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The Sam/Jack Shipper Discussion Thread X

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    Originally posted by Mala50
    Well, I guess that's one reason why I'm the SILLY SHIPPER!

    I've got a whole load of Thunk supplies!

    (the calendar at the bottom of the page is a schedule I made up for Tame - she lives that life, really!).
    Mala I LOVE the bottom pic next to the calendar!! Too funny! And the 'Following still you not' thing has gotta be my favorite part of that whole episode!


    McKAY: If you're referring to the ship you just shot down, the one that doesn't stand a hope in hell of ever flying again ...

    TORRELL: The ship that you're gonna fix, yes.

    McKAY: What am I, MacGyver? Fix it with what?
    MINE.. ALL MINE!! Mwhahahaha!


      Did everyone all of a sudden go off to bed??? Well lets hope they have some good dreams while asleep.


      McKAY: If you're referring to the ship you just shot down, the one that doesn't stand a hope in hell of ever flying again ...

      TORRELL: The ship that you're gonna fix, yes.

      McKAY: What am I, MacGyver? Fix it with what?
      MINE.. ALL MINE!! Mwhahahaha!


        My goodness! Thank you all for the kind welcome! Interesting place, this. Oh yes indeedy. I'll just mosey off to bed now and hope for some sweet dreams....
        Only those whose lives are brief can imagine that love is eternal. You should embrace that remarkable illusion. It may be the greatest gift your race has ever received. - Lorien


          Originally posted by Mala50
          Well, I guess that's one reason why I'm the SILLY SHIPPER!

          I've got a whole load of Thunk supplies!

          (the calendar at the bottom of the page is a schedule I made up for Tame - she lives that life, really!).
          ok, I'm crying right now from laughter. The DEPENDS! OMG! So funny. Loved the calender and defibralator, too. PLEASE keep up the good work!

          your ship sistah
          (and fellow thunker in spirit)

          ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


            [QUOTE=LtLisa]Welcome to all newbies, welcome back to those who've returned, congrats on college acceptance to col aga! [QUOTE]

            Hey, thanks. I really wasn't aware that it would become such an issue! It just slipped since I tend to talk about it a lot in reality . Usually I'm not so self-centred though...
            There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
            awesome sig by Josiane


              Originally posted by Ship Nana
              It's all Greek to me oops or should I say Polish?!

              Which one are you leaning towards?
              Do you really want to know? lol
              I decided to go to Poznan University, it's 1 of 3 the best universities in Poland and 1 of 3 schools in whole country where I can study at Oriental Institute.
              And it isn't all...Polish .But I understand that this is completely incomprehensible for you and that's okay. American and Polish educational systems are very different.And it's nice of you to ask, but you really don't have to, I wouldn't like to give you a headache or something
              There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
              awesome sig by Josiane


                Originally posted by mad_gater
                Nope!! Not a clue. Like I said, geography is not my strong suit!! But I'll bet my great-grandma on my mom's side might've known where those places are. She was from the old country in the Poland/Slovakia area. But I can't ask her since she died when I was 12. She lived a long full life. She almost made it to her triples, but not quite. She was 94 when she died. So I'm basically an interesting Italian (dominant in my dad's side) and Polish/Slovak and a little Lithuanian from my mom's side. My favorite dish is a Slovak/Polish my mom makes only twice a year for my dad's two special days, his birthday and father's day. It's called "chicken paprikash." My mom cooks the chicken seasoned with paprika and she makes haluski (egg noodles shaped kinda like little dumplings) and she makes a special sour cream/paprika sauce to pour over both the chicken and the haluski. It's a really big hit in my family. She only makes this dish twice a year though as it's very difficult to make. I don't know if you've heard of this dish or not.
                To be honest no, I haven't.Poland is divided in many cultural regions and each one has its own customs and dishes.I think your great-grandma was from southern or eastern part of the country and I'm from the centre.So ... you get the idea(I hope)

                Give my warmest regards to your mom, she must be great person.

                You know, until I met you I hadn't realised that Tok'ra can be shy. I guess that's the reason why Keldor doesn't talk with me...
                There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
                awesome sig by Josiane


                  Originally posted by mad_gater
                  I was askin' because I wondered if you were going to try goin' to school in America. We'd love to have you here at UB (University of Buffalo, part of the SUNY system).
                  Thanks for the invitation!!lol. I'd love to come ,but it isn't possible at the moment. But never say never.I plan on visiting US one day though,so maybe... Do you have Oriental Institute? (I mean Chair of Oriental Studies.)And I take it you are student too?
                  There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
                  awesome sig by Josiane


                    My favourite are#3,6 & 9.
                    There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
                    awesome sig by Josiane


                      Originally posted by mad_gater
                      *Beach Ba'al has come through the 'gate of the Tau'ri with a self-satisfied smug on his face*

                      *Sam storms into the Gateroom wearing the ribbon device and a look furious enough to melt naquada*

                      *Ba'al's smirk fades and is replaced with horror as Sam immediately starts throwing Ba'al around the Gateroom with the ribbon device like a rag doll*

                      *Jack, Daniel, and Teal'c are up in the control room watching while eating a bowl of popcorn*

                      Daniel: You two are enjoying this immensely, aren't you? You do realize we're gonna have to rebuild the Gateroom once Sam's finished?

