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Daniel Jackson/Michael Shanks Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by meimei
    Hmmmm, maybe it's rubbing against the puncture wounds...

    *bats eyes innocently*
    Is that what you're doing? I thought you had something in your eyes.



      Originally posted by Kliggins
      LOL! I am sure Max will appreciate being used to hide the slash.
      He can sit on it, his bum is big enough.

      He drowned one of his beanie babies in the pypyrus the other day. I think my cat has issues.


        Way To Go Hussies!

        Jilly - 2100

        Dee Dee - 1200

        SueJ - #1200


          Originally posted by Frostfox
          He can sit on it, his bum is big enough.

          He drowned one of his beanie babies in the pypyrus the other day. I think my cat has issues.
          ROFL! I am sorry, but I so like Max Did the beanie baby do anything to warrant this drowning?


            Originally posted by Frostfox
            Hmm, Mei Mei and I have been described as many, many things, but great wasn't one of them.

            (Weird, kinky, obsessed, strange, carnivourous - okay that's Mei Mei, I'll eat anything)
            Usually when I am referred to as "great", it continues with "pain in the". I'll let you finish the thought.

            Right now my Jack clone is hiding in the Jack thread cause I'm an extremely unhappy camper at the moment. I have to go to work! On a frelling three day weekend! I HATE SOFTWARE CONVERSIONS!


              YAY JILLY - GO YOU -
              2100 POSTS!!

              And just for you - Blue Pants!!!

              [Intermittant thunking will be the order of the day as Live 8 starts in 30 mins!... ]

              Dee Dee xx
              Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
              MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                Originally posted by meimei
                Right now my Jack clone is hiding in the Jack thread cause I'm an extremely unhappy camper at the moment. I have to go to work! On a frelling three day weekend! I HATE SOFTWARE CONVERSIONS!

                (((((Meimei))))) I was wondering what had you up so early on a Saturday.


                  Originally posted by Kliggins
                  ROFL! I am sorry, but I so like Max Did the beanie baby do anything to warrant this drowning?

                  I dread to think. I'm getting him a kitten of his very own after Worldcon, he'd better treat it nicer than he does his toys.

                  Mei Mei, sorry you are having to work. I'm working too (on t-shirt design for Discworld convention - the money from which will pay for Vancouver convention!!!!) but I have to nip out for some yellow paint, how can I be out of yellow? I use a 0000 paintbrush with four bristles, for heavens sake, how much pain does that take?

                  Ah, I feel I'm neglecting my Dannyclone, here, boy.

                  Mei Mei? What did you do the Dannyclone?


                    Originally posted by meimei
                    Usually when I am referred to as "great", it continues with "pain in the". I'll let you finish the thought.

                    Right now my Jack clone is hiding in the Jack thread cause I'm an extremely unhappy camper at the moment. I have to go to work! On a frelling three day weekend! I HATE SOFTWARE CONVERSIONS!

                    Yeah, well, not gonna finish that sentence. Because I just used the word great. Nothing in front of it and nothing in back of it.


                      Originally posted by GateWarrior

                      (Questions for anyone)
                      Which reminds me, do we have a club for anti-facial hair? If not I'd like to start one. AFHF = Anti-Facial Hair Foundation or AFHS = Anti-Facial Hair Society. I'm thinkin' AFHS.

                      Oh, and what is GAG? I think Mazz mentioned it.
                      GAG is Girls Against Gerbils, I believe. I can't remember who started it, but I made this for them:

                      But then I went rather militant and extreme one day, and created ABDA... Anti Bearded Daniel Association. At this point Dee Dee usually breaks into a cover of Waterloo having misread the acronym...

                      ABDA like their mean like they like their peanut butter - SMOOTH!


                        Originally posted by Kliggins

                        AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! A gerbil has attacked Michael's face!!

                        Kill it!!

                        Follow me on Twitter! I'm on Facebook!


                          *nods* He looks better without the facial hair.


                            WTG Jilly on 2100!!!

                            Daniel's all pumped!
                            Follow me on Twitter! I'm on Facebook!


                              That's just a yummy pic all in itself.


                                And I'm off! To the forested expanses and majestic beauties of the Appalachians, and beyond! Ya'll be good. And if you can't be good, well...I guess that mean y'all are staying in character.

                                bling, who would really like to meet Foxie's cat-with-issues...

