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Cameron Mitchell/Samantha Carter Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ChillinTheMost View Post

    Ah, the lovely picture of Sam and Cam looking at their new baby. Sam is looking good for a woman after childbirth, but I'm sure Cam helped ease her journey. I wish they'd loosen the blanket so we could see the beautiful child these two would create.

    Such a sweet picture................

    lalalalalala, it's nice here in my fantasyland.............
    I love the way your mind works (I was actually thinking that myself when I saw that cap). I think I will join you in that fantasy land!! But could you imagine how cute their baby would be? He/She'd be a little genius with a southern drawl


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      Oh I love those caps....


      1000 posts!
      And I didn't even notice it.... ^_^ Yay! ^_^
      Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
      |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


        congrats on 1000, Anjirka. And Stef, seriously. You've got such a babyfic mind running right now - something you're not telling us?

        Wicked banner, though. The heart melting thing? Oh yeah. And your LJ layout is also rather spiffy.

        (Spiffy? Spiffy?! Good god, I have got to stop letting Doctor Who affect my ability to speak.)


          Originally posted by ChillinTheMost View Post

          Ah, the lovely picture of Sam and Cam looking at their new baby. Sam is looking good for a woman after childbirth, but I'm sure Cam helped ease her journey. I wish they'd loosen the blanket so we could see the beautiful child these two would create.

          Such a sweet picture................

          lalalalalala, it's nice here in my fantasyland.............
          As I feel all unwell and stuff, I have one word for you........


          (Okay, I lied about the one word thing) Beautiful BEAUTIFUL visual!


          My command is this: Love each other as
          I have loved you. Greater love has no man than
          this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
          - John 15:12,13


            Originally posted by Anjirika View Post

            1000 posts!
            And I didn't even notice it.... ^_^ Yay! ^_^
            Congratulations on 1,000 posts! Once you get past that mark, time flies

            Originally posted by Kales View Post
            And Stef, seriously. You've got such a babyfic mind running right now - something you're not telling us?
            Not that I'm aware of I must be taking my the baby!fic thoughts for D/V and transferring them to C/S If I can ever figure out how to end D/V's first conversation after Vala finds out, I might try to insert some hints of C/S (I already have one small one in chapter 2).

            Originally posted by Kales View Post
            Wicked banner, though. The heart melting thing? Oh yeah. And your LJ layout is also rather spiffy.

            (Spiffy? Spiffy?! Good god, I have got to stop letting Doctor Who affect my ability to speak.)
            Thanks And don't worry, I won't hold anything against you for using the word "spiffy." I often find myself saying strange words...and I can't blame that on Doctor Who!


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              Don't even get me started on my *Sir* rant.


                Originally posted by SylvreWolfe View Post
                Don't even get me started on my *Sir* rant.
                I'd actually really like to know your thoughts on the whole "Sir" issue. Even if it's in a PM, where you can rant without getting in trouble (I feel like such a newbie on this forum, lol)

                MULTI-SHIPPER, AND PROUD

                My command is this: Love each other as
                I have loved you. Greater love has no man than
                this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
                - John 15:12,13


                  Originally posted by Kales View Post
                  congrats on 1000, Anjirka.
                  Thanks! ^_^

                  Originally posted by Stef View Post
                  Congratulations on 1,000 posts! Once you get past that mark, time flies
                  Thanks! ^_^

                  Originally posted by DropsOfAngst View Post
                  I'd actually really like to know your thoughts on the whole "Sir" issue. Even if it's in a PM, where you can rant without getting in trouble (I feel like such a newbie on this forum, lol)
                  Moi aussi (Me too!) So PM me too.
                  Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
                  |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


                    Just some caps, don't mind me They're smaller than the others, but only because I haven't had time to sort through the caps and uploaded them in large batches. Someday I will, but yeah, in the mean time....some favs from the season 9 DVDs I got this morning.....


                    (is it just me, or does anyone love how Ben ad-libbed that line in Collatoral Damage, and the fact he's smiling at Amanda/Sam as he says it? Someone so needs to write a nice fluffy fic to that scene *hint hint* lol

                    Oh, and some episode thoughts, mostly for Collatoral Damage. What I liked in that episode, and especially based on the official stills for the Sam and Cam scenes, is how she's touching his arm and back a lot in it. *insert huge, happy shippy sigh*.

