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The Sam/Jack Shipper Discussion Thread X

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    Originally posted by Token
    I am speaking for myself. I am tremendously grateful that GateWorld exists. I have briefly stopped at other forums, and there is a big difference. I think it is the fact it is moderated and quality of the mods. However, just because I don't like the attitude of some non-shippers on this forum doesn't mean I would ever complain about them. My fandom skin is thin, but that is my problem. You say you haven't seen anyone hating any group here, and I would say that is true. But there is a difference in hating and being made to feel "uncomfortable". There are a few people who have that effect on me, but I just chose to avoid them. I believe in free speech. But since this thread is protected I don't have to expose myself to attitudes that discourage me from posting. JMO.
    Don't let them get you down! I'm aware there are other groups who aren't S/J shippers, but seeing as this is the only forum I frequent I guess I haven't encountered any of the nasty stuff you're referring to.
    *kiwigarer shrugs* I just don't take much attention of them to be honest. I know how I feel about it, and I don't much care what they think! (accidentally chanelling Daniel?? ).
    Don't get me wrong, I'll defend the shipper family with my last breath, but my stance is that this is OUR opinion, and I'm not forcing it on anyone else, and they're perfectly welcome to their opinion!
    Much like a few outspoken shippers have reflected negatively on us, don't let the posts of a few outspoken non-shippers affect you!

    *kiwigater takes deep breath, and lets breath of (recycled air conditioned) air flush over her and wipe away all negative sentiment.....*

    Anyway, thread X is a POSITIVE thread!! Try the indigo cookies dipped in the 200 proof hooch.... not only do they help you ignore Pete related info, but they help you ingore all that ugly stuff *say, is that a knat buzzing????.....*


      Originally posted by Elfinwood
      Well said, Sally.

      I believe that we as S/J shippers need to just ride the storm, because we are good fans. We need to be supportive of the show and trust that tptb will satisfy some of our wishes. After all, they gave us this ship. I don't think they ever intended to leave us adrift.

      Here....Here.....I think those that give ship...won't take it all away and will satisfy the proper ship in the end....even if a 'Gone Fishin' sign is hangin' on Lt. Col. Carter office...


        spoilers New Order
        Originally posted by col aga
        Hi everyone!
        Wow, you guys are incredible! X thread!!! * col Aga bows her head a la Teal'c in gesture of utter respect and admiration* I'm 3 000 posts behind!Since I can't right now use my home computer and have to go to Internet cafe catching up will take some time so you might read some odd replies to old posts.Sorry.
        Anyway I just wanted to let you know that I'm still alive( and most of you are probably scratching their heads right now wondering who I am ) What's more I've finally taken ALL my exams and got accepted at university!!How cool is that???!!!Bye,bye high school, welcome adult life!!*ducks head in embarrasment* Sorry, I got a little carried away. Please forgive me, currently I'm living on cloud nine .And my point was that now, since I'm on vacation, I have a lot of free time and hopefully I'll post much more often.
        Ship Nana,Marimba thanks for adding my name to the letter to AT.
        One more thing. I haven't seen New Order yet, I've only read transcript, but I was wondering...In Montana, in Sam's head, Pete says something about giving up his life for Sam and she says that's not him.So I thought that maybe Sam knows that he isn't capable of doing something her way.What do you think? And sorry if that was already covered, as I said I'm behind.And wasn't RDA to be in these scenes as well?
        Well, that's it for now.I'm going to catch up with everything.Sorry for the long post.
        Congrats Col Aga and welcome back to the family. We're all very proud of your accomplishments. I'm sure Nana's cookies got you through the tough exam period. The pale green ones help you when you're sick or stressed.

        I agree with your analysis of the Sam 5th/Pete scene. Pete wouldn't give up his life for Sam, but wants her to give up things for him. And we're not sure about the Jack dream sequence-- if it exists or will turn up somewhere else.

        ship sistah

        ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


          Originally posted by kiwigater
          Don't let them get you down! I'm aware there are other groups who aren't S/J shippers, but seeing as this is the only forum I frequent I guess I haven't encountered any of the nasty stuff you're referring to.
          *kiwigarer shrugs* I just don't take much attention of them to be honest. I know how I feel about it, and I don't much care what they think! (accidentally chanelling Daniel?? ).
          Don't get me wrong, I'll defend the shipper family with my last breath, but my stance is that this is OUR opinion, and I'm not forcing it on anyone else, and they're perfectly welcome to their opinion!
          Much like a few outspoken shippers have reflected negatively on us, don't let the posts of a few outspoken non-shippers affect you!

          ((((((((((((kiwigater))))))))))) Thanks for the hug!

