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Top 25 Men of Stargate

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    Here are my top thirteen:

    1. Dr. Daniel Jackson--he has always been at the top of my list. He always goes out of his way to try and make things right. He never stops...even when he dies. Caring, handsome, intelligent and a major history buff...he's the all-around heart throb for me. His smile breaks my heart every time. Those blue eyes...I could really go on and on about Daniel... but I won't.

    2. Dr. Rodney McKay--I love his petty, arrogant, egotistical nature. He may act like a coward sometimes, but his courage is undeniable. He may be a pain in the butt, but he's someone I'd want on my side.

    3. Lieutenant-colonel John Sheppard-- At leat, I'm pretty sure that's his rank now. He's handsome, courageous, witty and good-natured. My kind of guy.

    4. Major Paul Davis--we never see him anymore, but he sure is hot.

    5. Martouf--That smile is all the explanation he needs.

    6. Carson Beckett--the accent. Totally the accent. Pair that with those eyes...good stuff, man.

    7. General Jack O'Neill-- He's Minnesotain! That attitude and sense of humor get me every time.

    8. Ronan--he's big, he's hot, he's got a sense of humor--sort of. And he's got really big guns.

    9. Janus--he reminded me a lot of Martouf. He's smart--obviously--and totally had a thing for Weir. Go Janus.

    10. Ba'al--bad guy, but what a bad guy!

    11. Thor--he's grey, he's tiny, he's naked. And that little mouth--I love that little mouth! It always twitches to the side when he talks. lol Love it.

    12. Walter--the chevron guy! Hope he gets paid good money.

    13. Siler--he put O'Neill in his will. And he's everywhere. That man is bloody brilliant.
    thankee toasteronfire


      February pics.

      1. McKay
      2. Mitchell
      3. Jackson
      4. Teal'c
      5. Ronon
      6. Lorne
      7. Sheppard
      8. Ba'al
      9. Thor
      10. zelenka


        I've been thinking about it and I don't have 25. Here's the short list. Same as before.

        1. JACK O'NEILL - for oooohhh sooooo many reasons. *slurp*
        2. Teal'c - strong, honorable, intelligent, nice b***
        3. Daniel - intelligent, patient, funny
        4. Harry Mayborne - I liked the way he redeemed himself
        5. Hammond - he puts up with Jack , that makes him an angel
        6. Major Davis - he grew on me. (the tearing up in Tangent)
        7. Siler - I'm a sucker for a techie.
        8. Kinsey - because Ronny Cox did such a good job of making me want to kick the s**t out of Kinsey
        9. Jacob - a good man in spite of having a snake in his head.

        I don't watch Atlantis and there is no S9.
        You're never too old to do something goofy.
        Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


          1) John Shepard - He is cute and I love his sense of humor on the show.
          2) Jack O'Neil - I have loved RDA since his General Hospital Days. He is great to look at and has a wonderful sense of humor.
          3) Daniel Jackson - sensitive guy. Fun to watch.
          4) Jonas Quinn - another sensitive type. Would like to have seen more of him and Daniel together before he went back to his home planet.
          5) Cameron Mitchell - Haven't seen season 9 yet, however love some of the other work Browler has done. Shows real passion.
          6) Radek Zelenka - Brilliant, sensitive and a fun sidekick to watch with Rodney.
          7) Rodney McKay - The talent of David Hewitt brings this character to life it such a wonderful and entertaining way.
          8) Grodin - He is just plain fun to look at
          9) Martouf - wish they hadn't killed him off when they did.
          10) Major Davis - Would like to see more of him
          11) Carson Beckett - I am a sucker for a scottish accent anyday.
          12) Ford - his innocence and strength are great to watch. Can't wait to see how this character develops in the future, even if it is only a few episodes at a time.
          13) Agent Barnett - Fun to watch
          14) Siler - Strong, silent type.


            01. Daniel Jackson - the reason I started watching, the georgous geek with a heart, intelligent, thoughtful, patient.
            02. Jack O'Neill - the other reason I started watching stargate, miss him
            03. Rodney McKay - love his snark, huggingly lovely
            04. Teal'c - brave, honorable, loyal
            05. John Sheppard - Colonel Shex
            06. Gen. Hammond
            07. Carson
            08. Zelenka
            09. Walter
            10. Cam Mitchell
            11. Bra'tac
            12. Dr Lee
            13. Siler


              For February...

              1. Jack O'Neill
              2. Jonas Quinn
              3. Cameron Mitchell
              4. John Sheppard
              5. Paul Davis
              6. Daniel Jackson
              7. Rodney McKay
              8. Malcolm Barrett
              9. Thor
              10. Baal


                Okay, I've got to add to the list:

                1. Dr. Daniel Jackson--he has always been at the top of my list. He always goes out of his way to try and make things right. He never stops...even when he dies. Caring, handsome, intelligent and a major history buff...he's the all-around heart throb for me. His smile breaks my heart every time. Those blue eyes...I could really go on and on about Daniel... but I won't.

