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The Sam/Jack Shipper Discussion Thread X

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    Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
    After we overtook a bent-over panting Sal she had to go to PlanB &
    ..... she left us in the dust!
    I'd never leave my shipper family!




      Originally posted by kiwigater
      It definitely was rather.....ummm..... yeah!
      Hey Sally, you need to put THAT picture next to jack in your "I'm waiting" sig, then they could look at each other allllll daaaay
      Corret me if I'm wrong, but didn't AT just say in the Lowdown that she wasn't so much into nudity??
      I guess she got over it.

      Do you think those pics would be classified as PG? Just curious. My idea of PG is probably different than others.

      Token ~


        Originally posted by GoneShippin'
        leaning towards #4, just the it is, we've got a LOT of print on the back...I DO like the baked fresh daily tag line, though
        If we send JM a mug or tee, then we have to put the "SoCal Shipper Commune" somewhere. I bet he would get a BIG laugh out of it; then proceed to TELL all the other PTB about us, and maybe that will give us shippers some POSITIVE points with TPTB. It could happen.

        Token ~


          Originally posted by Buc252
          I'm sorry to say, I've *had* - past tense - a total meltdown, and I'm going to be hard pressed to watch any more episodes, although I'm going to try. After being burned - badly - by the way XF ended, and seeing SG going the same direction, I can't believe, or have faith, that TPTB will make it right. I'm still here, reading all the posts, because I hope, but I don't believe. Let's just say I'd be more shocked at this point if we got *any* "true" ship before the end of the series than I'd be if we got none. And by "true" ship, I mean blatant - not anything that can possibly be read into as anything besides love.

          I hate feeling this way, but all the cheerleading posts aren't helping, so I've given up hope and take it one day (episode?) at a time.

          Maybe I need a S1-4 & S6 marathon over the weekend . . . I know for *sure* seeing AT at a con wouldn't do it.

          Oh, Mary, I *so* know this feeling.... I 'think' I'm in the beginning stages of menopause, so I *really* know. Just know this, Mary, we're all here for you. I'm going to take one ep at a time, and rely on my shipper family to pull me through. You can rely on that too, Mary.





            Originally posted by mad_gater
            Oy!! Well?!?! What're you waitin' for?!?!?! Go out and discover the joys of broadband!!!!!
            I'm saving all my arms and legs to pay the nice people for my shipper t-shirt and mug!
            (remember: grad school = destitute....). Besides, the theory is that if I have to suffer through dialup maybe I won't play so much, and will do some actual writing of thesis on computer.... (see how well this plan is working!! ).

            Speaking of which, in order to do any work tomorrow, I must away to bed now (yes Token, MY bed..... I know well enough I couldn't possibly pry Jack out of yours )


              Originally posted by Token
              I guess she got over it.

              Do you think those pics would be classified as PG? Just curious. My idea of PG is probably different than others.
              Actually Kel'dor's eyes nearly bugged out as well and that's a very weird feeling when a symbiote's eyes bug out in your head!!

              Now I know what to do for heat in the winter!! Just look at those pics and I'll warm right up!!


                Originally posted by kiwigater
                I'm saving all my arms and legs to pay the nice people for my shipper t-shirt and mug!
                (remember: grad school = destitute....). Besides, the theory is that if I have to suffer through dialup maybe I won't play so much, and will do some actual writing of thesis on computer.... (see how well this plan is working!! ).

                Speaking of which, in order to do any work tomorrow, I must away to bed now (yes Token, MY bed..... I know well enough I couldn't possibly pry Jack out of yours )
                Uhm....wouldn't Sam be gettin' a little jealous right about now???


                  Originally posted by blueiris
                  Ate one of those red shipper cookies and here I am. Hello everyone.

                  Just wanted to say that I still believe the ship will survive. I'm usually very good at predicting/guessing endings and I really think by the end of the season, the Sam/Jack ship will, at the least, be verified.

                  I know sometimes the outlook seems bleak, but I really really believe it will be back in full force. Unless of course those red cookies came with rose colored glasses.

                  No, I refuse to believe that. Sam and Jack will be again.
                  Welcome! I like your outlook, and I plan on adopting it... until I get overcome with negativity again.


                  ps - I want to welcome all the shippers I've missed over the last few days.



                    Originally posted by Token
                    I didn't want to confuse you, but I was trying to get the big picture in order to vote on what to put on the front. And only to add to the confusion....Are we doing mugs too? And if we are, is the same wording going to be on both?

                    Now you know what Ship Mum has to deal with. Can you feel the love, Ship Sistah?
                    Oy! Yes, I will be looking into the mug, as well. We can have something different on the mug, if we want.

                    And since we're musing, for the cookie list on the back-- do we want a picture of a pink cookie and the definition or do we want "pink shipper cookie" and the definition? A picture may save space.

                    ship sistah

                    ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                      Originally posted by Token
                      I guess she got over it.

                      Do you think those pics would be classified as PG? Just curious. My idea of PG is probably different than others.
                      hmmm, good point! For me I would say they are PG (as in parental guidance may be necessary), in so much that she's not actually "showing" anything.... however, if it were my own (theoretical ) kids looking at them, then probably not so much PG (can you see the questions - Mummy, what is Sam doing with that flag??? ).
                      Guess AT wanted to break out of character and show a "side"... Whatever gets you thru the day I guess *shrug*.


                        Originally posted by Token
                        I guess she got over it.

                        Do you think those pics would be classified as PG? Just curious. My idea of PG is probably different than others.
                        And forget about my monitor melting from those pics!! I think the Earth's core is destabilising from those pics. If Jack don't pounce her then, I'd have to say he would be brain-dead at that point.


                          Originally posted by kiwigater
                          Speaking of which, in order to do any work tomorrow, I must away to bed now (yes Token, MY bed..... I know well enough I couldn't possibly pry Jack out of yours )
                          Ooooh! I'm found out! Oh well, since the secret is out, I might as well join him!

                          Jack protests, "Baby, when are you going to quit talking to your shipper family. I'm getting cold over here. C'mere."

                          Token melts, "I'm through right NOW!"

                          *Goodnight, Shipper Family!*
                          Last edited by Token; 20 July 2004, 09:25 PM. Reason: I'll never tell

                          Token ~


                            Originally posted by mad_gater
                            Uhm....wouldn't Sam be gettin' a little jealous right about now???
                            *kiwigater eyes Jack in bed*
                            Sam who???

                            (now see, the thunk thread has leaked over here again....)

                            Oh, right, THAT Sam....


                              Originally posted by kiwigater
                              *kiwigater eyes Jack in bed*
                              Sam who???

                              (now see, the thunk thread has leaked over here again....)

                              Oh, right, THAT Sam....
                              I think I'd better turn in as well.


                                Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                                RDA's and Jack's ages are different. Jack said he was 40 in the first season (BC) which would make him 48, then in Season 7 (FB) there was something about his birthdate, but I've seen that one only once, didn't get it taped and can't remember what it said. It could make him 50+, just don't know. The only reason I bring this up[ is because I get irritated (not at you) when fanfic makes Jack the same age as RDA. BTW, does anyone know the usual age to be promoted to General?

                                Won't take long for those kidlets to be bigger than Uncle Thor!
                                I'm sooo glad somebody said this. It annoys me too when I read about huge age difference between Sam & Jack(eg.15 years or even more) when in reality it shouldn't be more than 10. And in s7 "Fragile Balance" his ID said that his dob was October 1952.Unfortunately it corresponds with the date of his graduation from Air Force Academy(1974) but I simply don't agree with this. For me Jack is 47-48.
                                There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
                                awesome sig by Josiane

