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Daniel Jackson/Michael Shanks Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Frostfox
    Ah, Sue.
    So shallow as always (that is a complement in this particular thread).

    How long before I get tired of posting this piccy?

    years and years and years...
    Shallow is good, shallow is cool, shallow is fun!.....

    Let's do shallow! for me every time....

    Dee Dee xx

    Eyes Front Lads!
    Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
    MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


      Originally posted by discodiva
      Shallow is good, shallow is cool, shallow is fun!.....

      Let's do shallow! for me every time....
      Shallow is what we do.

      Paging Dr Freud.

      nope, still not tired of posting Threads piccies

      Hey, weren't some of the hussies going to worship at the shrine of MS in person last weekend? I hear of beardage! (Like beards, me) We need con reports in blow by blow detail.


        Okay, I confess, I'm a little disappointed to learn that MS is growing a beard (for whatever reason - I haven't heard yet). I tend to prefer the look of a clean-shaven face (even though my sweet hubby has a full beard) and now that means my photo with MS in April will probably have his fuzzy face instead. Sigh.

        On the other hand, a fuzzy face is better than none at all?! (Or something like that.) I tried to find some pics from the con this past weekend, but so far no luck. Has anyone posted anything yet? We're waiting with baited breath!


        Thanks for the VanCon sig, Nathan!


          Originally posted by OregonJen
          Okay, I confess, I'm a little disappointed to learn that MS is growing a beard (for whatever reason - I haven't heard yet). I tend to prefer the look of a clean-shaven face (even though my sweet hubby has a full beard) and now that means my photo with MS in April will probably have his fuzzy face instead. Sigh.

          On the other hand, a fuzzy face is better than none at all?! (Or something like that.) I tried to find some pics from the con this past weekend, but so far no luck. Has anyone posted anything yet? We're waiting with baited breath!

          There is a link in the season nine thread I believe.


            Oh, and I almost forgot.... Happy Monday!

            Welcome Tryxy and Jenna and Rune!
            (whew - I did that from memory; did I get the names right? did I forget anyone??)
            Congrats on the milestones everyone!!

            Okay, I think that's everything. Back to work now!
            Last edited by OregonJen; 14 March 2005, 01:36 PM. Reason: Formatting issues

            Thanks for the VanCon sig, Nathan!


              Originally posted by OregonJen
              Oh, and I almost forgot.... Happy Monday!

              Ack! I completely forgot to post a double-thunk for double-thunk Monday!
              Now that I have a multi-hunk sig I generally feel like I do that everyday,
              however...I was never one to pass up an opportunity for gratuitous thunking, so...

              Here is one of my favs with Teal'c, because we can never get enough.


                Originally posted by Seshat
                Ack! I completely forgot to post a double-thunk for double-thunk Monday!
                Now that I have a multi-hunk sig I generally feel like I do that everyday,
                however...I was never one to pass up an opportunity for gratuitous thunking, so...

                Here is one of my favs with Teal'c, because we can never get enough.

                Once I get my dvd fixed (I'm about to go buy a new one to install, grr!) I'm going on a Teal'c and Daniel capping spree. I wish there was some Teal'c and Daniel together to be seen in the latest new episodes. CJ is looking Fabulous here at the end of season eight.

                On a completely unrelated and slightly silly note: Hey Foxie, ya know that mango I'd have a hard time giving up for a kiss from MS? Well I just had the perfect mango (Peruvian! Look for the peruvian mangos!) so now I can accept the hypothetical kiss without regret.


                  Originally posted by blingaway[SIZE=1
                  On a completely unrelated and slightly silly note: Hey Foxie, ya know that mango I'd have a hard time giving up for a kiss from MS? Well I just had the perfect mango (Peruvian! Look for the peruvian mangos!) so now I can accept the hypothetical kiss without regret. [/SIZE]

                  Glad we have sorted out the mango/hypothetical kiss problem.

                  The newcomers to this thread must think we are barking.
                  The good news is Max hasn't brought in any more 'kill' today. So far.

                  Slightly silly? Us?


                    Originally posted by blingaway
                    Once I get my dvd fixed (I'm about to go buy a new one to install, grr!) I'm going on a Teal'c and Daniel capping spree. I wish there was some Teal'c and Daniel together to be seen in the latest new episodes. CJ is looking Fabulous here at the end of season eight.
                    Hmmm...hunting around in folders for Teal'c and Daniel double-thunks to satisfy Bling's urges...temporarily.


                      So we are looking for Teal'c and Daniel double thunks today?

                      How's this??

                      No snurching any Pictures I post!! (without my permission)



                        Originally posted by Frostfox
                        Glad we have sorted out the mango/hypothetical kiss problem.

                        The newcomers to this thread must think we are barking.
                        The good news is Max hasn't brought in any more 'kill' today. So far.


                        Slightly silly? Us?

                        I guess Max isn't going for the ones Scott is giving up willingly, huh?


                          Who? Us? A picture of innocence.

                          snurched from jackslashdaniel, you will be utterly unsurprised to know

                          The five beanies belonging to the little kleptomaniac are lined up on the back of the chair, blingy. He stalks them every so often and takes one away to molest (it's not a pretty sight). Perhaps I should get him a kitten to play with?


                            Bling, in answer to your question...I have two ready. Good think I have a little bit of time before deciding which one.
                            No snurching any Pictures I post!! (without my permission)



                              Good afternoon/evening everyone! I have about 10 minutes before I have to jet out the door to my other job for this evening. But, I was reading about people's adoration of Scotsman and just had to pass this along. It's a song called The Scotsman. No idea who wrote it or who sings it, but it is HYSTERICAL!! Completely unrelated to Stargate, but there you go.

                              I myself am not really a beard woman either, but I gotta say that Michael still looks pretty d@mn hot. Is it possible he looks hotter? I dunno. Anywho...

                              Um, to keep this on topic a bit, here's a double thunk for double thunk Monday!! OK, let's make it a triple think so we can get CJ in there, too.

                              Enjoy the marathin everyone!!


                                Originally posted by blingaway
                                I guess Max isn't going for the ones Scott is giving up willingly, huh?
                                Hrmphh! What would be the fun in that?!

                                More Teal'c and Daniel goodness:

