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Shippy petition Re S8

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    Originally posted by sueKay
    I've posted the letter that I'm sending on the Jack/Sam shipper thread. It's between pages 25 and 30 (I think)
    I would like to read the petition too.

    I'm still *really* irritated that I got spoiled on this one. In fact, irritated doesn't begin to describe it lol.

    Could you possibly re-post it here where it is relevant?

    I don't want to go searching through the shipper thread. I am too scared I'll get spoiled again. But now that the damage is done, I guess I may as well consider signing it.

    I think the biggest obstacle to this petition will be the fact that it is based on a spoiler. There are a lot of shippers out there who probably don't read spoilers, and don't want to know any spoilers.


      Count me in for signing this particular petition. I saw the pics and freaked. Of course, it could all be a plot device where she's just "imagining".


        Originally posted by Otis
        Count me in for signing this particular petition. I saw the pics and freaked. Of course, it could all be a plot device where she's just "imagining".

        Yes or it's simply Sam the replicator ..who 's meeting Pete on the bench ....and he's talking to the wrong would be extremely funny ...would love to see that ...Stargate related alright ....


        Ps: And the real Sam is with jack ...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


          here's the petition letter

          Dear SG1 Production/Writing Staff,

          I am writing on behalf of a large number of fans and myself, with regards to the ongoing story arc between Brigadier General Jack O'Neill and Lieutenant Colonel Samantha Carter.

          Before I began to regularly Stargate SG1, I was a regular viewer and fan of another science-fiction show - Star Trek Voyager. This show had a similar - but less prominent - story arc between two characters, namely Captain Kathryn Janeway and Commander Chakotay. While this may not seem relevant, I'd like to point out some similarities between the two storylines.

          The writers of the show played with this storyline, and it seemed at times that the two characters would 'get together'. Fans ran similar plans and petitions, to those of SG1, but the writers decided not to resolve the story. This embittered many fans, and many 'Shippers' have now dubbed the show's finale 'Endshame'

          The decision not to provide closure or a resolution to this storyline are - in part - responsible for many fans not showing interest in either the DVD releases or the spin-off - Enterprise.

          I cite this example in order to make a valid point. The writers have to listen to the fans, in order to preserve the show's general well being. Don't make the same mistake as the people at Paramount did - You're all a lot more intelligent than that!

          Up until a few months ago, I was only a casual viewer of Stargate SG1. Even then, the on-screen chemistry between O'Neill and Carter was prominent. I see the relationship as good thing, as ultimately it humanises the characters, and makes them more believable.

          Before I myself became a Shipper, I looked around online in order to get a deeper insight into the workings of the show, and the general opinion of the fans. Not to my surprise, I found that the overwhelming majority of viewers wanted to see the Jack/Sam relationship move up a gear, i.e. to become romantic.

          In recent months, it seems to me that the writing staff have been disregarding the fan's wishes in this matter, This has been personified by the arrival of the character Pete Shanahan. I know that the majority of staff at Bridge studios like the character - and the fans love David DeLuise - but it seems to me that the audience (on a whole) have not jelled with the character.

          I apologise if this letter sounds like a rant, but I myself and other fans are slightly frustrated with the whole Jack/Sam scenario. My fellow shippers and I would like to know if you'd like to review your stance on the story arc. If not, we would like some sort of statement telling us what will be happening, so that we can either know what's to come, or breathe a huge collective sigh of relief.

          I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank you for giving us such a gripping and enthralling series to watch (this is certainly the first television programme I've written in to!). No matter what happens, I will be watching season eight.

          Yours faithfully

          Susan Dailey (16, Scotland)
          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)



            Petition's up to 79 names!!!!!
            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


              Originally posted by sueKay
              here's the petition letter

              Dear SG1 Production/Writing Staff,

              SNIP SNIP

              The decision not to provide closure or a resolution to this storyline are - in part - responsible for many fans not showing interest in either the DVD releases or the spin-off - Enterprise.

              I cite this example in order to make a valid point. The writers have to listen to the fans, in order to preserve the show's general well being. Don't make the same mistake as the people at Paramount did - You're all a lot more intelligent than that!

              SNIP SNIP

              Before I myself became a Shipper, I looked around online in order to get a deeper insight into the workings of the show, and the general opinion of the fans. Not to my surprise, I found that the overwhelming majority of viewers wanted to see the Jack/Sam relationship move up a gear, i.e. to become romantic.


              Firstly, congrats on a well written letter! Your english is better than some uni students I hang out with!

              As a shipper, I agree with this in part. But I'm not sure that we really are an 'overwhelming majority'. A majority...maybe. But not overwhelming because there are plenty of people who either don't care either way or are firmly against the ship.

              I think it is fine to express our opinion to the powers, but I'm not sure this isn't worded in a rather demanding way. In the end, the decision is theirs and they are not responsible to us, they are responsible to MGM, to the characters they created, to the bottom line and, finally, to their own ideas of where they want this arc to go. And they aren't stupid for thinking this way (as you may not realise this letter kind of implies...). I think we (the fans, not just shippers) are pretty lucky that the powers are so aware of our existence lol. They know about this forum, they seem well aware of the uproar about Pete. They know which episodes bombed and triumphed in the fans opinions...that is, they don't just rely on ratings alone to tell them this stuff. I think that is more than can be said for a lot of shows.
              So for me, saying:

              Originally posted by sueKay
              "My fellow shippers and I would like to know if you'd like to review your stance on the story arc"
              is a little strong.

              If not, we would like some sort of statement telling us what will be happening, so that we can either know what's to come, or breathe a huge collective sigh of relief.
              Asking for an answer once and for all is also unlikely to happen. The whole point of the S/J ship, of any story arc, is to keep the fans guessing. If they let the cat out of the bag now, they would just divide the fandom further and probably make matters worse.

              I'm as irritated as anyone about those photos, but I'm sure we are supposed to be annoyed lol. I still harbour hope that the series isn't going to end that way. Don't forget we are supposed to be seeing a lot more of Jack at the beginning and end of the season and not much in the middle. So I'm not panicked. Yet.

              So I'm still tossing up about whether to sign it or not.

              Don't think I'm trying to bash your letter or really is very good. It's just that if I'm going to sign a petition, it should reflect my opinion and this is a little strong for me.


                can we mention what Pete is doing to Sam's character? how she's no longer the strong, independent smart person she was once portrayed as?

                "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
                describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

                <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
                Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


                  Originally posted by LtLisa
                  can we mention what Pete is doing to Sam's character? how she's no longer the strong, independent smart person she was once portrayed as?
                  I'll try to incorporate that point into the letter.

                  In the meantime, here's a revised version of the letter, which I had beta'ed.

                  Dear SG1 Production/Writing Staff,

                  I am writing on behalf of a large number of fans and myself, with regards to the ongoing story arc between Brigadier General Jack O'Neill and Lieutenant Colonel Samantha Carter.

                  Before I began to regularly watch Stargate SG1, I was a regular viewer and fan of another science-fiction show - Star Trek Voyager. This show had a similar - but less prominent - story arc between two characters, namely Captain Kathryn Janeway and Commander Chakotay. While this may not seem relevant, I'd like to point out some similarities between the two storylines.

                  The writers of Voyager incorporated this thread into several episodes, and it seemed at times that the two characters would 'get together.' Fans ran similar letter campaigns and petitions, to those taking place in SG-1 fandom now, but in the end the Voyager writers decided to end the plot arc. Many of Voyager's fans were upset by this decision. Their disappointment was in part responsible for their loss of interest in the entire Star Trek franchise.

                  I cite this example only to draw attention to the similarities. I am confident that no matter how the Stargate SG-1 writers choose to resolve the O'Neill-Carter subplot, they will take into account the feelings of all the various groups of SG-1 fandom. Agree or disagree, up until just recently the SG-1 writers have always at least listened to the fans' opinions, and for that we are grateful.

