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Daniel Jackson/Michael Shanks Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by meimei

    Or segue from Body Part Wednesday to that alternate Thursday?
    Anyone seen that petition lately?
    I burnt it, and Daniel helped.

    D: This is wrong. Just wrong... Gonna go finish burning this now.

    ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


      Originally posted by Switch42
      I feel like being a bit of an instigator today and have decided that I will celebrate our alternate Thursday. And it must start off with THE classic moment:

      D: I don't think she should be in there while I'm burning the petition.
      Come on Kerri, it's over. Life goes on.

      Oh, sorry. I thought you said "incinerator".

      ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


        Originally posted by GateWarrior
        D: I don't think she should be in there while I'm burning the petition.
        Come on Kerri, it's over. Life goes on.

        Oh, sorry. I thought you said "incinerator".

        Never! I will never gice up! LONG LIVE THE PETITION!!

        Come on! Just look at that. You know Jack's fingers are just aching to reach out and *BEEP!* The rest of this message has been interrupted due to its non-PG status. We now return to your regularly scheduled thunking.


          Originally posted by Chelle
          I know I wouldn't be able to resist a nibble or two if said ears were presented to me..... How could anyone resist that neck, and just a quick little tiny nibble at one of those earlobes?

          Dear Hussies, This is GW's rabbit, HunnyBunny again. What have you done to my human?! She's chasing her Dannyclones around her apartment at this very moment, trying to nibble their earlobes. There's so much squealing and giggling going on that I can't get any rest. Thanks a lot!


          ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


            How come, whenever I look at this picture it makes me think Daniel's right hand is somewhere it shouldn't be?



              Originally posted by Seshat
              That someone would be ME. And I welcome ALL Zat, Goa'uld hand device
              and Staff blast shots to my little collection!! Thank you, Scarym.

              Technically whump, but I'll go with labeling this "hand device bondage" for today.
              (Gee - that looks suspiciously perverse when you write it out .)
              "Hand Bondage," eh? I like the sound of that!

              Here's one to add to your Goa'uld hand device collection, and I think this falls under the whumped & bound catagory.....

              Is it November now? How 'bout NOW?! NOW?!!!?!? I want it NOW!!!


                Before all manners are thunked out of me completely...

                Foxy - What a busy, busy little hussy you are. Hope everything works out smoothly (yes, Mazz. like smooth PB .). Have a good time Foxy!

                Space Monkey - I anxiously await your Con pix. Loverly assests and all! Have a fantastic time!

                Dee Dee - Having a "whale" of a time I see! (sorry, couldn't help myself ) Hope to see some awesome pix when you get back!

                Gate Gipsy - To THE thread creator...

                OJen - Welcome back! Hope all is well.

                GH - Felicitations on 900!

                Annnnnnd..... I'm On Topic!

                ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


                  Originally posted by Switch42
                  How come, whenever I look at this picture it makes me think Daniel's right hand is somewhere it shouldn't be?


                  I've always gotten the same kind of feeling with this one, only it's Jack's hand.... *snicker*


                    I've been racking my brain trying to figure out what would torture certain little hussies since they seem to be fond of torturing me, and I can think of only one cure for "the thing that will not be named".









                    Wait for it!









                    HA! Thought I was gonna post ChinGerbil did ya! Pfft... Not in this lifetime!

                    ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


                      Originally posted by Switch42
                      How come, whenever I look at this picture it makes me think Daniel's right hand is somewhere it shouldn't be?

                      *giggle giggle* *snort*

                      "Oh honey you just can't seem to walk into a room quietly can you?" -Michael Shanks Chicago Con 08

                      The Universe is Mad


                        And for post 700, I thought I'd be nice to myself...

                        ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


                          Question for the sig genuises here: How do I get the section of words in my sig (purchase yadda yadda from MSOL, yadda yadda) that are UNDER the banner to go NEXT to the banner?

                          Thanks. This is such a drool-worthy thread, I don't know how anyone gets any real life work done!

                          Click here for the latest news on Michael Shanks

                          Michael Shanks Online

                          Daniel Fanfic Archive ~ My SG-1 Scribbles ~ My Pros Scribbles


                            Originally posted by GateWarrior

                            HA! Thought I was gonna post ChinGerbil did ya! Pfft... Not in this lifetime!

                            It is unfortunate there's so many beautific photos out there with chin gerbils attached to them...... Although I'm finding it hard to resist anything that's stubble related....... I KNOW I KNOW everyone hates the fur, but I can't help it!

                            I think I have a THING for scruffiness! Gack!

                            'Cuz it's kind of Season 9 spoilery, gotta link it.

                            Wanna bite the ear, wanna bite it now.

                            Is it November now? How 'bout NOW?! NOW?!!!?!? I want it NOW!!!


                              Originally posted by GateWarrior
                              And for post 700, I thought I'd be nice to myself...
                              GateWarrior:700 Posts:Woo Hoo!!

                              ~ More Hell Planet Bondage ~


                                Yep, I think my fixation is going to be ears for the next few days.

                                Well, at least until I find a new fixation to fixate on.....

                                Until then.......

                                D - The Hussies can't have my ears! They can't!!!!!

                                Is it November now? How 'bout NOW?! NOW?!!!?!? I want it NOW!!!

