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    Originally posted by michelleb
    yeah, but at this stage, jack doesn't know he's an illusion


    i like the idea that pete could be the alien from grace..that wouldn't make sam a fruitcake, just someone who's been tricked. but if jack believes pete's real right until the last moment, then he could still have the motivation to actually do something about it..if thinking pete's real forces him to say something (anything, please, jack say something) then he's not the kind of guy to withdraw it once he finds out the entire thing has been a massive he has the bonus of sam actually being free.

    this whole thing really is a wonderful idea..i wish i could believe TPTB were taking it that way. i could cope with all this if i knew it was a lie

    I don't get it you mean she has an imaginery friend as boyfriend..??!!!!..but then she is nuts ..

    May be I didn't read some of the posts!!!!!...but can you remind me of what you mean??? about Pete being Chimera ...Do you mean ...she has a concussion ..and is in a coma ...and she's dreaming all that !!!!is that what you mean???thank you

    In that case when she wakes up ..Jack will be by her bedside ..and say ..You've been gone over 6 months...



      Originally posted by Ship Nana

      IT'S IN THEIR EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Forget their words, forget

      Just look into Sam and Jack's eyes when they talk to each other and it's all there.

      The angst, the fear, the concern, THE PASSION and yes THE LOVE!!!!!!!

      There is a whole lot being said with their eyes.

      Just turn the sound off and LISTEN TO THEIR EYES!!!!!!!
      i agree with you. they bith have very expressive eyes. i mean, look at the corridor scene in d and c...neither saying a thing..but it's all there, in their eyes.

      and you know that lift scene in chimera? i didn't really get how much that hurt jack until i was watching as part of a music video, so i wasn't concentrating on the conversation, and that's when i realised the poor guys eyes were filled with pain. and in that scene with affinity. they're having their usual dysfunctional conversation out loud, and a completely seperate one with their eyes. i mean, i haven't tried it yet, but i bet if you watched that scene with no sound, you'd come up with a very different impression of what's being said
      Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


        Originally posted by Catysg1
        I don't get it you mean she has an imaginery friend as boyfriend..??!!!!..but then she is nuts ..

        i'll put in the spoiler, for other people's posts really

        thre's this theory going around that pete is the chimera, that he's not real, maybe the alien from grace....other people have explained it better than me, but it's a theory i much prefer to what's happening right now
        Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


          Originally posted by michelleb
          i'll put in the spoiler, for other people's posts really

          thre's this theory going around that pete is the chimera, that he's not real, maybe the alien from grace....other people have explained it better than me, but it's a theory i much prefer to what's happening right now

          Spoiler season 8


          ok thanks Michelle ..I'll need to find those posts ..unless somebody want to repeat it over here ..but I see what you mean by Alien .That would be great ....he could be Fifth then ...from the beginning!!!!;



            Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
            Amen Sistah!!!

            Also want to share with you a piece from a book I'm reading (and remember I'll read just about anything, even cereal boxes, if it's well-written! )... the first thing I thought of was the S/P/J triangle:
            "Once you've emotionally committed to a particular outcome, it can be very hard to maintain your objectivity. The stronger the emotional commitment, the greater the tendency to behave irrationally. This is why counselors usually advise against sexual intimacy until mutual respect, trust, and friendship have been well-established. Once the powerful and pleasurable ingredient of sex has been added to a relationship, we tend to overlook even basic flaws until the passion subsides. By then we may be well down the road toward emotional disaster."

            (p.14 from "Reading People" by Jo-Ellan Dimitrius, Ph.D. & Mark Mazzarella)
            Interesting, very interesting! Makes a good bit of sense and I can see why you thought of our favorite love triangle.
            Magnifies the mistake Sam is making with Pete, I think. Jumping at the first guy who shows an interest, then magnifying that by letting him pressure her into a more serious relationship than she's ready for. Spells doom, I think. Now, if she'll only realize it before it's too late.
            Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
            Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

            Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
            Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


              Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
              Hi-well I guess I am going to be the cynic in this Pete as Hallucination-I believe him to be very real. Unless the second half of season 7 and uptil now has been one whacky dream (and someone please hand Sam a towel-I don't want puddles on the floor)-how is that Teal'c knew who he was-he asked about Pete while they were on their way to find the Asgaard. As much as I would dearly love for this man to be a fig newton of our imagination....