                2. Dr. Rodney McKay--I love his petty, arrogant, egotistical nature. He may act like a coward sometimes, but his courage is undeniable. He may be a pain in the butt, but he's someone I'd want on my side.

                3. Lieutenant-colonel John Sheppard-- At leat, I'm pretty sure that's his rank now. He's handsome, courageous, witty and good-natured. My kind of guy.

                4. Major Paul Davis--we never see him anymore, but he sure is hot.

                5. Martouf--That smile is all the explanation he needs.

                6. Dr. Carson Beckett--the accent. Totally the accent. Pair that with those eyes...good stuff, man.

                7. General Jack O'Neill-- He's Minnesotain! That attitude and sense of humor get me every time.

                8. Ronan--he's big, he's hot, he's got a sense of humor--sort of. And he's got really big guns.

                9. Janus--he reminded me a lot of Martouf. He's smart--obviously--and totally had a thing for Weir. Go Janus.

                10. Ba'al--bad guy, but what a bad guy!

                11. Thor--he's grey, he's tiny, he's naked. And that little mouth--I love that little mouth! It always twitches to the side when he talks. lol Love it.

                12. Walter--the chevron guy! Hope he gets paid good money.

                13. Siler--he put O'Neill in his will. And he's everywhere. That man is bloody brilliant.

                14. Chuck the Technition on Atlantis--just because.

                15. Lionel Pendergast--he pulled a Haldir. Poor guy.

                16. Ladon--not exactly a good guy, but not quite a bad guy. I loved in in the Storm/ Eye.
                thankee toasteronfire


                  YEY! I can vote again

                  For February

                  01. Jack O'Neill - for soooooo many reasons
                  02. Jonas Quinn
                  03. Rodney Mckay
                  04. Teal'c
                  05. Gen. Hammond
                  06. John Sheppard
                  07. Carson
                  08. Zelenka
                  09. Daniel Jackson
                  10. Walter
                  11. Siler
                  12. Bra'tac
                  13. Col Dixon
                  14. Col Reynolds
                  15. Col Griff
                  16. Graham Simmons
                  17. Harry Maybourne
                  18. Dr Lee
                  19. Rogelio
                  20. Rag'nor
                  21. Lt Elliot
                  22. Ba'al
                  23. Lord Yu
                  24. Thor
                  25. Lt. Ford
         : lilferret




                      It's almost March!!! Don't forget to vote!!!


                        01. Rodney Mckay
                        02. John sheppard
                        03. jack Oneill
                        04. carson
                        05. zelenka
                        06. Jonas quinn
                        07. tealc
                        08. general hammond
                        09. Daniel Jackson
                        10. Walter
                        11. Siler
                        12. Bra'tac
                        13. Col Dixon
                        14. Col Reynolds
                        15. Col Griff
                        16. Graham Simmons
                        17. Harry Maybourne
                        18. Dr Lee
                        19. Rogelio
                        20. Rag'nor
                        21. Lt Elliot
                        22. Ba'al
                        23. Lord Yu
                        24. Thor
                        25. Lt. Ford
                        Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                          Well, it's 2:40 AM on March 1, so here are my votes:

                          1. John Sheppard – Almost no backstory whatsoever yet, but I can see incredible depth to the character, anyway. That alone is very intriguing, not to mention those beautiful green eyes... *sigh*
                          2. Daniel Jackson – The reason I started watching Stargate. Sensitive, comapssionate, yet strong. And hot.
                          3. Radek Zelenka – Something about the way DN plays him makes me want to know more. And when he starts muttering in Czech... very cute.
                          4. Aiden Ford – Season 1 Ford. Very cute, makes me laugh, but has a tough side as well.
                          5. Carson Beckett – It's the accent, what can I say?
                          6. Rodney McKay – Cracks me up every time.
                          7. Teal'C – Well written and well played. Not bad looking, either. And BTW, it's spelled with a capital C...
                          8. George Hammond – A wonderful commander. I loved the bit of soft side, too (see "Crystal Skull"). I was very sorry to see him go.
                          9. Jack O'Neill – Snarky, sarcastic, funny, but with depth. An altogether interesting character.
                          10. Cameron Mitchell – See #7.
                          11. Urgo – Had me in stitches for the entire episode without being stupid. I consider that quite an accomplishment.
                          12. Robert Rothman – I don't know. Any friend of Daniel's is a friend of mine... so to speak...
                          13. Anubis – A very interesting villain. Perfectly devious in "Threads."
                          14. Ronon Dex – Strong, brave, and loyal.
                          15. Peter Grodin – I didn't realize how much I liked him until "The Siege, Pt. 2." I guess it's true that you don't know what you have until you lose it...
                          16. Chaka – Gave us a whole new perspective of the Unas as a species.
                          17. Thor – The original Asgard. What's not to love?
                          18. Hermiod – A snarky Asgard. Who'da thunk it?
                          19. Jacob Carter – (as distinct from Selmak) A loving father and a brave man.
                          20. Selmak – A helpful Tok'ra. Again, who'da thunk it?
                          21. Apophis – Did Ra's evil-ness justice... and then some.
                          22. Tanith – Devious and evil. A well-written and well-played villain.
                          23. Skaara – Enthusiastic, optimistic, and kind of cute.
                          24. Kasuf – Same as Jacob, but we see much less of Kasuf.
                          25. Lorne – Eye candy. Whoever it was who called him "Major Dimples" hit the nail on the head. Extremely cute. I haven't seen enough of him to go much deeper than that... he wouldn't be on my list at all if he weren't so darn cute.

