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Daniel Jackson/Michael Shanks Thunk Thread

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    I seem to recall someone mentioning Krispy Kremes.


      Originally posted by Seshat
      I seem to recall someone mentioning Krispy Kremes.
      Maple glazed?......

      Dee Dee xx
      Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
      MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


        Originally posted by blingaway

        Mazz how can you be ill and still be so funny?! I hope you begin to feel better soon.

        This one has been neglected in my files...
        Thank you, unfortunately, I believe I will be well enough to work tomorrow I need to find things to pass my day away you see... captioning cheers me, and laughter is the best medicine, right?

        H: What's your opinion on laughter as a medicine, Doctor Frasier?
        J: Well, I think following Doctor Jackson's recent harrassment,
        this Mazz should be sectioned. She's clearly quite unstable and
        nothing she says should be believed.
        D: I-
        T: DanielJackson, if you say 'I told you so', I will be forced to
        discharge my zat'nik'atel at you.
        D: I wasn't going to say that. Nup. Not at all.


          ^ great caption mazz


            J: It's gone very quiet in here since they took Mazz away...
            T: Indeed, Colonel O'Neill. Perhaps we should let her return?
            D: Oh no. Please don't... You know what her and Dee Dee are
            like when they start plotting together... I'll be the one going
            crazy again...
            S: I have an idea. How about, you let her back, but don't let
            her and Dee Dee near each other?
            J: I guess that could work. Whatever you do though Danny,
            Dee Dee's still gonna come after you, be it with spatulas, pants
            or Mazz. You just gotta face it. To your hussies, you're irresistable.


              Originally posted by mazzmatazz
              J: It's gone very quiet in here since they took Mazz away...
              T: Indeed, Colonel O'Neill. Perhaps we should let her return?
              D: Oh no. Please don't... You know what her and Dee Dee are
              like when they start plotting together... I'll be the one going
              crazy again...
              S: I have an idea. How about, you let her back, but don't let
              her and Dee Dee near each other?
              J: I guess that could work. Whatever you do though Danny,
              Dee Dee's still gonna come after you, be it with spatulas, pants
              or Mazz. You just gotta face it. To your hussies, you're irresistable.

              OMG everyone in the office is looking at me because I'm sitting here giggling like a moron! Mazz, you're gonna get me in TROUBLE!

              *Thinks lovingly of the office spatula, and plans to donate it to the wonderful works of the Hussies*

              Is it November now? How 'bout NOW?! NOW?!!!?!? I want it NOW!!!


                I'm glad I entertain ... and only 10 posts to my next hundred *twitches* I feel a run coming on later


                  Originally posted by mazzmatazz

                  D: And... Mazz appears to be spying on me.... JACK!
                  SPYING ON ME!


                  Ah, poor Danny! So THAT'S the reason he never goes home. Who knows how many hidden cameras are stuffed into his PJ's.
                  thankee toasteronfire


                    Originally posted by Captain-Peregrine
                    Ah, poor Danny! So THAT'S the reason he never goes home. Who knows how many hidden cameras are stuffed into his PJ's.
                    Well, I don't know about YOU, but most of MY cameras are located inside the shower facilities at the SGC.

                    And ALL of them are located at a perfectly respectable distance, of course.


                      Originally posted by Seshat
                      Well, I don't know about YOU, but most of MY cameras are located inside the shower facilities at the SGC.

                      And ALL of them are located at a perfectly respectable distance, of course.

                      Hah, we know where you keep the zoom lense.



                        T: Colonel O'Neill, DanielJackson. It appears I underestimated
                        Mazz's power. We should not have let her back.
                        J: It's ok buddy. What's that they say about hussies?
                        D: They're pure as the driven snow?
                        J: No, not that one. The fury one?
                        D: Hell hath no fury like a hussy scorned?
                        J: That's the one. Fury. Scorn. Yup.


                          Back after playing ministering angel to poorly hubby who's now tucked up in bed with a warm drink .....time for some more multi-thunking....

                          Dee Dee xx

                          J. *Has she finished all the doughnuts now Daniel?*
                          D. *Yup*
                          J. *Better get ready to run then*
                          Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                          MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                            J: Danny, hurry up with that will ya?
                            D: But Jack, I have to decipher this... it appears
                            to be ... a recipie? ... for ... ancient donuts?
                            J: What?
                            D: Oh we NEED this one. It wards off ravaging hussies...
                            or is that ravishing?
                            J: Why would you want to ward off anything that's
                            D: Um, I don't know. Something's got lost in
                            translation here, I swear...


                              M: Dr. Jackson....did you see who took my pants?
                              D: I guess I should've warned you about hussies stealing pants.
                              M: I also feel like I'm being watched.
                              D: Oh yeah....there's hidden cameras everywhere. Even right now as we speak, hussies are watching us.

                              Follow me on Twitter! I'm on Facebook!


                                Martouf's pants?! Is nothing sacred?!

                                D: Ummm...hey...what's with the shirt?
                                J: What shirt?
                                D: THAT shirt.
                                J: Oh. I'm Batman.
                                D: Trying to use the Section 8 for time off for a fishing trip again, huh...