              Marimba-i need shipper cookies-and quickly-i'm feeling fain.......
              *fans pittsburghgirl*

              It's okay there PG, shouldn't try to think about Pete too much, it can be overwhelming! As for why T knows, well she talked to Jack about him, why not T? Just because she's talked about him doesn't mean he's real! And remember, denial is not just a river in Africa! You too can become a believer! Just say it with me...

              Pete is just a Chimera. Pete is just a Chimera. Pete is just a Chimera.

              ...and if we say it long enough, it will come true.


              No, I haven't been drinking...

              That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!
              Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
              Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

              Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
              Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                Originally posted by Catysg1
                yeah Syd and Vaugh ..very good but Will and Syd's good also ..Will is such a sweetie .. I really like him too ..What 'bout you Marimba?!!!

                While I've come to really like Will, I'm a Syd and Vaughn shipper all the way. The way Vaughn looks at her just makes me melt! *sigh*
                Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                  Originally posted by michelleb
                  i think he thinks the choice has to be hers and hers completely. problem is, he's up against someone who's not above a bit of manipulation..well, quite a lot of emotional manipulation. playing fair doesn't always work when the other guy is playing dirty..but all kudos and respect to jack for still being like that.
                  Interesting point. I hadn't quite thought of it that way but I can definitely see it.
                  She waits until Jack is dying to attempt to tell him how she feels about him. I'm beginning to think that I'm glad he stopped her. Otherwise, how would he have known if what she said was genuine or in the proverbial 'heat of the moment'? She has to wait until she's going to lose him to try? And now that he's okay, she's back with Pete and Jack, who's that?

                  And showing him that ring? Talk about manipulating, sheesh! Let's just rip his heart out and stomp on it! No confession there though. She doesn't say "I don't want to say yes until I know what's up with us first", which is what she SHOULD have said. If she wants to truly move on then I can understand her need to finish things with Jack. But she doesn't finish things with Jack, she just leaves him hanging. It's just wrong. I hate the way she can't make up her mind! She either loves Pete or she loves Jack, it's time to make a decision.

                  As for Sam, I'm with you. I miss the strong independent woman of the earlier seasons. I've been looking at the writers of each ep lately though and I've noticed that strong Sam disappeared shortly after the female writers did. And now that all the other female CHARACTERS have disappeared too, I have very little hope that we'll ever see her again. It's a travesty. But you are right, they could pull off something amazing and bring her back. I'll keep my fingers (and toes) crossed for that!
                  Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                  Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                  Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                  Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                    Originally posted by marimba26


                    No, I haven't been drinking...

                    That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!
                    that's right!!!! and i haven't eaten an entire tub of haagen-dazs praline and cream ice-cream today. why would i need to, after the unutterable happiness of Affinity gave me all the comfort i need?

                    (i may be a touch too sarcastic.....)
                    Last edited by michelleb; 22 August 2004, 04:48 PM.
                    Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                      Originally posted by estelle
                      That's what's getting to me too. I hate it that TPTB use the -a woman needs a man to complete her life- excuse for Sam to be with someone. This doesn't make her a very likeable character, because not only is she betraying her feelings for Jack and hurting him, but she is also setting a bad sign for women namely that they have to settle for family life.

                      Maybe I'm to biased to judge this objectively, but I can't help myself *shrugs*.

                      Estelle xxx
                      Well, it's fine for a woman to choose a family if that's what she wants. Personally, I have a family and I stay home with my kids but that's not for every woman. If Sam wants a family, great! More power to her! But she should NEVER settle for one if that's not what she truly wants and she should never settle for a man who she obviously does not love and respect. I'm not talking about an idealistic fairy tale type of love here (doesn't exist) but a real, mature, mutual respect and affection. If that's not there then the relationship is basically over when the passion fades and she has condemned not only herself but her husband and any kids they may have to misery. And it's very selfish of her to have children just to "check the box"! Children that wouldn't have a choice in whether their mom actually loves their dad but would feel the consequences.

