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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by astronomicalchick
    I wish I could join you, but I can't run AIM or IM cos I use a work server and it has a BIG firewall... pants

    Are those big mean corporate people keeping you from IMing w/ your shipper family when GW is down? Where's my zat?! Let me at 'em!!


      Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
      Well... have spent 30 minutes in here this a.m. like I did yesterday a.m. (now will have to rush a bit faster to get ready to join the a.m. commute!)...

      Just wanted to wish all my Shipper Family a 'g'day' & hopefully this evening we can get together...

      (I noticed when I got in this a.m. I was still logged in (since I could never get back in to the Forum to log out after the last kickout).... please don't think I was on-line!
      I see it more that the Forum was telling me it was time to go catch up on the beauty sleep for once...

      Seriously though... I read on one of the threads that Oktagone & GW responded to (when I got on this a.m.) that it was a problem w/the new server after installation of new software. They were operating on the old backup server & guess it couldn't take it...

      Hope the new one is back up & running good again...
      Beauty sleep? You don't need beauty sleep!


        Originally posted by dipsofjazz
        I agree with you tame. They just have to watch farscape, which has lots of ship aswell as action etc.
        YUP how many shows are there that have RST after a good run of UST and have done well.... Farscape is one of them....HEck they are about to have a mini series or did have one.. AND the FANS did NOT diminsh.

        I personally did not watch the show BUT only because I did not have have Cable when it started and I was overseas. BUT my sister has ALL the videos and I would watch if I could be assured that I would get an ending worth it !!

        I will have to ask her if the Mini Series is wrapping it all up nicely.

        I am just so tired of TPTB on many shows getting a BIG head and THINKING they KNOW what the Fans want when WE ARE SCREAMING what we want and they act like we NEVER said a word. THEN they go and do THE OPPOSITE of what WE SAY and then say "Well it was what the fans wanted"....HUH????

        I get the feeling they are like that with the whole Pete issue. TPTB attitude is like "Hey we are giving you all this RST with this guy and look how annoyed you are".....And of course all of the Fans of Ship are saying BUT WE DIDN"T ASK for a NEW GUY.......BUT TPTB don't hear THAT
        Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


          Originally posted by col aga
          What can I say? You are right!!TPTB are always saying that they want to portrey relationships like they would be in reality.But I find it a bit hard to believe that two adult people, attracted to each other, in love with each other, people who day after day face death together, who fight a war might maintain UST for 8 years.I'm not saying I haven't been enjoying this but a ninth year of UST- it's a bit too much for me.So here is another voice for RST.

          And of course there is a fact that love scenes between AT and RDA (like the ones in Chimera for example) would be just beautiful...

          Changing subject:
          Welcome back Caty!!! We missed you!!
          GetCarter and Waterfall and all the others who were in danger!!I haven't been around to wish you good luck but my thoughts were with you and I'm glad that you are okay and back.

          I have one more question: Have anybody read fanfics of Celeste Tyroll? They are at and'm asking because I absolutely love them(well, except Under her shadow- I can't bring myself to read about Sam torturing Jack )and would like to know what you think.If you haven't- do so immediately!!Celeste has great imagination and knowledge and she does S&J wonderfully.And her fanfics are sooooooooooo long.

          Okay,that's it.I won't be here for a couple of days-my grandpa is slightly ill and I'm going to look after him-so wish you all great shipping.And don't be scared of Affinity-in the end Sam and Jack will win and that's all that matters.
          Count me in for RST as well. I wanna see more than a fishing invite as a resolution to S/J ship!!

          ((((((((((((((col aga and her grandpa))))))))))))))

          I hope your grandpa gets better.


            Tame, in Farscape there was UST, then they got together with the usual fighting aliens etc!! at the end of the series, the two leads were going to get married. the mini series is a continuation with the lead woman pregnant, but still big battles etc. It can be done IF...and I emphasise is written well. I think that the Stargate PTB are just too frightened to try.


              To MARIMBA ..

              I went to your site today to watch " We belong" and "Cherish" ..They are both fantastic and different ..

              The first one ..a slow one ....where I noticed your dissolve transitions makes the video very smooth to watch and I like that very much ..It's always a great transition to use ...for soft songs . I lke the new clips from Zero hour . Don't have mine yet ...but soon.

              ..and the second one ...a rather fast moving a delight to watch specailly when Sam and Jack are smiling to each other .

              Well done ..I loved them both .Clap , clap, clap.



                Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                Tame, in Farscape there was UST, then they got together with the usual fighting aliens etc!! at the end of the series, the two leads were going to get married. the mini series is a continuation with the lead woman pregnant, but still big battles etc. It can be done IF...and I emphasise is written well. I think that the Stargate PTB are just too frightened to try.
                well if Pete is any example of *How* they write a man after sex.........OY

                But geez louise It is NOT like we are asking for a Freaking porno here.
                We just want Sam & Jack to have an
                1) ADULT Conversation
                2) Become a couple
                3) KISS that ROCKS THE WORLD
                4) Get on with Team aspects of the Show and fade out on Sam & Jack waking up cuddling The End...
                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                  Originally posted by Catysg1
                  Could somebody tell me the titles of the new spoilers episodes after Icon .

                  I'd like to read some stuff about the Sam and Jack related scenes.

                  Thank you

                  You're almost at royal guard status Caty. Keep up the good work.


                    I am just so tired of TPTB on many shows getting a BIG head and THINKING they KNOW what the Fans want when WE ARE SCREAMING what we want and they act like we NEVER said a word. THEN they go and do THE OPPOSITE of what WE SAY and then say "Well it was what the fans wanted"....HUH????
                    like the ending of voyager, when they gave us a shippy (in their eyes ) ending, and when we screamed chakotay/seven? no!!!!! they were all surprised. 'but i thought you wanted ship?' they didn't get that shippers don't ship in general, they ship a specific couple.

                    I get the feeling they are like that with the whole Pete issue. TPTB attitude is like "Hey we are giving you all this RST with this guy and look how annoyed you are".....And of course all of the Fans of Ship are saying BUT WE DIDN"T ASK for a NEW GUY.......BUT TPTB don't hear THAT
                    no, we want RST alright, but not with . we haven't been following sam's relationship with him for eight years. we haven't been watching closely for any signs of ship with him. we don't care about him. if he got run by a stampede of angry mammoth somehow transported through time and space tomorrow, we wouldn't care. a few of us would even cheer.

                    we want the two characters we care about to get together..not another chakotay/seven!!!
                    Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                      Originally posted by TameFarrar
                      well if Pete is any example of *How* they write a man after sex.........OY

                      But geez louise It is NOT like we are asking for a Freaking porno here.
                      We just want Sam & Jack to have an
                      1) ADULT Conversation
                      2) Become a couple
                      3) KISS that ROCKS THE WORLD
                      4) Get on with Team aspects of the Show and fade out on Sam & Jack waking up cuddling The End...
                      Yes, that's what we all want, I think. We would have been ok with a fishing invite pre-Chernoble, but they went and upped the ante after that, and now we want more...we need more. Talking and a really good kiss is all we need to make us happy.


                        Slightly off topic here, but people here are always bringing up Harm & Mac from JAG anyway. I can't always tell if it's positive, negative or just frustrated all the way around... anyway, am I the only one here who always hated the Harm & Mac pairing? Right from the beginning I could see that they were trying to do the UST thing, and I just didn't see any chemistry. It always felt forced, or just bleh... I always thought that Mac had way more chemistry with Adm. Chegwidden. I always wanted to see them get together, and I heard that they flirted (pardon the pun) with the idea for a while, but not till after I'd lost interest in the series altogether...

                        It just occurred to me that there are a LOT of people who want Harm & Mac to be together, and I'm not one of them, and maybe how I feel about them is kinda how our anti-shippers feel about Sam & Jack. Except I never really thought that the UST in JAG was ruining the show one way or the other. I just got bored with the show in general.

                        So, do Harm & Mac shippers really think that it's so painfully clear that you'd have to gouge your own eyes out not to see that they're in love and made for each other? 'Cause I don't see it at all, but in the case of Jack and Sam I think people who say there's no ship are crazy or in denial. Is it just a matter of perspective? Or is there really some kind of objective measurement of sparkage? Like, could we hook Jack and Sam up to one lightbulb, and Harm & Mac up to another, and see which one glows the brightest?

                        <Starfury gets a mental image of Jack & Sam's lightbulb glowing brighter and brighter, until it's almost blinding the spectators, then *EXPLODING* in a shower of sparks!>


                        One more thing. If the producers are for UST and against RST, then Sam and Pete don't have a chance either. If Sam marries Pete, that is a resolution (a crappy one)! Therefore, no more UST. Therefore, Sam will not marry Pete!

                        Remember on Lois & Clark, how Lois got engaged to Lex Luthor for awhile? But then in the end, she married her Superman, and had LOTS and LOTS of RST. OK, the show went downhill around that time, but I don't think it had to do with Lois & Clark having lots of nice married love. More like bad writing (like that stupid amnesia thing. Sheesh. That woulda been dumb even if they weren't married at the time).

