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Daniel Jackson/Michael Shanks Thunk Thread

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    double double thunk'age monday monday


    Our Stargate Forum ~Michael Shanks List ~Michael Shanks Online


      Random multi-thunk pic


        Originally posted by Jillybiehn
        LOL I just got off Yahoo with her. Dangit, now I need elective surgery to remove my appendix before Vancouver!

        *looks at calendar*
        Ha! I knew it!!!! Work is nuts right now Jilly and I really needed that look back towards the begining of appy porn! Thanks bunches, I will have to green you when the system allows me to again. Can't wait to see you and the rest of the "gang" in Vancouver. Squeeeee!!!! Is it march yet??? No.....*sigh*

        A fun multithunk, just what I need!

        "Oh honey you just can't seem to walk into a room quietly can you?" -Michael Shanks Chicago Con 08

        The Universe is Mad



            Just a little multi-fun.


              Originally posted by erinanderson
              Ha! I knew it!!!! Work is nuts right now Jilly and I really needed that look back towards the begining of appy porn! Thanks bunches, I will have to green you when the system allows me to again. Can't wait to see you and the rest of the "gang" in Vancouver. Squeeeee!!!! Is it march yet??? No.....*sigh*

              A fun multithunk, just what I need!

              OK, more reminiscing, in honor of Erin's long day, Vancouver, and cuz I've SEEN ShellsB skulking about:

              The Evil Daniel Conga Revisited


              Hus-sies in Van-cou-VER! Hus-sies in Van-cou-VER! Hus-sies in Van-cou-VER!


                LMAO!!! Oh gawd, I remember that! I was a lowly lurker back then, and would just die every time I saw the appy scar porn going on! Love it!!!!
                Originally posted by discodiva
                ROFLMAO Jilly!....that was before my time on here and it's brilliant to read those posts.....

                Especially for you for making my night with those quotes...


                Deeds xx
                Slave Boy Pants!!!! I love THESE pants!!!!!

                Is it November now? How 'bout NOW?! NOW?!!!?!? I want it NOW!!!


                  Hus-sies in Van-cou-VER! Hus-sies in Van-cou-VER! Hus-sies in Van-cou-VER! Hus-sies in Van-cou-VER! Hus-sies in Van-cou-VER! Hus-sies in Van-cou-VER! Hus-sies in Van-cou-VER! Hus-sies in Van-cou-VER! Hus-sies in Van-cou-VER! Hus-sies in Van-cou-VER! Hus-sies in Van-cou-VER! Hus-sies in Van-cou-VER!

                  Okay now you've got me doing the chant again!!!! Or is it just the drugs talking? Vancouver - is it time yet?! I wanna go now. Screw work, screw responsibilities.....VANCOUVER!!!! NOW!

                  Maybe I'm just safer posting piccies. Yeah. That's it.
                  Last edited by Chelle; 30 January 2006, 06:51 PM.

                  Is it November now? How 'bout NOW?! NOW?!!!?!? I want it NOW!!!


                    Hey, if you all like the Darker side of Daniel, read this (Spoilers for Ethon on Friday) :

                    In TV Zone #67, episode writer Damien Kindler said, “Ethon is a sequel of sorts to Icon. Icon is a script that I’m very proud of. It was a bit of a dark, kind of apocalyptic tale, but Rob Cooper had a great appreciation for the story and that planet, so I pitched an idea about returning to that world with the Prometheus and reuniting Daniel and Jared Kane. As I developed the story further we actually play a bit of the Titanic with the Prometheus because it comes up against a weapon that is far more powerful than it’s crew realises.”

                    This weapon is being built by the Ori in their effort to gain control of the billions of human lives in the Milky Way — their effort to gain enough power to destroy the Ascended Ancients, or Alterans, who had dared to keep humanity’s existence in this galaxy a secret from them. The war between the Alterans and the Ori started millions of years ago in a far galaxy, and now, it has been refueled in the corporeal plane as humanity in several galaxies attempt to survive the incredible powers of the ascended. If the war escalates into the ascended planes, it could be very bad for everyone in every plane of existence.

                    This new weapon is in orbit near Jared Kane’s planet and he’s called on the SGC to help stop the Ori. Daniel’s presence on the planet may do more harm than good, since it appears that the Ori also have plans to turn him against his teammates (according to TV Guide: “Following their failure to subdue Earth with a plague, the Ori come up with a fiendish new plan to destroy Stargate SG-1, one that involves turning Daniel against Teal’c, Cameron and Sam.”).

                    O_O If this happens, and they do that.... Damn, we are screwed....

                    If they can get the guy who believes in the worship of God-like beings the least to worship God-like beings and follow their "religion" of sorts, then we are all screwed.... There's just no hope for us if that happens...

                    But then again, I think I'd worship the Ori if Daniel was LOL! They'd be worth my attention then! (lol j/k.... I wouldn't, but it would be damned appealing...


                      teeheehee... HB, thanks for that. It was fun.
                      Damn! I'm glad I finally got my season 8 DVDs and saw Icon! Woulda made Ethon pretty difficult to follow... at least a bit. I hate seeing "sequels" before the originals.

                      Quick multi-thunk before bed-- from Covenant, 'cause I was just watching it... and because I LOVE Daniel's grin!


                        One last post for now... but I'll be back!

                        Is it November now? How 'bout NOW?! NOW?!!!?!? I want it NOW!!!


                          Love the photos guys.


                            Originally posted by Jillybiehn
                            OK, more reminiscing, in honor of Erin's long day, Vancouver, and cuz I've SEEN ShellsB skulking about:

                            The Evil Daniel Conga Revisited


                            Hus-sies in Van-cou-VER! Hus-sies in Van-cou-VER! Hus-sies in Van-cou-VER!
                            Ahh I love Evil Dan-iel, let me count the ways...

                            *starts congaing* I love Evil Dan-iel! I love Evil Dan-iel! Woot!

                            Hussies in Van-cou-ver!!! Hussies in Van-cou-ver! Thanks Jilly *mwa* just what I needed!!!!

                            "Oh honey you just can't seem to walk into a room quietly can you?" -Michael Shanks Chicago Con 08

                            The Universe is Mad


                              A Message From The Moderators
                              (...that's being posted in assorted Thunk and Ship threads)

                              This is a very fast moving thread, and it's not always practical for a moderator to read every post of the several pages per day that can be the norm. That means that if anything untoward is going on, the only way we will know about it is if someone tells us. Do feel free to PM one of us if you are feeling that a mod presence is needed; and please report any post you feel needs it. We realise that you don't need a vast amount of modding in here, and that a fair bit of self-modding goes on, but it's not fair on any of you to have to take that role in a thread you like to play in, so please don't feel you're imposing if you ask us to step in, or to cast an eye over anything.

                              Thanks for reading.



                                Originally posted by meimei
                                *snort* Not what I heard!
                                Oh, what do you know?