                      And all the while, she is crushing the man who could give her the love and respect that she craves and who she already feels that for. All because she thinks she can't have him. I'm sorry but if I loved a man as much as we are led to believe that she does, I'd climb mountains to be with him. Better yet, I'd sit down and talk to him and try to find a compromise so we both win. I just hate the way they've made her seem so self-serving and unconcerned with Jack's feelings.

                      It makes me sick to think that the writers gladly make her look like a fool. Personally I hold RCC responsible, it's his crap that led to Chimera in the first place. I used to be so positive and hopeful about this whole thing but I'm tired of the only woman on the show--who used to be a strong independent woman--being made to look like a fool and the blame for that lays squarely in the lap of the man who considers himself in charge, RCC. I miss Brad! I really wish he'd come back and spend more time with SG-1.

                      K, Rant done (I think)
                      Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                      Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                      Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                      Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                        Originally posted by marimba26
                        While I've come to really like Will, I'm a Syd and Vaughn shipper all the way. The way Vaughn looks at her just makes me melt! *sigh*

                        Marimba ...

                        Vaughn is more mature for Syd.....She was very upset though when he was married ..and miserable ..and ..Do you know about Will and Syd?

                        I watched your video "At this moment" I love the song ...and you concentrated on the affinity scene ..which was great ...AH the ring ....the ring..

                        well done again Marimba



                          Originally posted by Critter
                          If I remember correctly, and I could be wrong, I don't think that Teal'c asked Sam about by name when they were on their way to the Asgard because I was wondering if maybe he was actually asking about Jack.

                          As for being an hallucination, I sort of like the idea although, as others have said, I doubt TPTB would come up with that long of a story arc. Plus it REALLY would make Sam look weak if that whole issue was all in her head. She'd really need Jack then, though, wouldn't she?
                          Ah, but see, therein lies the beauty of the theory. If Pete is actually a hallucination brought on by the alien in Grace and Sam is possessed, then it's not her fault. She's not crazy, she's not weak, she's possessed so she can't help herself at all. And hey, the last time she was possessed she attacked Jack So if the alien from Grace is controlling her, then she's still the strong and independent Sam that I loved and THAT I can live with!
                          Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                          Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                          Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                          Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                            Originally posted by shelsfc
                            Possible spoilers, Chimera & Affinity

                            I completely agree with you. It's not unreasonable for fans to be unhappy that someone in the show was stalking his gf, of all people, and nothing is said about it. Putting in a comment like that makes it seem like they're just not taking the issue seriously, and it shows a disrespect for the fans too. I hate that, because I do like TPTB on Stargate. I've never seen them show that attitude to the fans of the show before, and I admit, I'm kinda disappointed in them for it. That sounds really condescending, and I don't mean it to be, that's just how I feel about it.
                            Well said! Short, sweet, and to the point! I've been trying to get to that point for two days now and have only managed to be very verbose but you've summed it up, so I'll just say DITTO!
                            Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                            Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                            Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                            Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                              Originally posted by TameFarrar
                              Unfortunately Estelle made me face the fact that it is *the writers8 that are at fault here....Because if Sam ACTUALLY asked about Jack......well you know what would happen Ship Nana................................

                              yes and ADULT CONVERSATION and they can't have that
                              LOL! You're so snarky today! Not that I blame you one little bit!!!! Can't be having any RL adult convos around here, no way! Might interfere with the soap opera...
                              Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                              Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                              Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                              Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                                Originally posted by Ship Nana
                                SHIPPER MEDAL OF COURAGE!!!!!!!

                                is issued to the following Shippers:

                                Ship Nana
                                Mei Mei
                                Ship Sistah
                                I watched it on my computer. Of course, I had to watch the lab scene over again just in case I missed something the first or second... or third... well, you get the idea.
                                "Love is the only game that is not called on account of darkness."
                                -- Anon.