                    Now, this is just speculation, or conjecture, or I don't know what word.....but if you look at the 4th cap above (from CD), based on the position of her right arm, I'm sure she has her hand over his. I have another image that gives more proof to this, here. Does anyone else see that? I mean just looking at the caps you might sorta, not really get the idea that she is, and for all intents and purposes she may very well NOT BE, but, certainly watching the scene as it played out it sure looked like it. At any rate, Ben and Amanda (and very much so Cameron and Sam), are very touchy people

                    Anyway, totally random post, but after feeling ill the last couple of weeks, I thought I'd share some of what's helped cheer me up today

                    MULTI-SHIPPER, AND PROUD

                    My command is this: Love each other as
                    I have loved you. Greater love has no man than
                    this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
                    - John 15:12,13


                      Oh, she's totally touching his hand! I love how supportive Sam is throughout the episode. It's so great that the writers decided to have Sam and Cam as friends, even before he joined SG-1. I can completely see them sitting on the porch of a restaurant having lunch one sunny summer day


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                        Originally posted by cajnjirl View Post
                        shut up, Neelan, yer makin me sick. (((HUGGLES)))
                        Okay... I shut up for *looks at calender* several days... is that good enough?

                        Originally posted by DropsOfAngst View Post
                        Oh understandable! I'd been writing more fluff than angst, up until a major anxiety attack this past weekend, so, heh, hence the angst. It's weird how the mind deals with things sometimes
                        Misery loves company It's very true. You were feeling angsty and then you made Cam and Sam feel that way too.

                        Originally posted by DropsOfAngst View Post
                        For me, well my thoughts on this mostly change, lol But, seriously thinking about it.....I knew I liked Sam and Cam from the first ep of them together I saw, which is Avalon, I believe...just the chemistry between the two though they weren't even on screen together, for me, was just awesome. But I didn't become a *shipper* until after seeing Sam's first ep back. I'm not even sure what about that episode drew me to them....but it was like suddenly Sam had a character she could talk to as an equal, and he responded AS an equal! And I loved that!

                        Not only that, but damn, the eye sex? It's all sorts of totally awesome

                        But what my made me a die hard shipper was a music video called 'Grazed Knees' that was posted on LJ earlier in the year, or last year. Sometime, anyways. I have it downloaded =) But yeah, it had clips from Line in the Sand, and I flat out bawled....and as a result of me crying I knew they were, without a doubt, my OTP (and I'm talking about ALL ships I've got here).
                        hehehehe... yeah! To all of it! Oh, and link to the vid?
                        Remember, you guys posted a BUNCH several months ago and some of us were avoiding spoilers for the back half of season 10... and there are newbies in here who haven't seen 'em yet!

                        Originally posted by Stef View Post
                        ITA. One of the things that kind of irks me a bit about J/S (and I am by no means trying to insult them) is the "sir" business. I know he's her superior and everything but I don't like the idea of a person calling their friend/lover/spouse "sir." I really like the fact that Cam & Sam are the same rank, and that she calls him "Cam" (she's the only one). Just that shortened version of his name seems very personal to me...makes me see them as more of friends than a military team.

                        I SOOOO agree with that! I tried telling that to a J/S shipper friend of mine who likes it I much prefer Sam and Cam's interaction... so much more relaxed.


                          Originally posted by DropsOfAngst View Post
                          1) This seems an appropriate time to tell you I totally melt whenever I watch LitS and he yells out "Sam!". That whole epi melts my heart, but that? Guh!

                          2)Hunted down the link:

                          3) Me too! I even have the one you made saved out, actually. And about a half dozen or so more, including one I made (did I ever share that link? I have a shocking memory!).
                          1) Yeah... makes me melty, too
                          2) OMG! I followed the link only to find out that I already had it saved on my hd Talk about a shocking memory.
                          3) Don't think you've shared that one... but either way, can we have a link?

                          Originally posted by ChillinTheMost View Post

                          Ah, the lovely picture of Sam and Cam looking at their new baby. Sam is looking good for a woman after childbirth, but I'm sure Cam helped ease her journey. I wish they'd loosen the blanket so we could see the beautiful child these two would create.

                          Such a sweet picture................