                          Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                            March votes:
                            1. Jack O´Neill
                            2. Radek Zelenka
                            3. Rodney McKay
                            4. Carson Beckett
                            5. Daniel Jackson
                            6. Major Lorne
                            7. John Sheppard
                            8. Ronon
                            9. General Hammond
                            10. Martouf
                            11. Harry Maybourne
                            12. Teal´c
                            13. Major Davis
                            14. Colonel Caldwell
                            15. Jonas Quinn
                            16. Aiden Ford
                            17. Jacob Carter
                            18. Cameron Mitchell
                            19. Peter Grodin
                            20. Urgo
                            21. Kawalsky
                            22. Siler
                            23. Bra´tac
                            24. Felger
                            25. Walter Harriman
                            Dogs are my favorite people.
                            If they don't have chocolate in heaven, I ain't going.


                              My MARCH vote:

                              1. Jack O'Neill- Brave, honorable, irreverent, funny, loyal, trustworthy. O'Neill is a leader who is steadfast in his promise to "leave no one behind." He inspires those under his command. Gotta love The Man!! Did I mention he's handsome and hot?

                              2. Jacob Carter- I liked Jacob inspite of his gruffness at times. He was intelligent and dependable as the liason between the Tok'ra and the SGC. Is it a coincidence that my favorites are the two most important men in Sam's life?

                              3. Teal'c- You mentioned strong and silent? That and an intelligent warrior who is loyal to his adopted world. Jack depended on Teal'c's counsel when exploring new worlds. Teal'c delivered.

                              4. Jonas Quinn- Intelligent, energetic, happy, assertive, happy!! I really liked Jonas. I wish he would come back.

                              5. Harry Mayborne- Even when he was bad, he tried to help Jack find Sam. Harry took the long and winding path to earn SG-1's trust. It was good to see Harry be king!!

                              6. Master Bra'tac- This guy is focused, dedicated, strong, and unyielding when it comes to Freeing the Jaffa. A noble mentor to Teal'c.

                              7. General Hammond- He commanded respect and ran a tight base. He would go to the mat for his people. Loved when he'd call anyone's bluff..

                              8. Thor- Gotta love the .....little guy! Hey, he appreciated all the Tauri's stupid ideas!!!

                              9. Daniel- I like Daniel. Very passionate about his ideals. Loved his bantering and bickering with Jack.

                              10. Major Davis- A team player in his role as Pentagon liason. You could count on Davis.

                              11. Colonel Reynolds- Solid soldier. He respected Jack and led the SGC staff to demonstrate their support and trust in General O'Neill's leadership.

                              12. Colonel Dixon-A man's man. A soldier's soldier. A family man. Funny. Hot.

                              13. Agent Barrett- Smart, professional, efficient, assertive, attractive. If Sam and Jack weren't meant to be Barrett would be my choice for her boyfriend. But, alas, Sam and Jack are together!! So, not gonna happen.

                              14. John Sheppard- I'm just getting to know him. He seems sometimes reckless but he gets the job done and inspires those under his command to push forward in their remote and dangerous circumstances.

                              15. Martouf- Sensitive, intelligent, loyal. He was romantic in sharing his sentiments of Jolinar with Sam. Hot. He didn't deserve his untimely ending as a Zatarc.

                              16. Narim-Sensitive, intelligent, loyal. He was smitten with Sam and that was so Hot. He didn't deserve his untimely end by his world exploding.

                              17. Orlin(adult version)- Sensitive, intelligent, loyal. He fell in love with Sam. Another hottie. He didn't deserve his untimely ending by an SGC officer shooting him to smithereens.

                              18. Martin Wood- What's not to love about Martin? The self-effacing alien!

                              19. Cameron Mitchell- Cam is on the list in spite of his recent hair trigger behavior and recklessness. I hope he gets a grip.



                                1. Jack O'Neill
                                2. John Sheppard
                                3. Carson Beckett
                                3. Jonas Quinn
                                4. Agent Barrett
                                5. Paul Davis
                                6. Ronon Dex
                                7. Jacob Carter
                                8. General Hammond
                                9. Bra'tac

