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Cameron Mitchell/Samantha Carter Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by svala View Post
    Thank you .

    yes, I have some more, but I need to upload first .And I `m working on two new ones

    And I have this , a Cam/Sam video :

    some of season 9 , "Singularity" , small SPOILER for "Family ties " MAJOR SPOILER for "Line of sand " "Unending "

    ... *blush*

    Someone knows some good fictions in the timeline of "Collateral Damage " ????
    Hey hon.

    You know how I feel about your vids and wallpapers. This one was fantastic too.



      Originally posted by aaobuttons View Post
      Well, I'll give you a few I decided against for my Sam/Cam vid (I won't tell you which one I picked) but I liked:
      Thru the Fire by Day of Fire
      Stay With You by Goo Goo Dolls
      You're All I Have by Snow Patrol

      You're all I have is kind of mushy so probably not what you're looking for, but the other two I think would work nicely. They could be seen as friendshippy if you want and I saw Stay with you as being from a Line In The Sand perspective, especially with the line "Walls will fall before we do".

      I look forward to them! We need 5 Sam/Cam vids to make a category at the Stargate Fan Awards!
      Awesome, thanks I like the Goo Goo Dolls one...and that is definitely more of the type of song that I am looking for. Any other suggestions?


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        Originally posted by SylvreWolfe View Post
        They acted like they knew each other. The question is how well..
        They know each other well enough to be on first name basis by time he got to the SGC, but not well enough for Sam to know his call sign or why he got it. They were both pilots at one point so that would be a biggie.
        And she didn't call im Cam in early Season 9 but Cameron.
        That's all folks.


          Just popped in to announce that this thread is now going into me "daily bookmarks" folder and I will be obsessing over this ship on a daily basis

          Hi Stef!


            *waves to iheartvala* Welcome! I'm a newcomer myself I must now go back and watch all of the season 9 episodes I missed....looking for C/S moments (to possibly use for my vid).


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              Originally posted by Gwin View Post
              And she didn't call im Cam in early Season 9 but Cameron.

              But in the early season 9 there where also some hints for a possible Cam/ Caroline ship who made it look like as if there was some kind of relationship between these two , maybe that is why * *

              IMO they dropped this storyline because Lexa got pregnant , if not for this , maybe they would have continued to build up this story .

              ... *KJ who is lost in green * ...


                I don't think it has something to do with Dr. Lam being Mitchells future love interest, because it would imply that TPTB thought of Sam and Cam as a possible ship when Lexa Doig became unavailable.
                I see it as part of the development of their friendship which I think is done really well.
                That's all folks.


                  I actually wouldn't have minded a hint at a Cam/Lam romance. She was way too serious, and he needed some lovin' Of course, I'd still love C/S I don't think the writers would have gone down the romance route for C/S anyway...not after setting up J/S for 8 seasons. They'd have a riot on their hands if they did.

                  Still, I can appreciate the friendship and closeness they share. I actually think that they have one of the strongest friendships on the show (but, then again, I didn't watch seasons 3-8). They just seem to really understand each's strange considering they've only known each other for such a short amount of time. The way they tease each other, or give knowing looks....they seem very comfortable opposite one another in a way that I haven't seen many couples or even "friends" do on most shows. There's no underlying tension/angst, which is so refreshing!

                  Just my thoughts though


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                    ISIS AWARDS NOMS ARE UP


             Look at the second pictue! Sam and Cam walking off in the sunset together!
                      It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                        Oh they're such teases!!! *is v. movie-excited now*


                          Aw, nice little pic They are quite the teases, aren't they Kales?

                          Okay, so I need everyone's help. I am looking for some larger-sized Cam/Sam pics. I'm mostly looking for screen caps but I'm fine with anything else. All I have is basic-sized caps....and they deteriorate so badly when I try to resize them Any help would be great (and would benefit you ).


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                            Here Stef I've got these two that are big and sorta good Sam/Cam. It's all I got



                              Thanks, poundpuppy.

                              Okay, so I managed to make my very first (but hopefully not last) Cam/Sam music video! I've mostly stuck with Vala/Daniel in the past, but I just couldn't resist making one for these two It actually came together really quickly, and I'm rather pleased with the result!! Anyway....let's contains spoilers up through "Line in the Sand" and just a small snippet from "Dominion." But the scene from "Dominion" won't give anything away, so I wouldn't really worry about that. I just needed that type of scene...of them walking

                              Anyway....take a look and tell me what you think. I always appreciate feedback! Just click on the image


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                                Very nice little vid, Stef!
                                and a great song. it really captures them.
                                Great job!

