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    Originally posted by marimba26
    Gads! I SOOOOOO agreed with you!!
    What was Jack's problem? He had the PERFECT opportunity to give her an out and he DIDN'T!! I wanted to pop him one! She was waiting for him to stop her and he just stood there!! *HEAVY sigh*
    I agree as well

    But then again what else was Jack gonna do.....EXCEPT make some freakin cryptic usual. I do think that he was Shell-Shocked as well and really had no clue what to say as far as his own personal feelings

    He seemed to come with a very *controlled* response "And yet you haven't said No" very monotone delivery by it seemed like it was supposed to convey a very tightly reined in Jack.

    and then again it could just be me projecting yet again
    Last edited by TameFarrar; 21 August 2004, 10:50 PM.
    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


      Originally posted by Kri
      Kari, also feel free to join those of us who take up permanent residence in the Shippertown Gutter System. It has a direct lead right into the Jack/RDA Thunk Thread, in case you get lost.

      As for the time off with the twins, I can relate on a different scale. I loved Stargate, but really became a huge Jack and Sam fan when I was off work for a few weeks after my second knee surgery. The DVDs pretty much saved me at that time!!
      I am a permanent resident of the Gutter and proud of it

      I WISH Star Gate would have been on when I was on bed rest with my twins!!!! I was stuck with *ladies* from church sitting with me at my house each day *in case* for two weeks...........OY .........can I blame Pete for that somehow
      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


        Originally posted by TameFarrar

        is issued to the following Shippers:

        Ship Nana
        Mei Mei

        Courtesty of Ship Nana....I swiped it from her to add names

        Now, I know I was a liiiiiittle bit tipsy last night but I DID watch the ep.....
        mental note: while skipping dinner and drinking 1 1/2 bottles of wine makes for a very fun evening, it does make in depth analysis of the ep a problem (as anyone who was in the chat room can testify ).
        My new thought is that
        Sam is "trying on" the engagement to Pete. That she is affected by "society's" demands - as she ranted about, and this is her attempt to do that. Not consciously of course, but I think she wants to feel what this so called "normal" life is like.

        As much as I like this Pete as Chimera idea (and it would make a sick sort of sense), how do we explain the times people have talked about Pete, and the whole Sam-Jack scene in Affinity?? DOes this mean she hallucinated the whole thing, ring and all?? it would be cool tho!! *evil laugh*

        I haven't ventured into the ep discussion thread yet.... I'm a bit nervous about it to be honest but I am curious (let's hope it doesn't kill me!).....


          Originally posted by marimba26
          Well didn't you get the memo? The new name has yet to be decided but I've heard some really catchy ones...

          Gate, what Gate? We don't need to no stinking Gate when we've got
          Sam and Pete sucking face and acting totally unprofessionally! Don't remember even SEEING the gate in the stupid ep! This is exactly the kind of soap opera BS that some folks are always accusing Sam and Jack of causing! Well, I guess they were wrong, it's not Sam and Jack, it's Sam and PETE!
          Gads, I think I've worked myself into a lather (again!). That's what they get for letting me out of the JM shipper rehab commune too soon!
          Ya know at first I just walked away from this scene in disgust....mainly because

          Sam had said Yes...but when I watched again I was like ....WHY would Sam ....ALLOW this AT a crime scene....AND discuss matters of National security in a PLAYGROUND ........

          Then I decided that it was because she has to be in mid-life crisis.....Why else would Sam being doing so many things that are just freakin ridiculous
          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


            Originally posted by marimba26
            Well, after watching her rip his heart out in Affinity, bring on the girlfriend. Hey, why not? They've screwed this up so much already, one more complication won't add too much, right? Gads I feel like I've been watching soaps--and I quit watching those when I was 15!!!!! (And yes, that was a long time ago!)
            ROFLMAO at this
            I have this picture of the entire Shipper community standing in front of TPTB like a scene from "Gangs of New York"....taunting them .....Yah Bring it on!!!! we can deal with the likes of youse!!!!! too funny
            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


              Originally posted by tpe78
              Hello everyone. Heaps of asprin for all the hangovers.

              I have just watched Insanity for the 2nd time due to interuption from my daughter and I haven't read any other replies yet so if this has been mentioned I apologise.
              What is Sam doing in her lab in the wee hours of the morning if she is truely happy and wants to spend time with .

              Just my thoughts....
              She isn't happy and she is where the man she TRUELY loves is
              Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                Originally posted by kiwigater
                As much as I like this Pete as Chimera idea (and it would make a sick sort of sense), how do we explain the times people have talked about Pete, and the whole Sam-Jack scene in Affinity?? DOes this mean she hallucinated the whole thing, ring and all?? it would be cool tho!! *evil laugh*
                Even if Pete is a figmant of her imagination, her conversations about him don't need to be.

                Or maybe she's still back on the Prometheus, and it's all been a dream. LOL
                "Love is the only game that is not called on account of darkness."
                -- Anon.


                  Originally posted by marimba26
                  That about sums it up Shipnana!! No offense shipper guys, you obviously have a clue or you wouldn't be here! I'm tired of stupid PTB men writing Sam as a wishy-washy, passive aggressive FLAKE! Okay, I have no idea where *that* came from but I think I've got it out of my system for now (I hope, at least). Seriously though, these men have no idea how to write women. Sam has gone downhill since Chernobyl and don't even get me started on
                  Krista! Can we say DOORMAT?!!! If this is the way Sam is going, I'm scared!

