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Daniel Jackson/Michael Shanks Thunk Thread

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    Noooooooooooooooo not that petition!!!! Kill it, Daniel!!!!!!

    *hands Daniel a sledgehammer*

    Is it November now? How 'bout NOW?! NOW?!!!?!? I want it NOW!!!


      PG...PG...Failing miserably...PG...


        Welcome back DJF!
        Glad you had a good time!

        lj here if you're interested.


          Originally posted by blingaway

          Is it November now? How 'bout NOW?! NOW?!!!?!? I want it NOW!!!


            Originally posted by blingaway
            I wouldn't call it better, but here's another one...


            Use as often as needed.
            Arrrggg! I'm soooo tempted to leave the [img] tags in... I would call that better Bling. Very nice.

            And per your question, yes, they do get delivered by the case load. I think the clones are ordering them behind my back. I must have a little "talk" with them. *mumbles something about naughty clones* Now where'd I put that.....

            GWDC1: I think we're in for it, Danny.
            GWDC2: I think you're right, Daniel.

            GWDC1: Oh, I think she's gonna use the...

            <The rest of this scene has been edited due to it's NC-17 nature.>

            ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


              Ah, this thread always lifts my spirits.

              Thanks Ya'll!
              TEAM SG1 LIVES


                Danny in his birthday suit! :

                But it goes from this close:

                To this close:

                Why couldn't they film him at the perfect distance?

                OWCH! Who put that paddle on my bum? *glares at thread*

                lj here if you're interested.


                  Originally posted by Switch42
                  OK. I think I missed something.... Muffin???? Explique s'il vous-plait. Je ne comprende pas. (Please explain. I don't understand). OK. Sorry for the French. No idea where that came from.

                  Here's a different kind of weapon with some lovely lighting.


                  For the Muffin!

                  Ronja! For the Muffin!

                  Sorry Kerri, but there's just no way I can describe the indescribable... explain the unexplainable... define the indefinable... Let's just say that Ronja & I are kokoNUTS!

                  ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


                    Originally posted by Ronja
                    About spoiler pics!

                    I've been wonder what is considered a spoiler pic around here for a while now... so I asked a mod...

                    And this is the answer I got:

                    An image is a spoiler and off-limits (without warnings) only if it reveals plot / character details.

                    So thank you Darren!

                    Pics like these are NOT considered spoilers because they are not doing anything special in the pics that are plot revealing and no unknown characters are in the pics.

                    Eeek gotta run ... Anastacia concert in one hour!!! Weeeeeeeee
                    Ooooo... So I can post these loverly POCKETSsss then?!

                    (with minor editing... just to be on the safe side )

                    ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


                      Originally posted by blingaway
                      Eeeewwwww.... UGLY FUGLY CATERPILLAR BROWS, yech!

                      thankfully the glasses often hide them....
             : lilferret


                        After having my compy freeze on me twice I finally finished capping lagacy. Hope you all enjoy the nice tongue! (As many of you may have noticed this is one of my favorite parts!)

                        There never seems to be enough time to do the things you want to do once you find them!
                        (Time in a bottle by Jim Croce)


                          Originally posted by erinanderson
                          Right here Mei Mei! *jumps around avidly darting around GW who trys vainly to grab said petition*


                          He he *evil grin* They're are too many of us Ronja, you can never stop us now! Mwhahahahahahaha

                          Okay that's enough sleep deprived madness for today....

                          Oh and WELCOME BACK DJF! Glad to see you're back from holiday safe and sound!!!
                          D: I think they might have another copy of that darn petition.
                          GW: Yeah, we're gonna have to come up with a plan to find the master copy and any duplicates, and then destroy them.
                          D: How are we gonna do that?
                          GW: I have a few ideas...
                          D: Oh good. Hey wait a minute! Are you sure this isn't just some devious plot to be alone with me?
                          GW: What? Me? You can trust me Daniel. I want this petition destroyed as much as you do.
                          D: Well, against my better judgement in trusting a hussy... Okay.
                          [aside] He's so trusting, isn't he? *winks to hussies* See ya![/aside] *runs off with Daniel*

                          ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


                            Blue tongue?

                            There never seems to be enough time to do the things you want to do once you find them!
                            (Time in a bottle by Jim Croce)


                              Originally posted by mazzmatazz

                              I made a music vid! Link's in my sig!

                              It's wednesday, right?



                              Hee Mazz,

                              I've just seen your music vid, and I think it's great!!
                              Even my husband had to laugh when he saw it.
                              The lyrics fit great with song! Well done

                              let's see today it's thursday so I need a pic of....bondage/ whump.

                              oke what's whump?
                              Bondage I have to look for, but the day has just started so thers time enough to look around
                              Have a nice day to you all!


                                Since I thought I would have this up by weds, and its still weds in hawaii, I am posting this body parts pic.

                                There never seems to be enough time to do the things you want to do once you find them!
                                (Time in a bottle by Jim Croce)