                        Therefore, all we have to do is hang in there. Sam will get her Super Man! (Hey, maybe will go crazy with jealousy and lose his hair ).
                        Sam & Jack 'Ship...


                          Originally posted by majorsal
                          Spoilers ahead for S8's Affinity and beyond



                          Yes, I know just how you feel. I've got my mojo back, but I'm not the same and never will be. Those interviews didn't really bother me because it's just more of the same. And, they were done either before filming began for this season or just at the beginning. I found some stuff I liked that they all said - AT included - but like I said, it's mostly been there, done that. The ship issue is hot, and they'll let the flame burn until we get our FOREST FIRE OF LOVE! *how's that for cheesy?*

                          As we suffer through Affinity, remember... we're getting LOTS of hints that Sam and Jack are going to end up together. Use that as your beacon through all this bf stuff.

                          *When you see PS showing her the ring, squint your eyes and pretend he's showing her a prize he got out of a Cracker Jacks box. When Sam says yes, it's because PS asked her if she's got indigestion.*

                          K, I'm done with my schizophrenic post.

                          Sugarshaker waves to all the shippers

                          Thanks for the kind words, Auntie Sal. Sometimes I read these interviews and I feel that there’s no acknowledgement by TPTB that our concerns have any merit whatsoever. It’s always ‘Pete’s not a stalker, you need to cut Pete some slack, you have issues, you’re missing the point, etc. etc.’ Individually these statements don’t amount to much, but over time the cumulative effect gets to be too wearing and insulting. Yes, they do throw us a bone (or more like a bonelet) here and there, but for me, it’s not enough to counter the relentless onslaught of Pete, Pete, Pete!

                          I will take your good advice to heart, eat my shipper cookies and delve into my foot-high pile of fanfic, starting with MeiMei’s and michelleb’s latest. That should help fortify me for the trials ahead.


                          Sugarshaker, in full battle dress, stands tall at the entrance to Shipper Town, arms outstretched, palms up and beckons her fingers to TPTB:

                          Bring it on!!!

                          s u g a r s h a k e r


                            Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                            And of course, we both saw Doc/Tegan ship (mind you that's really obvious!!!)
                            Are we talking about THE Doctor and Tegan Jovanka here?
                            Sam & Jack 'Ship...


                              Meimei, I absolutely LOVED "Awakenings." It needs more. Like an additional chapter or two or 12.


                                This site crashing is getting on my nerves ..Why is it crashing so much?!!!

                                Anyway...I can't quote apparently I try to post and reply to :


                                I agree whatever happens ...S&J should be together at end season 8...Even Mulder and Scully went quicker ..end of season 7....for crying out loud ..they are adults...enough tap dancing...I have the feeling season 8 will be the Sam and Jack together.

                                Season 9 could be an entirely new and FRESH scenario.

                                They need a FRESH season if they still want good ratings without RDA..The only way they'll get that is to make sure Jack is with Sam but off screen. I hope he'll pop in for Cameos.

                                I'm sure RDA is not DUCHOVNY and would accept a few cameos if need be for the show's sake and Jack's relationship to Sam.

                                TO shelsfc..and SES110

                                the x-files was a fantastic show with a brilliant myhtarc. My addiction to it was big ..because of Mulder and Scully.
                                The x-files was Mulder and Scully.

                                Although the last 2 seasons were not brilliant for many reasons ( Duchovny's departure and introduction of Doggett and reyes for an ensemble show )They still did some fantastic episodes ;;;;;;;within , without, trust no one , essence, existence, this is not happening, deadalive, provenance, providence, and the truth.

                                I really really like Stargate sg1 ...a lot indeed....but I love the x-files....and the x-files will alwaus be my number one sci-fi show.
                                I also think we had a lot more ship with Mulder and Scully and less tease ...

                                STARGATE TPTB started the big tease in season 7 ..

                                iN THE X-FILES ..The tease stopped at season 7 ...regarding Mulder and Scully ..They were a couple .

                                In the x-files they did not introduce the boyfriend /girfriend scenario like Stargate TPTB is doing right now .

                                There was a bit of a love triangle ...but not big enough to infuriate the shippers Mulder and Scully.It was really well done actually just to give enough spice .

                                Although I'm sure Stargate TPTB is doing the same for spice ...they over did it with the Pete scenario....We did not have to see Sam going to bed with him .....this was a bit much ...but I'm sure's all for a good cause the end of SEASON 8 ....

                                nOW LET'S TRY TO SUMMIT THAT POST


