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Daniel Jackson/Michael Shanks Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Seshat
    It is my understanding that the device works just as well from any position...but I'll have to ask Daniel and get back to you...sometime...later.
    Bad BAD girl!

    This is right about what my reaction was, followed by some maniacal laughter, then more off-color comments to the BF about those sorts of devices.......

    Yeah yeah I know he has those awful glowing eyes...... Must be that device!

    Is it November now? How 'bout NOW?! NOW?!!!?!? I want it NOW!!!


      Ahh yes Kerri I believe I do have what the acronym T.H.E. P.O.N.D stands for. I believe it is Tenacious Hussies Everywhere Pervasively Ogling Nekkid Daniel (or Naked) if you prefer the non-southern pronunciation *smiles sweetly at Mei Mei*

      Also as far as a definition for Peanut Butter goes...uhhh.....*points at Mazz*

      It's all her fault ya know...

      Since Dee Dee's on holiday, someone else will need to come up with a definition for Spatula. And I believe pineapple was before my time....oh Jilly????

      Ahh yes. Completely a weapon of mass distraction....

      "Oh honey you just can't seem to walk into a room quietly can you?" -Michael Shanks Chicago Con 08

      The Universe is Mad


        Originally posted by erinanderson

        Ahh yes. Completely a weapon of mass distraction....
        I had to keep myself distracted today at work...... Went for a full 48 hours w/o any i-net at home! Oooooh wait, I was going to say something about "Daniel Withdrawal," but then we'd have to break out the PG-paddle, and I'm not up for that!

        And now for more distraction.....

        Is it November now? How 'bout NOW?! NOW?!!!?!? I want it NOW!!!


          Wow, it got awfully quiet in here. It makes one wonder what all of the quiet little Hussies might be up to...... No good, of course!!

          J - Daniel?
          D - Yes Jack?
          J - You know that bad things tend to happen during periods of Hussy Quietness.......
          D - And......?
          J - Daniel, I'm sensing a severe lack of pants right now.
          D - Awwwwwwww %$@#*&!

          Is it November now? How 'bout NOW?! NOW?!!!?!? I want it NOW!!!


            J - I told you, quiet Hussies only mean trouble!
            D - *sad voice* My pants....... they're gone again.
            J - Yes Daniel. I believe an "I told you so" applies to the situation.
            D - But how do they get so much peanut better THERE without me noticing?!?

            Is it November now? How 'bout NOW?! NOW?!!!?!? I want it NOW!!!


              I hate to leave now, but is upon me once more. Goodnight to all of the Hussies, sweet Danny-Dreams to all!

              Is it November now? How 'bout NOW?! NOW?!!!?!? I want it NOW!!!


                Hello Hussies! Greetings from Latvia! (Anyone actually know where that is? You get points! ) Anyway, I'm not even going to try to catch up on all the posted pages since I left the US on July 20 - by the time I get home on Aug 1, I think it will be an impossible task.

                I don't have time to add a photo - just on a quick break - so you will have to put up with only text this time. I will make up for it when I get home, I promise!!

                Hope everyone is doing well. I'm sure there have been multiple milestones and accomplishments while I've been gone.

                Ciao for now!

                Thanks for the VanCon sig, Nathan!


                  Originally posted by meimei
                  Congrats on your First Primeness, Seshat!! And I love the siggie!! Although after reading Kliggins' con journal, I would think that you should have found a piccie of Daniel hanging up on someone! LOL!
                  Daniel: 2500? And I bet that all of them are of me whumped!!
                  Sorry, this is the closest I could get to hanging up...
                  Hey! Only 1535 of them are in here!! And half of those are ZATS! Therefore I still proudly retain my position at #6 on the official Blame List. (Of course, none of us will EVER attain Bling's status. )


                    Originally posted by OregonJen
                    Hello Hussies! Greetings from Latvia! (Anyone actually know where that is? You get points! )
                    (No points for me... )


                      Originally posted by Switch42
                      I just wanted to post a little reminder to those helping with The Hussy Handbook. It's almost August and Mazz has generously agreed to do some tweaking on it to make it look pretty before we give it to Michael. So, if it is possible. I would like to have everyone's submissions to me by the 15th. Here is what I am still missing:

                      Appreciating the Pout - Bling
                      A Salute to Sweaters - Ang
                      Living Vicariously Through Another Hussy - DJF

                      So, if y'all could e-mail me your stuff by then, that would be great.

                      Thank you muchly!!

                      Oh, and does anyone remember what THE POND stands for? I've searched through old posts but can't find it...


                      I thought I was doing 'Teeth' and all that that implies...?


                        Welcome back! We've missed you!!


                          Ohhh Oooohhh ooohhh It's Thursday!!!!!!!

                          D - Leather straps, check...... Buckles, check..... Locked in obsevation room, check.........Yep, it sure is Thursday.

                          Is it November now? How 'bout NOW?! NOW?!!!?!? I want it NOW!!!


                            Originally posted by Switch42
                            OK. I also need some help with some of the "Common Terms." Anyone, please feel free to chip in with definitions. As an example, here is how I have defined HAHA: One of the factions of the Headgear Wars, the Hussies Against Headgear Association prefer Daniel to be bare-headed. Please see Part 5 of Section 2 for more info.

                            So, here's what I need help with:
                            Peanut Butter
                            THE POND

                            Jilly originally had HA-HA as Hussy Anti-Headgear Association.

                            Ang's original graphic for THE POND had it as Tenacious Hussies Everywhere Purposefully Ogling Nekkid Daniel. There was a subsequent revision, but I can't remember what it was.

                            Pineapple figures prominently in a lovely daydream of LMichelle's, which permanently (and pleasantly) corrupted many of us formerly pure and angelic sorts. She could elaborate for you.


                              Behind bars (and apparently contemplating potential gerbil placement)
                              is the best I can do before heading off to work...

                              Happy Thursday, hussies!!


                                Originally posted by Seshat
                                Good morning Ms. Prime!! I missed it! grrr.


                                Gawd how I missed you guys!! You burned candles for me I hope.

                                Gerbil placement! ROFLMAO!! Note to self: Don't drink and read...