          Before I found GateWorld, I just lurked. I don't take to heart what others say. I just choose not to associate with those who may (hopefully) unintensionally negatively impact my positive shipper attitude.

          Token ~


            Originally posted by Token
            ((((((((((((kiwigater))))))))))) Thanks for the hug!

            Before I found GateWorld, I just lurked. I don't take to heart what others say. I just choose not to associate with those who may (hopefully) unintensionally negatively impact my positive shipper attitude.
            Me too! I finally got brave enough to respond with Gateworld. Everyone was so friendly and welcoming. I have ventured out into other sites before and I usually end up depressed for a week afterwards. No more of that for me! I am quite content here in our little shippy home.
            JSDT's Sam and Jack Support Site

            Thank you, Nikkirose!


              Originally posted by majorsal
              Shipper family,

              I was going to post this tomorrow, but this feeling was strong enough that it's gotten me to logon again and post this. As I began to watch New Order again, I was also thinking about.... how I feel the ptb don't like us anymore (and this includes certain actors). I don't think they hate us, but we've become.... something they don't want to deal with.... and I don't know how it's come to this. But while I was contemplating all this, I had an epiphany of sorts.....

              However this show progresses, goes out, *I* want to go out as a good fan. I want to be liked again. I want to be respected. I don't know exactly what we did for all shippers to be felt about this way, but I'm going to do everything in my power to not contribute to it. I don't like what's being said against us, but... I'm going to turn the other cheek and prevail. I've been VERY down about all of the non-S/J ship details given out and ONLY S/P (amongst other things), but I truly believe that the S/J ship has not been dropped. It might be sitting in dry dock for a while, but it will be set free to sail on at some point. And I'll wait... and suffer in silence because I won't strike out against them. We are a good group of ppl, no matter what's being thought about us. We deserve better, but... I will go out proud. I AM a nice fan. WE are nice fans. And I will show it even if it's to the bitter end. I'm going out as a good fan.

              I don't know what negative things you've read about shippers, but you were never a bad fan. I don't think there is anything wrong with being disgruntled at times at the direction something you care about has taken. The writers and producers of any show are not perfect, they're human. And we can't expect them to do everything the way we want. But fans are people, too. And we shouldn't be expected to love everything that's put in front of us. Being a good fan should not equate to being a quiet fan. I love Stargate and I'm going to try to be patient as well-- and I'll be able to do it as long as I have this forum to vent and rant and calm me down. Don't hold in your fears and anger; there is no need to suffer in silence. This is our thread! You can share your upset with your shipper family. We can take it.

              ship sistah

              p.s. Marina Sirtis and Jonathan Frakes always told their fans that they wanted their characters, Troi and Riker on ST:TNG, to get together by the end of the series. They even went in together to speak to the writers and producers to ask for this to happen. In the end, as you know, TPTB didn't go this way and years later when they did finally bring this couple together it was completely lackluster. The moral of the story: TPTB can make mistakes, too. The other moral of the story: the actors were never blamed or took heat for the storyline. They loved and looked out for their shippers.

              ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                Is that RDA in your sig, Sally? It's a little too dark for me to be sure.

                ship sistah

                ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                  Originally posted by majorsal
                  Shipper family,

                  I was going to post this tomorrow, but this feeling was strong enough that it's gotten me to logon again and post this. As I began to watch New Order again, I was also thinking about.... how I feel the ptb don't like us anymore (and this includes certain actors). I don't think they hate us, but we've become.... something they don't want to deal with.... and I don't know how it's come to this. But while I was contemplating all this, I had an epiphany of sorts.....

                  However this show progresses, goes out, *I* want to go out as a good fan. I want to be liked again. I want to be respected. I don't know exactly what we did for all shippers to be felt about this way, but I'm going to do everything in my power to not contribute to it. I don't like what's being said against us, but... I'm going to turn the other cheek and prevail. I've been VERY down about all of the non-S/J ship details given out and ONLY S/P (amongst other things), but I truly believe that the S/J ship has not been dropped. It might be sitting in dry dock for a while, but it will be set free to sail on at some point. And I'll wait... and suffer in silence because I won't strike out against them. We are a good group of ppl, no matter what's being thought about us. We deserve better, but... I will go out proud. I AM a nice fan. WE are nice fans. And I will show it even if it's to the bitter end. I'm going out as a good fan.

                  We "The Family" are nice fans!! And we are sensitive people too! We took great pains when writing "The Letter" to AT to make it positive and supportive of her. Remember how many rewrites we made and all the discussion of should we say this or that and even to the extent to discuss someone's board name as to whether or not it would affend AT.

