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Daniel Jackson/Michael Shanks Thunk Thread

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    Space, you can go here...



      Originally posted by SpacedOutAgain View Post
      Hi Mac!

      Mac, can you do me a favour please?
      Do you know where I can get Screencaps for Burn notice? I've had a look online and there are only a few generic pic's out there!


      Here it is , it's Dankriss site, lot of caps there.
      Sig made by slizzie1986







            Mac and Mad's!!

            you are my little Angels!
            Just what I was looking for!
            I think I'm gonna be a busy bee tonight!
            So, my daughter go's to bed at 7pm, by the time we do bedtime story, re-enact the stories and then chat and then do bedtime sleep songs, it's almost 8pm.
            Then the house is mine!! Mwwwaahahah! *giggles*
            The only downside that she go's to bed at that time is we dont spend alot of time together as she comes home around 3.30pm from Reception (4-6yrs) has dinner, bath, watch tv, games etc. so our fun time is the bedtime routine.
            If I kept her awake any longer she's yawning all over the place, I have given her a good routine ever since she was born, it's something all parents should do as the nieghbor downstairs lets her kids run riot and they go to bed at silly hours.. not good.

            I might give the photoshop thing a go, it'll give me something to do!!

            Thanks again!!

            Dont know how I missed that site.
            At the mo, I am watching 'The Powers that be' ep until school pick up.
            Wishes that me and my girl could do the Con's this year in Vanc, and Chic, maybe next year when things have settled for me more here. And I hope there will be Con's next year btw!!

            Oh God, I go on don't I??

            I'll shush for a while...

            Made by me.


              Hello peoples


                Hi Dolphin!!
                I was wondering where you were?
                How are you?

                It's going to snow again this weekend aparently!.

                Made by me.


                  Hiya Space ... just kicking hubby out the door back to work but I'm here now

                  I'm good thanks. Hows you? Was looking at tv listings this morning and sky 1 are showing season 8 of SG1 atm ... so that means Prometheus Unbound is on next week

                  It's not going to snow. Its not allowed. I've seen enough of the white stuff now ... its time for the sun to come out again


                    I agree!!
                    No more snow!!!
                    we should do a facebook petition.... *joking*
                    I shall of course be glued to the screen next week, on Sky.
                    the only prob with that ep, is... it's too short. well. it seems like it to me. I know it's not really, but you know what I mean?
                    Made by me.


                      Originally posted by SpacedOutAgain View Post
                      I agree!!
                      No more snow!!!
                      we should do a facebook petition.... *joking*
                      I shall of course be glued to the screen next week, on Sky.
                      the only prob with that ep, is... it's too short. well. it seems like it to me. I know it's not really, but you know what I mean?
                      That just shows what a good episode it is then The other one guaranteed to cheer me up if I'm feeling blah is Window of Opportunity. Its one of the few I've let the kiddies watch (don't want to share SG1 with them just yet )


                        Hiya Mac ... I see you browsing


                          Yeh, I agree, you know when a show is good when you sit at the end and go... wait a minute it's not 40 minutes yet!!!

                          So, no sharing of Sg1 yet?
                          I can understand why, or you wont get to see the one's you want to see, or is there another reason?
                          My daughter doesnt understand most of it, but she watched some of it cos iIdo, except The Quest' when the dragon came out, she ran away'. So I had to go get her and sit with her so she could see what a dragon looked like properly and not the disney version.
                          but when it's just me and her, we share most stuff anyway. except the X files, she sometimes watched it and runs away if It gets scary..
                          she's all brave!!
                          Made by me.


                            Oh, and then she goes to school next day and tells everyone she watched X files or Dw or SG1... the other kids er age dont have a clue. She was so chuffed with herself for watching the finale of DW over Xmas.
                            Not sure the teachers do either...
                            Last edited by SpacedOutAgain; 20 January 2010, 05:29 AM.
                            Made by me.





                                Originally posted by SpacedOutAgain View Post
                                So, no sharing of Sg1 yet?
                                I can understand why, or you wont get to see the one's you want to see, or is there another reason?
                                My daughter doenst undertsnad any of it, but she watched some of it cos i do, sept The Quest' when the dragon came out, she ran away'. So I had to go get her and sit with her so she could see what a dragon looked like properly and not the disney version.
                                Well they've not really shown that much interest in it tbh ... apart from teasining mummy about her michael shanks obsession They've got their own things they'd rather watch ... like Top Gear and Pokemon (the 10yr old) and HSM (the 7yr old) but occasionally they watch one with me. Although I then have to explain everything thats going on so it spoils it

