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    As far as the Gemini speculations goes, it does have potential to be a shippy episode, whether or not it will be remains to be seen. I do find it sort of odd that episode information has been released for epiosdes that are airing after it but not that episode itself. The conspiracy theorist in me makes me think that there may be something big in that episode, not necessarily ship related, but big.

    It was, is, and always will be GREEN


      Originally posted by auralan
      Not really. It depends how the network is set up. Some workplaces have the network set up so they're all using the same IP address to connect to the outside world. Others don't. I have six computers in my office and each of them has an individual IP address internally and externally. .
      Most people woudln't exactly have a full class C running to their network due to the cost and justification required (To ARIN) for them. Most cable providers don't allow you to release and renew your IP to get a new one, unless the IP is dynamic which most cable providers don't give nowadays anyway.

      Most non-technical (Your average net user) people wouldn't even know where to begin with protocols such as SSH, and tunnelling can be quite a pain. On top of that, IP logging isn't the only protection enabled.

      You're going into methods which require quite a bit of time, which most people wouldn't be willing to give up. Some of these methods would confuse them as well. How many people here actually know about DHCP for instance?

      Your average network will have one external IP, internal IP's aren't regarded as they have to be different.

      At the end of the poll, similar IP's on the same subnet will be checked. It'll be fairly easy to tell if someone has been voting more then once - so a class C wouldn't help much.

      All this aside, what was this all about? What sad person would want to do this? What sort of life are they leading that they would feel it necessary to cheat on a poll? How insecure must they really be feeling about the outcome. If (I'll say shippers because I'm in a shipper thread), are so confident that the majority of fans agree with them, then why would they feel the need?


        Originally posted by Shipperahoy
        As far as the Gemini speculations goes, it does have potential to be a shippy episode, whether or not it will be remains to be seen. I do find it sort of odd that episode information has been released for epiosdes that are airing after it but not that episode itself. The conspiracy theorist in me makes me think that there may be something big in that episode, not necessarily ship related, but big.
        me too. i hope its really good. but i hope they don't let it out before the ep aires. i'm not too good as the no spoilers thing.


          Originally posted by stargate barbie
          of course. thats why i voted... twice...
          and also why i shant be taking it seriously at all. to be honest, i do think its relatively evenly split between the three groups. i wouldn't mind it being left open to interpretation either, but i'd obviously prefer to have at least a kiss and preferably a date. just not an entire episode devoted to it. i've had enough of that kind of crap from the pete story line.
          and i'm not feeling too confident about any of this personal lives of the team stuff either. i just hope that the sci fi story lines this season are good enough to make up for it.
          i like ship. who's with me!?!
          Me!! I am, I like ship!! Let's see more ship!!
          And I think it's only fair to admit that I have now voted 3 times. And I will vote for a fourth time if I can.
          Right now, I really do want at least a kiss. But I also want fishing. I really want Sam to accept a fishing invitation. Or to offer one, which would be even better!!


            I'm having to go through all the messages, so apologies. Any answers I give in shipper threads would be the same answers I give in non shipper threads. I cannot say this often enough. This an online poll for online fans. Has nothing to do with people not in the fandom. I've made that quite clear. Govts take mini polls of between 1000 and 10,000 people and then average that out for the whole country. I can't go around from door to door. It's an online poll for online fans!


              Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
              I didn't expect this vid to be done so fast!
              I'm off to bed now so i can't watch it just yet but i'm sure it is just as brillinat as your other vids!!

              and Tame, glad you are feeling well enough to get on here!
              Hope you are feeling better soon
              Thank you is sporadic at best ....but I go lay down.....then I get all curious again to see what the Shipper Family is discussing now and here I am again.

              Sam & Jack are addicting
              Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                Originally posted by stargate barbie
                of course. thats why i voted... twice...
                and also why i shant be taking it seriously at all. to be honest, i do think its relatively evenly split between the three groups. i wouldn't mind it being left open to interpretation either, but i'd obviously prefer to have at least a kiss and preferably a date. just not an entire episode devoted to it. i've had enough of that kind of crap from the pete story line.
                and i'm not feeling too confident about any of this personal lives of the team stuff either. i just hope that the sci fi story lines this season are good enough to make up for it.

                i like ship. who's with me!?!
                Well I for one am with you Stargate Barbie!!!!!

                INEVER wanted anything of this magnitude in the first place. The whole Pete thing. I was always happy with the little looks, touches, smiles and occasional hints at more we got throughout the seasons and would have been happy with a conversation, a Kiss and our Sam & Jack ride off into the sunset at the end. THAT would have taken about 3-5 minutes oh every few episodes and the REST could have been devoted to Sci-Fi and that big round thing the show is about.

                But for some reason TPTB got a whole bunch of wires crossed and this is the result. SO of course now I want more for Sam & Jack.....because Jack deserves MORE as the hero and because he is *THE MAN* for Sam
                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                  Originally posted by gatewatcher
                  where is everyone must be late where you all are.....I finally got out to talk more and no one is here....oh, well have a good week

                  chatroom ..


