ... but to be honest ....I agree....I think just the 2 of them would be a nice scenery for our eyes.



                              Originally posted by auralan
                              I just want to make sure I don't accidentally stumble out of here. It's so very nice in the gutter. Too bad this thread's PG and I can't explain why.

                              i think we all understand the implications, auralan. personally, i got stuck in the gutter after explaining exactly why i preferred older men on the RDA thunk thread, and i haven't managed to get out yet (i blame tame and her pictures)
                              Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                                Originally posted by Lunar
                                (to the sound of the NEW Travis single... shippy resolution becoming a possibility and a release from my fave band. Can life be any sweeter?)
                                Added two new chapters to Screwing Up
                                and fine chapters they are too..which is good, because the angst was killing me
                                Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic

