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Daniel Jackson/Michael Shanks Thunk Thread

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    thanks all for your warm welcomes!

    ^^ OMG body part porn! that tongue.... *ggggrrr get away, dirty wantasies! *


      I really should be getting my work done.
      So I want to wish all you lovely HUSSIES
      a Merry DANIEL Christmas.

      With some thing on the side of course.

      Thank you to the talented Sorcha-Gaia for the lovely pic she said I could borrow.
      Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )


        Welcome Erised to the pond.


          Here's another favourite from MS's CSI appearance.

          Some lip biting action.

          By the way anyone have any idea to control the picture size displayed from photobucket?

          All the captures I captured are 892x503 so too big for the forum.


            *thunks self into coma*

            well, I'm on holiday for TWELVE days! (tee hee, 12 days of Xmas ), except horrifying news, my cunning plan to lay about and watch some SG has been foiled as my 2 month old DVD recorder now refuses to play DVDs I'm thinking I might have to go buy an el cheapo regionless DVD player to feed my obsession.....


              Originally posted by Daniel's shadow
              Here's another favourite from MS's CSI appearance.


              Some lip biting action.

              By the way anyone have any idea to control the picture size displayed from photobucket?

              All the captures I captured are 892x503 so too big for the forum.
              You can resize them if you go to edit picture, but it's permanent.

              lj here if you're interested.


                I could SO get used to having a little more free time like I have lately - and having the time to do a whole new pile of caps really makes me a happy camper!


                Hey look, 1300 posts!

                Is it November now? How 'bout NOW?! NOW?!!!?!? I want it NOW!!!


                  Originally posted by gatehorse
                  You can resize them if you go to edit picture, but it's permanent.
                  Thanks GH for the advise.
                  I think I'll just do a link as I thought you guys might like the bigger size.

                  Here's another one that I like because of the emphasis on MS's wonderful blue eyes.



                    Originally posted by Daniel's shadow
                    Here's another one that I like because of the emphasis on MS's wonderful blue eyes.

                    Oh the combo of the blue shirt and blue eyes had to have been arranged within some evil plot, "Watch us drive those thunkers to tears with the blue shirt and blue eyes combo!" What is it about this man that drive us all to such insanity?

                    Oh wait..... Would this be part of the reason?

                    Look at that, those lips, Frinkle AND neck? *dies*

                    Is it November now? How 'bout NOW?! NOW?!!!?!? I want it NOW!!!


                      Poor Daniel he slipped to page 2

                      My View From The Peanut Gallery


                        Bue eye friday!!
                        A good day to thunk!....



                          I believe that someone asked for the daily pic list.
                          Haven't seen it yet, so here it is:
                          Monday - Double(Multi)-Thunk
                          Tuesday - Headgear/Headshot/Teal'c&Danny (Daniel-in-Camo-Kevlar splinter cell)
                          Wednesday - Weapons/BodyPorn
                          Thursday - Bondage/Whump (Daniel & I burned the petition for the other thing )
                          Friday - Blue Eyes (we still got that petition for Faces somewhere?)
                          Saturday & Sunday - FreeForAll!!!

                          The is a guide, not a must!



                            Michael's Beautiful Baby Blues

                            Follow me on Twitter! I'm on Facebook!


                              Originally posted by hastiekido
                              I believe that someone asked for the daily pic list.
                              Haven't seen it yet, so here it is:

                              Monday - Double(Multi)-Thunk
                              Tuesday - Headgear/Headshot/Teal'c&Danny (Daniel-in-Camo-Kevlar splinter cell)
                              Wednesday - Weapons/BodyPorn
                              Thursday - Bondage/Whump (Daniel & I burned the petition for the other thing )
                              Friday - Blue Eyes (we still got that petition for Faces somewhere?)
                              Saturday & Sunday - FreeForAll!!!

                              The is a guide, not a must!

                              She said thing... *giggle* *giggle* *snort*

                              Jack: Don't worry. Mei Mei's easily amused.
                              Daniel: I'll say...


                                Originally posted by hastiekido
                                I believe that someone asked for the daily pic list.
                                Haven't seen it yet, so here it is:
                                Monday - Double(Multi)-Thunk
                                Tuesday - Headgear/Headshot/Teal'c&Danny (Daniel-in-Camo-Kevlar splinter cell)
                                Wednesday - Weapons/BodyPorn
                                Thursday - Bondage/Whump (Daniel & I burned the petition for the other thing )
                                Friday - Blue Eyes (we still got that petition for Faces somewhere?)
                                Saturday & Sunday - FreeForAll!!!

                                The is a guide, not a must!

                                I think blue eyes Friday is my personal fave. LOVE those baby blues!
                                Hero worship is only a part time job