                    Originally posted by shelsfc
                    Me!! I am, I like ship!! Let's see more ship!!
                    And I think it's only fair to admit that I have now voted 3 times. And I will vote for a fourth time if I can.
                    Right now, I really do want at least a kiss. But I also want fishing. I really want Sam to accept a fishing invitation. Or to offer one, which would be even better!!


                      Originally posted by Shipperahoy
                      As far as the Gemini speculations goes, it does have potential to be a shippy episode, whether or not it will be remains to be seen. I do find it sort of odd that episode information has been released for epiosdes that are airing after it but not that episode itself. The conspiracy theorist in me makes me think that there may be something big in that episode, not necessarily ship related, but big.

                      I think it's
                      the idyllic dream sequence between Sam and Jack .. Got to be



                        Originally posted by stargate barbie
                        Mise? Never...


                          Originally posted by Suz
                          Most people woudln't exactly have a full class C running to their network due to the cost and justification required (To ARIN) for them. Most cable providers don't allow you to release and renew your IP to get a new one, unless the IP is dynamic which most cable providers don't give nowadays anyway.

                          Most non-technical (Your average net user) people wouldn't even know where to begin with protocols such as SSH, and tunnelling can be quite a pain. On top of that, IP logging isn't the only protection enabled.

                          You're going into methods which require quite a bit of time, which most people wouldn't be willing to give up. Some of these methods would confuse them as well. How many people here actually know about DHCP for instance?

                          Your average network will have one external IP, internal IP's aren't regarded as they have to be different.

                          At the end of the poll, similar IP's on the same subnet will be checked. It'll be fairly easy to tell if someone has been voting more then once - so a class C wouldn't help much.

                          All this aside, what was this all about? What sad person would want to do this? What sort of life are they leading that they would feel it necessary to cheat on a poll? How insecure must they really be feeling about the outcome. If (I'll say shippers because I'm in a shipper thread), are so confident that the majority of fans agree with them, then why would they feel the need?
                          Can we be done with the worry of whether or not this IS a VALID poll and with whether or NOT people can vote once, twice or three times.....Every time I read one of these posts I see the potential for this to get out of hand and it worries me.

                          If you have set it up to the best of your abilty to NOT allow people to vote more than once GREAT. Leave it at that and let it be........

                          And for those of you that knows ways around it....don't sit here and tell people how to *Buck* their system it just adds fuel to a fire....and that is rude......

                          This is going to start getting ugly and I can already see that the posts are borderline rude to AND from the people involved and there really is no reason for this.

                          If you want to vote ...Vote ...have fun but leave it at that.....
                          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                            Just to let people know, so that they don't continue wasting their time. (This will be posted in non shipper threads). After reading the post about possibilities of more than one IP across the pond, in colleges and offices etc. I have to apologise to her for that point. I've been through the list (Which I was going to wait to do at the end of the poll) and checked close IP's on the same subnet, and been through other procedures. I have found 49 votes for the shippers, that are not valid, and have been made by various people, over and over, either in a college, office, large home network, whatever, with more than one PC. Yes, I do have a way to do this. There were also 12 votes found by the non shippers that are also not valid.

                            What a waste of time though? Why bother to do this? Don't people want a true representation of what the online fandom thinks? I will run through the entire voting at the end, very thoroughly and have one final precaution in place, that will take ages for me to do, but it will be done. All invalid votes, will of course be taken from the poll.


                              Sheesh. 49? Wow.

                              Hey, but if RDA wants to move to Southern California and learn Spanish, well, he's more than welcome to join the party down here! The Caltech students will bow down and worship the holiness that is MacGyver.


                                Originally posted by Suz
                                Just to let people know, so that they don't continue wasting their time. (This will be posted in non shipper threads). After reading the post about possibilities of more than one IP across the pond, in colleges and offices etc. I have to apologise to her for that point. I've been through the list (Which I was going to wait to do at the end of the poll) and checked close IP's on the same subnet, and been through other procedures. I have found 49 votes for the shippers, that are not valid, and have been made by various people, over and over, either in a college, office, large home network, whatever, with more than one PC. Yes, I do have a way to do this. There were also 12 votes found by the non shippers that are also not valid.

                                What a waste of time though? Why bother to do this? Don't people want a true representation of what the online fandom thinks? I will run through the entire voting at the end, very thoroughly and have one final precaution in place, that will take ages for me to do, but it will be done. All invalid votes, will of course be taken from the poll.
                                Well, I wasn't going to vote at first, because I am irritated by internet polls. Every night on the news, "Go to blah, and tell us what you think about yadda, yadda." Then the next news session, they tell us how it came out. Big deal. This is a way to report the news? Not in my book. I go to a newspaper internet site and more polls. Polls on every internet site there is. I ignore almost all of them, but did go to this one and vote--one reason was--curiosity,another-- only two choices so the answer I check most closely follows my opinion. Better than most polls. Sorry for the rant, nothing personal, but I will say I'm a bit mystified by it all.

