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    Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
    Forget the credits... they didn't even have the usual "and next week on Stargate..." trailer.
    I was like whaaaaat???
    I know...and that REALLY bothered me. Not even one more glance of RDA! The nerve!
    Desperate Thunker


      Originally posted by marimba26
      Actually, I haven't had anyone who has definitely confirmed. Kiwigater is going to try to make it but she's the only one so far, so I was thinking about rescheduling. Also just found out day before yesterday that my grandmother is having surgery the week before so I'll be going home to help my mom for a week--it's not too serious but my mom shouldn't have to handle her alone.
      I can still make it home in time but the house may look like a tornado hit it after the hubs and kids have been alone for a week .

      Is there a better weekend? Any suggestions? Tame said she might be able to make it in mid-to-late October (when the kitties are older) or she even suggested that we could move it to January for the Premiere and make it a premiere party. Plus that would give more people time to save/adjust schedules. Any ideas?

      I'm going to be in Dallas Oct. 5 - 12 and could make a side trip to Austin during that time (if, of course, it's convenient and anyone else can come). I don't mean to sound pushy or come across like I'm inviting myself; I just think it sounds like a great idea!!

      Anytime after the first of the year would do too; I just need a lot of advance time to schedule vacay at work. A Threads party sounds great! And there couldn't be a better night for a party than the episode where Sam and Jack declare their love for each other, kiss and have HWMS! I'd fly about anywhere to celebrate that!

      Whatever you guys decide, keep me in mind, OK?

      s u g a r s h a k e r


        <snipped by moderator>
        Alpha, this is a protected thread meaning that insulting and hateful posts from other fans are not allowed here. We should be able to post without being insulted for our opinions. Consider yourself on report for your post in this thread and the affinity thread.
        Last edited by Shipperahoy; 21 August 2004, 10:56 AM. Reason: Original post was deleted.


          I am having so much trouble getting onto GW right now. It's up, down, and inside out! Hope this post goes through.

          A$$inity was bad, but not nearly as bad as I thought it would be.

          Note: If you're a lurking PTB, don't read too much into that! You still have a long way to go to dig us out out of this hole!

          If we have to have a scene where Jack finds out about the engagement (gak, choke), I think it was handled about as well as it could be. I liked it when he snapped the ring box shut as it suggested a door closing. Sam, you'd better take note!

          OK Sam, step aside. I'm gonna quit my job, move to Colorado Springs, hunt down Jack O'Neill and give him the lovin' he deserves from a REAL WOMAN WHO KNOWS WHAT SHE'S ABOUT!! You had your chance!

          Just had to get that off my chest Now I have to go back and catch up on all your posts before GW crashes again!

          s u g a r s h a k e r


            Originally posted by Karibou
            Oh, I sincerely hope the-powers-that-be are just tormenting us. I swear, if I have to undergo another angst-filled TV finale, I'm going to hurl. (Sorry, I'm still upset over Farscape and Angel!) SG-1 execs had better not do that to us!! I think I have to go watch Window of Opportunity on DVD to cheer myself up now.

            Man, I need chocolate.

            Welcome Karibou to the shipper gang ..I think we all know how you feel

            Spoilers Affinity

            Just saw the episode this afternoon ...and it is a bit scary isn't it ..not fair ...but one of my casual friend viewer who saw it last night too ...said that something is up ...and he also thinks that she was kind of taken with the moment and she 'll end up with Jack too at the end ...

            The question is ..:WHAT ARE WE GONNA GET ?!!!AND with what I saw so far with CONpete (He got really fat and scruffy by the way ...bahhhhh).We should see millions of kisses between Sam and Jack and also a excellent love less I'm afraid .....

            To TPTB. ..I really hope that something steamy is gonna happen between Sam and Jack in the spaceship even if she is still with pete ..I don't care ....THEY CAN JUST ACT ON IMPULSE ....and be themselves ..

            I think the shippers deserve it and I'm still confident that they will still do it ...but it's really not fair to play with the nicest fans in the fandom ..I nearly regret to have sent my videos to AT now ....
            If she watched my videos and Marimba 's ...surely she must be feeling a little weird ...cuz ...we do it for the love of the show ...and all we get CONpete with his stupid look bothering us ...I only want to see Jack with Sam first ...and then with Daniel and Teal'c .

            ok... I'm off to make a nice music video about Sam and Jack to keep the spirit up for all of you my friends ...and if somebody is laughing at us in the meantime ( So I read somewhere else) then ...we'll see who will laught at the end ...

            Last edited by Catysg1; 21 August 2004, 09:32 AM.


              Originally posted by Bucky
              Delurking to comment on “Affinity.” First, I think I agree with every thing majorsal said, oh, maybe three or four pages ago, but mostly this:

              Here’s my take on the Episode and the major points of discussion:

              Stalker line: Felt line it was a sop to the shippers. Okay, Pete acknowledges that he was over the line. The way the line was delivered implied that Sam had already forgiven him before the episode started. I took her look and semi-smile, less as “Oh Yes! I’m completely okay with it” and more of “It was over the line. I forgave you, but it’s still an issue Let’s drop it.”

              The Look in Sam’s lab: Well there was the Shippy Music! It looked to me like Sam was acknowledging what was between them, and so was Jack. But they left it cryptic between them because they’re still in that Commanding Officer/Subordinate bind—now even more so because Sam can’t just transfer to another team. I got a hint of Jack feeling like Sam had made her choice, so what was the point of making a clearer declaration.

              And while I have a different take on a lot of the scenes than michelleb, I agree completely with this:

              My take on this is that

              Her “Yes”: Having read the spoilers beforehand, I expected her to say “yes,” but I cringed at the repeated “Yeses.” Did they have to do that to us?

              However, I went back and watched it again because I was trying to make sense of her *timing.* It looked to me like her earlier outburst when talking with Teal’c and Daniel--*before* she talked to Jack—showed that while she wanted a relationship with someone, she didn’t necessarily want to be permanently coupled off with that someone. And I thought her comments about not getting her perfect ideal romantic choice were very telling. THEN she talks to Jack and it’s clear that however they feel about each other “circumstances” will not allow them to be together.

              Then, Teal’c tries to start a relationship but it works against him.

              SO—I thought she said yes to Pete at the end because she decided “This is all I’m going to get, so I’ll take it and make the best of it.” She was smiling. She was happy. But--maybe it’s shippervision--but it didn’t look to me like full out ‘this is the man of my dream’ happy. Just, “I will get a life” happy. The fact that she didn’t say “Yes! YES! YES!!!” immediately is very telling. (I mean, when my husband asked, I didn’t have to wait. I knew immediately. There were problems about where would live, etc, but I never had a moment’s hesitation about wanting to marry him.) And she didn’t say didn’t say “Yes! YES! YES!!!” at the end when she agreed, either. It was low key. I think she’s settling, but I think that she believes that she won’t find a better man than Pete—available, knows about her work, loves her.

              Spoilers for Threads: I think her lack of …exhuberance (?)… in accepting sets up her doubts in “Threads.”

              And I agree completely with michelleb on this:

              Yes! And am I the only one who heard
              SHIPPY MUSIC
              ??? I haven’t seen anyone else mention it here.


              Spoilers affinity



              They didn't have to have her say YES 3 times or more ..It's very nasty for us ..the sam and Jack shippers ....

              May be.... they are nasty after all and don't understand the dedication to Sam and Jack and all the lovely collages and music videos that fans do for the love of the show ..

              May be they don't even care .....I would love to hear Joe Malozzi on that one ..and why they keep doing that to nice fans rather than the horrible fans .

              I'm slightly Pi$$ed off as well like all of you ...but I'll keep my spirit up cuz when Sam and Jack are together on melts me ...and I want my TV screen to melt with a steamy love scene at the end ....they deserve it and us too....
              Just look what they did with Teal'c and that girl ....I though it was superb...when they kept working on martial art techniques and back to his place was so sensual ...the moves ..the music ..stunning ..(I want sam and Jack like that)

              I hope they 'll do something like that with Sam and Jack ...sensual and sexy ....not like with pete ( quick sex) and here I go.....BAHHHHH TERRIBLE ,POISON,VIRUS ,GERMS AND YOU NAME IT ..Pete is awfull ..he has no tact .



                Okay people, I am crying here, actually crying
                The scene in her lab... it is shippy. When Jack doesn't know, he's just coming to palay with her as normal... she's been distancing herself and he misses her... I like that.
                I feel she really #is# referring to their lack of relationship when she talks about things being different... I think Jack's comment actually refers to the fact he would have retired to be with her....Does anyone get the feeling this was set up for a later ep, where she gets together with Jack and he leaves the base to be a househusband... Threads, maybe??? I have to hope...
                Jack is cut to ribbons in this scene, so well played by RDA. There's definite bitterness in the way he says 'And yet you haven't said no.' His face is just... wah!! Carter seems unsure of what to do at this point... and then....
                When she accepts... I didn't like this scene, it seemed really underacted... maybe I'm terribly, terribly biased but there was so much MORE between Sam and Jack than Sam and Pete.... the chemistry between S and P is nothing compared to S and J.
                I do think there was an element of unsureness about her acceptance but not totally, she does look genuinely happy to be with Pete *curses* but... I have a little hope. Someone please rake over the Threads spoilers, just to make me feel better...?
                Can I have my medal now?


                  Oh and by the way, I do agree with you. Despite the fact he's old enough to be my father... RDA does look good in that shirt! In fact, I thought the entire cast was looking pretty good in this ep....
                  Critter, a friend of mine came round last night who's only seen three stargate eps and I told her about A$$inity and she said 'Oh no! They have to get together!' She also couldn't believe anyone could actually be against the ship...


                    Originally posted by ses110
                    Great points ShimmeringStar.
                    Sam wants a guy who will stalk her and make big decisions without talking with her first.I knew we would not hear Sam call Pete out for his stalking.Pete is the Golden Boy for TPTB.
                    Sorry people, I'm still reading through stuff...
                    very mild spoilers
                    Sam does seem to have a bit of a thing for controlling men... Jonas Hanson, for example?


                      Originally posted by Melyanna

                      The flow of this episode was really bad, likely stemming from the fact that they were trying to get some serious introspection (always difficult in TV) into a a B plot. But what bothered me most was that Sam's problems in saying yes seemed to have nothing to do with Pete. She's practically said that the only reason she's stuck with him is that he didn't freak out when she told him what she did for a living, and that's not a reason to be with a person.
                      yes, i see your point. it's like
                      she's thought, well, i've found one guy on the planet who can cope with what i do, and yet isn't someone i work with, so i don't have the angst of possibly seeing him die, so i better stick with him. there's also the thing of him not being dead yet. all her other boyfriends ,or anyone who shows romantic interest in her, dies (except for the delectable agent barrett)..and i think that's partly it...she's found a guy that doesn't die.

                      i think the thing is, pete feels more then she does, so she's sort of in control. but jack really stirs her feelings up, emotional trauma all over the place, totally uncontrollable feelings, and plus she doesn't know what he's thinking half the time (or she'd have jumped him the minute she got back from the prometheus) so, basically, he has control, or she perceives that he has control, and doesn't realise that it's a relationship of equals.

                      god, i babble. i just meant to say..with pete everything's calm. with jack it;s all wild and uncontrollable, and maybe she just can't cope with that

                      It's always fun to kidnap the hot nerd with glasses, right?
                      oh my yes!!! not that i've contemplated it myself you understand...

                      I thought he did a good job, actually, acting much tougher than the bad guys probably imagined he would, and that calmness probably kept Krista from losing it entirely.
                      watching daniel be tough and calm also kept me from losing it entirely
                      Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                        Aunt Sally's comments convinced me to watch a few of the scenes I get a really special medal? So, spoilers...

                        Omg, in that park scene before the proposal? When Sam says ‘that’s a bit of an exagerration’? stuPit is not sure how serious she is! He asks about the super hero part…or the girlfriend!

                        NO, I don’t appreciate the position your in Ptui! At least you, unlike everyone else at the SGC’s families, has a clue

                        Aaawwww…Jack essentially just acknowledged that her technobabble and his not getting it is purposeful <g>

                        Poor Jack; he looked at that ring like it was going to bite…

                        Did anyone else see her wince when he snapped the ring box shut?

                        And did Jack’s voice break a little when he asked ‘and?’ in regards to her thinking about it?

                        When she asked ‘what about you?’ she did that look/wince thing she did in Heroes! She didn’t just mean Charlie!

                        Boy, and she STILL hasn’t made up her mind…and here he thought she was gonna give him an answer

                        ummm...what changed her mind? why didn't she just jump Jack instead of bsing about poor pitiful stuPit? I mean, c'mon...RDA is older than my dad and I'd still...uh-hmmm...PG forum..

                        Uuughhh…the a$$ grabbing…guess Fifth wasn’t so far off

                        Oh and the definition of affinity:
                        1. A natural attraction, liking, or feeling of kinship.
                        2. Relationship by marriage.
                        3. An inherent similarity between persons or things. See Synonyms at likeness.
                        4. Biology. A relationship or resemblance in structure between species that suggests a common origin.
                        5. Immunology. The attraction between an antigen and an antibody.
                        6. Chemistry. An attraction or force between particles that causes them to combine.

                        I would say the first two are relevant....grrr to

                        "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
                        describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

                        <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
                        Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


                          Originally posted by Lunar
                          Okay people, I am crying here, actually crying
                          you're not the only one, honey (((((((((lunar)))))))))

                          The scene in her lab... it is shippy. When Jack doesn't know, he's just coming to palay with her as normal... she's been distancing herself and he misses her... I like that.

                          it was cute, wasn't it? and i notice he's taken the general's jacket off, and was just looking damn hot and sexy in that black T

                          I think Jack's comment actually refers to the fact he would have retired to be with her....Does anyone get the feeling this was set up for a later ep, where she gets together with Jack and he leaves the base to be a househusband... Threads, maybe??? I have to hope...
                          me too, me too!! maybe not a house husband, but running the base as a civilian, definitly. i so want her to realise he'll do anything to be with her, and so want him to actually tell her..oh why did he interruppt her at the end of Lost City, we'd have been spared all this!!! 'i know' you bloody don't mate, and neither does she!!!!!

                          Jack is cut to ribbons in this scene, so well played by RDA. There's definite bitterness in the way he says 'And yet you haven't said no.' His face is just... wah!! Carter seems unsure of what to do at this point... and then....
                          i know, it just broke his heart. someone posted a closeup of his face at this point, and he is crying. i can't bear it, how can she do that to him?

                          Can I have my medal now?
                          ooh, me too. by heck, we deserve it
                          Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                            Originally posted by majorsal
                            Spoilers space for S8's Affinity ahead


                            Ooh, you're reminding me of that scene! That's right, Sam was going on and on about society making ppl feel like they need to be paired off... wonder if that's part of why Sam went ahead and said yes? Not from society's pressures per se, but her own self-inflicted pressures to have that life she'd been missing?.... hmm, more reasons to rewatch this ep.

                            Not only that

                            she said something about they say the ideal man is out there (not the right words) as if she knew Pete wasn't but if she was going to pair off she'd better settle for Pete, who now will be known as Pete TBS (the butt slapper)


                              Spoilers for S8 A$$inity
                              Is it just me or when Sam said yes (three times YIKES) did she sound so appreciative that Daniel was safe that she said it out of appreciation? There didn't sound like there was much love in her words. And that kiss, could it have been any more stiff---like two boards kissing.

                              Our ship will come in, as I say a hundred times a day. We must be patient.
                              I am actually looking forward to the gal that Jack gets together with, just to see how he is with her. He knows that Sam is the one, he just has to be patient too

                              Patience...that's all we need, patience.
                              Desperate Thunker


                                Originally posted by Kri
                                I am going to attempt the spoiler tag now....spoiler for Affinity
                                I think I just about died when I saw Jack walk in. I knew then and there that Sam was going to tell him, and they were going to have a shippy moment. And while I was incredibly sad with the conversation, I heard the music and knew that this wasn't the end of the two of them. It is like TPTB want to tease us!! It sucks, but overall, I have to admit that I still love UST. I most definitely want RST, but I certainly didn't see that with Sam and Pete either. BTW, DDL didn't look as "cute" in this episode. He needed a haircut or something.

                                As for some of the dialogue, as a single woman, I wasn't the least bit impressed with the references to society and how women should be married. I hope Sam wasn't acting on her instinct to fit in and be like everyone else. That's a dumb reason to give in and be married. By the comments she made in that little diatribe, I am quite sure she acknowledges that what she has with Pete is not true love. She is settling.

                                My favorites? Although I literally whimpered while watching this, I loved when Sam said "What about YOU?" Just shoot me now. I actually liked this episode because it showed us there is still something there. I really think the show demonstrated that Sam is settling for less than she deserves.

                                First lines of Veronica Shoffstall's poem "After a While"

                                After a while you learn the subtle difference between
                                holding a hand and chaining a soul and you learn
                                that love doesn't mean leaning
                                and company doesn't always mean security.
                                And you begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts
                                and presents aren't promises.

                                I'd like to post the whole poem tho don't know if I can, there's a line near the end "you decorate your own soul instead of waiting for someone to bring flowers" Great poem.