                  Was going through my DVDs the other day and noticed that there were two or three women who wrote for Stargate in the early seasons, what happened to them? And why won't they hire more women? Especially when it seems like they have a LARGE female audience! It doesn't make sense!
                  I go back and forth with this.
                  One day I want female writers and then other days I don't.
                  well let's face it we women aren't always the kindest to our own gender and I worry that a female writer might make Sam even MORE unpaletable

                  BUT on the other hand who BUT A WOMAN would understand the trials and tribulation that Sam would deal with and convey that with concise writing and clarity.......

                  so you see I am just screwed here cause I have no idea if it would work out better or worse.

                  Maybe they should just pick some of OUR FF writers and go with them!!!!
                  Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                    Originally posted by MAJKawalsky
                    Let's see. How many movies did "Insamnity" rip off?


                    1. "Shaft".

                    2. "Saturday Night Fever". The white suit that Teal'c wears in the teaser is classic Tony Manero.

                    3. "Another Karate Kid". Kristen even LOOKS like the girl from the fourth film.

                    4. "The Sixth Sense". Nobody is acknowledging Peat's existance. Except Sam.

                    Although I am still only a one-footer on the *Pete is a Chimera* bandwagon for reasons I already stated.
                    I would have loved to have seen Teal'c....."Do the Hustle"
                    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                      Originally posted by Kri
                      Spoilers for Threads
                      I hope Kerry is a nice character, and that I like her - for an episode. I certainly don't mind watching RDA in a kissing scene (although with Laira, I seriously had to do some blocking because I just could not STAND her at all!) But in the end, I am happy that Kerry is going to see through Jack enough to know his heart is elsewhere. That makes her a good person in my book.
                      Well as much as I would like to see Jack have a moment

                      I really don't want him to get to cozy with anyone........he has kept himself pretty aloof from Sam and she really has no REAL idea of the DEPTH of Jack's feelings and maybe he didn't either UNTIL NOW. SO I don't want this to go any further into the depths of heart string pulling and have Sam lolling in agony now too....that is just too much Soap Opera for me

                      But Jack can have a bit-o-fun
                      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                        Originally posted by Kri
                        The good thing in that scene is that Jack recognized that she was iffy about the whole thing. When Sam said she had had the ring for 2 weeks, his face and demeanor totally changed. It was like HE knew she was settling. That is why I don't think his comment "I wouldn't be here!" was necessarily about Charlie. I think it might have had more to do with him possibly having had retired if he and Sam had gotten together.
                        See I agree here
                        I firmly believe he was talking about the HERE & NOW when he said that. Sam has always made this about her...What is she willing to do - In Grace "What if *I* quit the Air Force... She has never asked Jack what he would do....

                        But it all comes back to one GLARING DETAIL!! TPTB have never allowed them to have an adult conversation so how the heck can either Sam or Jack make any decisions about HOW the OTHER one feels
                        Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                          Originally posted by Shinrai
                          Oooh, I really like this interpretation, too. It fits, especially the way the line was delivered.
                          we can only hope.... and I have LOTS of that
                          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                            Originally posted by Karibou
                            Thankfully, Scifi was one of 3 cable channels the hospital got, LOL!! It was rather like being in prison, but at least I got to look at RDA, CJ and MS for 8 weeks straight, LOL!
                            WOO HOO so happy you at least have Sci Fi while you wait

                            My sympathies to you....thankfully I had only an overnight at the hospital and the twins calmed down enough to let me do bedrest at home

                            Now that they will be 18 in less than 5 months (did I say YEE HAW!!!) I am looking forward to some bed rest again
                            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                              Originally posted by marimba26
                              Yes, She is a VERY talented actress, that shows even more I think now that TPTB don't seem to be giving her a whole lot to work with. She can bring subtlety it seems even when PTB give her bad lines and then edit the whos in a terrible way--THAT'S talent! RDA did the same thing in New Order IMHO. they gave him virtually NOTHING to work with in the script but he managed to look angsty when
                              he was worried that Sam was dead. The angst CERTAINLY wasn't in the script!
                              I think it really speaks to the TREMENDOUS talent of these two.

                              Not to leave CJ and MS out of this because I think they are both VERY talented as well (CJ just blew me AWAY in Avatar and MS was incredible in Lifeboat). And I'm sure I could find several examples of similar situations for them but this is the shipper thread so I'm sticking with the ship here.
                              regular spoiler space

                              I guess I am going to be the detractor here.
                              I really felt that EVERYONE's performance was a bit *flat*
                              Even RDA in the office scenes ( I was impressed in the Lab, only one)
                              CJ and MS had it turn up a little more but overall I really felt like even the cast felt this was a *bad* episode. It may have been the way it was edited that made the cast just seem like they were there that day getting a paycheck. This is TOTALLY my personal opinion
                              But I just felt NO JUICE from anyone about the whole episode.
                              RDA shined in that one moment in the lab - and there were little moments for each of the cast but it just wasn't what I have always seen from the cast especially this season.
                              Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                                Originally posted by Karibou
                                Oh, I TOTALLY agree w/ this statement. Strangely enough, I get the feeling that non-shippers really don't give two hoots about Sam or Jack in ANY relationship -- they watch for the action/drama, not the romance. So why put the romance in at all? I think TPTB are just being plain old MEANIES!!
                                Ya know....I get the feeling more often than not that it isn't romance that people object to is JUST Sam & Jack......
                                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..