                      Jack: It's well worth the rebuild to watch ol' Bocce Ba'al get his a$$ kicked around like some kind of stuffed animal.

                      Teal'c: Indeed. We are witnessing the downfall of another System Lord. I am most pleased and I will gratefully help with any reconstruction of the Gateroom.

                      Daniel: When you put it that way, who can argue?? *Jack, Daniel, and Teal'c all take a sip from their beers*

                      Ba'al (whimpering and begging): No! Please!! NO!! No more!! I can't take anymore!!
                      Sam: That's what you get for messin' with my man you worthless piece of $hit!!!!

                      That was sooo funny! But I'm in public place and I almost fell off the chair. You really want to embarass me, don't you?
                      There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
                      awesome sig by Josiane


                        Originally posted by Mala50
                        Well, I guess that's one reason why I'm the SILLY SHIPPER!

                        I've got a whole load of Thunk supplies!

                        (the calendar at the bottom of the page is a schedule I made up for Tame - she lives that life, really!).
                        Brilliant Mala. I love the "You love my What?" pic.


                          Hi Folks,

                          I am a long, long time lurker. This is my first post anywhere. It is pretty scary for me to be doing this, but seeing that I can offer some information which may ease some of my fellow shippers' minds, I thought I'd take the plunge. I am not terribly computer literate and am not sure if I am doing this correctly. So if I screw it up, please forgive me.

                          I am a big fan of Sam, and I love Amanda. Anyway, I just came back from Gatecon. I did not record the events and so am relying on my memory (which is not always the most reliable thing to do!!!)
                          Regarding Amanda's answer to the question if they had one whole episode for themselves, what would they like to do, I'd like to first mention that the audience seemed to be pretty evenly split between shippers and non-shippers. Not wanting to appear to be taking sides, I BELIEVE Amanda used the word 'appease' (not 'encourage') in her reply.
                          She basically said, "Not to appease the shippers, but I'd like to spend a whole episode fishing". (I keep trying to put in smiley faces but keep getting a colon with letters instead).
                          Again, these are not necessarily her exact words, but the basic gist of what she said. It was a nice shippy statement, and she prefaced it the way she did so as to not offend the non-shippers. (If 'appease' is the wrong word, I apologize. Hopefully Marimba can confirm it. It was definitely not at all offensive to shippers though).

                          During the photo session, I told Amanda that I hoped she was not annoyed with shippers because of the Pete situation and that while we might not agree or like everything that was going on, that many of us still loved her.
                          She then replied that she was not annoyed at all. In fact, she enjoys hearing the different viewpoints from fans because it means that they feel passionate about the show. I then brought up the fact that she had used the word "tough" in the interview. She basically said that things often get taken out of context and that she would never have said anything that would be mean to the fans. She then actually asked me to let the fans know this. I said I would do so if I ever delurked. So here I am! AMANDA IS NOT ANNOYED WITH US SHIPPERS AND SHE DOES CARE ABOUT OUR FEELINGS!

                          So, Fellow Shippers, take heart!

                          Besides this, there were no shippy spoilers revealed to my recollection. In fact Amanda said she does not know how it will end.

                          Well that's my mini con report. Don't know if I'll be doing any more posting, but I do enjoy reading what you good folks write. I laugh, cry, cringe and hope together with all of you.

                          Long Live Sam & Jack!
                          All the best


                            Ok i have eaten a Red cookie and because of that and the poor crying shipper mouse here i am.My name is mary and i am from Scotland and love Sam and jack and already hate the ep Afffinity.Also the tv zone interview from PDL has not made me feel any better .I hope that e bay is ready for all my stargate stuff if we dont get a fishing invite at the end <BG>


                              Originally posted by sacme
                              go here and enjoy!

                              ship sistah

                              And here is my front page for all shows ..shippy shippy shippy videos for Stargate, the lost world, farscape, x-files, space 1999 , tales of the south seas.




                                Originally posted by Buc252
                                I loved XF and the shippiness, plus the high-h/c factor, which is great for fanfic. (I wrote in XF years before I begain in SG.) But they really destroyed the ship *and* the show with the last two seasons, and especially the last six eps and the finale, IMO. But being a master of denial, I just erased those two seasons from my mind - they don't exist for me - and figure the show ended after Season 7. <g> Much int he same way that there was never an episode of Stargate called Chimera. After all, I have every single episode on tape, but nothing entitled that, so it *can't* exist, right? <g>

                                In the video I finished the show at the end of season 8 know the kiss with the baby in the middle..

                                If you haven't watched my shippy and hot..sensual x-files video yet ..Here it is :


                                "When you say you love me " Josh groban,

                                Caty aka ShipDiva.