                  I think we have nothing to be ashamed of. We have been here from the begining and we will be here together until the end, whatever that will be. We are positive people and though we may bash a character we never bash the actors.

                  We have to vent somewhere and this thread is it. The family listens to us and helps us get back on track! Or at the very least passes us the Shipper Cookies.

                  I don't know why the actors feel the way they do about us or even if they do have a particular feeling about us, but if they just lurked on this thread they would see that we are nice people and are probably some of the nicest in fandom.

                  Well you know how the saying goes, "you can please some of the fans all of the time and all of the fans some of the time but you can never please all of the fans all of the time.

                  Ok I'm rambling now. Uh Oh, I smell something burning. *ship nana runs to oven to pull out slightly singed shipper cookies* That's what I get for leaving the kitchen!!!
                  Ship Nana


                    You tell 'em Ship Nana!!

                    BTW, you didn't singe the indigo ones did you? I've been relying on those ones pretty heavily lately..
                    *kiwigater goes to stand up from computer, but has to dig way out of mugs ( ) of liquor and indigo crumbs....*


                      Originally posted by getcarter
                      I was watching POV earlier this evening and my daughter who just turned five just loves that episode. She always asks to watch the one with two Major Carters. When it got to the part where she is hugging Jack and crying my daughter turned to me and said Why is Major Carter sad? And I said well, it's because she loves Jack and she said (in her sweetest five year old incredulous voice) "that - is - so - sweet....." Out of the mouths of babes....
                      That is so funny - my daughter is 5 also and asked the very same question when we watched POV! Then later, we were watching Deadman Switch and she said " I love Sam. She is sooo cool!" (Which worries me a tad with the whole fiasco but maybe she doesn't notice that part.) Even at 5 years old she is a shipper - I think life is so simple to young'ns.

                      "Pete Who?"

                      Even my DOG is a shipper!


                        Originally posted by mad_gater
                        I still think they should've had Jack retire by now. I know 50-somethin's not that old, esp. for someone in as great a shape as he's in, but he's been injured so many times I don't think his body could take much more. Either retire him or have Thor make both him and Sam official representatives of the Tau'ri so that they'd both have to rsign their commissions. Then after that, as representatives of "the fifth race," they get to travel around with Thor in his shiny new Asgard mothership!!

                        Just picture it now: Sam and Jack get married, then Thor whisks them away. Now a couple of years later there's little kids running around Thor's ship. You can picture one of the kids goin' up to Thor and sayin' "Uncle Thor! Ya wanna play?" LOL!!!!!

                        RDA's and Jack's ages are different. Jack said he was 40 in the first season (BC) which would make him 48, then in Season 7 (FB) there was something about his birthdate, but I've seen that one only once, didn't get it taped and can't remember what it said. It could make him 50+, just don't know. The only reason I bring this up[ is because I get irritated (not at you) when fanfic makes Jack the same age as RDA. BTW, does anyone know the usual age to be promoted to General?

                        Won't take long for those kidlets to be bigger than Uncle Thor!


                          Hi shipper peoples!!!! Okay, I probably ought to take a better look around here before I go on a posting frenzy, but I'm sort of new, and if I don't post this now, I'll probably forget. But anywho, I was just saying...I don't remember actually...such is my brain's power...

                          OH!!! NOW I remember! I was juat about to complement you on the idea of your ship cookies. Very cool!!!!! But I have a question: do they work on non-shipper? See, I have a few buddies who support the ship, but are a little reluctant to call themselves shippers, for they don't watch the show enough. So, I was wondering, what might happen should we "accidently" stuff them full of 'em? You know, for their own sake?? Again, ship cookies, very cool. We'll be needing some of them when Ship Day comes around!


                            Originally posted by aligater
                            Hi shipper peoples!!!! Okay, I probably ought to take a better look around here before I go on a posting frenzy, but I'm sort of new, and if I don't post this now, I'll probably forget. But anywho, I was just saying...I don't remember actually...such is my brain's power...

                            OH!!! NOW I remember! I was juat about to complement you on the idea of your ship cookies. Very cool!!!!! But I have a question: do they work on non-shipper? See, I have a few buddies who support the ship, but are a little reluctant to call themselves shippers, for they don't watch the show enough. So, I was wondering, what might happen should we "accidently" stuff them full of 'em? You know, for their own sake?? Again, ship cookies, very cool. We'll be needing some of them when Ship Day comes around!

                            and Welcome Aligater. Hope you have alot of fun here and remember to go slow on the shipper cookies at first until your system gets adjusted.