                          lalalalalala, it's nice here in my fantasyland.............
                          And what color is the sky in your world?
                          What a very shippy fantasy you have there. *high five*


                            Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                            And what color is the sky in your world?
                            What a very shippy fantasy you have there. *high five*
                            It may be a very shippy fantasy... but I love it!
                            Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
                            |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


                              Originally posted by Stef View Post
                              Oh, she's totally touching his hand! I love how supportive Sam is throughout the episode. It's so great that the writers decided to have Sam and Cam as friends, even before he joined SG-1. I can completely see them sitting on the porch of a restaurant having lunch one sunny summer day
                              Yes, me too! I'm glad they wrote the characters that way too; I think it helped with the love of no longer having the "Sir" stuff, because we instantly got this wonderful friendship....a friendship with hints of oh so much more. Yes, I'm still griping about that

                              Very nice visual, btw!!

                              Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor
                              Misery loves company It's very true. You were feeling angsty and then you made Cam and Sam feel that way too.
                              True, it does Of course now I feel bad for poor Sam and Cam! And I should go write the next part or two, or more, but for some reason I'm in the mood for writing fluffy fics. I wish my brain would decide what it wants to write and stick to it for a couple days at least! lol

                              Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor
                              hehehehe... yeah! To all of it! Oh, and link to the vid?
                              Remember, you guys posted a BUNCH several months ago and some of us were avoiding spoilers for the back half of season 10... and there are newbies in here who haven't seen 'em yet!
                              *nods* Oh that's right, before the eps aired in the USA? Have you been able to find any of them since? If not, I'll see if I can hunt down links

                              Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                              1) Yeah... makes me melty, too
                              2) OMG! I followed the link only to find out that I already had it saved on my hd Talk about a shocking memory.
                              3) Don't think you've shared that one... but either way, can we have a link?
                              1) And doesn't it just make you want to see the episode again, just for that one scene? Well all the scenes, but melt again, guh! I'm weird, I realize
                              2) Teehee!! Yes, very shocking memory!!
                              3) Absolutely! I forgot I was going to link to it the next time I posted. I think I shall go stick my head in a bucket. Or, put a bucket over my head. Whichever is easiest, I shall do.

                              I Don't Know If I Should Stay by Alexz Johnson (12mb)

                              Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor
                              And what color is the sky in your world?
                              What a very shippy fantasy you have there. *high five*
                              You know, that whole Sam and Cam having a baby in that scene has been on my mind since ChillinTheMost made the original post, so, um, in light of such things.......I made a little manip. If you want to see it, it is posted on my GJ.

                              MULTI-SHIPPER, AND PROUD

                              My command is this: Love each other as
                              I have loved you. Greater love has no man than
                              this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
                              - John 15:12,13


                                Originally posted by DropsOfAngst View Post
                                True, it does Of course now I feel bad for poor Sam and Cam! And I should go write the next part or two, or more, but for some reason I'm in the mood for writing fluffy fics. I wish my brain would decide what it wants to write and stick to it for a couple days at least! lol
                                So... where is it? Any of it... the fluff... the angst!
                                I'm such a fanfic ho

                                Originally posted by DropsOfAngst View Post
                                *nods* Oh that's right, before the eps aired in the USA? Have you been able to find any of them since? If not, I'll see if I can hunt down links
                                Nope... only have the ones people reposted last month
                                You got more? I'm sure the newbies would like more.

                                Originally posted by DropsOfAngst View Post
                                1) And doesn't it just make you want to see the episode again, just for that one scene? Well all the scenes, but melt again, guh! I'm weird, I realize
                                2) Teehee!! Yes, very shocking memory!!
                                3) Absolutely! I forgot I was going to link to it the next time I posted. I think I shall go stick my head in a bucket. Or, put a bucket over my head. Whichever is easiest, I shall do.
                                Heck, I wanna see those eps all over again anyway. I am Pro-season 10.
                                I'll start watching all of the season 10 (and season 3) eps again after work this week....

                                Originally posted by DropsOfAngst View Post
                                You know, that whole Sam and Cam having a baby in that scene has been on my mind since ChillinTheMost made the original post, so, um, in light of such things.......I made a little manip. If you want to see it, it is posted on my GJ.
                                That is an AMAZING manip!!! Really amazing