                  The writers of Voyager incorporated this thread into several episodes, and it seemed at times that the two characters would 'get together.' Fans ran similar letter campaigns and petitions, to those taking place in SG-1 fandom now, but in the end the Voyager writers decided to end the plot arc. Many of Voyager's fans were upset by this decision. Their disappointment was in part responsible for their loss of interest in the entire Star Trek franchise.

                  I cite this example only to draw attention to the similarities. I am confident that no matter how the Stargate SG-1 writers choose to resolve the O'Neill-Carter subplot, they will take into account the feelings of all the various groups of SG-1 fandom. Agree or disagree, up until just recently the SG-1 writers have always at least listened to the fans' opinions, and for that we are grateful.

                  Up until a few months ago, I was only a casual viewer of Stargate SG1. Even then, the on-screen chemistry between O'Neill and Carter was prominent. I see the relationship as good thing, as ultimately it humanises the characters, and makes them more believable.

                  Before I myself became a Shipper, I looked around online in order to get a deeper insight into the workings of the show, and the general opinion of the fans. Not to my surprise, I found that the overwhelming majority of viewers wanted to see the Jack/Sam relationship move up a gear, i.e. to become romantic.

                  Within recent months, a similarly disappointing situation has arisen on Stargate SG-1, in the form of the introduction of the character Pete Shanahan. I know that the majority of staff at Bridge Studio like the character--and the fans love David DeLuise--but it seems to me that the audience (on a whole) have not jelled with the character.

                  I apologise if this letter sounds like a rant, but I myself and other fans are slightly frustrated with the whole Jack/Sam scenario. My fellow shippers and I would like to know if you'd like to review your stance on the story arc. If not, we would like some sort of statement telling us what will be happening, so that we can either know what's to come, or breathe a huge collective sigh of relief.

                  I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank you for giving us such a gripping and enthralling series to watch (this is certainly the first television programme I've written in to!). No matter what happens, I will be watching season eight.

                  Yours faithfully

                  Susan Dailey (16, Scotland)

                  Rebecca Ratcliff (44, Ohio USA)
                  Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                    Despite the facts that I don't (yet) see them ruining either the S&J ship or the character of Sam with Pete and therefore the petition seems somewhat unnecessary to me, I do understand that people are worried and support them voicing their opinions.

                    I think the petition letter it's nicely worded and I like that it draws parallels to ST: Voyager. I have to fully support Lt. Lisa in her opinion that the effect Pete has on the Sam character should be at least mentioned, if not given as a major reason for the worry of the fans (as it seems to me that it is the most prominent reason to dislike Pete).


                      Originally posted by sueKay
                      There's 11 years between my parents, and they were older than average firs-time parents when I was born.

                      Who cares if Sam's only in her late thirties. Who cares if Jack's gonna be fifty two on the twentieth of october '04. (everybody asks how does she know that?)

                      Age should not serve as a barrier to true love.
                      didn't he say he was 40 in brief candle in season 1? that would make him about 47 wouldn't it?


                        Originally posted by shipper hannah
                        didn't he say he was 40 in brief candle in season 1? that would make him about 47 wouldn't it?
                        Jack's official D.O.B IS

                        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                          hey SueKay! *big sigh* i'm too late aren't i??? i'm not really that much of a shipper, but all you guys need as many names as possible and well.....Julie, 14, USA! totally behind you on this Suekay, just want to let you know i support you.
                          Last edited by -Jules-; 14 November 2004, 11:35 AM.

                          Christian Gaters Unite!|| One show down.... SAVE SGA!!!


                            I think Pig made an excellent point. Stargate SG-1 is a story told to, not by, the fans. What they do with the Sam/Jack or Sam/Pete ship is their choice to make, not that of the shippers. Yes, you may want to see them together, but that's not a reason to make it so. Go ahead and petition all you want, but don't bite the hand that feeds.
                            Forum insight in 1 click!


                              Well the petition was sent in late August with over 100 names.

                              Bit late to debate it to either end now.

                              Ah well...

                              Jules and Homegaman - thanks for your interest!
                              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                                Whoops. Definitely forgot to look at the dates of the original posts. Still, who knows? Things could go either way.
                                Forum insight in 1 click!