                            Maybe if your friends ate the cookies while watching shippy episodes that would make them full fledged shippers. Worth a try anyway.
                            Ship Nana


                              Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                              RDA's and Jack's ages are different. Jack said he was 40 in the first season (BC) which would make him 48, then in Season 7 (FB) there was something about his birthdate, but I've seen that one only once, didn't get it taped and can't remember what it said. It could make him 50+, just don't know. The only reason I bring this up[ is because I get irritated (not at you) when fanfic makes Jack the same age as RDA. BTW, does anyone know the usual age to be promoted to General?

                              Won't take long for those kidlets to be bigger than Uncle Thor!
                              Jack's 51. In Fragile balance, there's a close up of his ID card, and it says that his D.O.B is 10/20/52 (I think). I paused the DVD to find out. That means he'll be 52 in October!

                              Doesn't he look great for a 51 year old?
                              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                                Originally posted by Nikkirose
                                Wow Sally nicely said! I totally agree with you I'm gonna watch SG1 till the end no matter if theres a ship or not (lets hope for the sake of my sanity there is)! I still cant believe there are fans(if you wanna call them that) who would write such MEAN letters!?! I'm amazed how some peoples minds work!

                                I can't say whether or not there were people out there who wrote nasty letters; I'm sure there were some. But the ship fans I know who wrote both before--letters that were upbeat about the show and very positive--and after Pete--letters that were critical of the character--all wrote letters that were passionate but nice. So, there certainly has been a balance in the letters that TPTB received that were negative about Pete: easily more that were thoughtful/critical than those that were nasty.

                                How does this compare to two years of being lambasted by a percentage of the fans who wanted DJ back (I am *not* saying that all of the fans who wanted DJ back or campaigned to that end behaved this way. But there is no question that some--including many of the most vocal and out-front campaigners--did.)? Who told them that they had no idea how to write the show, that they had gone in the wrong direction, that they had forced MS out, that they were hacks, moron and liars (and, yes, I saw posts on the internet and letters in publications that used those terms)? Who issued death threats (as per JM) and wanted posters at cons on Brad Wright that were stamped and designed to be mailed to him? The same people who wrote letters that BW, in a chat, talked about, saying that these people say they aren't going to watch season 6 and that he hoped they don't so that he wouldn't have to get any more letters from them.

                                Yet, MS comes back and suddenly, these same fans are golden. (BTW, if you go on other forums or lists, you'll see that many of these same fans still dump all over the PTB for not giving DJ enough time in episodes, or any time there is, in their opinion, too much Sam.) We are critical of one character, and *we* have "issues" and we're the problem with the show. And, unlike these DJ fans, we didn't take this public by taking out ads and writing letters to magazines; it was the PTB that held it up to the public eye. (Which suggests to me that they have no intention of seeking any kind of reconciliation.)

                                Sorry, Sal, but I think part of the problem is that we have always *been* "the good little fans". Willing to go along with anything they did, defending them against attacks, grateful for any crumb they threw our way. We were in their pockets--and I think they were taken by surprise to find out that we aren't quite the "tame" fans they thought we were and they "can't handle the truth." Yes, I want to be a good fan--in the sense that I follow the show, watch it every week, talk others into watching it (so long as it is worth watching. A lot more of the 1st half of season 7, and I certainly wouldn't try to convince anyone to watch that.) and the like--but I'm not interested in being a "good" fan in the sense of being a submissive doormat who will put up with anything and come back for more.

                                Right now, I have seen precious little loyalty flowing back from them to us, despite our seven years of loyalty to the show (especially during that two-year period). Before season 7 started, all we heard was about DJ/MS coming back and statements making nicey-nice with that same percentage of fans that had dumped all over them--the fans who declared that they had not watched season 6. I didn't see a single statement from any of TPTB that thanked those of us who *had* watched in season 6 and who had garnered them the ratings that got them a season 7 in the first place. (And we aren't alone: I thought their treatment of Corin Nemec was disgraceful. And they've basically spent season 7 pretending Jonas never existed.)

                                This is *their* show. They have an absolute right to change or end any storyline they choose to. But if they intend to do that, they should have both the "cojones" and the--what? honor?--to do so early and upfront. Not to string us along for eight years, constantly hinting they are going to continue the thread.

                                It is for this reason that I would stop watching SG-1 (and Atlantis) if they screw us in season 8. Simply put: if you are going to treat me shabbily, then I will leave at some point.

                                Sorry if this is depressing, but that's how I feel about it. I'm getting tired of being vilified--after seven years of supporting the show and TPTB--while "other" fans are being embraced, despite considerably more in the way of "bad" behavior.

                                "He's an amazing man. After everything he's done, he's still modest. Quite self-effacing actually. He even likes people to think he's not as smart as he is. Bottom line, he's an incredibly strong leader who's given more to this program than any man has given to anything I can imagine."

