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Daniel Jackson/Michael Shanks Thunk Thread

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    The Desperate Measures pics are up now.

    Here are some favorites:

    ^ Daniel not understanding something - how often does *that* happen?

    ^ "I just electrocuted myself . . . do you have any idea what that feels like?"

    ^ "St. Christina's! That's it!" (Yay for Daniel and his research. )

    ^ "I always thought he was more of a Mothra man, myself." (Yeah, yeah, I know that's Jack's line, but it's still funny.)

    ^ Well, it seems Maybourne abandoned the prisoners . . . now why doesn't that surprise me . . .

    ^ "I tell you, it's a zat-or-be-zatted world out there."

    Don't ask how I found so many Daniel pics from a Sam episode . . . it's a gift.

    ~Sarah, who cannot dance around her bedroom as there's too much stuff in it (hey, who wants to clean when there's over 100 eps left to cap?)
    Call me Sarah . . .
    • Anti-plaid (pro P.L.A.I.D. )
    • Songwriter, screencapper, canon shipper, and fan of minor characters
    • Trek forever!


      Originally posted by Switch42


      "I reject your reality, and substitute my own."- Adam Savage

      Cassidy- "Go ahead, Munch, rain on my parade."
      Munch- "I don't just want to rain on your parade, I want to blow up all the floats."


        Originally posted by kiwigater
        *sniffs* well, I DID have this witty, snarky post all typed out, and then MIE crashed and ate my brilliant eloquence ...... hey, no laughing in the cheap seats!
        So I'm not the only one having IE die right when you try to post? I've gotten so paranoid during this weekend that I've been compulsively copying what I'm about to post, in the hopes that if IE choked, i could just try again ina few minutes.....

        Originally posted by kiwigater
        And Chelle, apparantly you are NOT getting your messages - take it up with Walter in Vancouver, maybe he'll get MS to give you the appropriate dressing down.... or is that up? *eyes pants*
        I'll take the dressing up OR down, thanks Kiwi! I'm not too picky - I'll take it any way I can get it!

        Ah, Vancouver. Only six more months.....What great memories I have of that loverly place!

        Is it November now? How 'bout NOW?! NOW?!!!?!? I want it NOW!!!


          <snip> . . . Man, that is the *last* time I go on and on like that on a thread with so many pictures . . .


          Last edited by startrekempress; 05 September 2005, 08:33 AM. Reason: I was sick of seeing my rant
          Call me Sarah . . .
          • Anti-plaid (pro P.L.A.I.D. )
          • Songwriter, screencapper, canon shipper, and fan of minor characters
          • Trek forever!


            Don't think you will get many arguments, startrekempress but this thread is about the shallow and satisfying hobby of thunking over MS/Daniel - for a more indepth discussion of the 'inner Daniel' we go over to the Daniel Discussion and Appreciation thread.

            How beautiful is that?

            FF, shallow and proud.


              Originally posted by startrekempress
              I - I have a confession to make . . . I know y'all are gonna hate me . . . but here goes:

              I admire Daniel's m-m-mind more than his b-body. There. I said it. My Daniel-related daydreams (yes, I do have them) are strictly G-rated, usually focusing on a discussion-slash-argument over ancient languages or some Goa'uld artifact. Maybe it's because I'm too young, or too new, or maybe I'm too straitlaced, or maybe it's because I've met far too many truly shallow people in my life, or maybe I just like someone I can talk to, rather than just stare at. I really couldn't tell you.
              Hey, one of the reason's I first liked the character of Daniel Jackson was because of his love for history and mythology. I was one of those kids who skipped gym class in grade school so I could sneak into the library to read.

              Originally posted by startrekempress
              But - could you - any of you - appreciate that lovely face if it didn't reflect the workings of the great mind beneath? Could you stare at eyes that say nothing, because there is nothing there to say? Could you declare your everlasting devotion to a character who is pure eye candy? Could you really?
              I will not drool over just anybody. I absolutely hate it when people like a guy just based on looks. The guy either has to have an actual personality and thoughts of his own or I'm not interested. Now if the guy just so happens to also have a nice butt, that's an added bonus.

              "I reject your reality, and substitute my own."- Adam Savage

              Cassidy- "Go ahead, Munch, rain on my parade."
              Munch- "I don't just want to rain on your parade, I want to blow up all the floats."


                Hey, I didn't say I couldn't appreciate his, ah, *physical* qualities - just that I can't have one without the other. Let's face it, he wouldn't be Daniel if he didn't do all his Daniely-type things (eloquent, aren't I? ) - think, argue, learn, read, study, be Jack's voice of reason - in addition to being attractive. That's all I'm trying to say.


                (BTW: that other thread. They actually ask what your favorite episode is! And anyone who knows me knows that the *last* thing I could ever do is choose a favorite. )
                Call me Sarah . . .
                • Anti-plaid (pro P.L.A.I.D. )
                • Songwriter, screencapper, canon shipper, and fan of minor characters
                • Trek forever!


                  Originally posted by Space Monkey52
                  Hey, one of the reason's I first liked the character of Daniel Jackson was because of his love for history and mythology. I was one of those kids who skipped gym class in grade school so I could sneak into the library to read.
                  Whoa . . . you got away with that?? No fair . . . I hated gym class . . . and since we were walked down there we could never escape . . . that gym teacher was evil . . . ::ahem:: Maybe I should stop dwelling on that. Might cause long-term consequences.

