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Daniel Jackson/Michael Shanks Thunk Thread

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    Oh yes, and I make another proposal. Any day with a 'Y' in should be a flagboy day.

    J: That's MondaY... TuesdaY... WednesdaY...
    D: Jack, EVERY day has a Y in
    J: Oh...... ... ... OOOOHhhhhh...


      I loved Avalon Pt. I. This was such a great episode. I love Mitchell and I am so happy that we have the Daniel/Vala chemestry back! I love those two together. hehe But did they really need to give Daniel that beard? Did they really think us Hussies wouldn't be able to tell him and Mitchell apart? Oh, well. I still love the episode. I cannot wait until the next part!

      Although I will admit that I am a little sad that Daniel missed his chance to go to Atlantis AGAIN--the second time because of Vala!
      thankee toasteronfire


        ok.watched the episode. twice. may I now comment??? first, vala's character is annoying! wish daniel would just shut her the frell up. second, I'll take daniel any old way I can get him, beard, no beard, chin gerbil, boonie, no headgear, young, old, short hair, floofy hair,long hair, chipped teeth, whumped,looking like something one of my cats dragged in, I don't care! browder's character needs to relax a bit. too stuffy and by the book, i'm sure that will change. all that said, i have no opinion on bridges. now just to wait a fracking week for part two.

        can u tell I'm cranky??? don't even have energy to find a pic to go with every description of daniel I mentioned.


          season 9 started off great can't wait til next week and to early to ask for season 10


          Our Stargate Forum ~Michael Shanks List ~Michael Shanks Online


            People, please, SPOILERS!

            Personally, I don't care, but for those that do... You don't want to cross Jilly when she's mad


              1700 MAZZ - GO YOU!

              Nearly at that custom avi number! What fun you're going to have choosing that!

              Dee Dee xx
              Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
              MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                Originally posted by discodiva
                1700 MAZZ - GO YOU!

                Nearly at that custom avi number! What fun you're going to have choosing that!

                Dee Dee xx
                Thanks, Dee Dee!

                And that av... I ... uh... I know what I'm having... I already chose it when I was at about 400 posts


                  I. Dread. To. Think.

                  (so does Daniel)

                  FF - but wasn't Avalon GREAT!!!!!!!!


                    Originally posted by Frostfox
                    I. Dread. To. Think.

                    (so does Daniel)

                    FF - but wasn't Avalon GREAT!!!!!!!!
                    On fighting:
                    Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
                    Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."



                      I get the unnerving feeling that I am being watched... This line from Avalon gives me paranoia...

                      Vala: Have you heard of the Goa'uld Nut?
                      Daniel: As in cashew?... PEA?

                      D: Why are you restraining ME? SHE's the crazy, paranoid one!


                        Originally posted by mazzmatazz

                        I get the unnerving feeling that I am being watched... This line from Avalon gives me paranoia...

                        Vala: Have you heard of the Goa'uld Nut?
                        Daniel: As in cashew?... PEA?

                        D: Why are you restraining ME? SHE's the crazy, paranoid one!
                        They are out to get you, Mazz, men in white coats, any day now.

                        Did you notice they had Vala in restraints in the infirmary? Obviously they kept them from the last time Dannyboy went nutso. Or they have a large stock of them (gate travel being hazardous to the health, remember?)

                        Oh, and I was so happy to see Sam! Didn't expect her, unexpected nice surprises are the best sort!

                        My curren favourite Daniel/Vala interaction is the 'Not a minute yet' when trying to decide what to do with the gold and silver bowls.

                        And I'm so happy that, apart from Dumbledore standing in for Merlin, the rest of the Arthurian schtick didn't make me cringe. But I've seen Arthurian/Celtic stuff done cutsey just too often - my ancestors were famous for carving the blood eagle out of Roman Soldiers, (Rome sort of, lost, a Legion round here - most of them went native, but not all...) not poncing about in velvet and knitted chain mail.



                          Hey! I was so busy ogling my newly arrived SG autographed covers
                          (I had to chase down the mail lady and beat her about the head with the
                          "attempted delivery" slip she'd left at my door, but I got my autos!! ),
                          (((( THANK YOU KLIGGS!!! ))))
                          that I nearly forgot it's Zaturday!!


                            I actually liked Vala's character last night a lot more than I thought I would (go, Claudia!)
                            but I really enjoy watching Danny zat her, so...


                              More ouch!! (because I can...)
                              And because Danny just looks so good in blue of any kind, even blue zat!


                                Well. I am going to go against what appears to be popular opinion, and say that I like Vala. She's just... the perfect hussy. If I could be even half as hussylike as Vala, I would be a very good hussy indeed.

                                oohh, Dannyyyyy, let's make bayyy-beeeess....

                                D: Shhhh, don't tell her where I am...

                                See. I'm just like her already