                  Anyway. I won't deny that I find people attractive before I know about them. But people with looks and nothing else get old real fast. Besides, is there any better sight than Daniel when he's just made a major discovery?

                  I will not drool over just anybody. I absolutely hate it when people like a guy just based on looks. The guy either has to have an actual personality and thoughts of his own or I'm not interested. Now if the guy just so happens to also have a nice butt, that's an added bonus.
                  Well, that's good to know. I was afraid y'all'd worship an empty shell just as quickly as the real thing. (I know people like that, BTW. They're the kind of people who swear they buy Playboy "for the recipes". ) I could never be that shallow . . . I could try . . . but I think I'd go mad. I can't talk about people's bodies the way y'all do . . . just not something I do. Usually, my first thought when I see a screencap is a mental replay of the scene the picture is from. That's why I always caption my pictures with Daniel's line, should he have been speaking one at the time. Otherwise, I just put something silly.

                  But it's always good to know what other people think. Especially as y'all are in no doubt as to what *I* think now. Hope I didn't make an idiot of myself. You're all nice people, and I'd rather make friends then enemies.

                  Call me Sarah . . .
                  • Anti-plaid (pro P.L.A.I.D. )
                  • Songwriter, screencapper, canon shipper, and fan of minor characters
                  • Trek forever!


                    Originally posted by startrekempress
                    Hey, I didn't say I couldn't appreciate his, ah, *physical* qualities - just that I can't have one without the other. Let's face it, he wouldn't be Daniel if he didn't do all his Daniely-type things (eloquent, aren't I? ) - think, argue, learn, read, study, be Jack's voice of reason - in addition to being attractive. That's all I'm trying to say.

                    Ahh you say that, but then how many FANTASTIC episodes are there where Daniel isn't himself at all, Legacy, Need, Lifeboat, Holiday, Hathor, Beneath the Surface, Absolute Power..... to name but a few. I've got to say I enjoy the times when Daniel isn't himself as much as the times he is. Maybe even more so.

                    Call me shallow but looking at the pictures in this thread, I'm certainly not appreciating Daniel for his mind

                    Talking of Daniel not being himself....

                    Signature courtesy of the wonderful Mazzmatazz


                      Originally posted by startrekempress
                      Whoa . . . you got away with that?? No fair . . . I hated gym class . . . and since we were walked down there we could never escape . . . that gym teacher was evil . . . ::ahem:: Maybe I should stop dwelling on that. Might cause long-term consequences.
                      I got lucky. The gym was right next to the library. You think your gym teacher was evil? Ever heard of the show "American Gladiators"? The woman who was our gym teacher had been one of the gladiators on the show! She refused to tell us what name she had used, though. Besides, at my school, skipping gym was good for your health. When we played dodgeball, people aimed for the head. They never got me though. I was too fast.

                      "I reject your reality, and substitute my own."- Adam Savage

                      Cassidy- "Go ahead, Munch, rain on my parade."
                      Munch- "I don't just want to rain on your parade, I want to blow up all the floats."


                        More evil Daniel!

                        Signature courtesy of the wonderful Mazzmatazz


                          Originally posted by scarlet
                          Ahh you say that, but then how many FANTASTIC episodes are there where Daniel isn't himself at all, Legacy, Need, Lifeboat, Holiday, Hathor, Beneath the Surface, Absolute Power..... to name but a few. I've got to say I enjoy the times when Daniel isn't himself as much as the times he is. Maybe even more so.

                          Call me shallow but looking at the pictures in this thread, I'm certainly not appreciating Daniel for his mind

                          Talking of Daniel not being himself....

                          True, true . . . and there are eps where Daniel is not himself and it makes him better . . . ::cough::moebius::cough::

                          Must . . . have . . . season . . . 8 . . . DVDs . . . must . . . make . . . geeky . . . Daniel . . . screencaps . . .


                          Is it really going to be a whole month?

                          Call me Sarah . . .
                          • Anti-plaid (pro P.L.A.I.D. )
                          • Songwriter, screencapper, canon shipper, and fan of minor characters
                          • Trek forever!


                            Originally posted by Space Monkey52
                            I got lucky. The gym was right next to the library. You think your gym teacher was evil? Ever heard of the show "American Gladiators"? The woman who was our gym teacher had been one of the gladiators on the show! She refused to tell us what name she had used, though. Besides, at my school, skipping gym was good for your health. When we played dodgeball, people aimed for the head. They never got me though. I was too fast.
                            Well, no argument there . . . my gym teacher would have been far more inclined to sit there and *watch* American Gladiators.

                            But I bet you can't top this: once, our gym teacher (different school, different teacher BTW) picked the starters for dodgeball based on our grades on a Human Growth and Development test. Yeah, it *really* ought to be public knowledge that I know all about . . . you know. I mean, could it *get* more embarassing to be a twelve year old?

                            Anyway . . . the shallowness of this thread is rubbing off on me . . . now I'm imagining teenage Daniel in gym class . . . somehow I don't think that was one of his best subjects. But then again I did horribly too, so I can sympathize.

                            Call me Sarah . . .
                            • Anti-plaid (pro P.L.A.I.D. )
                            • Songwriter, screencapper, canon shipper, and fan of minor characters
                            • Trek forever!


                              Originally posted by wirthless
                              Either he's offering you a solution for your pants,
                              or he's gotten into your alterations equipment box again...

                              ROFL!!! Be careful Deeds, you might lose your job, or your eye.



                                Less talk, more THUNK!

                                Is it November now? How 'bout NOW?! NOW?!!!?!? I want it NOW!!!

